miércoles, octubre 16, 2013

Informe de las Energías para Octubre del 2013 Por Kate Ann Spreckley 15 de Octubre 2013

Traducción: Fara González López
No necesitas saber precisamente lo que está ocurriendo, o exactamente hacia donde va todo eso. Lo que necesitas es reconocer las posibilidades y desafíos que te ofrece el momento presente, y abrazarlos con coraje, fe y esperanza. ~ Thomas Merton 
Estamos viviendo en tiempos épicos, tiempos que exigen toda nuestra atención a medida que las energías trabajan para llevar a cabo algo totalmente nuevo y sin precedentes dentro de nosotros mismos y de nuestro mundo.
Los próximos años alterarán la forma en que avanzamos y nos manifestamos como seres Espirituales que experimentan una existencia humana. Las energías vivas de este tiempo están impulsando la misión de nuestras Almas y despertándonos al diseño Divino de energía que existe dentro de todos y cada uno de los seres humanos.  Cada persona individual contiene un patrón y diseño único de energía que radica en el corazón del poder Espiritual de uno, un patrón de energía que ha está escondido y suprimido por parte de programaciones y modelaciones pasadas, un diseño de energía que contiene la verdad e integridad personales de ustedes.

The Ascended Masters and the Pleiadians: Allow the Illusion of Separation to Dissolve - Wes Annac - Oct 16, 2013

-Channeled through Wes Annac-
Note: This was the last message I channeled before I reached the epiphany expressed in “The One Consciousness that is our Universal Family“.
I, Jeshua, speaking for our collective of Masters and the Company of Heaven overall, ask each of you to allow the illusion of separation dissolve away from you now.

Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 13 al 20 de Octubre, 2013 por Marlene Swetlishoff

Traducción: Esther Abreu
Los cielos sonríen sobre la Tierra mientras ésta se alinea con su destino. Visto desde los reinos superiores, la maravilla de este movimiento es inconmensurable. Los movimientos celestes que se están dando y que se seguirán produciendo traen transformación de primer orden. Las viejas costumbres se están convirtiendo en un sueño y nuevos comienzos están llenos de potencial. Estos son los tiempos de los que se han hablado a través de los siglos y ahora por fin están aquí. Primero comienzan en los niveles de energía etérico y se filtran hacia todas las facetas de la vida y la vida en su planeta. Cambio profundo y transformación forjan su camino en cada célula de la existencia y se está preparando a la Tierra para una gran ceremonia.

Méline Lafont ~ The giant Cosmic Web of the I AM avatar race is ready to launch, to speak and to BE ~ Channeled from Self - Oct 16, 2013

As we allow the current flow of energy to merge with our authentic being, we still find ourselves very much attached to strings at times, where the web of illusion is desperately trying to hold on to our being in order to be fed. On the other hand the freedom and its smell are very palpable and can be tasted in the form of Light and Love, as it smells like flowers and stardust, where the frequency is so high it is beyond tangible in your life stream. You are starting to find yourself within the stream of unimaginable energies that form your current reality within.

La Inevitabilidad del Cambio y el Sueño Profundo con Gaia… Una Nueva Comunión de Luz Las Energías de la Nueva Tierra: Octubre 2013 AA Miguel a través de Celia Fenn - 14 de Octubre 2013

photo by Christophe Kiciak
Traducción: Fara González López
Difusión: www.manantialcaduceo.com.ar/libros.htm

Amada Familia de Luz, han sido unos cuantos meses intensos y tumultuosos desde el Año Nuevo Planetario en julio y del influjo de Nueva Luz a través de las Puertas Estelares en julio y agosto. Estas Transformaciones de Energía han traído Cambio a un Nivel muy Profundo. 
Este Cambio es inevitable, porque es parte del proceso de Vida y Evolución. Cuando la Tierra se convirtió a la Quinta Dimensión en diciembre del 2011, ella se sacudió de las limitaciones rígidas de las viejas Rejillas de Tercera Dimensión y se permitió reconectarse con el Flujo Grácil de Luz Divina desde el Corazón del Cosmos.  Esto significó que cada Ser Viviente en el Planeta Tierra también se recalibró a esta Nueva Frecuencia de Cambio Acelerado. 
El Cambio es inevitable. Es parte del proceso de Vida y Crecimiento.  Es la apertura de un capullo en primavera y la caída de las hojas en otoño. Es los primeros brotes verdes en la nieve y la riqueza de la cosecha de verano.  Todos tienen su momento en el Tiempo, en la Riqueza y Florecimiento de la Vida Física.
Pero aún más allá de las leyes naturales de Crecimiento y Cambio en la Tierra, también ocurren cambios de Consciencia y de Creación a un nivel muy profundo. Los Nuevos Códigos de Luz que entran a través de los portales estelares aceleran y activan las energías a niveles atómicos y subatómicos, de lo que llamaríamos ‘Partículas de Dios’.  Estas nano-partículas son la Inteligencia Divina Cósmica tal como ella se manifiesta dentro de la Realidad Física A medida que estas partículas evolucionan y cambian, así mismo ellas inician el Cambio en todos los niveles de la Creación.  
Así, Amados, diríamos que el Cambio está ocurriendo a un nivel muy profundo en el Tejido de la Creación y  en la Conciencia Colectiva de la Tierra. Pero, también sentirán este Cambio en sus Cuerpos Físicos y en su Experiencia Colectiva como Comunidades.   

El Cuerpo Físico y la Nueva Realidad

image by Brian Exton
A medida que ocurren transformaciones profundas, su Cuerpo Físico comenzará el proceso de adaptación a la Nueva Realidad y a las Rejillas de Conciencia Superior. Aquí se involucran dos procesos.  El primero es un despeje muy profundo y descarga de todo lo que es pesado, de baja frecuencia, tóxico y limitante para ustedes y para los demás.  Pueden notar que su cuerpo busca los cambios en la dieta, en el ejercicio, en los patrones de sueño y en las formas de expresión.  Este proceso de ‘clarificación’ es necesario para el próximo paso, en donde el cuerpo comienza a ‘respirar luz’ en las Células.

Humans becoming aware of their inner space of heart and its powerful creation – Archangel Michael through Marc Gamma ~ 16.10.2013

Archangel Michael[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]
My beloved humans here on earth – this is your Archangel Michael speaking to you again.
After some short break I am here with you again in order to submit to you new matters, new insights and all that which will bring you forward.
Much has happened recently and great progress has been made by human mankind. Thus there was such a great leap forward also within the consciousness of all humans.

Sheldan Nidle – Update For The Spiritual Hierarchy And The Galactic Federation – 16 October 2013

SheldanNidle13 Etznab, 1 Tzec, 10 Caban
Dratzo! We return with good news! The dark’s last faithful minions are now in a special summit with the followers of the Light. The arrogant and once all-powerful ones are negotiating the final terms of their global surrender. The dark cabal is already stripped of most of its wealth and the Light will transform their old regimes. The agreements reached in the summit will produce a final timetable for the making of a new realm – one that is free, prosperous and permits each person to be truly sovereign. The agreements will also detail how the leaders of the current “de facto” governments will resign. The new governance will put on a series of special trials to explain why various past events happened and how other events forged a new reality for humanity. This will help you to better understand the reasons behind the events of the day.

Jennifer Hoffman – Q&A: Why Am I Gaining Weight When I’m Trying to Lose It? – 16 October 2013

jenniferhoffman300x225Dear Jennifer:  I have always been a little overweight since childhood and have always been known in my family as the ‘chubby’ one. Lately it’s been bothering me and I have decided to lose some weight. Although I watch what I eat and I exercise, I am gaining weight instead of losing it. It is distressing, since I made a commitment to losing this weight and now when my family sees me, they ask me why I am not losing the weight. Is there a reason for the weight gain, such as the energy downloads and all of the shifts that are happening and how much more weight will I gain until I start losing it?

martes, octubre 15, 2013

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – Current Cosmic Events – 14 October 2013


Good golly miss molly here we go again. its going to be a ‘hail Mary’ kind of autumn as we all walk the tight rope, one side fire one side hopeWhat was I thinking last year when I booked the SHE CONFERENCE? We have eclipses coming like a mad yellow jacket, wrapping there changing energies around l us like ivy. They demand we listen with every part of our essence no questions asked, and no questioners answered.
This next lunar eclipse October 18, 2013 asks us to be balanced in the face of collapse. It asks the Great Spirit within to come forth. An empty seat awaits in the stance of honor. Placement of personage does not always deem one honorable. Earning a wage is simple compared to earning honor and trust.   Keeping to ones words is more than most can handle at this time of stress. as we continue to give our power away to those that seemingly sit in  power.

Stellar Beings – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn October 15, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
My child , don’t you have often wondered whether any of these so twinkling stars on your night sky is inhabited? They are nearly all inhabited, either on the surface, inside or both. The inhabitants are of different shapes, some are human or humanoid, others have animal form, and others are not beings like you know. This does not mean that they want to harm you. Your film industry has drummed you that all these beings want to destroy or enslave the people and the earth. Just as there are also those among your people who you call as good or evil, there are also among the galactic beings those who are well disposed towards you, or are just on their own advantage. But you must not fear them, for only those stellar beings who are sympathetic to you and Gaia and who help you in your development, now have permission to approach the earth. They are already for thousands of years with their light ships within reach to the earth. They are full of love for you and your fellow man. So do not fear them, my child. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://thesilverplatinumflame.wordpress.com/

Astral Bodies driven by Aliens - 15/10/2013

Suzanne Lie – An Unexpected Message – Simultaneous Perceptions And Creation – 15 October 2013

SuzanneLieNote from Author
My mind has been going round and round the concept of simultaneous perception and creation. However, my original intention for this article was to write about being a channel. But first, I wanted to ask the Arcturians about a statement I read which was “our senses are projectors rather than receivers.” This statement seemed to somehow address the possibility of simultaneous perception and creation, but I did not know how.
The answer to my first question was so detailed that it became the entire article. In keeping with my original intention I would like to say that when your higher guidance speaks, LISTEN. In fact, that statement is the baseline for all channeling. In closing I would like to add that channeling is actually a conscious connection and surrender into a higher frequency expression of our Multidimensional SELF.

The ancient romance Jesus Christ

Aisha North – A History Of Creation – Part 4 – 15 October 2013

AishaNorthThis is another one of those message that perhaps will make many a head spin, but we do know that this will not be new knowledge to any of you. In fact this is what has been imprinted within you all from the very beginning not only for this life, but from eternity. For you all share the same blueprint as you all hail from the same ether, and as such, nothing is ”news” to any of you, nor will it be. But for special reasons, you have been programmed to disable the old memory banks you carry with you, and so, life as a human being began. But now, when you are stepping into your full powers again as true creators, you will be allowed to access it all once again. For what once was considered as a hindrance, will now once again be an asset, as you have managed to rewire yourselves sufficiently to access the higher vibrational spheres from where you once came. For this is all about vibration, of harmonics, of sound if you will, set up to play a certain tune that will harmonize with everything else that is. For All of Creation is nothing more than an enormous piece of music, all created by separate “notes”  put together to play out in dissonance and in consonance, it depends how you look at it. Or rather, listen. For what you SEE is really what you HEAR, in other words that you perceive, is vibration, but these vibrations can take many different shapes and forms, and they can be visual as well as aural. You see, everything is humming its own tune, it is shaking and dancing to its inner harmonics, and these are what make them visible, both to the eye and to other receptors of vibration.

Fran Zepeda – Yeshua: You Are The Strongest of the Strong – 15 October 2013

Hello my dearest ones, my beautiful friends. I come before you today with so much love in my heart for you and so much hope in my heart for you, and I see so much promise in you. You are the elite of the stars – starlight, every one of you. Your mission continues and it proceeds in ever-illuminated glory.
You may be experiencing a lull right now in what you deem as your purpose, in what you deem as your mission, in what you deem as your path. But do not forget dear ones, that you are ever-solid in your endeavors, and are ever-solid in your missions.

SaLuSa 15. 10. 2013 by MADAD

 SaLuSa (1)

We see how quickly you are raising yourselves and are ready to reach for the new, because the calling of your higher reality is very strong and with your focus on it your intentions becoming more powerful than ever before. It is important now to listen to your own body and take as much rest as you can, as the physical changes are happening within time of your current reality. Although it is still quickening, these changes cannot happen at once, because you still need to be also part of the old reality and share your ever growing Light with others. But we want to assure you that they are not slow at all, and we know that you feel it each day how you are being changed. Just be aware of the fact that they are happening with the exact speed needed for each of you and those that will be the first ones to enter the new reality know it with certainty, as they are walking straight towards fulfillment of their life plan without stopping and holding onto something old, because there is simply no attraction felt to it.

Brenda Hoffman - Your Earth You is the Commander of Your Totality - October 15, 2013

Life Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTCLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com
Summary of Brenda’s October 13, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: You’re the space aliens and inner-earth beings you’ve been waiting for. You’re finally strong enough physically, emotionally and spiritually to accept as many segments of you as you wish – when you wish. The more segments you welcome into your being, the stronger your creation skills are.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for  http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: “Why is She/He Still in My Life?”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” BlogTalkRadio.com show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.

Dear Ones,
Perhaps your concern is that space aliens will overtake your being and you will become a zombie. Such is not the case. In truth, you will be you with added sparkle once you allow yourself to add new segments.
When you were your 3D being, your skills, attitudes, perceptions and beliefs were limited to your 3D world. Perhaps you ventured out a bit as was true for Baby Boomers in the 1960′s and 1970′s. But even Baby Boomers continued their 3D lives with just a few adventuresome thoughts.

Meredith Murphy ~ Ongoing Expansion & Re-formatting to the New Earth: Eras Merge in Simultaneous Time - Oct 14, 2013


October 18, through November 3, 2013

Channeled on behalf of the Council of Light by Meredith Murphy

Telepathic transmision: Monday October 14.

Upon completion of the crystalline grid, in December of 2012, new potentials became available on Earth. 2013 is a year of your bodies and your consciousness re-formatting to the New Harmonics of Consciousness. This has inspired much expansion in each of you this year. This expansion can be uplifting, challenging or often -- both. It is always driven at a soul level and what is opening for each of you is empowered by these New Harmonics and released into your experience as your resonance with these codes is achieved. When you are compatible with higher dimensional energy fields, they open automatically, as if by magic, in your consciousness.

lunes, octubre 14, 2013

Council of Angels and Pleiadian Council via Goldenlight ~ The Global Reset of all Systems in preparation for the Golden Age on Earth, 7-25-13 and 10-13-13

Channeled by Goldenlight, thegoldenlightchannel.com. © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit at top without alteration when re-posting this message.
Dear friends,
I’m re-posting this message tonight as I feel that this upcoming week is a crucial one in the beginning of massive events that will soon transpire in our world. This is also 100% inline with the last message from Elizabeth Trutwin that I just posted and I received divine guidance tonight that yes, I should repost this channeling. In my personal life I had a major break from my old life today and am leaving everything behind in so many ways.
I love you all very much.

Brian, the dragon - The "others" - October 14, 2013

This is the dragon. In the past, we have talked about what you call "ET races" that interact with humanity. They are really your brothers and sisters because you are just like them in more ways than you can imagine. Your only difference is form, which is irrelevant in higher vibrations. In another life, you may be them and vice-verse. Most of you, especially those of you on Earth now, have been what you call an extra terrestrial at least once, and often times more than you have been on Earth.
However, some of you still do not trust your brothers and sisters. Some have fear, some have distrust. It is not unfounded. First of all, any being should have discernment. It is an important tool, really from a universal perspective to protect you from yourself - to make sure you use your creative ability in an appropriate way for what you are trying to do, since you are imbued with the ability to create anything - even if sometimes it is not easy for a 3d being to figure out how. The universe is balanced. Therefore, if you talk about some trait you consider positive, there is going to be an equal potential for negative alternatives in the universe, with the understanding that god-all-that-is is biased towards love. Finally, some of you have had other lives where you had run-ins and have intuitive memory of that in your current life.

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild — OCTOBER 14, 2013

October 14, 2013

Blossom: Well Good morning to you my friends … and should I say ‘Happy Anniversary’ … for it is if five years to the day as you know, that the ‘Big No Show’ took/didn’t take place! My what a life time ago that seems! And here we are still together … should we not be having a candle lit dinner for … me and however many consist of your consciousness? Probably a bit too crowded for my liking! So … Here we are then …
The Federation of Light: Here we are Blossom and there you are. Indeed we continue our relationship/friendship for this is how we desired it to be when we … you and us … made this arrangement. This is much speculation is there not concerning the future coming Event?

domingo, octubre 13, 2013

Neale Donald Walsch – Embrace What You Have Discovered – 13 October 2013

neale_donald_walschMy dear friends…
Last week in this space we spoke about how the opinions and observations of us offered by others can “run” our life, actually creating, in a way, our experience of ourselves. I talked about how this happened to me…and about how, finally, I broke out of that trap through deep personal exploration.
I had gathered much from my explorations. I gathered much from all those books, retreats, religions, seminars, and sacred interactions with others that I have spoken of here in weeks past. But even then I was just not able to hold onto very much of what I was discovering and creating about myself, and to make it my sustaining reality, largely because of who I would have to make wrong if I did.

Aisha North – A History Of Creation – Part 3 – 13 October 2013

AishaNorthAs you know, the actions of the atoms are not random, as they have all been preprogrammed to display different characteristics from the outset, and as such, they all behave in their own distinctive manner. Preprogrammed from the outset, so that they can enact the roles they have been given. For this is indeed the true secret behind the seeming appearance of mass, for mass is nothing but a shimmering haze of particles coalescing in such a way, they seem to conform into a solid object. But they are not, neither are you, as you are also composed of different units of these ever busy little carriers of light and energy, all working together in unison to form a thing called ”Aisha” or ”Peter” or what have you. They are also busy at work forming objects such as ”stone” or ”chair” or ”tree”, and every thing you can care to label, and then some.

Marilyn Raffaele – The Arcturian Group – 13 October 2013 Posted on October 13, 2013

marilynraffaeleGreetings dear people of the great planet Gaia, we rejoice with you as we observe the Light  flowing forth from and to you at this time.  Earth is moving quickly toward a new universal energy which increases with every person who opens their heart and mind to new and higher ways of seeing.  We observe people the  world over questioning and asking themselves if what they are being told by those in charge is actually true.  This questioning  indicates  personal and universal receptivity  to truth which in turn  brings focus and change to the myriad  forms of  powerlessness so many still experience. This is how change happens.

La Quinta Iniciación: Fusión de la mónada por Lauren C. Gorgo 5 de Octubre



Traducción:  Fara González López
Edición Odilia Rivera para el Manantial del Caduceo

Efectos Post Equinoccio
Nacemos. El trabajo (realmente) duro ha terminado, y la pesadez comienza a despejarse
Todavía pueden estar sintiendo la incomodidad del propio nacimiento, pero han hecho el trabajo interno, probablemente estén notando que los desafíos de este proceso interminable han sido más manejables por día. Si no, mantengan el rumbo. Si se mantienen enfocados en sí mismos se les mostrará absolutamente lo que sea que les espere en el camino de su soberanía.
Aunque las cosas están más ligeras, todavía tenemos que mantener una resolución firme respecto al sostenimiento de nuestra muy nueva forma de Ser….mayormente porque todavía ella está en su etapa infantil….pero según mi Fuente(es), esa necesidad decrecerá sustancialmente en esta temporada a medida que nos dediquemos a anclar nuestros pies en la  nueva tierra y a crear nuestra magia de nuevo. Al hacerlo, al liberar cualquiera y todas las energías (pensamientos) de victimización y reemplazarlos con nuestra divina autoridad, liberamos y desatascamos simultáneamente el espacio expansivo, creativo del cielo que reside dentro de cada célula de nuestro ser.  

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 13 October 2013

marlene1-1Beloved Ones,
The heavens smile down upon the Earth as she moves into alignment with her destiny. Seen from the higher realms, the wonder of this movement is beyond reckoning. The celestial movements that are occurring and will continue to occur bring transformation of the highest order. The old ways are fast becoming just a dream and new beginnings are ripe with potential. These are times spoken of through the ages and it is now here at last. First it begins on the etheric energy levels and filters its way into every facet of life and living upon your planet. Profound change and transformation is wending its way into every cell of existence and the Earth is being prepared for a grand ceremony.

UFO Attacks International Space Station from Earth

Andy Bojarski - Saint Germain – Part 2 – What You Need To Do To Teleport - Oct 13, 2013

LoveHi everyone, here is the second part of the channeling with Saint Germain.  Click HERE to view the first part of the channeling.  Sending all of you love and many blessings…Andy
“…Only the purest hearts that are filled with nothing but deep love for all beings and Self will teleport. Teleporting comes from the heart, your precious, love filled heart. 
When you teleport, all of your magnificent energies are moved to your amazing heart from your physical body and then you communicate with the heart energetically, and not the mind or the ego, thus allowing yourself to by physically moved to where you want to go. 

Accept yourself – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn October 13, 2013

(Translated from original language german)

Love yourself more, my child. You have still to do something in this regard. And love your fellow man more. If you see enemies in them, they are the mirror image of your own. Then you are still hostile to yourself. Accept yourself as you are, unconditionally. Who says that your life has to be flawless? How can you gain experience when you are afraid of making mistakes? And you learn yet more from your mistakes and failed attempts. They tell you what works and what does not work. So live my child, and love yourself. Accept yourself. Unconditionally. Can’t you love yourself in as much as I love you? Without reservations and conditions? ~

Your Divine Mother

Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://thesilverplatinumflame.wordpress.com/

sábado, octubre 12, 2013

Wally - SaLuSa 12 October 2013


SaLuSa 12 October 2013.
At this time we can assure you that we are not idle and inactive as regrettably the dark continue in their corruption and criminality, and we are now working from various different angles and approaches to apply and administer pressure where necessary, so that things don’t get too out of hand. We must follow certain procedures and practices, but our ultimate end result still remains untarnished and unadulterated, which is your freedom and sovereignty, and you will have it complete and full, we know many have strong feelings and emotions about the legal system and law enforcement, but the changes will offer you a greater degree of protection and safeguard in the field of law and courts.
Dear Ones many do not heed our words, but we tell you that we have many back up plans and secondary support structures, many things are still in the mix and working themselves out, we are partly and somewhat close to having humanity gathered as one in peace and unity, and you will be far stronger bonded together as one, and fit for a far greater purpose, and you have our full backing and support on this.

OMTIMES - Difference in Empath, Intuitive, Psychic, Medium and Healer By Lynn Zambrano

By Lynn Zambrano
What are the differences? The definitions have become interchanged and confused. Lets take a moment to review and clarify so that you will connect with the right reader and get the most from your session.
Intuition is a right brain process that taps into subconscious information in order to provide guidance about everyday life. Being intuitive means that you able to tap into subconscious information in order to receive guidance about your every day life. Intuition can be used to receive guidance about your own life (personal intuition) or to help other people (professional intuition). People who are intuitive are not necessarily psychic. Being intuitive is about receiving guidance to make better decisions in your life, and helping guide others in theirs.

I love you – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn - October 12, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
I love you, my child. I love you just as you are. Whether you think you would have flaws or you were not worthy of my love. I love you anyway. I love your laughter, your alleged errors and slips. I love it when you look in the mirror and you say to yourself: I love you!
I love you, I love you, I love you!
I can tell you just never enough. I love you in all your beauty. You are beautiful to me namely. You are infinitely beautiful and valuable. Every one of you. No matter what you do or do not do, I love you, my child, endlessly and in all eternity. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://thesilverplatinumflame.wordpress.com/

Tazjima - Elizabeth Ayres Escher - Lady Venus: “You are a Part of the Symphony of Life” - October 12, 2013

Nootka Rose

I AM Lady Venus, consort to Sanat Kumara, Queen of Venus. I am a member of the White Sisterhood and a priestess of the Divine Mother. I embody the truth, power and grace of the Divine Feminine. I travel the distances between our worlds on the flight of a pure white horse, a winged horse. There is no need for a physical conveyance for the energy of our message travels at the speed of thought. And with the sacred intention of anchoring the love of the Divine Mother upon the soil of Gaia, I have sent to earth one of my daughters, our scribe. By daughter, I mean one who carries our energy patterns in her being. She is one who has embodied as male and female, during many lifetimes, but always she has carried our signature.

Alcyon Pleyades 14-2ª. Obama, su biografía oculta, Invasión de Siria, Fugas radioactivas... 02/10/2013

02/10/2013 http://alcyonpleyades.blogspot.com Nos encontramos en la época más difícil de nuestra conflictiva historia, en una transición humanidad-tierra que va a definir de forma clara nuestro destino. Estamos ante dos fuerzas, la de la oscuridad marcada por unos nefastos aliens invasores que desde hace 12 mil años se apoderaron abusiva e impunemente de nuestro planeta y los Seres de Luz provenientes de mundos sutiles y superiores que hicieron todo lo posible para ayudarnos dentro de nuestra evolución-capacitación... Sin embargo el poder de las oscuridades tuvo más fuerza-mando, pero ahora que se ha cumplido el plazo de dominio-control y todo el planeta como la humanidad deben regresar a sus orígenes estelares y descodificarse de las funestas frecuencias absorbidas, mientras el planeta-Gaia empieza a reacomodarse para sus nuevas estructuras geológicas para dar asiento a la nueva Raza Fotónica que está muy próxima. Estamos llamados a un cambio radical planetario, psicológico-conductual y genético total y esto los aliens dominadores lo saben muy bien por eso se aferran a su hegemonía-mando y luchan para no soltarnos y provocar más contratiempos y caos por el mundo entero. Por lo pronto sus ciborgs hibridados nos están cerrando-apretando cada vez más y para justificar estos terribles fines ya bien planificados, apoyarse en la seguridad ciudadana o del Estado. Entonces bajo esa falsa bandera sin obstáculos van militarizando las ciudades, la población se ve más controlada y sitiada... y aparte de mostrarse desafiantes como si de un Ejército armado se tratara están los atentados y auto-atentados, simulacros que han estado utilizando, abuso a los derechos ciudadanos... Lo extraño es que desde el atentado de las Torres Gemelas de N.Y del 2001 esa represión se intensificó enormemente. Por eso muchos activistas, periodistas y defensores de los derechos humanos dicen que desde esa fecha se dio inicio al dizque Nuevo Orden Mundial. No olvidemos que eso es lo que quieren los aliens involutivos para reforzarse y desmembrarnos más bajo ese pretexto nos encierran y así somos controlados sin oposición. Por eso que las entidades de antiluz se esfuerzan para que conservemos esa mente globalizada Orweliana así nos manipulan sin oposición vía masa, nos entretienen fascinados de mil maneras y es más fácil para llevar adelante cualquier exterminio-control que se propongan. Video realizado por ALCYON

Video: Is This the Galactics in Action Over Russia Again? Oct 12, 2013

Thanks to Bryan and the Golden Age of Gaia.
Stephen Cook: Remember that ‘meteor’ that rained down over Russia earlier this year and how it was miraculously destroyed by our star brothers and sisters?
Well it seems they’re back in action again – only this time it may have been a missile they put out of action. Here’s what the Russian YouTube User Poligraf Poligrafovitch·who posted the video on October 10, 2013 had to say, as translated by Google Translate: At about 20:00 on Thursday in the sky above the Yekaterinburg, many citizens saw an unidentified flying object, which flew with a smoky trail and disappeared in a cloud of smoke. According to Interfax, it was at this time on the firing range in the Astrakhan region “Kapustin Yar” the military launched a ballistic missile, “Topol”. “Study of a missile with a given accuracy to hit a conditional target range” Sary-Shagan “in Kazakhstan,” – says the agency. Here’s’ how we reported them ‘saving the world’ back in February this year: http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/02/video-ufo-breaks-up-meteorite-over-russia/ And here’s what Archangel Michale had to say at that time: http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/03/thank-you-star-brothers-and-sisters-for-well-saving-the-world/

400,000 Evacuated as Super Cyclone Packing 314kph (195mph) Winds Heads for India’s East Coast - Oct 12, 2013

Cyclone PhailinThanks to Golden Age of Gaia.
From Reuters/ABC – October 12, 2013

Cyclone Phailin at a Glance

  • The “super cyclone” is classified as Category 5
  • Satellite images show it to be half the size of India
  • Storm heading towards Orissa and Andhra Pradesh
  • US navy says winds at sea gusting at 314kph
  • Nearly 400,000 people have already been evacuated
  • A similar storm in India killed 10,000 people 14 years ago
  • Some forecasters have likened the storm to Hurricane Katrina

Make a Wish – SaLuSa by Multidimensional Ocean 12 Oct. 2013

http://i1.wp.com/salusacourier.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/salusa.jpg?fit=1600%2C1600Dear ones,
The times ahead will fill your heart with tears of joy and love. The angelic realms have prepared a love show for many of you, especially in the lightworker and spiritual circles. Have no expectations of where your life would like to be and do not feel overly concerned if things don’t go according to you plans. The divine and your higher-self has a much bigger and lager plan for you, a plan which cannot be comprehended by the linear ordinary mind, a plan which reunites all the dimensions, all your lives (past present and future ones) and will reunite your over soul.

The Search for the ultimate Grail – the Quest for Meaning….Judith Kusel - October 12, 2013

We are sum total of many lifetimes and multiple existences in many dimensions and life on different evolutionary scales….. therefore we are not truly what we live here on this planet, for we sink into a deep forgetfulness sleep and then we often sleep our way through life and believe the lies we are programmed to believe.
Nowhere is this truer than in the spheres of Love.
Deep down there is this yearning to find someone who will love us – just the way we are.  The fantasies develop, often around the concept of what life is reflecting back to us.  It could be in the form of Knights in Shining Armour who sweep us off our feet…. It could the eternal love stories of a Cleopatra and Antony – it could be the never ending search for the realms of the Gods and Goddesses of Love, whose never-bliss becomes the essence of Nirvana itself….

Soon it will be possible for you to see New Earth – Archangel Raphael through Marc Gamma ~ 12.10.2013

AARaphael-II[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]
My beloved humans, this is your Archangel Raphael speaking. After some short break being much enjoyed by our channel in his holidays we shall now continuing. It will even be much easier for us to channel information because of newly refreshed powers, ideas, and motivation. It is of no use to us if our channel is tired, demotivated and drained out and this is why we do enjoy continuing again with newly won strength and taking you with us on a journey again.

WakingTimes – V. Susan Ferguson – A War In The Heavens : In The Far Reaches Of Outer & Inner Space – 12 October 2013

waking_times_logo_6-5-12_1Is there a war going on out there in the far reaches of outer and therefore inner space, a War in the Heavens as many have alluded? If there is such a war, what would that mean to us here on planet Earth in terms of our belief systems, our safety and sovereignty?
In 1995 Courtney Brown started the Farsight Institute to teach remote viewing techniques. In the early days of his endeavors, he was very open about what he was doing and what he was ‘seeing’. For a time he posted the most amazing reports on his website that were emerging from his and others remote viewing events. These reports often concerned governments, the ETs, and catastrophic occurrences that in those days would knock-the-socks-off most of us readers. One day such mind blowing accounts stopped cold, and even though we cannot know, many imagined that Courtney had been approached and after some ‘discussion’ was persuaded – like so many others – that it was in the best interest of everyone concerned to curtail the disclosure of such sensitive material.

Suzanne Lie – Epiloque – We Will Remember – 12 October 2013

“From the dungeons of destruction comes the hope of new life,” Jason and I said as one being. We looked up to our three guides and said, “Yes, we will return and care for Gaia. We realize that She has been reborn just as we have. But how do we return?”
“Through the twelfth floor,” we all said in harmony.
Instantly, a bright light surrounded our joint form of Sandy and Jason. As we surrendered into the light we became aware that the dream we had tried so hard to remember was so vivid because it was NOT a dream. Instead, it was a future experience that we had partially remembered. However, as the light turned into a swirling vortex all thoughts of our past disappeared.

Astronauts Seen Weird Cloud in Space above Earth - Oct 11, 2013

Wes Annac – Our New Age Of Intention And Action – 12 October 2013

wes-annac-300x229For years in many spiritual circles, the idea has been presented that humanity is reaching a tipping point along what’s perceived to be a very real evolution of collective consciousness.
It’s believed that humanity is being guided to purer and deeper realms of consciousness beyond our current perception wherein we realize and rediscover deepened abilities we’ve been taught to believe couldn’t possibly exist.

viernes, octubre 11, 2013

Andy Bojarski – Saint Germain – How Teleportation Will Change Your World – 11 October 2013

TeleportationHello everyone, this is Andy Bojarski.  I normally only channel my Higher Self.  However, I was asked by Saint Germain (who’s energy came in very strongly) to give this message regarding teleportation that is coming soon to Mother Earth.
He stressed the importance of this message and asked that I share it on our website with all of you…There is a second part that I will post tomorrow or the next day as I do not want to have a post that is too long so I am breaking it up into two posts.
The second part discusses what you have to do to be able to teleport yourself.  I hope you enjoy these posts…

El Tiempo - El Vaticano participó en la Conspiración del Secreto Extraterrestre - Oct 11, 2013

Un representante del Vaticano acudió al encuentro secreto entre la Delegación Extraterrestre y el Presidente Eisenhower en 1954.
A la izquierda el Obispo de Los Angeles, James Francis Mc Intyre, y a la derecha, el Obispo de Detroit, Edward Mooney.

Ambos fueron, por comisión del Papa Pío XII, los organizadores del S.I.V. Servicio de Inteligencia Vaticana, para coordinar los asuntos extraterrestres con las Comisiones Secretas del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos.

El Vaticano colaboró estrechamente con el Gobierno de Estados Unidos para mantener en el Máximo Secreto toda la información de tipo extraterrestre, ocultando la verdad a todos los países de la Comunidad Internacional.

SaLuSa 11. 10. 2013 by MADAD

 SaLuSa (1)

Energy field around each of you and around Mother Earth is getting stronger and no longer supporting accumulation of negative aspects of 3D reality. This energy field is filled with Love and Light of high frequency and it works as a clearing shield of all that need to be released. Those who cleared themselves can feel it as powerful feeling of being lifted up from all that was holding them previously down and it is helping them to get used to even higher frequency of Being. Do be aware of this feeling and let this Love and Light that surround you inside through your heart and expect great change once your body adjusts to it.

Estrés, ¡Fuera de Aquí! de Wayne W. Dyer - 7 de octubre del 2013


Traducción: Fara González López

Queridos amigos,

No hay nada natural acerca de vivir una vida llena de estrés y ansiedad, con sentimientos de desesperación o depresión, necesitando pastillas tranquilizantes. Los pensamientos agitados que producen presión arterial elevada, problemas de estómago, sentimientos persistentes de incomodidad, incapacidad para relajarse o dormir, y demostraciones frecuentes de disgusto y atropello están violando su estado natural.

Metatrón via James Tyberonn - 2014: El Águila, El Cóndor y el Regreso del Dharma - Sep 8, 2013

Canal del Señor Metatrón

Traducción: Fara González López
Edición: Angy Bahl

¡Saludos! Yo Soy Metatrón, Señor de la Luz y les saludo. Les damos la bienvenida aquí en este momento en su espacio y en su tiempo. Les enviamos a cada uno de sus Seres un exquisito rayo de amor supremo. Oh, querido Humano – Siente el amor que enviamos porque se lo enviamos en tiempo real a cada uno de ustedes “AHORA”, en un rayo brillante desde un vector de dimensión no lineal en una ola que abraza a cada uno de ustedes al leer estas palabras. ¡Cierren sus ojos por un momento y reciban esta energía! Maestros, ¿pueden sentirla? Es amor incondicional y recarga el campo de ustedes, sana su corazón y le recuerda a cada UNO su verdadero hogar, su fuente!

Breaking News! Arriving Aliens - UFO Fleet in orbit of the Sun October 11, 2013

Where the Action Is NOW– Relationships - Judith Dagley - 10.7.13

Just in case you haven’t tuned into it yet, here’s a heads up– we seem to be in the midst of quite a shift. More specifically, ever since our Libra New Moon on 10.4, we seem to have entered an initiation into experiencing ”expansion” as the process of LIVING it truly is, rather than conceptualizing it as lessons to learn and/or something to wait for. That this initiation is also a process is indicated by the full Aries moon/lunar eclipse that follows the new moon by two weeks, and the Scorpio solar eclipse that will follow that, two weeks later.

UFO / Lights in the Sky Near St George, Utah, September 27th 2013

Council of Angels and Archangel Michael via Goldenlight: Dancing and Skipping Around the Edges of Time October 11, 2013

Balanced Heart Chakra - available from HeavenOnEarthSilks on Etsy
Channeled by Goldenlight, www.thegoldenlightchannel.com. © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit, and full message without alteration when re-posting this message.
Dear Friends,
I’m doing a rare daytime channeling as the urge to rest and bring in a message is so strong that I can no longer ignore it.
For the past week I have been floating in and out of “time” or transcending the 3rd and 4th dimensions .. “Skipping time”.. The only things that seem to be keeping me tied to this reality that includes time and dates are a couple of old work projects I’m finishing up that have deadlines. After those two projects, my work responsibilities are over and I am faced with the prospect of no new “work” in my field; but I feel that my “work” is now in being aligned with my soul contracts and missions, namely the assisting of ushering in the new Golden Age upon Earth by bringing in higher dimensional messages and lightworks of art. My next painting series will be an archangel “miniseries” (not a tv show lol), as well as another two new series which are a surprise. I AM moving forward in faith that financial abundance will come somehow by following my soul mission and soul contract, i.e., the reason my soul came to this earth at this time of great transformation for All.

You are magnificent – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn October 11, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
My child, you are magnificent. You can not be anything but magnificent. Your soul is beautiful and she just wants you to be happy. Listen to what your soul speaks to you. She knows you, for it she you and you are she. And please have no more doubts of your magnificence. Can I, as the Creator of all that is, create something that is NOT awesome? This is not possible, and since you are a part of my SELF, you have to be necessarily magnificent. The one begets the other. It might be all well and good to be humble, but it would significantly raise your self-esteem when you no longer look at yourself as small and insignificant, but as a beautiful, magnificent being. The easier it will be for you to manifest a wonderful NOW for you. In your humility you set yourself limits and then you are manifesting only also with limitations. My wish for you is but that you think and manifest limitless, for the benefit of all, including yourself, my child. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://thesilverplatinumflame.wordpress.com/

Government Hoaxes The Movie

Merkaba of Sound - Jonathan Goldman with visuals by Davin Infinity

Aisha North - The manuscript of survival – part 363 - Oct 11, 2013

The symbols of success can be many, but for now, let us just focus on a few that will appear for many of you. You have and will start to connect in a way that will enable to you start to see things, but when we refer to this, we do not necessarily refer to tangible things that you can simultaneously touch with your bare hands. We refer to symbols and shapes that may not contain any information that you will understand from a human point of view, but symbols that in themselves contain essential information that will leave their imprint on you in a way that will be of great help. Of course, this whole message, in fact, any message that you may receive in this kind of manner also conveys much of its information this way.

Valerie Donner – Message From Mira From The Pleiadian High Council – 11 October 2013

valerieDonnerGreetings, I am Mira. I am pleased to speak with you and to be participating full time with the Earth Council.
Change is rampant. We see much elevated consciousness. This is inspiring to us. We know that many of you are challenged yet each time you meet the challenge you are making bold new steps in your ascension process.
There is no turning back. You can only move forward for your own benefit as well as for life on the Earth. Holding your dreams and hopes for a better way to live on the Earth is one of your jobs. You are the weavers of Light and a new life. It is important work and you must understand how your consciousness provides valuable exponential input.

Wes Annac – Planetary Healing : What Are Chemtrails ? – Part 2/2 – 11 October 2013

wes-annac-300x229After researching this subject, my opinion that chemtrails are being sprayed as an act of literal chemical warfare against the people is solidified. Chemical weapons are being used against people in various different places nearly every day, and those who speak up about it are relegated to the conspiracy corner. In my view, that’s very tragic.
How long will we as a species let complacency and uncaring keep us from questioning what’s going on in our skies?
If we look up and see thick, expanding chemical trails clearly being sprayed, how long will we continue to let them go unquestioned? If we’ve let the powers that were go so far as to cloak our skies with carcinogenic and cancerous chemicals that then pollute our environment and our health, what else will we let them get away with?