With just 12 days left in 2015, it's helpful at this juncture to consider the big picture of your life and the physical reality you find yourself in now. In this article, I provide insights to help you access this larger view as well as suggestions for making the most of this year-end cycle.
This Week's Solstice and Full Moon
With Solstice arriving 12/21 and a Full Moon occurring Christmas Day, the week ahead is an excellent time for a boosting of your spirits and finding enjoyment in little things as you do a year-end review. Give yourself permission to have fun and let go a little more than usual right now. It hasn't been an easy year and most likely you had more issues than usual to contend with.
Most things involve other people in some way - that means your relationships with other people do have a lot to do with your experience of this world. These relationships can be casual, very close, or anywhere in between. All of them count. It's not so much the people per se. It's how you relate to those people and with what level of consciousness. Being present, kind and loving is always the highest choice as you relate to others.
Relationships in Spotlight Now
This weekend's energies may put relationships in the spotlight, illuminating things between you and others. More clarity can lead to healing of even longstanding wounds. Do your best to be open, engaged in a present way, and compassionate.
If you interact with someone who recently pushed your emotional buttons, consciously intend to be open enough to hear that person in a new way. Give that person your full attention so you can fully take in both the words and energy behind the words. Don't forget to include spirit in the mix - ask your higher self for insights about optimal ways to respond. Remember: you are not required to have a response to every statement or action. Sometimes it's more important to listen and hold a loving space between you and the other person.
People are an essential part of your feedback system. They are the mirrors you cannot provide on your own - a true gift on your path of enlightenment. People and really everything in your world make up your ongoing feedback system, reflecting back to you energies you have put in motion and thoughts you have had. Your self-actualization occurs in a process over time as you learn to master the art of relating to others.
Factor in Pets
Even pets play a significant role. Pets can pick up on and respond to your upset and inner conflicts as well as your joy and contentment. Next time your pet acts out, consider how your mood may be a factor and do what you can to lighten up. Factor in the holiday chaos, too, for pets can be impacted by bursts in activity, becoming overly excited.
Factor in Rare 12/25 Full Moon
On Christmas this year we have a rare Full Moon, adding an amplification factor to the day. This Full Moon can bring illumination, too, people gathering together having aha moments about their roles and potentially connecting with the most important bond they have - love.
Regardless of what day it is and whether you are celebrating with others, do remember the love that is your true nature. Allow that love to naturally arise from within you and express it in some fashion daily.
Each time you do this, you will have seized your moment to shine your light in a powerful way. As you do this, you empower yourself and you help others to see their own light. It's like you are a bridge, helping someone who feels uncertain to find their way. Do not underestimate the benefit of such a seemingly simple gesture.
Know that as a divine changemaker you are actually encoded to be such a beneficial bridge - embrace your role!
Countdown to 2016
As we get closer to 2016, take moments of quiet time to self-reflect. Become still and do some inner inquiry for a larger view of where you sit right now. Chances are, if it's been a tough year, you may have doubts about your progress and discount your actual growth to date.
Ask spirit to give you a fuller picture and to remind you of your gifts and abilities. As you connect with this information, it may be helpful to make a short list of what you are good at and what you like doing. Don't overthink this - just write down a few things that immediately come to you. Place your list someplace where you can see it over the next several days before year-end.
If there is a project, relationship, or perhaps a whole new life direction you feel is on hold or challenged, reflect on the issue before sleep - then ask for a dream to bring clarity and ideas of action steps.
Tip: how you end 2015 helps determine how you will begin next year. Consider how you want to end the year and towards that end what you could do or avoid doing to make the ending a positive set up for the coming year. Endings set the foundations for what's coming next. Create wonderful by giving your attention to this now. You deserve a wonderful 2016!
Copyright 2015 by Selacia - author of Earth's Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text.