sábado, junio 27, 2015

Cumbre de Canalización de los Maestros Canalización Grupal - Sedona, Arizona - sábado 6 de junio de 2015

Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

entra Lee Carroll:

Me gustaría conservar la forma en que lo hicimos anoche, y repetir el orden esta noche. Así, voy a pedir en seguida a todos nuestros invitados que se sienten en el orden en que expusieron. Cada uno va a hacer una pequeña exposición representando a su entidad o diciendo lo que quieren decir, y antes de eso quiero decirles gracias a todos. Este ha sido otro gran día (aplausos, Lee se ríe) y tener aquí a mis amigos es para mí una emoción, y tener tantos en un mismo escenario con un mensaje similar es para mí muy importante. De modo que vamos adelante: le pido a mis invitados que por favor entren; Prageet, tú vas primero, aquí están ellos (aplausos).

Gracias, mis amorosos amigos, por todo lo que están haciendo por nuestro planeta, por estar aquí, por participar como lo hacen, para nosotros, uno con otro, para mí, y para ellos. Prageet...

Geoffrey Hoppe - Creando un Lugar Seguro - Artículo de la Revista Shaumbra Junio 2015

Traducción: Héctor Santos Ramallo

Comenzamos con una habitación vacía y la convertimos en un lugar seguro y sagrado, porque en esta sala ocurren profundos cambios de vida y transformaciones. Lo vemos suceder una y otra vez, año tras año, desde que comenzamos a ofrecer talleres y reuniones en el 2001.

Estoy escribiendo este artículo desde el hotel Borgo San Luigi en Monteriggioni, Italia, donde acabamos de terminar el segundo Retiro Anual de Ahmyo. Esto es lo que me inspiró a escribir sobre la creación de un espacio seguro, porque fui testigo de los grandes cambios de conciencia personal que tuvieron lugar estos últimos cuatro días en la Toscana.

Ann Albers - MESSAGE FROM THE ANGELS - June 27, 2015

 Streams of grace...

Choosing love aligns you with streams of grace.

Photo taken in Sedona, AZ

©Ann Albers, All Rights Reserved

Visit Ann's Photo Site for more


My dear friends, we love you so very much,

In every moment of your life you have a choice - to align with love or not. You can allow the rivers of grace flow through your heart and move with this energy, or you can try to control the flow, and therefore slow it down. In each moment you can allow God's grace to carry you towards a happier reality or you can try to control the outcomes of your lives. To trust "God" is to trust "Love" and Love wants to flow into every area of your life.

Suppose for example, you are not sure about how you are going to pay the bills. You can stress, worry, burn yourself out, or you can say, "OK God, what next? What now?" and then drop into your heart and do the thing you find in there right in this very instant. Suppose you feel, "Well I just want to take a nap, but I don't know how to pay my bills." Dear ones, take the nap. Trust that maybe while you are sleeping, God-given ideas will come. Maybe you will get the rest you need to work more. Maybe you will simply wake up with greater faith and in an energy where your angels can help you more easily.

Fritz Springmeier.- Los Linajes de los Illuminati (Completo en Español)


When they were created, the Divine wished to make in equal parts that essence of which all Creation exists of, and which itself existed of in two distinctive forms within the Greater Whole of the Godhood.

Therefore he created from the substance of energy of ONE single soul, two forms, a male and female form, so that they would enhance each other. Yet, at the same time each one would have a little of the other within their being, so that they could understand each other better and find a greater degree of equilibrium, when they truly became AS ONE agai

It was then that creation celebrated the conception and birth of the first twin flames, of the Central Fire of the Central Suns, and they were thus called Man and Woman, and they could only experience the total wholeness of their true soul, when they came together as ONE – thus manhood was created to fit perfectly into wom(b)anhood and in the process of union, they could create another being by becoming as one.

viernes, junio 26, 2015

Solara - Fragmento del Informe del Oleaje - Julio 2015


La Gran Convergencia del 30 de junio nos trajo un poderoso cambio colectivo, lo que para muchos de nosotros nos cambia totalmente la vida. Nos ha traído, no sólo un gran despertar de nuestra arraigada autocomplacencia en nuestras viejas formas de vivir, sino también una poderosa infusión de la Nueva Realidad.

Las energías de la Gran Convergencia se sentirán fuertemente hasta mediados de julio. Durante este tiempo, muchos de los alfileres que nos han mantenido sujetos en nuestras viejas vidas y anclados a la dualidad saltarán de su lugar, uno tras otro.

Toni Petrinovich - How Many Personalities Are You?

2015 Crop circles: Spain and Italy

Jennifer Hoffman - Aprendiendo a Amar la Percepción - 16 de Junio 2015

16 de Junio 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Si ustedes pueden darse palmaditas en la cabeza y frotarse el estómago a la vez, serán capaces de navegar la energía ahora con facilidad. Pero saben que para hacer eso, tienen que enfocarse cuidadosamente en lo que están haciendo. Al principio, una mano da palmadas y la otra frota pero si no prestan atención, pronto ambas manos están dando palmadas o frotando. Para separar los movimientos tienen que estar conscientes de lo que hacen, expandir su capacidad para realizar ambos movimientos de mano por separado, y enfocarse en el resultado en cada momento. La percepción es la capacidad para expandir nuestra visión más allá de lo que sabemos e incluir nuevos potenciales energéticos para avanzar desde la ilusión limitada hacia el potencial expandido y de posibilidades a realidades empoderadas y creativas.

SaLuSa - 26 June 2015

For those of you who keep up to date with the new messages, recent times have shown that there are many activities taking place. You will no doubt also be aware that the dark Ones are being closely monitored so as to ensure that they cannot continue with their plan for world rule. In fact their activities are being restricted in ways that will ensure that they can no longer disrupt the plan for your freedom. We can for our part confirm that the changes are speeding up and great advances are being made. There is no doubt that very soon you shall become aware of major events that are going to take you into the New Age by fulfilling some of the promises that have already been made.

Natalie Glasson - ARCHANGEL MICHAEL – Co-Create Your Personal Activations – June 26, 2015

There are numerous aspects of the Creator in all forms of reality, whichever reality you choose to
acknowledge and see upon the Earth as your own you can be sure that the Creator is present.

All aspects of the Creator hold and represent a unique essence of the Creator which can be accepted,
merged with and embodied.

You will know when acceptance, merging and embodiment is needed as you will experience a pull to certain aspects of the Creator, the pull will be like a desire or an interest inviting you to accept a new aspect of yourself.

When you merge with aspects of the Creator you are always accepting or remembering a new aspect of yourself as you are the origin, you are a manifestation and reflection of the Creator.

jueves, junio 25, 2015

Kara Schallock ~ In the Move - 25 June 2015.

We are in a place now in which we are moving rather quickly into a new space of being more New than old. more Soul-merged than ego-based. in Oneness more than dwelling in duality. On a personal note, since everything is a message, let me share with you just a few things that have occurred in the past 24 hours for me. A dead limb from my tree fell (yay!) and my bank destroyed my old bankcard because someone had purchased something I had not. This is a perfect example of an easy release of what no longer serves me (the dead tree branch) and a new level of Abundance (having to get a new bankcard). What is your life showing you?
This is not to say we’ve “arrived,” for there is still more to let go of, yet it is easier now than it has been. We are more focused on serving a purpose than merely living out our lives. Some have arrived, fully immersed in Soul, while others are still in the struggle. Some are straddling the old and New worlds. Wherever a person is is just where they are and there is no judgment in this. Clearly it is very easy to see where a person is in their consciousness through Intuition and the words they speak. I personally see this very clearly and honor each one for their chosen path and I also see where that path takes them and yet, it is not for me to correct or guide them, for that is insinuating my path onto theirs. Gone are the days of rescuing, healing and saving. These are ego-trips. to think we can save anyone is to say they can’t do it themselves.

Crop Circles 2015 - West Amesbury, nr Stonhenge, Wiltshire, UK - 24th june 2015 UFO UK


Barbara Marciniak - The Pleiadians 2015! Economic Collapse, Revolution and More!

Jahn J Kassl - THE LAST 20 MINUTES, PART II - SANANDA - June 25, 2015

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz

Report: With respect to the message “The last 20 Minutes, 
Part I”, a day later another dream was again given to me with 
another indication of the number 20, whereby the 20, without 
me remembering any details of the dream, is continuously present 
and omnipresent. 
Beloved Ones,
The number 20, the number of divine Grace, of divine laws, 
and the 2 the number of the all-loving presence of the divine 
Mother, will be imprinted in mankind in these days.
Symbols herald what is upcoming, symbols, which are 
continuously transmitted to Mother Earth and to individual 
human Beings.
The upcoming salvation of mankind is heralded due to the 
sacred 20, and this occurs even before God’s trombones will 
sound on the whole earth.

Something is Affecting the Entire Solar System - Sun's Magnetic Field 230% Stronger

Cumbre de Canalización de los Maestros Canalización Grupal Del Día Viernes - Sedona, Arizona - viernes 5 de junio de 2015

Sedona, Arizona - viernes 5 de junio de 2015

Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Los 12 canalizadores invitados a la Cumbre fueron los siguientes:

Jeff Michaels, Geoffrey Hoppe, Jonette Crowley, Prageet Harris, Kahu Fred Sterling, Jim Self, Peggy Phoenix Dubro, Steve Rother, Ronna Herman, James Tyberonn, Marilyn Harper, Lee Carroll

En este audio son cinco. Como no son anunciados al empezar a hablar, sólo puedo identificar a aquellos a quienes he oído hablar antes. (N de la T)

(aparece Lee Carroll)

¡Este es un muy buen día! ¡Sí! (aplausos) Kryon dice que yo no debería escuchar otras canalizaciones, pero eso no incluye lo de hoy (se ríe), de modo que las escucharé todas. Vamos a terminar este día; vamos a canalizar los cinco, cada uno un poquito, uno tras otro; lo haremos en el orden de la presentación que han visto hoy, excepto por el hecho de que yo lo haré último, que es porque... lo quiero así. (risas del público, Lee se ríe también)

Méline Lafont - Decoding and Deactivation of the human mind

Brenda Hoffman - Estrellas Gloriosamente Brillantes – No Misioneros - 5 de Junio 2015

5 de Junio 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo



Ustedes se preocuparon y desfallecieron en busca del nuevo ustedes en cuanto ese título se convirtió en parte de su vocabulario. Ahora comienzan a experimentar verdaderamente al nuevo ustedes en toda su plenitud, incluyendo el sentirse diferentes con respecto a quienes en algún momento hicieron que ustedes se sintieran enojados o atemorizados. Lo mismo le está sucediendo a muchos que no tienen idea de que son parte de la Nueva Tierra.

Ustedes asumieron que solo quienes entendían o anhelaban el nuevo ustedes/la Nueva Tierra/la Nueva Era cambiarían durante este tiempo. Que a pesar de que ustedes eran un faro de luz harían falta generaciones para que esa persona que vive en la misma calle de ustedes, que los vuelve furiosos, se convirtiera en una parte amorosa de la Nueva Tierra.

Brenda Hoffman - Entrando a Una Nueva Etapa de Creación - 15 de Junio 2015

15 de Junio 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo



Es un tiempo para nuevamente reconocer y meditar sobre las muchas pequeñas sorpresas que comienzan a notar. Porque están exhaustos después de sus recientes esfuerzos de limpieza, apenas han notado la multitud de lo que consideran pequeñas sorpresas en su mundo.

Ustedes comienzan a probar su propio nuevo software personal de creación.

Es tiempo de dejar a un lado su cansancio, temores y enojo. Porque están en un lugar muy diferente del que estaban la pasada semana. Han completado todo lo que necesitaban completar para añadir su nuevo software a la mezcla de su nueva totalidad. Están listos para esta etapa de creación.

miércoles, junio 24, 2015

Jahn J Kassl - THE LAST 20 MINUTES, PART I - SANANDA - June 24, 2015

Redemption of Fears of Armageddon

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz 
Beloved Ones,
Today, here and now does a new door of healing open, 
whereby you have the opportunity to redeem all within 
you working fears regarding the Armageddon.
Report: For the third time the following dream repeats
The earth trembles, a great flood nears, human Beings try to 
find safety, yet in vain – the “great event” has begun. I myself 
sometimes float in the air, and then I walk again on firm ground. 
I say to human Beings, who I meet that in 20 minutes everything 
will be over and that 6 billion human Beings will have died; thereby 
I reap incredulous looks, human Beings consider this earthquake as 
a onetime local and short event. In the meantime I see houses 
collapsing and the great flood comes irresistibly toward us, the 
earth continues to tremble and in the distance I see fire and
smoke rising.
After that I am aware of my family and my closest friends. 
We sit in a circle and hold our hands while we recite the 

Crop Circles 2015 - Aeroporto Torino Aeritalia, Turin, Piedmont, Italy - 23th june 2015 - UFO Italy

Benjamín Fulford - 22-06-15.- Procesamientos a los Rothschild y los Bush, nuevas revelaciones, Grecia…todos signos del derribo acelerado del cabal.

23 jun
Fuente y comentarios en inglés: http://benjaminfulford.net/2015/06/22/bush-rothschild-prosecutions-new-disclosures-greece-all-signs-of-accelerating-cabal-take-down/
(Imagen: la parte positiva… hemos tocado fondo)
Hay indicadores rápidamente acelerando que muestran que el sindicato del crimen jázaro que se apoderó ilegalmente del poder de los Estados Unidos y de muchos países europeos está siendo desmantelado sistemáticamente. Por ejemplo,un tribunal de apelaciones de Nueva York ha declarado que los funcionarios que sirvieron durante el régimen de George Bush Jr.,pueden ser demandados y pueden enfrentarse a cargos criminales. Esto abre el camino para el encarcelamiento de los autores del asesinato en masa del 11-S.

Benjamin Fulford - June 22, 2015: Bush, Rothschild prosecutions, new disclosures, Greece, all signs of accelerating cabal take down

There are rapidly accelerating indications the Khazarian crime syndicate that illegally seized power in the United States and many European countries is being systematically dismantled. A New York appeals court, for example, has ruled that officials who served during the George Bush Jr. regime can be sued and can face criminal charges. That opens the way for the mass jailing of the perpetrators of the 911 mass murder incident.


Another sign is that a French judge has ordered one of the most senior members of the Rothschild family, Baron David de Rothschild, to be questioned by police on fraud charges.


Also, the killing of J.P Morgan (Bush) bankers has reached a new height with the “sudden death” of their Vice Chairman and high powered deal maker Jimmy Lee. More than a dozen JP Morgan bankers have died suddenly recently and it is clear somebody is following a trail. Rest assured that trail leads to the Bush/Clinton crime family.

U.S. Fireballs: 60+ Meteor/Fireball Sightings in the Last 48 Hours

martes, junio 23, 2015

Kryon por Lee Carroll - El Entorno Revelado - Sedona, Arizona - 4 de Junio de 2015


Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Puedo sentir la alegría. La alegría es el lubricante entre los humanos y Dios. Cuando la tienen en su corazón, es muy fácil volar hacia adentro de ustedes y de su consciencia, amarlos y agradecerles, estar con ustedes. Alegría.

Con el miedo es difícil. Y con la preocupación y el drama. ¡Es difícil! Funcionan como bloqueos gigantescos para la psiquis. Podemos movernos cuidadosamente, lo hacemos. Pero cuando tienen alegría, las puertas se abren a todo lo ancho, y la risa es rey y reina a la vez. Aquí hay alegría y más.

Dana Mrkich - ¡La Sombra de Venus Comienza Hoy! - 22 de Junio 2015

22 de Junio 2015

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

El Nacimiento de Venus, Sandro Botticelli

Hoy, Venus entra al territorio sobre el cuál ella retrogradará para el 25 de Julio, anunciando el comienzo del período de la ‘sombra de Venus’. Los Retrógrados de Venus ocurren cada par de años, y ofrecen una oportunidad fabulosa para revisar, reordenar, sanar, limpiar y transformar todo lo que es venusiano: el amor, las relaciones, el auto amor, la auto estima, nuestras cualidades femeninas internas, cómo nos vemos a nosotros y a los demás como mujeres (tanto individual como colectivamente), nuestra capacidad para recibir nutrición, alimentación y placer y expresarnos creativamente.

Anna Merkaba - Singularity of Action – The Hathors - June 23, 2015

singularityofactionthehathorsGreetings everyone! Before I begin this channeling I would like to add a personal note.
I know that I have not been in touch with you for what seems like eons to me. And many of you have been wondering where I disappeared to. The reason that I vanished so suddenly is due to a family emergency that has arrived at my shores without any warning. A close family member has had a stroke and everything changed in a split of a second for the entire family. The last three weeks I have spent day and night in intensive care unit at a hospital assisting him in fighting through the density surrounding him, helping him find a link to himself, grab on to that link and pull himself out of the karmic wheel of life. What an experience it was and still is, an experience of the most incredible growth of consciousness yet!

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Cumbre de Canalización de los Maestros Sedona, Arizona - viernes 5 de junio de 2015

Sedona, Arizona - viernes 5 de junio de 2015

Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Mi socio da un paso a un lado. No se equivoquen: este mensaje viene de la Fuente Creadora, sea lo que sea que eso signifique para ustedes. Una canalización puede provenir de muchos lugares y muchos orígenes, dependiendo de los filtros, del velo, de la consciencia, de la experiencia, pero todo comienza en la Fuente Creadora. Cómo la información llega al ser humano en su pureza, en su emoción, en su exactitud, en su alegría, en su profundidad, cómo hace eso, depende del ser humano. Por esta razón ustedes ven tantas variantes, tantas maneras.

Sheldan Nidle's Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - June 23, 2015

A new time is set! This time is not about a paradise lost and found. It is about a great reunion and a time to move outward to carry out a most grand set of heavenly directives for this sector of physicality.

 from Planetary Activation Organization

5 Ix, 12 Kayab, 11 Ik

Selamat Jalwa! (Be in Everlasting Joy!) We are here to report on the status of the initial transferences of funds to North America. At present, we are preparing to complete the process, which is to permit your blessings to become available to you all. We have been forced to make some additional corrections to what we thought was to be the final directives needed to finish this particular task. Our partners in this project report that a number of final tweaks are still required. Thus, we are now in the process of jointly doing what is necessary to assure our success. This entire process is at most extremely stressful to our earthly allies. The dark cabal continues to use its remaining positions of power as a way constantly to thwart them from achieving even a modicum of victory. It is reaching a point where we need to do what is essential for our allies to get the triumph they richly deserve. Meanwhile, the dark cabal is continuing to face defeat on every other issue. It is becoming quite clear that our intervention is now required. Heaven is decreeing in our favor and we expect every issue to be resolved shortly.

Christine Meleriessee - The 6th Order of Precipitation with Elohim Arcturus & Virgina - June 23, 2015

violet purple_800_500

Arcturus and Virginia of the Elohim for the Ray of Ceremonial Magic & Structure brings for Rhythm and Invocation of the Violet/Purple Ray (Cosmic Level) to achieve an abundant way of living and experiencing life.

This is an excerpt of our weekly “Abundance of Light-Creating Prosperity Together” teaching.
Even though Arcturus and Virginia represent the 7th Ray of Violet/Purple Flame within the Order Of Precipitation, the 7th Flame is the 6th step.  The Devotional Ray is the last step in the order of allowing abundance to flow within us.  Please check our upcoming blog on this information.
Greetings, Greetings, My Dearest Beloveds,
It is I, Arcturus with Virginia.
We are so divinely happy to bring forth this energy into you today. So we must understand that understanding the Order of Precipitation will come from this higher space, because in your lower mind and what you are experiencing of the third and Forth dimensional frequencies of the planet is to not mirror that essence that is truly you.
You can try during your day and bring those essences in – but until the planet fully moves into that higher frequency you are unable hold it. It’s not your fault; it’s just the way that it is. So the more that it is practiced the easier it will become to fully bring forth those essences into the physical creation. Your Lower Mind of the Physical Self is still is in an active mode, but when we bring in the Higher Mind and allow those purification of the essences of your soul’s creation integrate within the Lower Mind, it does accept it. Although at times it may feel as though it is not.

NephS: A Trey Smith video on Nephilim, Hybrids, Satan, Demons and the End of the Age

Kryon "The Workshop Channeling" - Baltimore, MD, Sunday, June 21, 2015

Kryon "The Way Prayer Works" - Mini Channelling, Baltimore, 2015

Kryon "The Way Prayer Works" - Baltimore, MD Saturday, June 20, 2015

Crop Circles 2015 - Groziethen, nr Berlin, Germany - 22th june 2015 - UFO 2015 Deutschland

Crop Circles 2015 - Uffcott, Nr Wroughton, Wiltshire, UK - 22th june 2015 UFO UK

Crop Circles 2015 - Westwoods, nr Lockeridge, Wiltshire, UK - 21th june 2015 UFO UK

Lauren C. Gorgo - Culmination Point: theoretical to applied mastery - June 22, 2015

reporticon-finalSince the beginning of 2012, when the ensoulment process began in earnest, those at the helm of human and planetary ascension have been tirelessly working toward the embodiment of divinity. During this deeply challenging window of time the Pleiadians have opened us up to so much new information regarding our transition into 5th dimensional, new human prototypes…and yet, until now, it has been a mostly cognitive experience.
2015 on the other hand, brought us to a whole new higher/deeper level of embodiment never before felt/experienced…catalyzed by the March equinox-blood moon-eclipse passage during Passover/Easter season…and now our transfiguration is fully underway, as a present-moment, in-the-flesh experience.

lunes, junio 22, 2015

Karen Downing - What is Your Soul Mission? - 11 June, 2015

Inside every one of us is a drop of the Divine. Our soul mission is to learn about the Divinity within us and to grow it. The beauty of this process is that each soul carries a different Divine drop. For some that drop is about compassion, for others it is wisdom, or peace, or joy, and so on. Our Divine drop is often called our Soul Essence. And, it is the Soul Mission of each one of us to learn to utilize our own Divine drop to its Highest benefit, both individually and collectively.
You have heard this before, and it is important to reiterate here: We are all One. That means how you utilize your Divine drop affects the whole of humanity (as well is the whole of consciousness). As you discover the unique essence of your Divine drop, and grow it through your unique Soul Mission, you not only live your purpose, you become a positive light for others as well.

Archangel Gabriel channeled by Shanta Gabriel - Inspiration for the Week - Bask in the Wonder of Life - 22 June, 2015

For this week, the uplifting message from Archangel Gabriel is here to inspire a more expansive vision of life.
Bask in the wonder of life, go deep, soar high. Follow your love and the joy of fulfillment will be yours.
This is the perfect Solstice message. It inspires us to expand and open into the spacious wonder that life is offering at this time. Things are rapidly changing in the world around us, so coming back to our hearts and the power of Divine Light working in and through us helps us keep our center and is so very healing. This Light contains all the wondrous Love and Intelligence of the Divine for us to receive, integrate and radiate back into the world for the evolution of all.
On the Solstice last year we opened the Stargate of the Heart to receive our soul's gifts. This year we have been integrating and being inspired by what was given. And now in this momentous time, we will have the opportunity to bring these most divinely inspired qualities back into the world as our passion, our joy, and our service.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Quién Eres - Sedona, Arizona - 4 de Junio de 2015

Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

(pausa de 10 segundos) Siempre hay una pausa. Difícil de explicar; es diferente para cada ser humano individual. Reaccionan de forma distinta ante el Espíritu. Cuando entran en meditación, cada uno lo hace a su manera. Tal vez están los que les dicen cómo deben hacerlo; ustedes los escuchan y luego lo hacen a su modo. La relación que tienen con el Innato, el Yo Superior, la pineal y el Espíritu es suya, única. Ese carácter único de quienes están frente a mí atrae nuestro amor por ustedes. Para ustedes es muy fácil mirar un océano de rostros, ya sea que estén sentados o parados, no importa. Cuando se reúnen en grupo hay una tendencia a lo mismo: todos los humanos están aquí juntos, por la misma razón, al mismo tiempo, en la misma postura, sentados en las filas de sillas. ¡Oh, no es así como nosotros los vemos!

Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 21 al 28 de Junio, 2015

Traducción: Esther Abreu


Cada uno de ustedes está acercándose a una conexión más fuerte con su esencia divina y esto les ayudará a sentirse más estables de lo que ha sido evidente en los últimos meses. Este proceso está abriendo nuevas puertas de percepción, que les ayudarán a avanzar una vez más. Siempre hay un flujo y reflujo de las ondas energéticas que se mueven a través de sus ciclos personales y planetarios. Cuando ustedes se dan cuenta de ellos y de cómo les afectan, se alinean con sus influencias y actuar en consecuencia. Al hacer esto, la vida se vuelve más armoniosa y agradable.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - Stand Up For What Is Good - 22 June, 2015

Within the human being is a seed of hope a divine blueprint that has promised never to leave. A seed that stays planted no matter how bad the weather and storms of life may be. So many people have worked so hard only to see their dreams laid to rest in a barren thirsty soil. They have followed their divine blueprint into a desert that grows little and a land that does not support. They have extended themselves financially, emotionally and physically plowing a land that is unfriendly and desires not to support what their heart yearns for.
As their dreams begin to wither in the high noon sun of earthly chaos and manipulation the light of hope seems to fade, the heart begins to close the door on hope. We become robot like as we struggle not to feel the sadness in our heart. We don’t want to give up on what lives in our heart but we do not see the seasons changing in our favor.

Archangel Gabriel thru Shelley Young - Moving Beyond the Solstice ~ Channeled June 21, 2015

Archangel Gabriel
Greetings, Dear Ones, how pleased we are to be celebrating yet another summer solstice with you! It is one of our very favourite events, the summer solstice, as people come together in celebration of the light. We honour you for being here to anchor the energies of the group and, of course, when we say group we mean not only those who are in this room, but also those who will be experiencing this transmission on your internet at a later time.
We wish you a happy and blessed solstice! Each one of these mile markers of your linear time are mapping out the accomplishments of your lifetime. We remind you that solstices and equinoxes serve to save your progress. They lock in the energetics and the growth that has been attained. This is beautifully important, you see, because what this means is that there will never be a point where you will forget who you are, or lose the progress that you have gained.

Brenda Hoffman - You’ve Always Been the Motivating CEO of You - June 22, 2015

Dear Ones,
Perhaps you are finding it more difficult to concentrate in your 3D/4D interactions. Granted, you most often add the right tidbit during a conversation, but you seem to forget words, times and so many other 3D/4D pieces. Such is so because you are jumping between times and places and are merely a visitor in your 3D/4D world. For you are claiming your CEO totality role.
Such a statement has many ramifications. Not the least of which is that you direct your being – not the Universes, gods, friends or your society. Accepting that piece alone is enough to create your current short-term memory loss.
Have you ever been so busy you forgot the basics of self-care or activities common to you? So it is for you now. You are moving between veils, frequencies, dimensions and times. Checking out that piece, reviewing another and determining how yet another piece fits within your personal mission statement.

Feliz Sosticio de Verano - Happy Summer Solstice

Mensajes de la Federación Galáctica y Ashtar Command 
les desea

¡¡¡Mucha Luz en Nuestro Camino!!!!

domingo, junio 21, 2015

Suzanne Lie ~ Remembering What You Always Knew -- The Arcturians - 6-21-15

The Arcturians
In between your third dimensional reality and your multidimensional reality is a portal. More and more, you are connecting your 3D earth body with your multidimensional Lightbody. With every higher thought and loving emotion, that portal expands to encompass both, and all, versions of your current expression of self, as well as ever-increasing dimensions of your Multidimensional SELF.

There are mental enzymes within your pineal gland that are “geo-coded transmitters” that tell you where you are in space/time, and/or in the Here/Now of the higher dimensions. These transmitters receive and project all fifth dimensional and beyond thoughts through your pineal gland and into your pituitary gland, to be sent into every area of your body via your endocrine system.

However, these messages are not sent until your brain determines whether or not YOU believe that this transmission/perception is “real.” The light quotient in your brain will differentiate realversus not real. The light quotient in your brain is determined by your state of consciousness.

If you are in a higher dimensional state of consciousness, you will perceive light, auras, Angels, Galactic, miracles, peace, and hope as real. You will also perceive darkness and illusion as NOT real. If you are in a lower state of consciousness, illusions, bad news, and the myriad forms of darkness become real, and light, ascension, and transcendence are not real.

Crop Circles 2015 - Ravenna Waterski Club, nr Cervia, Italy - 20th june 2015 - UFO 2015 Italy

Pyramid Found On Mars?

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - June 21-28, 2015

Beloved Ones,
Each of you is coming closer to a stronger connection with your divine essence and this will help you feel more stable than has been evident in the past several months. This process is opening new doors of perception which will help you to move forward once again. There is ever the ebb and flow in the energetic waves that move through your personal and planetary cycles. As you become aware of these and how they affect you, you align with their influences and act accordingly. As you do this, life becomes more harmonious and pleasant. The people around you are more responsive to you and show you their appreciation and love. When you are in tune with your personal energy cycles, life becomes an ever expanding adventure of new experience. This new state of being requires its recipient to be willing to go beyond their established comfort zones and take the steps necessary into new directions.

Marilyn Rafaelle - Arcturian Group Message June 21, 2015

doorway starsJUNE 21, 2015
Dear ones we are well aware of the disappointment many of you feel as to how slowly the new earth seems to be emerging. This is because you are viewing the process with specific expectations of how things “should” be according to whatever concepts you may be holding. There is no fault in this, as it simply reflects how you have learned to live life in third dimensional energy.
You expect evolutionary changes to manifest in certain familiar ways, but remember, the human consciousness is limited to what is already known. Be open to what is as of yet unknown, for change is, and will manifest in unexpected ways. Know that powerful new energies are silently pouring in and available to all, but will not always manifest in the ways you expect. Much of what you perceive as chaos, is actually the cleansing and clearing of old energy.

Judith Kusel - Energy Information Fields - June 21, 2015

We perhaps have so little understanding of the different energies and the energy fields of the planet, mainly because we have forgotten how to tune into them.
I believe that as Atlantis sunk into oblivion, much of our own inherent senses also sunk into oblivion and with it much of the higher mind and the higher states of consciousness.
As mankind is slowly but surely reemerging from its sleep and the consciousness rises, many are experiencing an upgrade as far their own intuitive powers are concerned, while others are not afraid to question and challenge the status quo in science and technology, and therefore are already blazing new trails.
However inherently there is such a lot that needs to come to the fore in the next 10 years, which will truly lift humanity into a higher state of awareness, mainly in the area of energy and its true power and use.  This is not the fossil oils, and the solar energy I am talking about but the natural and inherent energy fields of the earth, and most importantly the storing of vast memory banks of information in energy fields.

Aisha North - 21/06/15

Aisha North series 34 - 4

John Smallman - Jesus - You were created to experience the bliss of Union in every moment.- June 21, 2015

Here in the heavenly realms, the state from which you seem to be so far removed, we are in celebratory mood as your awakening draws ever closer. I know you have heard this before, but words are extremely limiting and so we have to repeat ourselves very frequently to ensure that you “get” the message that we are charged with delivering to you. Namely, anything that is not of Love, of God, of Source, is unreal, of the illusion. You are Real, the illusion is not! But the illusion’s seeming reality constantly confuses you and leads you to make unwise or erratic choices that in the moment that you make them seem appropriate. Then, when things do not work out as you had hoped, fear and anger arise. Dreams, nightmares, and general illusory states of consciousness are the indicators pointing to the unreality of what you are experiencing as life as humans. That is why, when you come to awareness of the unsatisfactory nature of your lives, that you are drawn to seek real meaning in life; the lives most of you lead are not satisfying.

Incredible shot UFO - Alien Spaceship - "birds" near the Sun - June 20, 2015

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Photonic Cells, Cellular Memory & Light Upgrades to our Solar Crystalline Star-LightBody Structures

Blossom Goodchild. Direct voice channel for The Federation of Light

sábado, junio 20, 2015


Healing due to God's Grace

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz

Beloved Ones,
The battle between the Light and darkness raged since the beginning 
of mankind. The representatives of the dark power want to secure 
the hegemony on this planet and for a long time it seemed that this 
plan has been crowned with success. Mankind has been imprisoned 
due to manipulations of body, and could not liberate itself nor cast 
off the yoke of darkness. 
This time of “human powerlessness” is over since Heaven 
has announced the planetary and cosmic change and since 
it is ongoing on earth! 
Today the high Light quality from All-That-Is, which flows to earth 
incessantly, serves so that individual human Beings can free 
themselves from the energetic connections to the Masters of 
This is a process, which for years continues with daily increasing 
intensity, until all designated human Beings find back to the reality 
of eternal Life, whereby they become aware of their origin and their 
light filled loving divine nature.

Méline Portia Lafont – Solstice portal in Neptune energies ~ June 20, 2015

 Picture credit: Karl M.
Blessings to all, Love tribe.
Well it is most definitely clear that we have taken another major leap towards oneness and the SELF expression in unity. Step by step we are making use of magical momentums where these leaps are granted to us, if not created for and by us as Universal Master Beings. I think you will all agree when I say that we have changed and shifted a lot since the last blood moon, the solar and moon eclipses and the March Equinox.
Many have said that this past equinox would be a significant shift of reality perception as well as a leap towards the light body activation. And so it is! We have experienced this, as a matter of fact we still are experiencing this. It goes so deep, even into every fiber of our being in all levels of creation and expression. I, for one, am very aligned and resonating with this message that has been shared through many of us as scribes and beings that the past equinox was all about actualization and activating the Light body. I AM still experiencing this very vivid in my day to day life, as I now increasingly live moment to moment. I know many of you will relate to that as well.

SolaraAnRa - Arcturian Healing Chamber of Light ~ are you ready for an UPGRADE? :)

Blossom Goodchild - June 20th, 2015.

From my souls essence … I say ‘hello’ to you once again. There is quite a buzz in our world regarding the many diverse changes that are being spoken of … And I mean DIVERSE! Would you be happy to speak of this from your perspective?

Warmest of greetings to Each One. We envelop the hearts of all those who choose to be drawn to our knowledge and understanding … in the knowing that the connection between us all ... is that of LOVE … and through this wondrous outlet we are able to shine our Light … which then merges with your Light … and together we radiate to ALL ... in the expression of Pure Love that we are.

A question that some readers have is that, when you said we shall ‘take flight’ … does that mean that we shall have to leave the physical body in order to do so?

Not at all. For this is the experiment that we are engaging in to play ... for the first time …






Entrevista a Fritz Springmeier

¿Qué son exactamente los Illuminati?

FS: Los Illuminati son la continuación de las religiones de misterio. Había numerosas religiones de misterio en la antigüedad y estas religiones de misterio tenían consejos que las controlaban y luego había un consejo supremo que operaba claramente desde la India a las Islas Británicas, que luego coordinaban todas estas religiones de misterio, y eso sería lo que hoy llamamos la jerarquía de los Illuminati.

De manera que los Illuminati son básicamente una extensión del sistema de religiones de misterio, de ese tipo de filosofía.
FS: Sí, era una manera de guardar el conocimiento y el poder para unas pocas personas especiales.

¿Y cómo guardan el conocimiento?
FS: Cuando digo "conocimientos", parte de los conocimientos son pseudo-conocimientos y parte de los conocimientos son realmente conocimientos científicos, los cuales permitieron, por ejemplo, a Cristóbal Colón tener la certeza de que podía navegar a través del Atlántico y llegar a tierra. Él estaba asociado a los caballeros templarios, los cuales son una de estas sociedades secretas asociadas a los Illuminati. De manera que tienes diferentes tipos de conocimientos, pero parte del conocimiento es, de hecho, falso; sólo claman tenerlo para que así las personas se unan a la religión de misterio que sea que estén ofreciendo.
Ok, Fritz... ahora, ¿por qué la familia es tan importante? Obviamente tú has titulado tu libro "Linajes..." y eso debe tener que ver con las familias. ¿Por qué son tan importantes?
FS: Tiene que ver con cómo pasan el poder de una generación a otra y también implica los poderes ocultos. Intentan tener miembros de pura raza. Y ellos creen (al menos entre los tradicionalistas en los Illuminati, los cuales son los miembros de pura raza), ellos creen que para ser realmente una bruja poderosa con todos los poderes ocultos que la demonología te da, que tienes que ser un miembro de pura raza que tenga una genealogía que se remonte a muchos años.
Así que en efecto, lo que estás diciendo es que básicamente es satanismo generacional.
FS: Correcto. Es satanismo generacional. Y tienen que operar también dentro de los linajes debido a la forma en la que llevan a cabo su control mental. Ellos se hacen programar DID, o lo que se llamó comúnmente durante unos 200 años como Desorden de Personalidad Múltiple. Ellos programan a sus miembros con MPD y para hacer eso tienes que tener a alguien que disocie cuando es traumatizado en vez de morir.

Adrienne Goff - Healing Crystals in the Crystalline Age 2015 - Brilliant !!

When Demons, Aliens, & Angels Visit Your Bedroom (2015)

Confirmed-2.5 Mile Wide Comet expected September 15-28, 2015

NASA All Sky Cameras Caught Hundreds of Fireballs the Past 4 Days - WTH!!! is Going On?

viernes, junio 19, 2015

Suzanne Lie - Seventh Chakra and Conclusion of Blog-a-Thon - 6-19-15

Welcome to our Becoming ONE-People and Planet "Blog-a-thon!

Today, we will present the information about our Seventh Chakra

and tomorrow we will hear from Gaia and Her Seventh Chakra



LOCATION: The location of the seventh chakra, also known as the crown chakra, is at the crown of the head, the location of our “soft spot” as an infant.

PETALS: The crown chakra is known as the Thousand Petal Lotus. When it is clear and open, it is our own personal Stargate, or vortex, into the higher dimensions.

NOTES AND MANTRA: The musical note for this chakra is B and the Mantra is “aum” or “ee” as in bee.

COLOR: The color for the seventh chakra is violet. Red, which is the lowest color on our physical perceptual light spectrum, and just above infrared light, rules the root chakra. Conversely, violet, the highest color on our physical perceptual light spectrum, and just below ultra-violet light, rules the Crown Chakra.

RULES: The crown chakra rules the cerebrum, top of head, entire brain, and nervous system. It is also said to rule the right eye. In Egyptian mythology, the opened Third Eye is called the Eye of Horus. The physical left eye rules the Moon and the feminine, manifest physical world, and the right eye rules the masculine, un-manifest spiritual world. Therefore, the Right Eye of Horus brings the Spirit down into matter and then feeds that Spirit into the Left Eye of Horus. In this manner, the Third Eye remains open, grounded in the physical world, and fully perceptive.

SaLuSa - 19 June 2015

Hi friends, I had a nice break with my two sons and feel refreshed and ready for what promises to be a very interesting last 6 months of the year. Thank you all for your support. In Love and Light. Mike Quinsey.

Dear Ones so much is now happening that although we have only been away from you for a short time, events are forever speeding up and in a relatively short time they will reveal our intentions to you. There has never been a time when we have not been active but for reasons of secrecy to avoid interference from the dark Ones, we have always been quietly working away. The stage has been set for an announcement of our intentions, and once that step has been taken they will escalate into a whole series of them. You have patiently waited for such a time and when it arrives you will not be disappointed. We are more confident now that we have curtailed the power and influence of the dark Ones, and we aim to keep their activities in check under our watchful eye.

Christine Meleriessee - Lord Metatron Shares a Message about Accessing Our Solar Angel During the Summer Solstice 2015 - Jun 19, 2015

This is Lord Metatron at your service. It is my pleasure to guide each of your through the June Solstice in 2015. It is a magnificent time of creation and I am very excited for the prosperity and light that is coming into the planet.
At this time the reflection of individuals that are walking a Pathway of the Light is one of great challenge. This is due to the changes that have to be incurred in order for the Light Infractions to be placed within the Earth.  GAIA is readying herself for more acceleration just as each of you has been doing within your own pathways.
Let me talk about the Metatronic Seals and what they mean for humanity at this time.
Each of the seals are represented by the 12 Strands of DNA and is directly related to an individual’s acceleration upon the Earth. Each of  you have a Solar Angel that works with you through the first four Initiations of Mastery.  If each of you could see the Solar Angel that you are, you would understand the concept I am trying to convey.