viernes, febrero 28, 2025

Daniel Scranton - Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters - Receive Personal Downloads from this Transmission - Feb 28, 2025

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of Ascended Masters.

We are here to guide you, and we do that with our energy. We can give you words and teachings, But when you follow the vibration that we offer, you are able to make right choices for yourselves in the moment. You are able to receive your own personal downloads even while reading or listening to a message such as this one, which is meant for everyone. You still, as an individual, can receive your own personal downloads because you are resonating more with our frequency while you put your attention on us.

And every single one of you has a different concept, a different idea of who and what we are, but that is mental, and our frequency is something that you feel. We invite you to feel into our frequency right now and see what you get. And we also want to remind you that you are always being sent exactly what you need in each and every moment of every day. Now, will that align with what you want? It can if what you really want is to grow and evolve spiritually so that you can ascend and become your higher self.

Many of you put your eggs in a very physical basket, because you believe that if you have something or someone in your life, then you can feel the way that you want to feel. And for others, it's the elimination of something or someone from their lives that they believe will bring them into the frequency that they always wanted to be in but could not find. We offer you a frequency, but we do not force you into it. You have a choice and you can choose to tune yourselves to whatever it is that you want to vibrate in harmony with.

We have noticed that when you align with our frequency, you tend to align with more of what your soul wants for you, and as you choose to see everything as happening for you and everything as bringing you further along on your journey, then that will be the effect that everything has on you. You are ready to do more, to be more, and to feel more, and that is why so many of us are coming through so many humans to guide all of you back to the light that always was and always is inside of you, calling you, summoning you.

Yes, you are going to live a physical life, and you are going to face physical challenges and have physical desires, but if you see them all as the ways you have chosen to grow spiritually as a soul, then you will never throw your hands up in despair and think that God, or Source, or the universe is against you. We are all for you because we all understand that we are all one, and there is no real separation between us and you. When we convince you of that, then you can make the highest vibration available to you the ultimate goal for you. And we know you will like the results of doing that more often.

That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”