lunes, febrero 17, 2025

Natalia Alba - As our planet transitions into a new harmonic dimension - Feb 17, 2025

Beloved Ones,

As our planet transitions into a new harmonic dimension, many of you are sustaining this shift into a new timeline. As New Earth's Anchors, your mission is to incarnate simultaneously in the 3D, 5D, and 7/8D future Earths, for as you know, you/we are an extension of a greater Soul and Monad, fragmented into many bodies. 

Your task is to help reconnect and anchor these harmonic timelines. You are literally an interdimensional portal to help in dimensional reconnection. 

Part of your mission at this time is precious as I am seeing in some of you, for it is time as we continue stepping into this Aquarian Cycle, for you to help reconnect all parallel timelines, through the work with the fabrics of time and space, and other structures involved. so the souls who are now exiting the planet can too transcend into Earth's future timelines. 

This is something that is supported and directed by our Aurora family, Arcturians, and many other benevolent beings within Creation, as our mission is humble and it is achieved more from our physical perspective.

Many of you need to consciously connect to your parallel selves, and act as One, to be able to communicate through time and space. Your parallel selves are often from future Sirian timelines, the first Essenes incarnated on our planet. They are what you/we often feel as our Guides team, which are in truth future selves of yours.

This is a very important time on our planet for those of you who are awakening to your Essence/Cathar lineage, as we are gradually retrieving our Earth's original template, for as he New Earth's Anchors, you too carry within your DNA the original Earth's design and coding. Many of you are needed to help in this planetary task, and in helping the souls who are still trapped in Cathar massacre timelines, helping them liberate their consciousness, through soul retrieval, so they can go to where they truly belong.

As Guides remind us, the most important inner work to do for us to be able to communicate to our parallel selves and retrieve our mission, is to continue healing, balancing our brain-heart connection, activating, and reconnecting as well our light body and DNA, as we cannot navigate through these harmonic dimensions if first we have not awaken and restored our DNA time codes and rehabilitate the correspondent DNA strand dimension we wish to have access to.

Each DNA strand you rehabilitate gives you access to its correspondent timeline, something that does not occur in one day, and that is an arduous task, for we have been manipulated for a long time. However, once we awake to who we are, and decree our intention to continue becoming our true selves, this organic process begins. 

During this nine universal year, many of us are feeling the intensity and acceleration of this transition, for after many years of inner work, we are finally transitioning into a new frequency band. A new timeline in which everything that vibrates at another frequency will be repelled, which is why many of us are feeling old ways of being and living crumbling, as we continue choosing to ascend.

Let it all go, reconnect to your Divine Self, to receive authentic guidance. The Truth is always there for those who are brave enough to embrace it. There is nothing ever hidden within Creation. It is us the ones who create veils of illusion not to see the Truth.

Everything is heading into a new way of being and so are you, for you are now existing in new ways, creating new habits, harmonic and balanced relationships that now resonate with who you are, at a soul level, and that respect your ascension choices.

All of you, are becoming who you truly are. You are not retrograding, just because everything is being reorganized. Do not let your ego confuse you. There is no such thing in the universe as regression. You are finally leaving behind years of mental limitation, soul disconnection, and ego control. 

Leaving all behind, even old aspects of who you thought you were, is essential to continue stepping into fifth-dimensional harmonic timelines, and becoming a free sovereign being, for you were never meant to be governed by others or outer forces.

The more responsibility you take for your personal reality, creations, and outcomes, the more you master the art of creation and divine alignment. 

As you embrace this organic shift, you too will start remembering your purpose, for you are now ready to act from a space of unconditional love and neutrality to All.

All it takes is your continuous choice to remain in your Higher Heart, in love and service to All.

All of you are equally important and valued, for All of you in your unique way contribute to our current transition. 

Thank you for choosing the path of Love Beloveds. 

Thank you for all that you do to contribute to this planetary shift.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba