jueves, julio 30, 2015
Patricia Liles - Full Moon Update 7-31-15
Dear Friends,
The second full moon of the month is Friday July 31 at 4:42 AM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).
Celebrate something new and do something awesome!
It is always easy to dwell on the difficulty, the intensity, what is not working, the frustration, the confusion, the impatience of not quite getting that which you can sense just beyond your reach. This is a time when things are still not yet clear, can be somewhat confusing, and when it is helpful to keep a “don’t know mind” and to continue to push forward into unknown territory with trust and humor.
This full moon is eccentric enough that it will support whatever stretch outside the box you are willing to go for. Set some lofty intentions for bigger dreams and honor this new territory with doing something you have never done before. Laugh, dance, sing and be grateful for your life!
Written by Patricia Liles. Contact her at PATLILES@aol.com
Aquarius Full Moon
Sun in Leo 8º ~ Moon in Aquarius 8º
Friday, July 31, 4:42 AM Mountain Time
(July 31, 10:42 AM Greenwich Mean Time)
Welcome Radiant Leo! Welcome element of Fire! Leo rules the heart, our Coeur-age, the dynamic expression of our essence to be shared and appreciated by others. Leo gets its radiance from its ruler, the Sun that sits at the center stage of our solar system, and like the Sun, Leo gives its gifts of light, warmth and energy magnanimously. Leo’s fire element is not mental, physical or emotional; rather fire is inspirational, masculine, enthusiastic, dynamic, generous. Leo calls your individuality to the forefront; the great I AM. There is only one powerful king, Sun, Self. Does Leo bring an element of dictatorial stubbornness to his clan? Heck ya, a fixed, power sign, Leo’s method is to consolidate power and also to share it generously and honorably aligned with heart.
At the same time, Aquarius is Leo’s balancing force ~ where the individual gives way to the collective, the local to the global, the risk taker to the rebel. At Aquarius Full Moon, our genius, inventive, humanitarian self steps forward. Aquarius is such an unusual, eccentric, intuitive force influenced by its ruling planet, Uranus.
Uranus was the planet discovered about the time of the French and American revolutions (think rebellion, social justice). It upset the traditional structure of the solar system by adding a side-spinning planet that lay beyond Saturn. Functioning ancient astrological systems to this day do not utilize or consider the “modern” planets that orbit beyond Saturn (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto). As the fixed, power air sign, Aquarius/Uranus brings a relationship to all mental (air) functions that are beyond the norm – innovation, unconventional approaches, an instantaneous clarity about how things coalesce and function, brilliant crystalline intelligence from the distant stars.
Aquarius/Uranus is related to the myth of Prometheus who in social rebellion brought the gift of ‘fire’, ‘the spark of enlightenment’, from the gods to serve humanity and paid a dear price for his largesse. His punishment by Zeus – to be chained to a rock and have his liver pecked out every day to be regenerated at night. From this fate comes Aquarius’ relationship to isolation, loneliness and mental detachment from emotions, ‘the outsider’ represented by ‘the exiled one’ as well as ‘the humanitarian’. Despite a rocky start, Aquarius Full Moon connects us to a deep desire for friendship, an objective assessment of our authentic selves, a standard of equality at all levels, great insight and future-minded decision making ability. Aquarius is the ‘progressive one’ shattering old structures, shaking your tree to aid you in evolving and moving forward, making conceptual leaps through science, technology or the quantum fields.
We’re preparing this month for the solar and lunar eclipse pair in September:
September 13 partial solar eclipse in Virgo 20º
September 29 total lunar eclipse in Aries 4º
Preparation means experiencing two planetary retrogrades in this past week and Saturn going direct on August 1. When planets ‘station’ (stop)and change direction, their energies greatly intensify. Venus having just entered Virgo on Monday, July 18 began almost immediately retrograding on July 25, and she again reentered Leo on July 29th until October 8 unable to resist an extended time in this regal sign of Leo. Venus retrograde until September 6 allows us to go within and deeply consider all those Venus ruled areas of our lives ~ our financial affairs (money and resources), what we value and want to focus our time and money and love on, our relationships and how they are reflecting the balance of who we are at this time, and also how are we bringing beauty and pleasure into our lives for renewal. Lovely Venus/Aphrodite will again conjunct bold, expansive Jupiter in Leo on August 4 with Mercury nearby. For the second time in a month, we are beckoned by these two diamonds in the sky to open our hearts and invite in the truth that love is all there is. This is a powerful antidote to the chaos that other influences are bringing to bear.
Uranus turned retrograde last Sunday until December 25. You are offered a window to look inside at what needs a big change up, what we can loosen our tight grip on to invite in the new. If you don’t assess and invite in change, Uranus is known for sending a shock wave through your life aimed at stagnant energy.
Saturn, on the other hand, is heading outward having been in inner mode since March. Here is where your focus, discipline and stamina will serve you with dividends. Get a project going. Strengthen your boundaries, limit distractions, dial in where you want to end up.
Jupiter changes sign for the next year on August 11 entering earthy, practical Virgo. Now the areas of health, work, service will be enhanced with Jupiter’s growth-inducing presence for one year. Our abilities to analyze, refine, integrate will get a boost and help with our Saturn building projects. What we are choosing to create now begins to function holistically under Virgo’s gifts – more than the sum of its parts. Jupiter in Virgo will help bring the grandiose ideas of Leo into a down to earth physical form.
Aquarius Full Moon energy is collective energy. What do you want your contribution to be to the whole? Where we focus our intentions is where we will see growth. Sure, there is incredible and daunting resistance to change. Aquarius reminds us change and evolution is valuable and inevitable.
08/14 Leo New Moon 21º 8:54 AM Mountain Time
08/23 Sun enters Virgo 4:37 AM Mountain Time
08/29 Pisces Full Moon 6º 12:36 PM Mountain Time
Written by Patricia Liles. Contact her at PATLILES@aol.com
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Ángeles de Crystal

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