miércoles, febrero 26, 2025

Valerie Donner - Transmission from Lumina - February 25, 2025

A Transmission from Lumina through Valerie Donner on February 25, 2025

Lumina is responsible for the luminescence of creation. She has much to share about the light.

“In the gradual unfolding of the New Earth, you will begin to learn what luminescence truly is. It is that part of creation that gives shape and form to everything. It has the divine intelligence from Source that is transmitted and displayed in a myriad of ways.

Luminescence is beyond what is known as intelligence. It is Light seeking to discover itself in every creative way possible so it is unlimited. It makes matter more useful and real. The light of luminescence is strong and vibrant. It knows its way throughout creation. You are a part of it.

Seek to find yourself in the light and luminescence of your natural design. When you do this you will have pure positive strength of being. You will know your way.

We are delighted to share with you more about what luminescence is about. You are discovering the energy that is behind creation. Merge with it and feel what it is like to become one with it.

There is much more for you to learn.

I am Lumina