domingo, diciembre 25, 2016

Fran Zepeda - Message to Lightworkers from Mother Mary and the Company of Heaven - Christmas Message - 12.24.11

Hello Everyone! I am reposting this message from Mother Mary and the Company of Heaven that I channeled 5 years ago tonight … I was nudged to share it with you again, now, with Mother Mary’s Blessing, as it is still very, very timely, and speaks to us just as powerfully as if it was current, I feel … It is something we all can enjoy and also take in and utilize at this very auspicious time … I feel like she was nudging me to share it with you because it deeply pertains to what we are experiencing and needing to focus on with the end of this 9 year and beginning of the 1 year, 2017, the Year of Unity and Oneness. and New Beginnings! I wish you all a JOYous Season and send you all Blessings and Love, along with my deep Gratitude for your beautiful presence in my life….Namaste.

December 24, 2011

Mother Mary and the Company of Heaven:

We come to you on this very auspicious day, the eve of the birth of my beloved Yeshua. The world began to transform that day and the love and joy in my heart and womb brought tears to my heart as a new beginning for Earth was destined to commence. The love has not died. It remains as an eternal flame in all your bosoms, as it is in mine, as I come before you with a message of love – Love and Mercy, my dear ones. I am the harbinger of Love, the mother of Grace, and I beseech you all to be the heralders of love for all mankind. It is within you, and is being spread without you, bearing so much radiance that you would be astounded were you to see it from our perspective.

sábado, diciembre 24, 2016

John Smallman - You are all beloved children of God, so come together as family in this holy Christmas Season - 12/23/2016

The Christmas Season is a time for reflecting, forgiving, and opening to Love. In every moment you have your eternal existence within the divine field of Love which envelops you and all of creation in one vast milieu of unconditional loving acceptance. As you have been told so often you are Love, you have just lost contact with the truth of this as you play the games of distraction and disruption that the illusion thrives on.

Stand back from the “outside world,” go within to your holy place or altar where the divine flame burns unceasingly, calling you back to Source, and open your hearts to feel the intensity of Love that awaits your willing acceptance of It. It is your true nature, and when you open to It, It embraces you, supports you, and empowers you. As you allow It into your hearts your fears and anxieties will fall away, and the energy, the Life force with which It endows you will strengthen your will and intent to align completely with the divine Will, which, in essence, is unconditional Love and acceptance of all conscious entities without exception.

John Smallman - Your Father awaits your awakening with joyful enthusiasm - December 24, 2016

On the anniversary of my birth it is always a joy to see so many celebrating it. As we move forward powerfully toward the moment of humanity’s awakening celebration is a most appropriate activity in which to engage. To awaken will be stunning for you all. You have prayed and hoped for this for a long time, and now that it is imminent, celebrations put you in the right frame of mind to accept the wonders that are being offered, and acceptance of them will bring you great joy. Our divine Source has planned a most exalting welcome for you all, a welcome that we here in the spiritual realms as yet have no knowledge of except that it will be absolutely astounding for all present.

As time ends and all move into full conscious awareness of NOW, all that was not in complete alignment with God’s Will, all that is unreal, will be gone as though it had never existed, which of course it never has. The now moment, the unitary and only state of Presence, will bring all consciousness together as One and many simultaneously, without any remaining sense or feeling of separation which, over the eons, you have come to consider and accept as the normal state of being.

Nancy Tate - Mike Quinsey Sent This to Me - December 24, 2016

Happy Christmas and New Year, from Mike and Nancy

Mike Quinsey Sent This to Me, 

I, Nancy Agree to Send it To All Of You on Both Lists

Hi Friends,
I rarely send out messages other than my own unless I believe it is genuine, and I feel it is vital to get this information out to as many people as possible. As I can totally resonate with it I have no hesitation in forwarding it on to you.

In Love and Light. Mike Quinsey.

Kryon - Stem cells in Human Body(Berkley Springs Channeling)

Ron Head - El Consejo - Quién eres tú - 02-11-16

Hay varias verdades y conceptos esenciales, relacionados e implícitos en toda la información que les hemos brincado por algún tiempo ya. Cuando usamos la palabra esencial, queremos decir exactamente eso. Pero no es meramente esencial para ustedes entender con su intelecto lo que se está diciendo pero es esencial que sepan, en la parte más profunda de su ser, que estas son verdades.

Hasta que hayan aprendido lo que es el verdadero poder y dónde reside, hasta que hayan aprendido quiénes son en verdad, hasta que sepan estas cosas, viviéndolas y respirándolas, el despertar debe continuar.

Ron Head - El Consejo - Punto Crucial - 28-10-16


Sabemos que muchos de ustedes se sienten perdidos en el mar, y perplejos por lo que ven que ocurre a su alrededor ahora. El proceso de desmantelamiento de todo lo que necesita ser remplazado ha empezado en verdad. La idea de que esto es lo que está pasando cruza sus mentes de vez en cuando pero eso no lo hace fácil de digerir. Y decirles que les habíamos advertido tampoco les servirá.

Mucho de lo que debe ser renovado ya se les ha mostrado y nuevas formas han empezado a intentarse. Esto ha sido muy exitoso en lugares, pero no se le ha dado mucha atención. Una de las cosas que quizá deseen hacer cuando el éxito de esta naturaleza venga a su atención es ayudar a esparcir el conocimiento de eso dentro de sus mejores habilidades. Su nuevo mundo está siendo construido por ustedes aunque parezca que el caos está surgiendo.

Free Quantum Light Activation - Reminder in Present Moment I AM A Master

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Divine Sacred Holy Union - December 24, 2016

Lisa Brown

We are in a 3-Day Passageway that began a few hours ago. Each year, unbeknownst to me at that time, I experienced a deeply sacred union within myself that has continued substantially and profoundly every time during this phase and each time this process begins. The last was in August/September 2016 and now we move through the next part of this phase for us all as souls here. We've been going through these for years. Each one brings us further into who we truly are and our connectedness with/as all as ONE again.

Ron Head - El Consejo - Comunicación - 13-10-16 tema que discutimos con ustedes hoy es comunicación. Pero no es un mensaje sobre una comunicación en general que es para una audiencia genérica. Esto es sobre ustedes, los lectores de este texto y nuestra comunicación con ustedes.

Muchos de ustedes pensarán, cuando lean esto, que el Concejo no les habla. Pensarán que el Concejo es un cuerpo por el cual se comunica y a un número limitado de ustedes en el planeta. No obstante, hemos insistido en explicarles en el pasado que somos un cuerpo que está compuesto de guías, maestros y seres de luz que están trabajando a través de cada uno de ustedes, trayendo a su mundo la gran consciencia que son ustedes.

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - It IS the NOW - 12-24-16


The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Dear Ascending Ones,
We, the Arcturians, are with you as always, and we want you all to know that you that you can contact us whenever you need assistance. Many of you have asked us about the survival of your money. Many of you will live to see the end of money. Money was, and still is, the creation of the dark ones, who are often known as the Illuminati.

Money in your reality is merely numbers or pieces of paper, and very little of the “money” that the people receive have any value at all. It has no value because the gold that is supposed to “back up the money,” is not at all affiliated with the holders of the money.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday December 24, 2016

Dear Ones, as you continue through the healing journey that is the enlightenment process, all that is required is that you have a desire to accept healing and the healing will come. It will come by the perfect person/modality coming into your awareness. It will come through the releasing/integrating of energies. It will come through meditation, or your sleep state. There are a myriad of ways healing can happen! All that is required is that you have the desire and the openness for it to occur, and it will surely find its way to you. ~Archangel Gabriel


Deseándoles tengan unas Felices Fiestas en este día

Piano Music Special - Christmas 2016

viernes, diciembre 23, 2016

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Friday December 23, 2016

Dear Ones, if we are not interested in judging you at all, why judge yourselves? Why judge others?

Think of an innocent child learning to walk. If they falter, or if they stumble or fall, do you judge them? Or do you know they will master the task at hand when the timing is perfect for them, in their own speed and unique way?

Sandra Walter - Gateways of Transformation: New Realities Step Forth - December 23, 2016

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

This is a powerful consciousness-shifting passage, and the next two weeks will be quite potent. Many are already receiving higher levels of the photonic codes, as the Galactics and our Higher levels weave this light gently, steadily into the collective consciousness via pure conduits.

Gatekeepers and the Galactics have called forth the influx of dimensional-shifting, consciousness-shifting frequencies which will affect those choosing Crystalline/Christ/Unity consciousness embodiment. This is why so many experienced a powerful clearing during the last Gate (December 15-16). While the light hit the physical structure hard (most likely your right side, as a physical representation of the release of the old patriarchal structures), it prepared us for the massive influx we are aligning with for the final Gateways of 2016. We continue to open these Ascension gateways and the Solar aspects of the grids and Gaia. Feel free to call this forth and add your permission/intention to this acceleration.

James Gilliland - Ascension Wave, Transdimensional War, Days to Come - December 23, 2016

Going on about 4 weeks ago we talked about a massive wave of energy hitting the planet. It is now here, it is measurable and it seems everyone is trying to figure out what it is. It is part of the awakening and healing cycle of humanity and the earth and something much awaited. It is the end of the Draconian or Archon Grid. It has everything to do with the arrival of 13th dimensional beings as well as the Andromedans whose ships can block out the entire eastern sky and when powered up can be as bright as 10,000 suns. This might be a hint as to the sun NASA observed coming our way that keeps changing speeds. How is this going to affect earth? It all has to do with frequency. Those holding on to the past, old grudges attitudes and emotions especially the frequency of tyranny and the arrogance of separation are not frequency specific to this wave. They will not fare well. The masks are all coming down. This is a healing energy yet along with it is the program of Universal Law. The principles necessary for a healthy society and environment basically known as Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. This wave is indicative of the source saying enough, it is finished.

Natalie Glasson - A Gathering with Mary Magdalene and Jesus - A Glimpse into the Past by Maryham - 23rd December 2016

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

As I viewed the scene before me, my heart glowed with such delight; I felt as if a golden well of light had awoken within the core of my soul overflowing into my entire being. My body shimmered and pulsated in rhythm with the light unfolding. As if reflecting the truth emerging within my being a blazing fire had been created in the centre of our gathering. Friends, family, and members of the Essene community sat in a large circle around the fire. Everyone was busy talking, sharing, laughing and expressing their truth, the atmosphere was lively as the sun disappeared beyond the horizon surrounding us in a darkness which seemed to only enhance the love present within our community.

jueves, diciembre 22, 2016

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday December 22, 2016

The most common ascension symptoms people struggle with – dizziness, memory issues, headaches, weakness, sluggishness, heart palpitations, dry eyes – are all due to one thing, dehydration. You can greatly decrease your discomfort by increasing your water intake.

You are beings who are greatly affected by planetary influences. You are also beings of flow. Just as your plants and flowers may require more hydration and care during phases of solar intensity, so do you. Making your hydration a priority will have many positive benefits to you, and it is a wonderful, loving act of self care and nurturing, as well, which as you know we are always encouraging for you.

Ailia Mira - The Council of Radiant Light - Celebrating You! - 21 December 2016

Celebrating You!

Message from the Council of Radiant Light Channeled by Ailia Mira

​Hello, Beautiful Beings!

Today we want to riff a little bit about you, celebrate you. We love you. We love you and we have so much enthusiasm for what you're doing. It feels like a good time in our co-creation to reflect back to you what we're noticing.

​We know you to be the most adventurous souls. Do you see yourself like that? We do. Because we see you exploring life in this amazingly complex and rich environment with a perpetual return to some sort of inner optimism and sense of meaning. You are learning to feel within you to tune to the soul that you are and you're realizing more and more that your alignment with all that you are is the vehicle for your ascending consciousness. We love to see this and we love to see you believe in yourself, and trust yourself, and start to really get familiar and comfortable with shaping your energy.


Ascension Mastery channeled message through Rev.Christine Meleriessee Hayden, Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. 
“As the earth is now upon the entryway of the December Solstice, it brings to Light what has been Dark in all things.” ~ Lord Metatron
This is Lord Metatron at your service to bring forth understanding of the present energies of yet another season that will be experienced upon the Earth.
It does not matter where you are physically located in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere. Each element around the earth is going to be feeling the effects of this magnificent light storm arriving into Gaia.
As the Winter Solstice represents bringing Light into a Dark year, it allows for the transference of energies to be felt far and wide. As the Summer Solstice represents the Light being the focal point for the Darkness that has been experienced through this past season. So as you see it doesn’t relate to where you are living, but how you allow yourself to be blessed by the incoming light frequencies.
Each of us is riding the Wave Of Light ~ all of humanity and all of the Divine Beings associated within the Inner Plane. It depends upon how you will experience this Wave Of Light and what it may mean for your planetary existence at this time.

miércoles, diciembre 21, 2016

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Completion Phase Has Been Completed: WE Did It! - 12/21/2016

The last few days is observing the simplicity of our existence and how easy it is. I dare not say it, (but I will), this has been the easiest and absolutely serene initiation for SOULstice, StarGate alignment, physical body upgrades, physical reality everything.... more pristine, more sacred, more beautiful, more everything....

I know we still have a couple weeks of this phase and I know that these alignments rock the human reality, because it has to, that's how this works. Yet transcending human'ness allows for complete peace, ease and magical amazing abundant everything.... and we all came here to experience THIS PART of the PROCESS FULLY....

Blossom Goodchild - Mensaje de Nube Blanca - Diciembre 16, 2016

Un mensaje de Navidad de voz directa de Nube Blanca


Una cálida bienvenida a cada alma que escoge escuchar estas palabras que tengo para ofrecer en este momento de extravagante celebración. Mis amigos, mucho, mucho tiempo atrás en su Planeta … … … Blossom está luchando un poco y le pido permiso para dejarme hablar, porque le preocupa lo que supo en un instante de lo que debo hablar, y la confunde un poco. Por lo que le mostré una imagen conocida a través de sus historias del niño en el pesebre, con los sabios, los pastores, los bueyes … de la madre y el padre mirando amorosamente a este niño y de la estrella brillante en el cielo.

Celestial Grid - Blue Star Alchemy, 21st December 2016 (Blue Star Solstice series PART 9)

Pamela Kribbe - Jeshua Channelings - How do You Recognize Your Soul's Plan?

Dear friends,

Welcome everyone, I am Jeshua. I greet you all from my heart. I am connected to you, so feel my presence. I am that which connects your hearts, for I represent the unity that is between us all.
I ask you, now, to ground yourself, to connect your body with the Earth beneath your feet and to imagine that roots sprout from your feet into the soil. Feel how your consciousness is completely present in this space and penetrates, through the roots from your feet, into the Earth. Feel the power of our collective energy, so that together we create a field of consciousness with a deep and pure intention.

Pequeño Fragmento del Informe del Oleaje de Solara para Diciembre 2016 ~ MANTENERSE FIEL A LO QUE ES REAL

Una de las muchas lecciones de Standing Rock (reserva india en los EEUU) es la importancia de Vivir en Oración. Aunque los pueblos nativos de todo el mundo han honrado a la Tierra viviendo en oración, para muchas personas, esta es una nueva forma de oración. No es pasiva, sino activa. No es un pedido de auxilio a Dios desde una postura pequeña y débil, sino que nuestra Verdadera Oración proviene de nuestra autoridad natural como Seres Estelares-Terrenales auténticos y empoderados, co-creadores de la Nueva Realidad.


One of the many lessons of Standing Rock is the importance of Living in Prayer. Even though the native people throughout the world have honored the Earth by living in prayer, for many people, this is a new form of prayer. It's not passive, but active. It's not a calling out for help to God from a place of being small and weak, but our True Prayer comes forth from our natural authority as empowered authentic Earth - Star Beings, co-creators of the New Reality.

Suzanne Lie - Message From Your Galactic Family - 12-21-16

Message From Your Galactic Family

Through Sue Lie

We, your Galactic Family, are joyous to inform you that you, the ascending ones of humanity, as well as Mother Gaia’s planetary body, are moving into a higher dimensional, and thus more challenging, energy field. 

This energy field contains many higher fourth dimensional, Delta Waves, which are the predecessors of the fifth dimensional, Gamma Waves. These energy waves are arriving in Gaia’s atmosphere from far beyond the planet, beyond your Solar System, and even beyond this Galaxy. These inter-dimensional waves of light are also multidimensional. 

Golden Year 2017 - Year of the Phoenix Rising

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday December 21, 2016

Dear Ones, when you love someone, you naturally want them to be happy. We urge you to apply that logic towards yourselves as you consider what you would like to create in 2017. Making choices based on what will bring you joy is a beautiful and empowered act of self love, and absolutely necessary for you to move forward into your greatest expression of self. ~Archangel Gabriel

Laura Pleiadian - The Winter Solstice, December 21st, 2016 ~ Your Initiation and Rebirth

The Winter Solstice, December 21st, 2016 ~ Your Initiation and Rebirth

The Winter Solstice, December 21st, 2016 ~ at 6:44am AST, an Initiation. A New Beginning.

Immersed in the Darkness, of the Shortest day of Daylight, we celebrate the Darkness and go deeper within. Then we are Initiated into GREATER Light. As the return of Light begins. Culminating with the Summer Solstice, the longest day of daylight of the year.

Every day we experience a Sacred Ritual. The Sun setting, symbolic of Death. The Sun Rising, Symbolic of Rebirth. We die, we are born. Over and over.

Initiated through the darkness, resurrected, through the LIGHT.

Feliz Solsticio de Invierno 2016

martes, diciembre 20, 2016

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday December 20, 2016

The transition from a year of completion (2016) into a year of creation (2017) involves truly letting go of the old and stepping into the new. As you are creating in fresh and unprecedented energies, the questions to ask as you look forward, more than ever before is, “What will bring me joy in my personal life?” and, “How can I be of joyful service?” If you put joy as the centre of all of your creations, you will be moving with the energies into your highest potentials like never before. ~Archangel Gabriel

Sheldan Nidle Update~12-20-16~A time to REJOICE

4 Kan, 7 Mol, 13 Caban

Dratzo! Those in charge of the RV’s distribution and the prosperity packages are working swiftly to see that they are brought out together. At present the RV is being revealed through the various levels that were set up by these diligent workers of the Light. They know the importance of these many prosperity packages. Once more than 70% of these special monies are delivered, the creation of the NESARA Republic is legally assured. This one factor makes this process essential to what currently is being carried out by our earthly associates. Meanwhile, there is the process for the RV. This is to assure that the extremely large sums of monies are successfully transferred to the underprivileged throughout this globe. These humanitarian projects enable this world to easily supply the freedom, food, sanitation, housing, clothing and electricity needed to bring everyone up to speed. This provides the literacy and Internet education necessary to comprehend what we are doing. As you can see, a great deal of progress is being made. Much more is still required before we reach our prescribed goals.

Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua - The Message of Darkness

Dear friends,

I am Jeshua, I greet you all. It is a joy for me to be here in your midst. We are connected as brothers and sisters. Collectively, we bring a new wave of consciousness into the world. Feel that for a moment within yourself.

You are a torch bearer; you carry an inner light within you. See before you that you hold a torch of light that spreads into the darkness. Initially, you are called upon to spread this light within your own darkness. As soon as you are born here on Earth, which is full of fear, of illusion, of distrust against life, you take part in this world and in its attempt to escape from deep feelings. From the moment you are born, and throughout your entire upbringing – your early youth and adolescence – you are challenged to try to hold fast to your light and to who you really are and feel. And what a huge challenge this is!

John Smallman - Jesus - Love is unassailable power and cannot be defeated - December 20, 2016

As you all know, as all life forms presently incarnate on Earth know – and yes you do know! – all is flowing along as divinely planned. You will have new avenues of growth to explore as your spiritual awareness and acceptance of your knowing of the constant and unimpeded divine Love flow strengthens, releasing the doubts and self-disparagements that you have held closely to your hearts for far too long. It has been an invalid self-judgment that has caused you much pain and suffering over the eons, as you attempted to abase yourselves before the unreal authority figure you had invented to replace your loving Source.

Jenny Schiltz - Massive Energy Wave - 12-20-16

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Are YOU Truly Ready? Partially Ready Will Not DO... YOUR Universe Always KNOWS How Committed You Are (not). It Responds to You... - 12/20/2016

​Will you DO WHAT IT TAKES to bring peace into your world?

Will you DO WHAT IT TAKES to BE LOVE no matter what goes on outside of you?


Will you DO WHAT IT TAKES to vibrate OUT of an old dimension/timeline and into an entirely NEW ONE?

Marilyn Raffaele - El Grupo Arcturiano - 18 de Diciembre, 2016 nuevo, Queridos, este año deseamos traeros los significados más profundos de la Navidad, en las que no sólo celebráis a gente y acontecimientos de hace 2000 años, sino que experimentáis personalmente.

La historia del nacimiento de Jesús/Joshua que se convirtió en Cristo es la historia de cada hombre. Jesús ya era un maestro ascendido cuando nació en una de sus múltiples encarnaciones terrestres hace 2000 años. Su propósito era el de traer la verdad y la Luz a un mundo enfangado en la densidad y la ilusión.

En ese tiempo muy pocos eran capaces de captar la profundidad de sus enseñanzas. Las masas no estaban aún lo bastante evolucionadas para comprender plenamente las verdades que él enseñaba, y en su lugar se fijaron en él personalmente convirtiéndole en un “dios”. La mentalidad de separación tridimensional no evolucionada interpretó las palabras “YO SOY” como que se referían al mensajero.

lunes, diciembre 19, 2016

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday December 19, 2016

Dear Ones, if you have an area of your life that is less than ideal to you, and you have developed a lot of negative self talk about that topic, the first step is to simply commit to watching your own chatter about that topic. You might even want to write down the statements you make about that area of your life. Try not to judge the situation or yourself, you are simply gathering information.

Patricia Cota-Robles - IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR THE DECEMBER SOLSTICE AND 2017 - December 19, 2016

With your help, as we move into the full embrace of this very powerful December 21st Solstice and the unified celebrations this year of Christmas and Hanukkah, the Gift of Light that was given to Humanity by Beloved Mother Mary on December 12, 2016 at 12:00 noon will be greatly amplified for every person on Earth. This Divine Blessing from Mother Mary is preparing each and every one of us at a cellular level to withstand the influx of Light that will bathe the Earth during the first eleven days of 2017.

This Gift from Mother Mary was given to Humanity during a Global Activity of Light that I was blessed to facilitate with Jacklyn Johnston during her wonderful online program, You Awakening, During that Cosmic Moment on December 12th, the day dedicated to the Virgin of Guadalupe, thousands of people all over the world participated with us LIVE and thousands more have experienced this wondrous opportunity by listening to the REPLAY.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - EL DESPERTAR CUÁNTICO - DICIEMBRE 2016


Un pensamiento, una forma de vida, un sitio en la red y un boletín electrónico global


Número 215

Creado, canalizado, escrito, publicado y registrado con Amor y dedicación a la Luz

Este boletín es guiado por el Espíritu, está en circulación desde 1986 y llega a millones de dedicados Trabajadores de Luz Planetarios. Uno a uno, luz a luz, se alumbra a sí mismo hasta su culminación de ahí en más.

Este boletín está confeccionado por el Espíritu. Cualquier imperfección ortográfica o gramatical realza su belleza y singularidad.

El Despertar Cuántico es traducido con amor al español por Susy Peralta, de Argentina.

Gracias, querida dama de luz.…/despertar_cuantico.htm


***De su anfitriona de luz
***Todas sus elecciones resuenan a través del tiempo sin resistencia alguna
***Los ámbitos del miedo


A medida que avanzamos en los ámbitos dimensionales de indagación y fuera de la zona de flujo del 2016, entramos en un lugar de recuento. El recuento se define como el tiempo en que uno es llamado a rendir cuentas de sus acciones, pagar las deudas o cumplir sus promesas u obligaciones y saldar cuentas. Esta no es la acumulación de una vida, pero los eones de tiempo han alcanzado el punto crítico y se detienen a sus pies. El fin de este año es el momento perfecto para despojarse de lo que ya no encaja con quiénes son en este tiempo y lugar. Retiren los esqueletos, la armadura, los amores y los odios.

Twin Flames, Andromedan Sleepers and Mermaids of Lemuria (Blue Star Solstice series PART 8)

Blossom Goodchild - 15 de diciembre de 2016

Blossom: Hola mis amigos. Es tiempo de Navidad aquí en el planeta Tierra como usted sabe, ¡y siento que esta podría ser nuestra última canalización del año debido a compromisos y asignación de tiempo! Por lo tanto, puedo aprovechar esta oportunidad para darle las gracias por todo lo que han traído a lo largo de este año para ayudar a muchos de nosotros en la elevación de nuestra vibración.

Federación de la Luz: Queridas Almas que residen, como escogido, en el Planeta Tierra en esta temporada inestimable. Es del más grande placer traerle palabras… que pueden entonces SER SENTIDAS EN PLENITUD POR EL YO… que realzan y elevan.

Brenda Hoffman - Surprising New Segments - December 19, 2016

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you feel as if nothing is right, even though nothing is wrong. You are betwixt and between. The expected is not what you expect and the unexpected continues to happen.

This confusion is directly related to your inner-being. For you are undergoing a transition different from what you expected. You most likely thought that you would awake one day a different person of a different frequency or dimension. That all would be achieved without much effort on your part.

Such is true, but not quite as you assumed. For indeed, given the dimension/frequency leaps you are making, your transition is relatively easy. It is just that you did not expect to be knowingly part of that transition.

Kryon "When the butterly flaps.." 2016

Suzanne Lie - Preparing 4 First Contact - Chapter 31 - The Return - 12-19-16



By The Ascending Ones-Through Suzanne Lie

Chapter 31
The Return

We are the Ascending Ones. We are HERE within your NOW to share how our journey to New Earth has taken us into an unexpected experience.

While we were traveling away from third dimensional Earth within our fifth dimensional consciousness, we met with several Starships from The Ashtar Command. The members of these Starships were able to perceive our consciousness via their fifth dimensional consciousness and welcomed us onboard their Ships.

Pleiadian Broadcast December 2016

Marilyn Raffaele - El Grupo Arcturiano - 4 de diciembre del 2016

Saludos, queridos míos. Nos reunimos de nuevo con amor y comprensión, y con el deseo mutuo por la verdad. Cada día se vuelve uno nuevo a medida que la conciencia global e individual crece pues al desplegarse y expandirse la conciencia también lo hacen las expresiones externas.

Muchos de ustedes están empezando a tener experiencias de sincronicidad durante su día. Soluciones parecen aparecerse ahora con mayor facilidad, y las cosas que antes los angustiaban o preocupaban ya no se sienten ser importantes. Estos son los frutos de su conciencia expandida, una que se está alineando con la armonía y la gracia de la verdad.

Las experiencias de la Gracia seguirán incrementando a medida que ustedes viven a partir de su nivel más alto de conciencia, permitiendo que la verdad que saben fluya a y a través de todas sus actividades diarias. A medida que permiten a su verdad fluir más al exterior, más se les proporcionará..

La evolución es un viaje interminable a la conciencia espiritual, pues la Conciencia Divina es infinita.

12/19/2016 -- Large wave of energy from unknown source hitting Earth now - Possible effects?

domingo, diciembre 18, 2016

Suzanne Lie - Conversations With The Arcturians Part 2 - 12-17-16

Part TWO

Shawnna and The Arcturians through Sue Lie

SD:  I think that’s an interesting perspective to imagine that the internet allowed this collective unity as well as uniqueness.  And, I’ve always felt that the activity streaming each day – the thoughts, the feelings, the viewpoints – everything that comes into our awareness, which is definitely a broad range of frequency of information.

It is woven to together to create this collective consciousness.  So I think it’s an interesting point that you’ve mentioned because we don’t recognize that this is what it is sometimes.  But, it is.

Mike Quinsey - De su Ser Superior - 16-12-16 puedes ver y entender la actual situación en la Tierra, el camino hacia delante es evidente y está indicado por el colapso del control de los Illuminati sobre los acontecimientos que están sucediendo. Los asuntos están cambiando incluso aunque ellos intenten mantener algún tipo de control que no servirá de nada. Hay un mayor plan en marcha que a pesar de las acciones de los que a intentan imponerse no se podrá evitar una conclusión exitosa que conduce a la Ascensión. Así que no estéis abatidos a pesar de cómo veáis funcionar los acontecimientos, porque todo está bien. Pueden oírse los jadeos de los que se enfrentan a la derrota, y ya hay muchos que huyen para evitar tener que responder por sus acciones contra la humanidad. No pueden evitar tener que enfrentarse al resultado de sus actos, porque no hay lugar adonde puedan escapar y llegará el día de la justicia. No estéis preocupados por su futuro porque recogerán lo que han sembrado, y como todas las demás almas serán ayudados de todas formas tan pronto como vuelvan a la Luz.

Kryon - The mathematics of Consciousness

Blossom Goodchild. A White Cloud Christmas message.