If this gift is not nurtured, treasured, and truly honored from deep within, it will dissipitate and ultimately cause more woundedness.
It is the sublime gift of the first coming together in love, harmony and union of the Divine Masculine in total balance and bliss with the Divine Feminine – those moments of Creative Oneness which spans the whole cosmos and brings wonder and awe.
As the male found awe and wonder in the first union with the female, she felt the awe, wonder and bliss of being filled with his male-ness, and being brought into a greater expansion of awareness WITHIN, as she in turn gave back to him, the expansiveness she had just experienced, which he, in his maleness could not experience as that expansive force.
There is a hidden Mystery here, that was taught in the Ancient Mystery School, and which added to the Christed consciousness and awareness, if such a union was within done with in purity, and with the purity of Love rising into a new dimensional expansion and therefore into the Higher States of God Awareness for BOTH partners.
Therefore they had to be in total balance and harmony.
One perfect whole, meeting another perfect whole, and therefore the awe-inspiring expansive gift, of conscious awareness expanded within and without.
Such was the gift of those who trained in the profound Mysteries, that they knew, that unless the INNER man, the INNER woman, was in harmony and balance WITHIN, then they could manifest this WITHOUT with their Divine Union.
In fact, one was taught that to attain the ultimate of En-Light-en-ment one had to fist understand of the depth of what it means to be a man within and without, and what it means to be a woman within and without, and then, only then, such union was possible. Without doing the INNER work, the outer could not manifest into form.
In the Garden of Eden, both male and female were in the state of Innocence. They knew this type of union as they knew the Ultimate bliss. However they appreciated it not.
The Fall from Grace, was in a higher sense the fall from INNOCENCE.
The Minute that man started to divorce the sexual energy from the very life force WITHIN and from the Loving state of highest SOUL consciousness within, they started to feel SEPARATE from each other, and therefore separate from God.
Since then mankind has sought WHOLENESS again, and most of all the male and female sought WHOLENESS in their loving relationships with each other.
But God/Goddess declared that that they will only be able to return to the Higher States of Innocence, when they used their WOUNDEDNESS in order to heal themselves, and when they healed themselves, they would be find the keys and codes back to wholeness within.
But the central key here is WHOLENESS and BALANCE WITHIN. Meaning, that unless one is willing to work on the INNER WOUNDEDNESS one would not be able to return to the INNER states of Bliss, and Innocence, and only when one attained this state, would one be able to bond again with the Divine Other, as he or she has worked through their own woundedness.
It is in our own WOUNDEDNESS, our ability to stand naked and stripped to the core of our heart, mind, soul and Being, that we can achieve the ultimate state of awareness and also the ultimate state of Bliss.
The truth is that unless one is willing to do the INNER work, the outer will not manifest into form.
In Ancient Mystery Schools one was taken through a whole series of INITIATIONS (meaning one had to do the INNER work to regain the state of Innocence) before one could experience ultimate union, in DIVINE PARTNERSHIP with the Divine Other.
It was a true and deep UNION, which was then of two souls, equally whole and balanced, and who had been taught the way back to experience wholeness through the coming together on ALL levels, MIND, BODY, SPIRIT AND SOUL.
Therefore the physical body became a TOOL in which one could experience the physical union, but SIMULTANEOUSLY amplified, with the union of mind, spirit and soul – thus the WHOLE man and WHOLE woman.
In such union then lies the ultimate EN-LIGHT-TEN-MENT, as then one could ignite the THIRD force, the God-Force, the Creative Force, that which brought the Christedness, the CENTRAL SUN CONSCIOUSNESS into the state of ILLUMINATION through union.
It was no accident that Jesus had Magdalene, Simon the Magus had Helena, the Pharaoh and her consort in the beginning were the highest initiates of the Mystery School and evenly matched, thus the Cobra as sign of the state of the ENLIGHTENMENT within, and the true use of the Creative Force. Shiva and Shakti, the list goes on and on.
It was union between a man and woman as in the Ultimate State and then the higher pathways of Loving Union would ignite the HIGHER SERVICE in BOTH partners and not just in one.
Here two people had a greater vision, and greater purpose to work towards.
They looked and worked outwards into the same direction, feeling the profound calling to highest service in tandem with each other.
True Love.
True Partnership.
Equal partners.
Walking hand-in-hand, working shoulder-to-shoulder and ever moving towards the greater Creation that they were creating together.
Thus one was not less than the other.
THEY ENHANCED EACH OTHER – thus bringing out the Higher Cosmic Consciousness within each other, and then AMPLIFYING this through merging of all their bodies into ONE single force.
Two mighty Rivers of Life flowing into ONE, but like a double helix strand, and then the THIRD, the GODFORCE as a LIGHTNING ROD upholding and IGNITING the two, as they all merged into ONE SINGLE ENERGY FORCE.
Jesus could not have done his work on earth without Mary Magdalene, for she was the force behind his force. Jesus and Mary Magdalene were in fact the characters created out of the TRUE GNOSIS, TRUE UNION, which had been known to mankind since the Garden of Eden, but only taught and understood by a very few, and most of those trained in the Ancient Mystery Schools of yore.
It is the highest path of purity, innocence and the ultimate path of En-light-en-ment.
It was something very much kept under wraps, secret, for most human beings work with the lower animal nature, and lower sexual energy force, and never attain the ultimate in union, because they refuse to do the inner work. Most are just ignorant and believe all that society has programmed them to believe.
Only the true seekers ever attained this, and then had the discipline and focus to do the work INNER work required.
Here lies an Ancient Hidden Knowledge and this awareness expands the more one understands the Mysteries within and is given them by truly SEEKING.
Let those who have inner eyes – see.
Let those who have inner ears – hear.
Let those who are ready to receive this message, receive.
I have spoken.
(Judith Kusel)