The Gabriel Message card for this week:
Walk in beauty, live in Trust and know the benevolent Love of God guides your way.
Having just returned from my birthday journey to Martha's Vineyard, this message holds a special place in my heart. Trusting that I would benefit from 3 weeks away from my office was the first necessity.
Allowing myself to consciously know that the benevolent love of God was guiding me to make my 70th birthday something that would be memorable and extremely special was the second.
Because Mt. Shasta is as remote as Martha's Vineyard, it takes a great deal of time and effort, as well as money, to get to both places. It was so daunting at times, I nearly backed out more than once. To convince myself, I made the intention that I was going to have so much fun and joy that it would make the whole trip worth whatever went into it. I also asked for Peace within my heart and Love as my experience. I can happily say that this birthday journey more than exceeded my intentions.
One of my best friends for nearly 40 years lives on the island and invited me to stay with her. Being on Martha's Vineyard was definitely a walk in Beauty. Care has been taken to keep the island from being over-developed, so there is beautiful open space, forests and beaches. Having grown up in San Diego and spending a large portion of my life in Hawaii, I have a special appreciation for this level of conservation because as beautiful as they are, California and Hawaii have not been protected in this special way.

While I was there, I awakened every day with a symphony of bird songs. Swimming in the delicious waters of the unfamiliar Atlantic, where I could let myself be held in the arms of the ocean Mother became a special gift for me. My friend said she wanted to remind me of my Cancerian water-baby connections, so she took me to beautiful beaches on the ocean, bays, lakes and ponds every day. It did not take me long to relax and remember how nourishing it is to swim in beautiful waters.
It has been a long time since I have given myself a prolonged period of healthy unscheduled time. Within days my mind became quiet, my heart settled into peacefulness and I allowed myself to be nurtured by Beauty and Love. I ate delicious food outside in the warm balmy evenings. I laughed more than I have in years. I felt immersed in gratitude for my beautiful friends and for giving myself such a precious gift to begin a new decade in the physical body.
I was so immersed in just Being, when I was asked But what did you DO on your vacation? I did not have the answer they were expecting. While I was on the island of Martha's Vineyard, it felt as though I was simply being led from one beautiful place to another. I went to my friend Kanta's great yoga classes. I drank in the Beauty of the wild sea coast, open spaces filled with wildlife and tree-lined ponds. I allowed the pure water to refresh and restore me, and my inner being was nourished by Love and Friendship. I recognize that the deep Peace that blossomed in my heart while on the island is only my true divine Nature being allowed to thrive and be present in my life.
It is still with me, this deep presence of nourishing Love, Peace and Beauty. The gift of unscheduled time is something I will give to myself again and again, even for shorter periods. I am thoroughly convinced now that we each need to set aside precious time for deep immersion into the depths and restorative power of Nature. In those quiet moments of Trust, we truly do walk in Beauty as we honor and receive the gifts of the precious world in which we live.
As I drove back to Mt. Shasta, I was struck by the fact that in 12 hours I was experiencing very different, equally dramatic ecosystems: humid salt-sea island air, high desert, and finally my beloved alpine terrain.

I was called to the mountain early my first morning back. As I walked along the trail basking in the very different kind of Beauty of this sacred place, I came upon two women stopped with their arms raised. I realized they were waiting for the sun to rise over the mountain, so I also stopped there with them.
As the sun rose, I allowed myself to bask in Golden Light. I could feel this warm light flowing through the core of my being and descending through my body deeply into this land. I allowed myself to anchor Well-being into the base of my spine and breathed this Golden Light essence into every cell of my being. It felt as though the sacred mountain was helping me to ground the nourishing substance of Peace from the birthday gift that I gave myself.
I feel deeply that when we allow ourselves to be loved and nourished, the extraordinary presence of Well-being thrives within us. And we can truly know that the Benevolent Love of God guides our way at all times.
Divine Presence,
Thank you for the gifts you offer us in the Beauty of Nature, the love of our friends and the Peace that is growing in our hearts. May each of us receive these gifts ever more deeply, nourish ourselves, and radiate back to the world the pure Well-being that is the blessing from the Divine Source of All That Is. May all beings live in Harmony, Peace and Well Being on every plane of existence. And so it is.
The Gabriel Messages #46
Walk in Beauty, live in Trust, and know the benevolent Love of God guides your way.
Dear One,
These words clarify the way to a carefree, joy-filled and peaceful life. Walking in Beauty means to look at all you see with your heart and mind. This might mean to see beyond the surface appearance of disharmony and know there is perfection and beauty within a situation. There is beauty all around you and sometimes it takes a prayer such as “let me see the beauty here, Angels,” to make this apparent.
Walking in Beauty also means to allow the awareness that there is beauty in this world to bubble to the surface, so you can be conscious of the great beauty of God’s creation. One flower holds as much of the key to universal knowledge as does a whole field of flowers.
Do all you can to be aware of the beauty around you and to bring more beauty into your world. Bringing that one flower into your home can brighten the day, as the spiritual essence in that flower permeates your world. Look for beauty every day and be grateful for all that you find.
Living in Trust means that deep within there is an inner knowing that you are never alone, and that the Angels are working for you in your life. As you give your life to God and pray that Divine will be done, you can trust in the appropriate outworking in every situation for the highest good of all concerned. Living in Trust means accepting what is apparent in your life, and making a claim for the Divine Order inherent in every situation. Living in Trust allows the Angels to comfort and inspire you so you can receive support in every area of your life.
When you know the benevolent love of God guides your way, there is a beacon of light to follow. This love is the most powerful force for good in the universe. This love creates Peace and Harmony in the heart and soul of each person who remembers. Allow Faith in this statement to permeate every cell of your being. You are always guided by God’s love and you are never alone. You can call on this love at any time and know truly it is there for you.
So allow this message from Archangel Gabriel to become your way of life. Belief will create more Love, Joy and Peace for you in every way.
Again dear one we say to you:
Walk in Beauty, live in Trust and know the benevolent Love of God guides your way.
Copyright © Shanta Gabriel. These messages can be shared as long as they are used in their entirety and proper credit is given for the work. I love people to be able to share the work with others. www.thegabrielmessages.com.