sábado, julio 18, 2015

Ann Albers - The Fruits of Your Love - July 18, 2015

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

You have heard us so many times saying, "Listen to your heart now. Live in the present. Find the love now." We realize that this is confusing to some. How can you desire a future, while also living now? The answer is not so difficult. If you feel in your heart right now, that there is something you want to create, then by all means, you are living now. You are loving a dream now. You are loving a solution now. The dream or solution may not be here yet in linear time, but you are loving it now. You are willing to work for it now. You are present to your own heart now.

Lena Stevens - The theme for July is “GROWING PAINS”

Positive Pole: Breakthrough, transformation, maturity, power, freedom, more access to higher centers.

Negative Pole: Martyrdom, impatience, resistance, breakdown, negative drama, entrapment in lower vibrations.

This month we have reached the time of adolescence in our own growth cycle and evolution. It is emotionally hormonal, reactive against old structures and perceived limitations, and extremely uncomfortable. We don’t know who we are anymore, can’t relate to our world, and tend to moodiness and resistance. And just like it was when you were 11 or 12 or 13 years old, the only way to the other side is through. To stay behind is not an option. Change is the only thing that we can truly count on. So it is not a question of whether or not we move through this cycle but HOW we move through it.

Anna Merkaba ~ AA Metatron – Final Blood Moon – Key Holders – Twin Flames - Jul 18, 2015

Greetings Everyone!

Before I begin this channeling I would like to add a personal note. As most of you are aware the event of the year – The Final Blood moon in the tetrad is quickly approaching. In the weeks leading up to this event you will begin to see more and more information pop up all around you. Most of the information that you will see will focus on destruction and the “end” of this world. Most will focus on chaos and will try to raise within you various emotions of lower vibrations, all in the hopes of keeping you locked in the reality structure in which humanity has been living for eons.

What I want you to understand is that the prophesies which have been ingrained in human psyche for thousands of years of destruction and war, have been misconstrued. The idea however is accurate that indeed our world as we know it is coming to an end, and a new beginning is quickly approaching. It is true that one era is ending and another is commencing. The point of the prophesies which most are missing, is that it is COMPLETELY UP TO US, how everything will turn out. If we fall prey to the idea of destruction and “negativity” that is exactly what we will attract not only into our own lives, but the lives of ALL beings currently residing here on earth, and not just earth.

viernes, julio 17, 2015

Selacia - Enciende tu Voz Sagrada - 16 de Julio 2015

16 de Julio 2015

Traducción: Guadalupe Rodríguez
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Tu fuego interior es clave/ crucial para la manera en que expresas tu voz sagrada en el mundo. Justo ahora, en estos momentos intensos, es el tiempo perfecto para energizar tu Fuego Interior y equilibrarlo; esto te va a ayudar a expresar tu Voz única y tu misión de vida. En este artículo, les daré el trasfondo de qué significa esto en un nivel tanto práctico como espiritual.

Sobre tu voz

¿Qué es esta voz? Es la expresión activa de tu alma en forma humana. Es la manera en que tú como un ser materializas el Espíritu aquí, en la Tierra.


Natalie Glasson ~ The Dolphin Essence ~ Light strand synthesis - July 17, 2015

We, the Dolphin essence come forth to lend our energy and support, we collectively reside and herald from Sirius, this is not the same for all aspects of the Dolphin Essence. We bring forth to you a wise and powerful consciousness, a synthesis of the Dolphin Essence and vibrations of Sirius. Greetings and love is expressed to all.

Synthesis of light is a powerful and essential aspect of ascension, it is something you are contemplating and experiencing all the time and yet synthesis of light has become prominent in the current processes of ascension. The presence of the Crystalline Kingdom Light anchoring in full flow into the Earth and humanity signifies a deeper awakening and activation of light synthesis within all. The Crystalline vibrations bring spirit, light, love and the divine into manifestation as material and physical aspects of the Earthly world.

Terri Newlon - Djwhal Khul - July 17, 2015

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. Well, we have our kind of wheels in motion here. A kind of turning forward. I’m going to say in general there’s kind of a feeling of covert actions, turmoil, kind of on the inner planes or sort of an emotional rug being pulled out from underneath, so it’s a bit of a bumpy ride and emotions will be riding high in general.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - “El Estado del Alma Antigua – Informe de la Mitad de 2015” - Laguna Hills, California, 4 de julio 2015

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Para algunos el proceso de canalizar es diferente. No hay una forma correcta y una equivocada; es una forma individual, singular para cada ser humano. En este salón hay algunos que canalizan; yo sé quién está aquí. Lo hacen a su propio modo. Lo hacen por procesos intuitivos; reciben lo que reciben y dicen lo que dicen, y es correcto. Es canalizar.

Lo que ven aquí es una conexión directa entre mi socio y yo, y se ha ido construyendo durante 26 años. Él está cómodo con ella. Se aparta, hacia un lugar que hemos descripto antes, desde donde observa, y está cómodo. Lo que está sucediendo ahora es que estamos usando todo lo que tiene el humano: su cultura, su lenguaje, su intelecto y su disposición a ser claro, con objeto de hablar a ustedes en tiempo real.

Jennifer Hoffman - Libre albedrío y consentimiento energético - 13 de Julio 2015

13 de Julio 2015

Traducción: Olga Graciela Torres Morel
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Nuestro libre albedrío nos permite elegir cualquier camino que deseemos para nuestra vida y lo hacemos todos los días con cada pensamiento, palabra y acción seamos concientes de ello o no. Dentro de las opciones de nuestro libre albedrío se encuentran las decisiones acerca de la frecuencia, vibración y tipo de energía que permitiremos entrar en nuestra vida y en la Tierra. Y hay dos caminos diferentes para determinar cómo permitimos fluir esa energía dentro y fuera de nuestras vidas: podemos, o bien adecuarnos a la energía que nos rodea, o bien establecer fuertes límites y permanecer en las frecuencias que elegimos para nosotros mismos. Un término más apropiado para libre albedrío es “consentimiento energético” porque es un proceso de permitir flujos de energía de acuerdo a dónde focalizamos nuestra intención y atención y, permitiendo que esas energías fluyan, lo cual hacemos no eligiendo otro nivel de energía, estamos aceptando su presencia. Por eso, entender nuestro consentimiento energético es fundamental, debido a que, con cada pensamiento y elección, estamos creando un impacto energético exponencial para nosotros y para todos y para todo lo que nos rodea.

SaLuSa - 17 July 2015

Time races on and events on Earth are speeding up, and having been given freewill to decide how to live together you are now experiencing the result of your choices. It is obvious that you cannot sustain the system that you have created, as it crumbles and proves to be inadequate for your needs. Indeed you have so to say that you have been living on borrowed time and it is already becoming obvious that you cannot prevent the breakdown of the Human Race. Age after Age you have tried to establish a thriving population, yet at the same time have failed to bring along the poorest nations with you. The problems are now so huge that it is too late to prevent the outcome that is the disintegration of the old systems. In other words you will be forced to change your ways if you wish to overcome the problems that you have created. It will be a painful process but will result in a new way of living together, where the vibrations have been lifted to the point where negativity is practically non-existent. Then you will see the true way harmony and peace can be sustained, and people can live without fear. We can assure you that it is possible, and as the vibrations continue to speed up, you will not have too long to experience some positive changes. The dark Ones are no longer allowed to dictate how your future works out, and their plan for total domination is now unworkable.

jueves, julio 16, 2015

Selacia - Fire Up Your Sacred Voice - July 16, 2015

Your inner fire is key to how you express your sacred voice in the world. Right now in these intense moments is a perfect time to energize your inner fire and balance it – helping you to express your unique voice and life mission. In this article I give the background of what this means on a practical and spiritual level.
About Your Voice
What is this voice? It is your active expression of soul in human form. It is the way you as a being materialize spirit here on Earth.

Irma Kaye Sawyer - Informe de la Luna Nueva del 15 de julio de 2015

15 de Julio 2015

Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


El Replanteo. La Liberación. El Regreso a la Esencia.

Hola, amigos cósmicos, bienvenidos a otra luna nueva. Esta tiene mucho en curso, y por supuesto les voy a contar porqué. Me ha estado hablando por un rato y he estado escuchando.

Sé que este panorama astrológico acuoso (6 planetas en agua) hace que algunos corran a buscar refugio, pero realmente no hay razón para alarmarse. Esta luna nueva nos ofrece una excelente oportunidad espiritual. Recuerden, queridos, que Cáncer es el gran psicoterapeuta natural. En el día de la Luna Nueva tendremos a Marte, Mercurio, el Sol y la Luna en la energía de ese signo particular. La energía de la Sombra es malhumorada, demasiado sensible y a la defensiva. También uso el humor como sarcasmo y ataco, "Solo estaba bromeando." El lado luminoso es altamente intuitivo, sanador, atento y nutricio. Es el signo de la Diosa Lunar y la Madre Divina.

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: St. Germain, July 16, 2015

Today I would like to bring you an update on what is taking place in the money field. There is much distribution being set into place that will swim around the world and disrupt many trials of error that have been taking place. When I speak of trials of error I am addressing the means by which the moneys have been distributed and shared over the years. This has been a game that many of the underground workers have been playing. Now they are finding that there are no longer any funds coming their way. Those funds are now taking a secret passageway that will come into the open for all the world to see and experience.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - Sirius: Spiritual Prototype - 16 July, 2015

Since ancient times Sirius has been honored. In ancient Atlantis the mysteries were based on information received from the Sirius Masters. After the third fall of Atlantis, the Sirian mysteries spread into ancient Egypt. As early as 3000 BC the Egyptians started celebrating the helical rising of the star Sirius declaring it the New Year.
On a silent morn in the steamy month of July when the star Sirius rises before the sun, our daystar, the Atlantean- Egyptian -Sirian New Year will be birthed. This will produce a doorway of vision allowing us to swim upon a stellar surge.

Kara Schallock - Libertad & Elección - 9 de Julio 2015

Traducción: Marcela Borean

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Todos nosotros estamos en nuestro propio Sendero de Ascensión creado exclusivamente para y por nosotros, basado en donde somos sabios de la consciencia. Esto me recuerda a un mensaje que vi en Facebook en el que alguien dijo que había tantas realidades en Facebook que la confundían. Me di cuenta de que esta persona no estaba cotejando con su propia guía sino más bien buscando información de fuentes externas. En realidad ella tiene razón en ver tantas realidades diferentes, porque realmente estamos operando desde nuestra propia conciencia. Me recordó que todos estamos en la fase que sea que estemos para evolucionar. Mientras que algunos están experimentando una vida totalmente nueva, otros todavía están liberando, mientras que otros todavía están eligiendo. La ascensión siempre es elegida primero por el Alma y dependiendo de si una persona es guiada por el Alma o impulsada por el ego es lo que indicará en dónde están. Por supuesto, muchos no quieren ver cambiar sus cómodas vidas, incluso si lo "cómodo" también incluye dolor y drama. Lo que comparto hoy es una visión generalizada de dónde estamos potencialmente. Es tu elección ver si esto se ajusta a ti, si esto es un suave empujón o si simplemente no te resuena en absoluto.

Benjamin Fulford - July 13, 2015: Full scale cyber war erupts in wake of Greek default, Pentagon takes on Khazarian mafia

The Greek default has triggered major cyber and information warfare that raged across the world last week. The warfare involved banks, defense firms, major stock markets, telecommunications firms and more.

For example, the July 8th cyber-attack that shut down the New York Stock Exchange, the Wall Street Journal, United Airlines and several mobile phone companies was retaliation for an American attack on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, according to Chinese and Pentagon sources. “This was just a dry run,” the Pentagon sources said.

The Greek default essentially bankrupted the IMF, the European Central Bank and the Federal Reserve Board, even though the officials of these agencies are still ignoring this elephant in their room and pretending it is not so. However, the reason they are ignoring a Greek No vote and threatening the Greek government with violence unless they loot Greece to save them is because they simply do not have the money needed to keep Greece or themselves going. As we will discuss further later down, the Greek situation is rapidly morphing into full scale revolution.

miércoles, julio 15, 2015

Steve Rother - Subtle Influences ~ The Dwarf Planets Ceres and Pluto - July 15, 2015

Greetings from Home, Dear Ones.
This day is a magic time. You have changed so much on your planet; you have shifted so much energy that you are seeing it happen right in front of your eyes. It is magical and we applaud all the humans and also the Family of E for the incredible work you have done over many lifetimes. You are here to help people re-member their power. Well done, humans.
The Six Parental Races
There is still much work to do. Although there is a great deal that we wish to share with you, you have now started to uncover your own history. It was not that long ago, dear ones, that you sent your first space probe to Mars. You will discover different forms of life on Mars that will help you understand a bit more about the six parental races that began with Earth. Now they did not create Earth—let us make that very clear--you did. You are the spirits, dear ones, there from the very beginning nurturing this beautiful, hot ball of magma floating in space the third rock from the sun. You were not in physical bodies, which  would not exist on the planet then. However,  you were in light bodies and you nurtured Earth. Many of you have done this with several other planets that have evolved throughout the universe that now have life. This is a beautiful story because when you start to understand what some of this is about, you will be looking at your own history on planet Earth. Ever since we mentioned there were six parental races, you have wanted to know who they are. Everyone has their own ideas about the original races, yet it is very difficult for us to give you those names. When we give you a name such as Sirius, Pleiades, or any of the other ones which you have labeled, understand that these are human names which are placed upon these stars. The interesting part is that there is a rhythm that connects them all. Some believe that these names and stories have been made up. Neither is the case, for it is simply an interpretation or another way to read the same story. Now you are starting to uncover the rest of the story and beginning to understand the process, which is very exciting.

Suxanne Lie - The Arcturians - The Two-Way Circuit Home - July 15, 2015

The Arcturians 

Dear Ascending Ones,

We the Arcturians are always happy to answer some of the questions that we have perceived in the consciousness of our volunteers to Earth. We will not state the questions, but we will directly address the answers. Our answers will be perceived differently when you are in different states of consciousness.

For example, in your 3D beta wave state of consciousness you may think that you know the Truth, but when you are in your 4D alpha or, especially, your 5D gamma wave consciousness, you will know that you must live the truth.

Knowing the truth, or what you currently perceive as the truth, is based on time because it is a third dimensional interpretation of inter-dimensional information/experience.

Lena Stevens - Actualización De Luna Nueva - 15-7-15

14 de Julio 2014

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Queridos amigos,

La Luna Nueva es el miércoles 15 de julio a las 7:24 PM Horario de Verano de las Montañas

Este es un tiempo de evaluación y de decir la verdad. Esta Luna Nueva también puede traer algo completamente inesperado a su vida. Sea lo que sea, véanlo como un regalo y permitan que los ancle a ustedes en algo totalmente nuevo. Permitan que los otros les apoyen en este tiempo con aquello que ustedes necesiten.

No anticipen o esperen que las cosas sean de una cierta forma solamente porque han sido así durante las últimas semanas. Acepten el cambio. Si su vida ha sido difícil, abracen la calma. Un asunto no resuelto puede de pronto disolverse. Una limitación percibida puede perder su asidero en ustedes. Dediquen algún tiempo en esta luna nueva con un enfoque en la expansión de su contenedor más allá de lo que consideren como cierto. ¡Cualquier cosa es posible!

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Introducción a “El Estado del Alma Antigua – Informe de la Mitad de 2015” - Laguna Hills, California, 4 de julio 2015

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Una y otra vez he dicho esto. Durante más de una hora han oído la voz de mi socio; él se sienta y se vuelve otro. No está en el paradigma de tu realidad. Algunos incluso lo han llamado "culto", a causa de su extrañeza, simplemente porque no están acostumbrados a esto. Hay algunos que van y meditan y oran, se sientan quietos en su momento de silencio, sienten el amor de Dios; les llega una abrumadora sensación de paz y alegría, de que todas las cosas están bien. Les llega la energía de la sanación. Algunos la sienten ahora. Y lo último que harán es cuestionarla como extraña, o rara, o inapropiada: todo lo que sienten es la mano de Dios tomando la suya. Su corazón emotivo se consuela y se acostumbran a todas estas cosas por sí mismos.

Irma Kaye Sawyer - Cosmic Weather - New Moon Report for 7/15/15

The Reframe. The Release. The Return to Essence. 
Hello Cosmic friends and welcome to another new moon. This one's got quite a bit going on and of course I'll tell you why. It's been speaking to me for awhile now and I've been listening.
I know the watery (6 planets in water) astrological landscape has some people running for cover, but there really isn't reason for alarm. This new moon provides us with a excellent spiritual opportunity. Remember dear ones, that Cancer is the great natural psychotherapist. On New Moon day we will have Mars, Mercury, Sun and Moon in that particular sign energy. The Shadow energy being cranky, overly sensitive and defensive. Also, using humor as sarcasm and attack, "I was only joking." The light side being highly intuitive, healing, attentive and nurturing. It is the sign of the Lunar Goddess and the Divine Mother.


Ron Head - Go for it! – The Council - July 15, 2015

The Council
What will you create today? You are a creator being, fashioned in the likeness of the Being who created you and you have been given free will. Let’s explore for a short while some of what that might mean.
Let us begin by stating that you will create something. The one thing that you cannot create is nothing. You will have thoughts. You will make decisions. You will have experiences and you will form opinions. You may decide to actually turn some of your thoughts into physical things. But even though that is likely how you think of creating, all the rest is creating, as well.

Newest closeup images of Pluto reveals ice mountains on its Surface

Crop Circles 2015 - Rollright Stones, Rollright, Oxfordshire - UK - 15th july 2015 - UFO

Crop Circles 2015 - (Confidential Place) - Netherlands - 15th july 2015 - UFO Holland 2015

martes, julio 14, 2015

Sheldan Nidle's Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy -

13 Men, 13 Kumku. 11 Ik

Selamat Jalwa! (Be in everlasting Joy!) We come on this day with more news about what is happening around you. The complex process of establishing a new financial system is moving forward at its own pace. The BRICS Development Bank is operating and is open for business as is the Chinese AIIB. These are just the beginnings of what is to come. The operations required to set up a Global Currency Revaluation (GCR) are likewise being readied for its unveiling. A necessary preliminary is the delivery of worldwide prosperity funds. This process is now being discussed by our earthly associates and by us. It is scheduled to begin once a number of initial humanitarian funds are successfully disbursed. This procedure is moving along nicely and we expect you to see some results shortly. In addition, we are presently devising a way by which we can intervene when it is required. We have already secretly followed a number of fund transfers and discovered how we can, if required, assure successful deliveries. The cabal has, in fact, reached the end of its time to further delay the outcome expected by Heaven.

Sandra Walter – The Tranquility of Transfiguration – 7-14-15

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe

There is much occurring at the moment, on all levels of the Ascension process, the awakening, and the Shift in consciousness.
As has been emphasized for all of 2015, your focus and your choices sculpt and create your own personal Ascension experience. This is readily apparent, even within the diversity of the Ascension Tribe.
Embodiment of the crystalline consciousness creates stability as the volume is turned up on all realities. It also challenges the Tribe to honor Divine Delineation as your experience, or the experience of your colleagues, becomes unfamiliar.

Crop Circles 2015 - Alton Barnes, Wiltshire - UK - 14th july 2015 - UFO UK 2015

Kryon - Instructions for the Old Soul

Ho'oponopono, Mantra Meditation, Hawaiian Prayer, Theta Binaural Beats, Hooponopono

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Los Filtros Humanos - Última Parte - Totowa, Nueva Jersey, 28 de junio 2015

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Quiero que sientan todo lo que sea posible sentir en tres dimensiones. Estos mensajes especiales, en estos días de taller, son diferentes. Hablo para los buscadores, para quienes se quedan y hacen las preguntas que ustedes hacen. Miren a su alrededor y verán todas las distintas edades. El proceso de despertar no es para jóvenes, no es para mayores; es para los humanos. Y está sucediendo.

Si pudiera llevarlos en un viaje para mostrarles quiénes fueron, lo haría, pero muchos de ustedes empiezan a descubrirlo. Es un viaje expansivo cuando verdaderamente, realmente, entienden lo que ha sucedido y quiénes son.

lunes, julio 13, 2015

Jennifer Hoffman - Cómo Ser Ego-ista sin ser Egoísta - 5 de Julio 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

En mi niñez le oía decir mucho a mi madre “No seas egoísta”. Como la hija mayor en la familia, siempre tenía que compartirlo todo con hermanos y primos. Y cuando no quería compartir me llamaban “egoísta”. Así que aprendí que si quería enfocarme en mí misma estaba siendo egoísta y eso era algo malo. Pero si no aprendemos a ser ego-istas, lo que significa apropiarnos de nuestro propio poder y ser/estar en nuestra propia energía, entonces nunca desarrollaremos un basamento sólido de auto identidad, auto control y auto percepción. Las cosas han cambiado, es tiempo de ser egoísta y hacernos más egoístas realmente nos hace más poderosos, plenos y totales. No es interesante que podemos realmente tomar fotos de nosotros mismos en un tiempo en el cual preocuparnos de nuestras necesidades y ser egoístas es necesario en esta parte de nuestro viaje de experiencia.

Jennifer Hoffman - Free Will and Energetic Consent - July 13, 2015

Our free will allows us to choose any path we wish for our life and we do that every day, with every thought, word, and action, whether we realize it or not. Contained within our free will choices are decisions about the frequency, vibration, and type of energy we will allow in and into our lives and on the earth. And there are two distinct paths for how we allow energy to flow into and out of our lives — we can either adjust ourselves to the energy around us or set strong boundaries and stay in the frequencies we choose for ourselves. A more appropriate term for free will is ‘energetic consent’ because it is a process of allowing energy flows according to where we focus our intention and attention, and by allowing these energies to flow, which we do by not choosing another level of energy, we agree to its presence.  That’s why understanding our energetic consent is critical now, since with each thought and choice, we are creating an exponential energetic impact for ourselves and for everyone and everything around us.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - Thoughts from your Hostess of Light July 2015 - Jul 13, 2015

The energy of July has us all pulled apart like a southern pork sandwich/ displaced and shredded. Emotions run high as families gather and all the old dialogue emerges long enough to push buttons for another 3 months. We hold within us slice of the ‘DNA PI’ that gets served up especially on holidays. Parts of ourselves we stuff in a closet until we are forced to being them out. Parts of ourselves we do not seem to have a lot of control over and we react basically like Pavlov’s dogs, ‘one ringy dingy’ and we are off on an emotional tangent.

Archangel Metatron - The 2015 Bio-Crystalline Shift

Brenda Hoffman - New You and Your Personal Experience Lab - July 13, 2015

cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Dear Ones,
Perhaps you recently surprised yourself with your thoughts or actions – knowing without completely understanding how you know something. Or were surprised with the new gentleness or loving kindness of others. All part of new you and New Earth. More new pieces will become part of you the next few days.
You already know your unexplained time gaps are indicators you are exploring other frequencies or dimensions. Now you will likely start experiencing sparks of light, time travel and/or crunches of sound or colors. All former 3D indicators that something was amiss with your brain or other parts of your physical being.

Suzanne Lie - 4D Mental Plane Mystery School--Arcturians and Galactic Family - 7-13-15

The 4D Mental Plane Mystery School

Part 5

The Arcturians and Your Galactic Family

When it is the NOW to continue your journey into the next fourth dimensional Mystery School, you gather all that you have learned and remembered so far and tuck it into your High Heart.

Within your High Heart, which is between your Heart Chakra and your Throat Chakra, all the information that you have gathered on your fourth dimensional journey so far will blend with the Wisdom, Power and Love of your Three Fold Flame.

Benjamín Fulford - 13-07-2015. La guerra cibernética a gran escala entra en erupción como consecuencia del impago griego. El Pentágono la toma con la mafia jázara.

Fuente y comentarios en inglés. http://benjaminfulford.net/2015/07/13/full-scale-cyber-war-erupts-in-wake-of-greek-default-pentagon-takes-on-khazarian-mafia/
El impago griego ha provocado una gran guerra cibernética y de información que se desencadenó en todo el mundo la semana pasada. La guerra ha involucrado a bancos, empresas de defensa, las principales bolsas de valores, empresas de telecomunicaciones y más. Por ejemplo, el ciberataque del 8 de julio que cerró la Bolsa de Nueva York, el Wall Street Journal, United Airlines y varias empresas de telefonía móvil fue una represalia por un ataque estadounidense a la Bolsa de Valores de Shanghai, según fuentes chinas y del Pentágono. “Esto fue sólo un ensayo”, dijeron las fuentes del Pentágono.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Lovingness, kindness and gentleness give human Beings a new countenance and give the earth a new face. 

If you wish to see your exaltedness, so look where you have 
not looked so far. If you wish to uplift into the Light, then pay your whole attention toward the Light in you, and toward the 
still existing blockages, which deprive you of your own beauty.


Beloved Siblings from the Realms of Light!

The gentle release of deeply rooted blockages is the appropriate work of each human child in this time. The Light works and the violet ray of transformation, which I direct to your being, are able to bring to you clarity, self-trust and wisdom.
When I ascended into the Light thousands of years ago, I saw 
the remaining mankind standing at the abyss and their hopeful prayer for Light and joy, for a life in peace, reached me.

domingo, julio 12, 2015

KRYON - The Sedona Masters Channelling Summit 2015 - Total Group, June 7, 2015

Karen Downing - Ascension Chakras – New and Old - Jul 14, 2015

Some of these chakras are just emerging on the Earth plane, but have been chakra points in the spiritual body all along. It is only now that we have raised the vibration of the planet and ourselves to a place where these new chakras can emerge in our physical world. We are now going to see in the coming years that we start to move from one chakra system to another.
This chakra upgrade is being rolled out in 3 stages: Forerunners, Second Wave Awakeners and Humanity in Entirety. For new and emerging chakras, information on timelines will be given for all 3 groups. These three groups are classified by the timeframe at which one’s spiritual awakening process began. Forerunners are those who began their awakening process prior to 2012. Second Wave Awakeners started their journey between 2012-2016. The last group is designated for everyone else.  As each group reaches a new milestone, it makes it easier for the next group to anchor in the new energy. No matter what wave someone is in, the events will be experienced in the same order. Some steps can take place simultaneously. The steps with an asterisk, are what different individuals are currently experiencing. Forerunners will be near the end of the asterisks, Second wave will be somewhere in the middle, and everyone else will be near the top of the asterisks.

When the Atlantis survivors wake up, part 1 - History, science or fiction

KRYON Totowa "Workshop Channeling" 2015-06-28 // Lee Carroll

John Van Auken : The Atlantis Crystals & Human Shift

Activating the Prana Tube ~ becoming a Frequency Keeper

sábado, julio 11, 2015

Ann Albers - Allow Love - July 11, 2015

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Life can be so much easier than you have been taught! Love wants to pour into your life. Can you get out of its way? Can you release your mind's grip on the problems and challenges so as to create room for the solutions? Can you focus on the beauty you'd like to see in the future, and even better, the beauty around you right now?
We know you all have challenging circumstances in your life. We know you are all amazing creators and you didn't necessarily create these challenges because you wanted difficulty, but rather because you forgot to love yourselves somewhere along the way. So how do you create change right in this instant?

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Los Filtros Humanos - Totowa, Nueva Jersey - 27 de junio 2015


Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Hay mucho para decir, que no puedo decir. La razón de no poder decirlo es que no existen palabras. No hay palabras que expresen adecuadamente lo que sentimos por ustedes. Hemos hablado a un grupo tras otro, como el grupo de ustedes, con respecto a cosas que son importantes para nosotros y para ustedes; la fusión entre nosotros, la forma en que sentimos con respecto a ustedes, las felicitaciones que tenemos para ustedes.

Barbara Marciniak. - Who Can You Trust?

Crop Circles 2015 - Winterbourne Stoke Down, nr Stonehenge, Wiltshire - UK - 10th july 2015 - UFO

Jim Self - Webinar - Why Don't I Get What I Want? - Part One

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Master Saint Germain: Clarity - July 11, 2015

I AM welcoming you all today and my blessings to all of you beautiful Master Beings. I come here once more to speak to you through the heart of unification as this binds us all, being sparks of the One. What I wish to speak about with you all is the meaning of clarity and the need for clarity. As I was speaking to this beloved earlier today, clarity has become an intrinsic need or part of your lives. For who does not seek for clarity, isn't it so?

You have made this to be for real in your lives and thus created it so. Clarity can only exist and be if there is a recognition and acknowledgment of confusion and being blinded, for it is the opposite of its polarity experience. It is therefore not necessarily so that you need to experience both as a separate thing, rather bring those polarities together and experience them as one. That is the all knowing and seeing things as they truly are without having the complexity of needing to seek what you think is lost.

viernes, julio 10, 2015

Matt Kahn - Soul Contracts, Twin Flames & Soul Mates Redefined- Matt Kahn

Valerie Donner - A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council - July 10, 2015

Greetings, I am Mira.

I am pleased to speak with you today.

We have been very busy monitoring the affairs of the planet and space. There’s too much that I cannot reveal because it would be unsafe and unwise. I will tell you that we continue to need the assistance of the ground crew. We need your constant vigilance and awareness. We need you to continue to play it straight and keep your vibrations rising.

Soon new revelations will be coming forth. Profound intervention from all parties involved with the well-being of the earth is converging into their direct roles and action. This is a time of expansion of our duties. We are going to become what you call more hands on.

Irma Kaye Sawyer - El Clima Cósmico – Pronóstico del Verano del 2015 - 1 de Julio 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Hola amigos. Hoy es 1ro de julio, ¡guao! Que año tan poderoso e interesante ha sido este hasta ahora, muy acorde con la vibración del Año Universal ‘8’ y un buen momento para hacer un chequeo a mitad de año. He estado encontrado una resistencia real para continuar trabajando a un cierto ritmo. Este es el momento del año (en Norteamérica) para la playa, los amigos y el detener un poco el paso. Me reía cuando recordaba que Celestina (el ángel de sanación) dijo que el 2015 es el año en el que manifestaríamos un tiempo de vacaciones muy necesitado. Estoy feliz de compartir que estaré haciendo eso el próximo fin de semana y celebrando el 80 Aniversario del Dalai Lama con él en el Sur de California. Para muchos de nosotros, ha sido una cosa tras otra desde comienzos del año y el paso ha sido agotador. Espero que ustedes puedan encontrar su propio tiempo para descansar y reiniciar si sienten la necesidad.

Frank Stranges ★ Stranger at the Pentagon Venusian Valiant Thor ♦ Alien Encounters Documentary

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Introducción al Taller Sobre Los Filtros Humanos -Totowa, Nueva Jersey, 27 de junio 2015

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Tal vez no hayan sentido esto antes, queridos, tal vez sea su primera vez. El cerebro está dilucidándolo. Es algo que discutiremos luego. ¿Qué está haciendo ahora el cerebro? La voz es la misma, el humano es el mismo, se sienta en la silla y se supone que todo cambia. Aún oyes el lenguaje, ¿verdad? Todo es lo mismo, ¿por qué? ¿Deberías creer que es diferente?

SaLuSa 10 July 2015

Matters continue to ferment and chaos exists in many countries, as the old ways are proving to no longer cater for your needs. The problem has grown so big that it requires massive changes to put your civilisation on to a new track that will take you into the New Age. The changes are now under way and are irreversible as the new must replace the old to take you out of a system that no longer covers your needs. It is a disturbing process for many who have little or no understanding of what is taking place, yet as the answers are seen to come with a new approach to your needs, people will rise up to the occasion. As always we will direct those who have a major role to play in bringing the changes about. They cannot be achieved without a measure of hardship, but we will ensure that it is kept to a minimum. Keep holding a positive outlook as the plan for your future has been well established. You will be more than pleased at the outcome.

Brenda Hoffman - ¿Quién Quieres Ser? - 6 de Julio 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo



Durante eones ustedes se crearon a sí mismos para ajustarse a su mundo 3D. Ahora comienzan a crear una nueva auto imagen con nuevas capacidades. Esto parece alentador – algo con lo que habían soñado. Recrearse a sí mismos en cualquier forma que eligiesen dentro del mismo ser físico terrestre.

Crear un nuevo ustedes va mucho más allá de eliminar temores y enojo. Se trata de crear un nuevo ser con casi la misma libertad de los cuentos de hadas con respecto a las amorosas hadas madrinas.

jueves, julio 09, 2015

Kara Schallock - Freedom & Choice - July 9, 2015

We all are on our own Ascension Path uniquely created for and by us, based on where we are consciousness-wise. This reminds me of a Facebook post I saw where someone claimed that there were so many realities on Facebook that it confused her. I realized that this person was not checking into her own guidance, but rather seeking information from outside sources. Actually she is right in seeing so many different realities, because we truly are operating from our own consciousness. It reminded me that we are all in whatever phase we are in to evolve.  While some are experiencing a whole new life, others are still releasing, while others are still choosing. Ascension is always chosen by Soul first and depending on whether a person is Soul-guided or ego-driven will indicate where they are. For sure, many do not want to see their comfy lives change. even if “comfy” also includes pain and drama. What I share today is a generalized view of where we are potentially. It is your choice to see if this fits for you, if this is a gentle push or if it just doesn’t resonate at all.

Celia Fenn - Dando a Luz el Alma de la Nueva Tierra: Cambios y Nuevos Comienzos en Julio del 2015 - Julio 6, 2015


Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Amada Familia de Luz, julio promete ser un mes pleno de cambios, transiciones y nuevos comienzos. Ustedes sentirán estos cambios y transiciones en lo profundo de su ser, pero también verán muchos cambios en los niveles externos o sociales. El Alma de la Nueva Tierra está naciendo a la manifestación en el Planeta con la asistencia de los niños Cristal Diamante, y así está naciendo una nueva sociedad y una nueva forma de ser que complementará el profundo deseo de ustedes de vivir en un nivel superior de consciencia y de ser.

miércoles, julio 08, 2015

Crop Circles 2015 - Landau, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany - 15th june 2015 - UFO 2015 Deutschland

Lauren C. Gorgo - LA CARTA DE AMOR - 3 de Julio


Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

¡Saludos y Feliz Día de la Independencia a todos mis compatriotas!(Oh, ¡y un Feliz Día de Canadá para todos mis amigos canadienses!

Como nací un 4 de Julio siempre he tenido gran afinidad con la libertad, pero este año estamos llevando la libertad a un nivel totalmente nuevo.

Después de muchas semanas/meses/años de una masiva alquimia interior finalmente avanzamos hacia un período activo de cambio real de vida. El solsticio reciente completó un ciclo de crecimiento importante, una iniciación de orden superior y ahora….pisando los talones a una poderosa luna llena que sirvió para finalizar algunos detalles esenciales…tendremos abundancia de energías benevolentes que nos apoyarán a medida que emergemos de nuestros capullos, desplegamos nuestras almas y volamos hacia una fase totalmente nueva de evolución personal y planetaria.

Fran Zepeda - Message and Meditation from Mary Magdalene: Jewels of Your Awakening - July 7, 2015

images6U1GTFVC.gemsReceived July 4, 2015
Mary Magdalene:
Hello dear ones. Awakening to the vast beauty within and all your exquisite gifts is but a step away. As you spread your wings of Love and become Divine Love Incarnate, this is a catalyst for deep awakenings. Beyond the fears and limitations that you are illuminating and clearing, opens a beautiful vista, a beautiful expansiveness, a deep well of beauty within you.
It is there that you find your True Divine Self. It is there that you may dwell, it is there that you inhabit. It is there that you will find all you have been waiting for, looking for.
Dear ones, now is the time for a deeper awakening of the beauty of your Divine Self. It is there within you, within your Heart.

Suzanne Lie - Entering the 4D Emotional Plane Mystery School - July 8, 2015

                                                 The 4D Emotional Plane Mystery School
The Arcturians
Now that you have completed your journey through the Lower Astral Plane Mystery School, you continue your journey by entering the Emotional Sub-plane along your journey through the fourth dimension.

As you make your journey, be sure that you leave “bread crumbs” so that you can easily recognize the pathway that you have created. This fourth dimensional pathway will expand into a road, then into a highway, then into a freeway as you repeat this passage again and again.

Kryon "Empowerment" Mini Channelling, Laguna Hills, California, Sunday - July 5 2015

Kryon "Awakenings" Mini Channelling, Laguna Hills, California Saturday, - July 4 2015

Kryon Mid Year 2015 Report - Laguna Hills, California, Saturday - July 4 2015

Kryon Empowerment - Laguna Hills, California, Sunday - July 5 2015

Benjamin Fulford - July 6, 2015: Top secret negotiations continue as Greek “No” vote pressures Western oligarchy to surrender

The Greek default and subsequent Greek “No” vote to payments of further blood money to bankers, has put a sense of urgency to ongoing negotiations for a new financial system, according to Western and Asian sources. At the same time, the Khazarian mob is resorting to increasingly futile threats and manufactured terror incidents in an attempt to stave off its inevitable ouster from control of banking.

The fact that 61% of Greek citizens voted to refuse to pay for banker’s reckless mistakes indicates a majority of the people at the street level in that country now recognize the criminal nature of the Western banking system. The fact is the Greek people now know they are not legally responsible for debts incurred by Mafiosi banker gamblers and will therefore not pay. This has set in motion the first domino that will lead inexorably to the bankruptcy of the Khazarian banking system and their criminal subsidiary known as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION. A Greek default, as mentioned previously, is just the first domino that will be followed by Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, France, Germany and then the United States.

martes, julio 07, 2015

Sheldan Nidle's Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - July 7, 2015

Be aware of your abilities and seize this power to express your love for Gaia and for all of humanity. This great reservoir of Love and forgiveness can literally move mountains!

from Planetary Activation Organization

Ummac Dan ~ GF Symbol for Sirian Star Nation

6 Lamat, 6 Kumku, 11 Ik

Selamat Jarin! Your world continues to move forward with the manifesting of the new financial system. This system is to reduce or eliminate the stealing that was common under the old system. In addition, several adjustments are to be made that make money laundering practically impossible. Transparency in all kinds of transactions is to be the rule of the day. In the coming weeks we expect a great number of deliveries to occur. Thus, the time for you to receive your blessings is fast approaching. This grand transfer of wealth is to lead quickly to the downfall of the cabal and its many hidden associates. Thus, new governance under the aegis of NESARA is not very far off. These facts allow us to know that our period of announcements is swiftly approaching. This means as well that your needed lessons by the Ascended Masters are looming. Many of you have patiently waited for the time, which is now upon you. Others have occasionally succumbed to the rigors of this prolonged wait. In any case, remain positive and be joyous for what is happening around you. The time is approaching to at last let go and begin your many projects to aid humanity!