jueves, julio 16, 2015

Selacia - Fire Up Your Sacred Voice - July 16, 2015

Your inner fire is key to how you express your sacred voice in the world. Right now in these intense moments is a perfect time to energize your inner fire and balance it – helping you to express your unique voice and life mission. In this article I give the background of what this means on a practical and spiritual level.
About Your Voice
What is this voice? It is your active expression of soul in human form. It is the way you as a being materialize spirit here on Earth.

Examples: thoughts spoken out loud or written, music or other creative arts, and “voting” about what is important to you by how you spend your time and money.
Your voice is one of your treasures, in the package of gifts you received at birth. This gift must be used to have an impact. It can help you be a force of good in this world. It can help you accelerate your own enlightenment, too.
Current Energies and Emotions
Sometimes there can be challenges to fully express your voice and be all that you are meant to be. It’s not easy to be living now in a world being turned upside down and remade. Your passion to go to the next level on your path could be met with resistance, a brick wall, or surprises triggering frustration.
The current planetary energies are stirring a plethora of emotions and desires to break free from limitations. Everyone is feeling this on some level, even if they are unconscious to the feeling. The current emotional roller coaster can destabilize your fire energy and bring very old buried emotions to the surface.
When this happens, don’t judge it. Instead, look at it directly and welcome the old stuff coming up for you to heal and move beyond. The emotions you feel are not fatal. Move through them consciously to avoid acting on them with later regrets.
Emotions have a direct connection to your fire and ability to create what you want. When they are intelligently managed, they add positive qualities of passion and enthusiasm to your activities. Emotions poorly managed can be a toxic force in your creative process.
Divine at Core Level
At your core, you are divine. On this level, your fire is that sacred spark within that helps you positively engage with the world to make a difference. Your inner fire represents a living energy that is divine. It is the part of you that is timeless, creates fearlessly, and can transform out of old thinking and limiting life stories.
When you balance your fire, it’s easier to be in your heart. That’s the place you need to be to create abundance and success on all levels.
Your Active Love Presence
Connecting with your sacred fire indeed will help catalyze your active love presence in the world. It is this fire, when put into motion in your life, that helps you be the shining light you are meant to be – and to create miracles!
As your fire is balanced, the love that you are at your core can manifest more fully in everything that you do. Your loving presence can change a current challenge you may be having. It could also create a mega shift in your life circumstances.
Trust that Anything is Possible
Trust that anything is possible, including a grand finale clearing of an issue you have struggled with your whole life. Know that spirit is always right by your side.
Copyright 2014 by Selacia - author of Earth’s Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this copyright line and the full article text.