miércoles, febrero 26, 2025

Daniel Scranton - The Creators - Use Your Free Will to Do this & Change Everything - Feb 26, 2025

“We are The Creators. We are twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings and we are here to help.

We know your experiences are valid, and we would never tell you that your experiences are unreal. They are the realest part of your physical reality. Your experience of the chair, the flower, the sunset, the other person that you are communicating with, these are more real than anything else, and you are the one having the experiences. You are the one making the determinations about those experiences, and no one outside of you can tell you that you are wrong.

You could be colorblind, and someone could ask you what color something is, and you could say ‘It's gray.’ And they could say, ‘No. It's blue.’ But in your experience, it would be gray, and your experience matters. You were created to have unique experiences for the Source of everything, the Source of all of us. And Source thought you and your experiences would be a good idea, would create more expansion, more growth, and more of creation. Your experiences are valid. What you do with them is up to you.

When you realize that you have free will to do with your experiences what you please, then often you start exercising that free will and you ask yourself questions like, ‘Could I be experiencing this differently than I currently am?' And we would hope that you would do that because you wanted to have a different experience of it and not in order to conform to everyone else's experience. If someone else likes a song that they are hearing on the radio, and you do not like that song, you may get inspired by that other person to look for something within that song that you can like and maybe even someday love.

And so, you can see how someone else's experience of something can help you to enjoy your reality a bit more. Therefore, when someone sees something differently than you do, you do not have to convince them that your way of seeing it is right, and you do not ever have to see it through their eyes, because in most cases, you won't be able to anyway. These differences are important. It is how life on Earth is supposed to be. Conformity, sameness, these are not things that help you all to grow as human beings or spiritually.

And so, we say 'live and let live’ is one of the most important expressions that you have there on Earth, and we also want you all to be able to validate yourselves instead of looking outside of you to someone else or to an entire group of people to validate you for you. That's unnecessary, and you will realize that when you recognize that you were created to be different, you were created to be unique, and your perspective matters.

Again, another suggestion that we have is simply for you to sometimes look at your perspective and ask yourself, 'Is this serving me?’ And if your perspective isn't serving you, then consider how you might change it, how you might see something differently so that you can enjoy your life a bit more and drop some resistance, if you were feeling resistant to the thing or the person you were experiencing. These are ways to live happily ever after there on Earth, and everyone can do them. Everyone can do these things. You all have the power within you. Use it. It's your free will.

We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”