viernes, febrero 28, 2025

Foro del Quinto Miércoles con Kryon - 29 de enero de 2025

Foro del Quinto Miércoles con Kryon

29 de enero de 2025 

Marilyn Harper canaliza a Adironnda y Lee Carroll canaliza a Kryon

Monika: La pregunta para Adironnda y Kryon es: ¿qué consejo tienen para aquellos de nosotros a quienes nos gustaría dejar y soltar nuestros hábitos negativos? Le preguntamos a Adironnda y luego vamos directo a Kryon. Gracias, Adironnda.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Friday February 28, 2025

There are so many things you can do if you are not sure how to proceed in your life. You can simply be present and embrace the opportunity to get some rest and more clarity. You can practice gratitude, which is a wonderful energetic sorting and feedback tool. You can ask for signs or guidance on what the next steps are. You can practice self love and acceptance. You can play with the divine combination which is surrender, faith, flow, and trust.

The End of the Dark Force's Control: Awakening to a New Reality!

Daniel Scranton - Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters - Receive Personal Downloads from this Transmission - Feb 28, 2025

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of Ascended Masters.

We are here to guide you, and we do that with our energy. We can give you words and teachings, But when you follow the vibration that we offer, you are able to make right choices for yourselves in the moment. You are able to receive your own personal downloads even while reading or listening to a message such as this one, which is meant for everyone. You still, as an individual, can receive your own personal downloads because you are resonating more with our frequency while you put your attention on us.

jueves, febrero 27, 2025

Kryon por Lee Carroll - ¿Hay un Método que Permita a los Humanos Vivir Por Más Tiempo? - Miércoles con Kryon – 22 de enero de 2025

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
 Miércoles con Kryon – 22 de enero de 2025

¿Hay un Método que Permita a los Humanos Vivir Por Más Tiempo?

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Esto es algo de lo que me gustaría hablar con un poco más de profundidad hoy. Y les daré un aviso por adelantado: algunas de estas cosas podrían ser controversiales en cuanto a lo que ustedes han aprendido, lo que les han dicho, incluso a su estilo de vida.
Al oír esto ahora, les diré que a los seres humanos se les está dando literalmente una dispensación de energía, una colocación energética para que ustedes, como seres humanos, puedan vivir más tiempo. Vivir por más tiempo que lo que hubieran vivido de otro modo, y ese es el punto, y la respuesta es sí. Hay para el ser humano maneras de vivir más tiempo.

Pronóstico de las energías de la ascensión de marzo y activación del lenguaje de la luz-Jamye Price

Jamye Price - March Ascension Energies – Freedom Within - Feb 27, 2025

Freedom Within is an important topic for Lightworkers. We work with Light, so our inner realm – our subtle bridge – is important for our focus.

Freedom Within opens and strengthens your energetic communication flow.

Below is an overview of the eclipses of 2025 since I didn’t cover them in the video.

Linda M. Robinson - Archangel Zadkiel - STAYING FOCUSED ON YOUR PRIORITIES - MARCH 2025




Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangels Amethyst and Zadkiel, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss staying focused on your priorities.

Much new incoming energy is arriving on your planet. As this higher frequency energy interacts with the existing energy, a readjustment is taking place. The new energy is bringing older energy into your awareness for examination to determine what to keep, what to release, and what to readjust.

Natalia Alba -We continue crossing into a new frequency band - Feb 27, 2025

Beloved Ones,

We continue crossing into a new frequency band, integrating Piscean frequencies and continue acting as Divine Unifiers in our conscious choice to assist our planetary transition. 

Many of you will feel the intensity of the shift occurring at this time in your sixth and seventh-dimensional bodies, as you continue transfiguring your three-dimensional bodies, losing density and stepping into physical ascension, and realigning to your Divine Selves, a process that the current energies greatly support.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Thursday February 27, 2025

There is a part of you that prefers to exist within the energies of what it already knows. It perceives predictability and the lack of movement as safety, so it will often do whatever it can to stay the same, often through the use fear and doubt. But you cannot create big change and expansion by staying within energies that have already been experienced. The fact that you are seeking lets you know that what you are wanting exists in the energies beyond where you are. If where you are held the changes you seek, you would already be experiencing them.

Judith Kusel - Lord Melchizedek - Feb 27, 2025

"There is so much little ones that is there in your heart and in your soul that needs now to come to the fore, to be expressed. When your heart and soul are fully opened and love is there overflowing, you cannot be anything other than the truth of who you are, and it flows out of you and every encounter becomes a holy and sacred encounter. You leave golden footprints wherever you go, also golden footprints in the hearts of those whom you encounter. Imagine going out into your day and sowing those golden seeds in the hearts and souls, to bring that smile to another's face, to bring hope to the hopeless, encouragement to those who are battling.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Is Light Defeating Dark Right Now on Earth? - Feb 27, 2025

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are witnessing you all from the ninth dimension with a very broad view of what is happening there on Earth at this time, and we invite you to see the bigger picture with us. Most of you who are a part of The Awakened Collective would like to see quite a few changes there on planet Earth. And when there is change, sometimes there are things that need to come up and be seen in broad daylight so that the desire for the changes is heightened in all people, or at least the majority of people, on Earth.

miércoles, febrero 26, 2025

Judith Kusel - Note the intense influx now of cosmic and Source energy, - Feb 26, 2025


Note the intense influx now of cosmic and Source energy, the sun flares are now being amplified by the Prime Creator Energy Source, are now activating only our new DNA but our whole bodies and fields are being reinvented and rewired (so to speak). Nowhere more so that now in the throat and glands, our higher heart are now the awakening in unison with the Higher Heart of the Higher Mind. They work AS ONE.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Los Índigos Están Aquí - Miércoles con Kryon – 15 de enero de 2025

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll

Miércoles con Kryon – 15 de enero de 2025

Los Índigos Están Aquí

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Deseo explicar esto, y creo que muchos de ustedes han oído sobre los niños índigo. Ahora quiero contarles algo que es bastante excitante. La serie que hemos estado haciendo esta semana, este mes, la semana pasada (se ríe), incluso tal vez la semana que viene, tiene que ver con el futuro. Están en un año nuevo. Toman resoluciones de Año Nuevo. Y estamos empezando a contarles sobre un futuro nuevo. Más de uno tiene la intención de sus resoluciones, o más de uno estuvo pidiendo a sus ángeles que los ayuden al moverse adelante a una nueva vía, que hemos estado discutiendo, pero hay algo más.

Aurora Ray - The Great Solar Flash: A Few Facts - Feb 26, 2025

The Great Solar Flash: A Few Facts

The Great Solar Flash is a unique event that will take place very shortly on our planet!

For many years, people have been looking for this event. It has been called a "phantom" event by some, but it is real. It has been recorded in history since at least AD 778.

The Flash would be a powerful burst of cosmic light that would leave you feeling as if you had been reborn, as every cell of your being was recharged with new energy. The Flash of light that will be seen for miles as it illuminates the sky.

Valerie Donner - Mira from the Pleiadian High Council - February 25, 2025

A Transmission from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council February 25, 2025 through Valerie Donner

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I greet you today with a grateful and open, loving heart. You are doing such important work, ground crew. Thank you!

As you most likely are feeling, the spells that have been cast upon the Earth are being removed. They no longer apply and there is no power behind them. Those who are absent of light are also being removed. This is making a monumental difference with the energies of the Earth. There is a certain lightness most of you have not felt or remembered, yet you are beginning to feel it. This is truly a gift and the start of how you will feel living in the Golden Age.

Please continue to focus upon the lightness within. Feel it in your heart and radiate it with your thoughts, words and actions.You are becoming increasingly conscious vehicles for the use and purpose of the Light. You are the ascending ones.

Wherever you go, or whatever you do, you are representatives of the light. This is a big responsibility. We on the Earth Council are watching you with great favor. We monitor you and we know your challenges in maintaining this focus. We count on you.

We can say that some of you should reach out to others for support and reassurance during these times of great change. Hold the power of the light in your heart. Ignore anything or anyone who says something that creates doubts or fear. This is not of the light. The light is the fifth dimension and higher, and there is no fear. So if you need help reach out.

One of the signs of someone of lower frequency is that your energy begins to drop off. Your energy field just feels like it wants to go away, which is probably what you should do if you can. Otherwise, do not feed the negativity and do not fall into it. Some are trying to make the light doubt themselves but do not waver. You know your job and you know your heart. Stay there, not in your head, and do not let other peoples’ thoughts get into your head if they don’t resonate.

In the near future we will be sharing much more positivity and great information with you. We look forward to getting to know you, celebrating and having fun.

Thank you for doing all that you are doing and please know we love you dearly. I am Mira

Valerie Donner - Transmission from Lumina - February 25, 2025

A Transmission from Lumina through Valerie Donner on February 25, 2025

Lumina is responsible for the luminescence of creation. She has much to share about the light.

“In the gradual unfolding of the New Earth, you will begin to learn what luminescence truly is. It is that part of creation that gives shape and form to everything. It has the divine intelligence from Source that is transmitted and displayed in a myriad of ways.

Valerie Donner - STRAIGHT FROM THE HEART - February 26, 2025

February 26, 2025

"Your Work, Love, Light and Prayers are making a profound difference on the Earth at this time!"

~ Valerie Donner

Dear Ground Crew:

Here is the latest from Apollo: “Thank you for being a part of the ground crew and the Alliance of Light. This is a time of completion. You have been working night and day doing important projects for ascension. Some of you are tired from the work you are doing. At times, all you want to do is rest, yet when you awaken in the morning you might be aware of being busy all night. Some of you are getting information about what you are doing with other aspects of yourself in the quantum realms. Everything is detail oriented now and all of creation is focused upon what is happening on Earth. Many changes are happening and you are intensely involved in this final stretch. Some of you are working to stabilize the Earth and to assist in staying on purpose. Clearly, the light is in charge. It takes great focus for a planet to ascend. This is why you are receiving infinitesimal assistance. There has never been so much attention placed on the ascension of a planet. You are being uplifted and are uplifting the Earth from those who are not of the light. The planet is being freed and some of you can already feel that the Earth is lighter. You might be feeling greater optimism and seeing already how nature and all of life are working together in harmony. Keep your eyes open and continue to open your heart to the new Golden Age. We are with you!”

Ronna Herman Vezane - Archangel Michael - Whispers of Spirit Advanced Wisdom Teachings of the Future - Feb 26, 2025


During this final phase and end times of this Sub-Universal EXPERIMENT IN DUALITY AND POLARITY, the Wisdom Teachings now being transmitted through all of the dedicated messengers of Light are composed of the higher truths from all of the major religions for humanity and the Earth.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Wednesday February 26, 2025

Is your human self cooperating with your higher self and your guides and helpers through the use of surrender, faith, flow, and trust to move forward in the most amazing and empowered ways possible? It is when all those aspects come together that the ideal team is formed that makes the greatest co-creations happen. Your highest self and your guides are always ready and waiting for you to join them in the creation of your most wonderful life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Ascension Update By The Galactic Federation

Daniel Scranton - The Creators - Use Your Free Will to Do this & Change Everything - Feb 26, 2025

“We are The Creators. We are twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings and we are here to help.

We know your experiences are valid, and we would never tell you that your experiences are unreal. They are the realest part of your physical reality. Your experience of the chair, the flower, the sunset, the other person that you are communicating with, these are more real than anything else, and you are the one having the experiences. You are the one making the determinations about those experiences, and no one outside of you can tell you that you are wrong.

martes, febrero 25, 2025

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Tuesday February 25, 2025

So many of you are wishing to move into divine intersections – those experiences of being in the right place at the right time in order to move into your next phase of creation. If you are desiring to meet the next great love of your life, find a solution to move beyond a blockage, discover your next meaningful service path, or the ideal place to live, all of them come together as divine intersections. Simply put, a divine intersection is aligning you with the discovery of your next highest experience.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - ¿Es Posible que Dios Diga tu Futuro? - Miércoles con Kryon – 8 de enero de 2025

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll

Miércoles con Kryon – 8 de enero de 2025

¿Es Posible que Dios Diga tu Futuro?

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Qué pregunta. Tal vez van a recordar esta canalización particular, en este momento particular, como algo que es una gran confusión, porque algunos de ustedes no entenderán lo que seguirá.

Tanaaz - Astrología Intuitiva: Luna Nueva de Piscis Febrero 2025

La Luna Nueva de Piscis del 27 de febrero marca el último ciclo lunar del año astrológico y nuestra entrada oficial a la Temporada de Eclipses. No hace falta decir que esta Luna Nueva de febrero será impactante y abrirá un portal hacia uno de los puntos más transformadores del año.

Patricia Cota-Robles - COMPREHENDING OUR UNIQUE AWAKENING - Feb 25, 2025


Patricia Cota-Robles

The year 2025 has been heralded by the Company of Heaven as “The Year of Unique Awakening and Manifestation.” This amazing opportunity is possible because of the incredible shifts of Consciousness that have recently taken place within Humanity and all Life evolving on Mother Earth. 

Daniel Scranton - Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters - The Solar Flash & 3 Days of Darkness…Are They Coming? - Feb 25, 2025

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of Ascended Masters.

We are so very happy to be with you at this time and to be expressing to you in all the ways that we can. Of course, many of us have left teachings behind there on Earth for you to study and explore, and we can come through channelers like this one here as we are doing right now. And we are very happy to give you the latest teachings.

lunes, febrero 24, 2025

Natalia Alba - The current Piscean energies are strongly felt at this time - Feb 24, 2025

Beloved Ones,

The current Piscean energies are strongly felt at this time. A time to retrieve the visionary within. A time of profound shift in which every thought, feeling, and act counts to continue anchoring yourself into our new fifth-dimensional harmonic sphere, or descend into the old one, for all serves to our growth and to realize what we truly wish to experience.

Judith Kusel - We are moving deeper into the heart and soul connection - Feb 24, 2025

We are moving deeper into the heart and soul connection, the infinite, deepest knowing of the soul.

The deeper the connection, the higher our Light quotient, the easier it becomes to download universal knowledge, directly from Source. Knowledge far surpassing anything on earth and anything AI can ever provide.

Steve Rother - El Grupo - ~ La serie “Qué es”: ¿Qué es la energía universal? ~ Febrero de 2025

Febrero de 2025

~ La serie “Qué es”: ¿Qué es la energía universal? ~


Saludos desde el Hogar, queridos.

Yo soy Zandria, y daré un paso al frente para entregarles este mensaje con el grupo de los 9 respaldándome.

Continuamos con la serie “¿Qué es?”, hablándoles hoy de la Energía Universal. Esta forma de energía también ha sido llamada Akasha. Los astrofísicos que estudian el cosmos la llamaron la Energía Oscura, y el término oscura significa “desconocida”. La Energía Oscura constituye el 68% de toda la energía del Universo, aunque es inmensurable e indetectable según la tecnología con la que cuentan actualmente los seres humanos. En nuestra discusión, usaremos los términos Energía Universal y Akasha para referirnos a lo mismo.

Natalia Alba - The current Piscean energies are strongly felt at this time - Feb 24, 2025

Beloved Ones,

The current Piscean energies are strongly felt at this time. A time to retrieve the visionary within. A time of profound shift in which every thought, feeling, and act counts to continue anchoring yourself into our new fifth-dimensional harmonic sphere, or descend into the old one, for all serves to our growth and to realize what we truly wish to experience.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Monday February 24, 2025

So many of you feel you need to develop mediumship in order to communicate with spirit. While that certainly is one way, it is far from the only way we communicate with you!

Please don’t put off the joy of working with spirit thinking you need certain skills in order to begin. There are so many ways we interact with you! A simple heartfelt desire and being open to how answers show up are all that are required.

Judith Kusel - We are asked now to allow all notion - Feb 24, 2025

We are asked now to allow all notion and self perceived notions as well as indoctrinated programming, to dissolve, knowing that all is possible in the infinite creation.

Creation is always recreating itself and we, with the Shift, are in the stage of being recreated into the new 7th root race, the new cosmic infinite men and women, regaining longevity, vibrant health and vitality.

Brenda Hoffman - Your Deeply Hidden Agenda - February 24, 2025

Dear Ones,

Even though your fears are partially the result of recent events, they are mostly the pent-up fears you have carried for 3D Earth eons.

You are reacting to fears beyond today’s reality.

Daniel Scranton - Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters - Pay Attention & Notice This - Feb 24, 2025

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

We notice how you live, how you think, how you act, and even how you breathe, and we notice these things because we aspire to help you in every imaginable way. We know that there is significance to everything that you do and the way that you do everything that you do, and we invite you all to slow down so that you can do the same. Pay attention to how you are eating that meal. Pay attention to whether or not you are breathing easily when having a conversation with another person. Pay attention to how you shower and bathe yourselves.

domingo, febrero 23, 2025

The Great Shift Is Upon Us Now: The Final Event of Ascension!

Daniel Scranton - Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters - Big Changes in You & on Earth - Feb 23, 2025

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

You are noticing the changes that are occurring within you, and you are also noticing that there are more changes that you would like to see, that you would like to experience. And sometimes you get fed up and you think that you are blocked or that you must be doing something to prevent the changes that you want to see from coming to fruition. We see this in humanity over and over again, and we just want to assure you that there is nothing wrong with any of you.

sábado, febrero 22, 2025

Blossom Goodchild - Channeling The Federation of Light - Feb 22, 2025


Good morning. Your chat last week seemed to hit a chord with many. Thank you. It seems when we become out of sorts physically, on top of feeling tired and exhausted … we beat ourselves up quite a bit and all Self Love and nurturing goes out the window. Could you talk to us about keeping on top of all these Energies, in order to keep the High Vibe rolling? Again … thank you

Kryon por Lee Carroll - ¿Tus Mascotas Reencarnan? - Miércoles con Kryon – 18 de diciembre, 2024

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll

Miércoles con Kryon – 18 de diciembre, 2024

¿Tus Mascotas Reencarnan?

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Este es un tema que he enseñado muchas veces, pero quizás nunca de esta manera en este programa. Y ahora voy a hacerlo, quiero, asegurarte de algo que quizás no hayas estado conciente de cómo funciona y de la forma en que el Espíritu lo ve.

Asara Adams - The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light - Feb 22, 2025

The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light:

"We are here now.

We love you.

We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path. 

Daniel Scranton - The 12D Creators - Doing This Will Cause Huge Changes in Your Life - Feb 22, 2025

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional nonphysical collective, and we are here to help.

We are in a state of expansion, just as you all are, and we feel that expansion occurring all the time. We invite you to feel for your expansion even some of the time, because we know how valuable it is for you to recognize, to acknowledge, that you are in fact becoming more. You are never stagnant, stuck or blocked, no matter how it might look to you in your life. It is important for you to tune in every single day, because if you do not, you will feel as though you are stuck, you will feel as though you are stagnant, and you will feel as though you are blocked.

viernes, febrero 21, 2025

Natalia Alba - We are transiting a passage of profound activations - Feb 21, 2025

Beloved Ones,

We are transiting a passage of profound activations and light amplification that initiated with the Piscean frequencies on February 19th, and that will continue until the Virgo eclipse on March 14th. Signs that remind us of the importance of balancing polarities, integrating them so we can focus on service, and mission retrieval, grounding our abilities and purpose. 

Aurora Ray - Cosmic Countdown To The Birth Of 5D Earth: Humanity Is About To Go Through A Quantum Shift - Feb 21, 2025

Cosmic Countdown To The Birth Of 5D Earth: Humanity Is About To Go Through A Quantum Shift

We are living in an exciting time. Long before we knew it, humanity started to evolve, and now we are moving towards a new level of consciousness. Whether you are aware of it or not, this shift is already happening at a cosmic level.

The cosmic countdown to the birth of 5D Earth has begun. The shift from third dimension to fifth dimension is a very important part of human evolution.


Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - El DESPERTAR CUÁNTICO FEBRERO 2025





De su Anfitriona de la Luz

2025 Año de la serpiente de madera

Sus Palabras son semillas celestiales en los vientos del cambio

Somos los guardianes de la última esperanza


A medida que llegamos a una nueva plataforma de observación en 2025 vemos una multitud de verdades calculadas; se nos muestran nuevas entradas y salidas de reconocer qué es real y qué no lo es. Las partículas subatómicas son más de lo que piensan, son un minúsculo reflejo universal de la creación; expandiéndose y contrayéndose en ambos extremos, creando un nuevo comienzo. Dentro de la entrada y salida de toda vida, preside una gran consciencia. En 2025 todos recibiremos lo que podríamos llamar nuevos “Espíritus Escoltas” que vienen del centro del Universo en su más vasta medida, para enseñar lo que la humanidad necesita saber (¿recuerdan?) en los tiempos venideros. Se alojan y se magnifican como un par de lentes de visión nocturna autoajustables que están escuchando cada una de sus palabras, cada uno de sus pensamientos, cada uno de sus intentos de encriptación e inscripción.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Friday February 21, 2025

The area of your life that you feel most blocked in is likely the one where you feel there are little to no options for improvement. While it may seem that way to you from where you are, this is never true. To believe so is much like painting yourself into an energetic corner, Dear Ones. It is settling for constriction and constraint, which is a very uncomfortable place to be, indeed.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - ¿Piensas que el Sonido es Sagrado? - Miércoles con Kryon – 11 de Diciembre de 2024

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll

Miércoles con Kryon – 11 de Diciembre de 2024

¿Piensas que el Sonido es Sagrado?

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Dije sonido; no les pregunté sobre la música. Hemos discutido eso antes. Estoy aquí para discutir el sonido crudo. Frecuencia que luego su cuerpo reconoce como sonido. Y esto empieza a abrir una gran bolsa de discusión, pero primero empecemos a hablar de lo obvio: lo que el humano oye, lo que el humano percibe como sonido.

Natalia Alba - We are transiting a passage of profound activations - Feb 21, 2025

Beloved Ones,

We are transiting a passage of profound activations and light amplification that initiated with the Piscean frequencies on February 19th, and that will continue until the Virgo eclipse on March 14th. Signs that remind us of the importance of balancing polarities, integrating them so we can focus on service, and mission retrieval, grounding our abilities and purpose. 

How to Raise Your Vibration: Discovering the Divine Energy Within You through Love, Light, and Joy!

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Why Are You Interested in Arcturians? - Feb 21, 2025

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are sending you energies from our central star, Arcturus, all the time. We are inviting so many of you to benefit from all that has been lived, all that has been experienced in our star system, and all you have to do is open yourselves up to those energies. You see, you don’t have to do it all by yourself. You don’t have to live out every experience to gain the full benefit of having lived that experience yourself. Others have come before you and others are living those experiences right now, and you can benefit from everyone else’s gifts and accomplishments, wisdom and knowledge.

jueves, febrero 20, 2025

IAM the Hands of God Invocation * Patricia Cota-Robles

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Thursday February 20, 2025

An amazing thing happens when you make your self care a priority. At first you may need to concentrate more on yourself if you have had a habit of putting others consistently ahead of your own needs in order to get yourself balanced out. But then what will happen is you will have more patience, more energy, and more stability for others because you will already have everything you need. Your self care serves everyone, and sets a wonderful model for others to honour their own needs, too. To be clear, selfishness serves the one, while self care serves the whole. There is nothing selfish about making your own self care equally important as everyone else’s. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young