Our recent tumultuous energies are signaling the need to find more grounding and expand the view of what it means to be alive now. These are not ordinary times, and to move through them with skill, a stronger inner connection is needed.
I invite you to consider, as you strengthen your inner compass, a much wider view of your reality.
You are human, moving through what sometimes seems an ordinary life. In the grander more complete view, however, you indeed are cosmic! You have a cosmic heritage that took root long before your human lifetimes.
A Powerful Agent of Change
Our current energies in fact are catalyzing people to ask deeper questions about many things. For example, you may feel inescapably drawn to be a powerful agent of change on Earth – a divine changemaker.
When you learn about the fragile state of our oceans or observe senseless violence, indeed your heart may feel these things deeply. You care. You are embracing the idea that you and our planet are divine and part of something much greater.
On some level, you simply know that you are an eternal being, having experienced life in many places and dimensions across the cosmos.
A Cosmic Being
Whatever your views are on this now, I invite you to open your mind to the possibility of yourself as a cosmic being. I invite you to consider that there is more to your story than you now understand.
This larger picture won’t be found in your human genealogy records – it goes way beyond that. It is just one example of what you can discover about reality – and your place in it – through a process of ongoing spiritual transformation. As part of that process, you can discover more about your true heritage, better understanding why you are drawn to certain people who perhaps share some of your cosmic heritage.
Many times you may feel as though your life is accidental, happening randomly for no reason. That’s normal, for it’s our human conditioning to dismiss connections and happenstance when they don’t immediately make sense. We have been conditioned to want quick answers, quick results.
A Quantum Life Experience
When we realize that we are here on purpose and it’s up to us to create in a purposeful way, everything changes. We ask different questions. We get different answers. Our life canvas is experienced as the quantum creation it truly is – and we find meaning that helps us to let go of the small stuff that won’t matter 300 years from now.
Copyright 2014 by Selacia - author of Earth’s Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this copyright line and the full article text.