2015 on the other hand, brought us to
a whole new higher/deeper level of embodiment never before
felt/experienced…catalyzed by the March equinox-blood moon-eclipse
passage during Passover/Easter season…and now our transfiguration is fully underway, as a present-moment, in-the-flesh experience.
The difference in our experience of this
process pre & post 2015 is profound…and from what I am hearing, the
second half of this year is going to make that profundity obvious to
even the most unaware.
Now we find ourselves freshly on the other side of the solstice, what I am hearing called a major culmination point, and the galactics tell me this was a grand finale
of sorts…that we are releasing ourselves from our old, linear-based
life template and fear-based patterns, that which will make our 5D
lightbody template finally become a felt experience.
It’s become pretty clear that
ascension/descension is no longer a process of predicting what’s to
come, but a process of what IS occurring in our present moment…as we
experience it. In some ways embodying has proven way more challenging
than I personally anticipated, but in other ways it is perfectly as
challenging as it needs to be for us to move into such groundbreaking
territory….and for something so far-reaching, miraculous even, to be
accepted (by the mind) as a tangible reality.
As the seasons shift and we move into a
time of major life change, some of us are finding ourselves at a point
of absolution…some of us are still in the grips of fear…some of us are
right between the two realizing that there is nothing left to hold onto
but faith, yet still hesitating to make that final leap thru (ego)
Regardless of where you find yourself,
we are all facing a pile-up of past choices, living out the consequences
of some final cycles of miscreation until we are able to free ourselves
and move into the months of applied mastery that await us this
season. I’ve said this before, but experiencing a living death is the
hardest work possible in a human body...read: living our fears has nothing over transcending them. Moving
beyond our limitations…while FEELing them so intensely…requires the
kind of courage that only the GOD in us can overcome. And that’s the
We have been thru the ringer and realize
so literally now that nothing outside of ourselves could have truly
prepared any of us for this moment because faith in the unknown
+ trusting in our divinity to guide us here = the only way out of human
Faith is physics…opening ourselves to a higher outcome changes the vibrational properties of our energy to
allow for new physical potentials. Often times the blind faith
required to ascend feels like walking the proverbial plank in the dead
of night, but once we reach the end of it we realize it’s really just
our jumping off point into the sea of limitless possibilities. When we
have the faith (physics) to move forward without a solid understanding
of the future (that we already created), only then can we move beyond
the patterns of our past making. Faith opens space, expands our
possibilities for new experience where fear closes us in, keeps us small
and bound to the familiar…even when it’s uncomfortable as hell.
This season, the unseens say that many
of us will come face to face with the results of our convictions…little
by little, we will grasp the enormity of our release from duality and
see, with physical eyes, where our bold and courageous leaps of faith
landed us.
The challenges we’ve been thru,
especially during the fascinating and wildly potent Mercury retrograde,
were to afford us this now opportunity that we are still awakening to.
Last month, those who were prepared we were asked to fully and
completely surrender the small (ego) self to the authentic/divine/true
Self…to finally feel and free the pain of those core (limiting)
be-lie-fs so that we can solidify, ground and integrate our
higher choices once and for all…those new neural pathways we have been
painstakingly carving out years. Eons even.
And this level of surrender is/has
been deeply cellular…we are/have been hollowing out all the old DNA
programs (of limitation) in each of our cells to make room for our
divinity to enter. We have been calling up those hidden places of
emotional pain in our physical bodies so readily and at such an alarming
pace that we have no choice but to allow them to be so. These passages
are for the lionhearted, no doubt, but the beauty in this fierceness is
how ripe these moments are for finality. It’s really remarkable to
witness, discomfort and all….this is mastery level work, and it feels it.
We are absolutely facing ourcellves at
an unprecedented rate, but each time we have the courage to be BIGGER
than our fears, to transcend the lower mind and it’s creations, we move
deeper into alignment with our divine blueprint…our universal (adam
kadmon) template…that which houses the patterning of our perfection, the
schematic for our lightbody plan. From what I am hearing, our success
in transcending the lower world will be determined the next few months
as each of us are offered real-life opportunities to move fully and
completely beyond the polarity of emotional reaction (love/fear) to the neutrality of heart-centered action (LOVE).
Our heart-centered action will be such a
boon for the world, and for those of you reading this who have emptied
your vessels enuf to activate the light of your soul, in physical form,
the time has come to step fully into yourself and be the beacon that you
came here to be. You know who you are and I assure you that it is safe
now and that you will be supported. In the past, when we opened
ourselves up to be vulnerable in a world that was not ready for our
LOVE, we were met with the harshness of (mostly our own) unresolved
That’s over now and we can see the proof
all around us as so many people find the courage to be openly
transparent about their truth. The time has come to speak out loud…to
share our collective voice as ONE that demands the universal virtues of
LOVE: tolerance, acceptance, shared respect for other and all living
things on this planet.
It may be scary to put yourself out
there again, but if you are being called forth it’s because you have
done the inner work required to make this leap into mastery. Rest
assured, father GOD has returned on this planet and is helping each of
us to find the courage to be counted, so turn on your heart-light and
shine forth like the diamond soul you came here to be.
The tide is turning and in about
two-three weeks time our lives will begin to pivot from merging to
e-merging. The scenery shifts as the second half of this year presents
to us the backdrop needed to recreate reality based on the truth of who
we truly, divinely, authentically are…that which indubitably serves the
higher plan. All that’s required is the courage to BE…unapologetically
Grace awaits us those who embrace their greatness.
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