miércoles, febrero 26, 2025

Valerie Donner - STRAIGHT FROM THE HEART - February 26, 2025

February 26, 2025

"Your Work, Love, Light and Prayers are making a profound difference on the Earth at this time!"

~ Valerie Donner

Dear Ground Crew:

Here is the latest from Apollo: “Thank you for being a part of the ground crew and the Alliance of Light. This is a time of completion. You have been working night and day doing important projects for ascension. Some of you are tired from the work you are doing. At times, all you want to do is rest, yet when you awaken in the morning you might be aware of being busy all night. Some of you are getting information about what you are doing with other aspects of yourself in the quantum realms. Everything is detail oriented now and all of creation is focused upon what is happening on Earth. Many changes are happening and you are intensely involved in this final stretch. Some of you are working to stabilize the Earth and to assist in staying on purpose. Clearly, the light is in charge. It takes great focus for a planet to ascend. This is why you are receiving infinitesimal assistance. There has never been so much attention placed on the ascension of a planet. You are being uplifted and are uplifting the Earth from those who are not of the light. The planet is being freed and some of you can already feel that the Earth is lighter. You might be feeling greater optimism and seeing already how nature and all of life are working together in harmony. Keep your eyes open and continue to open your heart to the new Golden Age. We are with you!”

How are you doing, ground crew? As Apollo mentioned, I am one of those who is active in the dream state. I am getting an abundance of information about projects that I am working on. One of them in particular is with the fleet commander aspect of myself whose name is Aravella. My dreams are lucid. One of the projects in which I've been involved is a Terra forma project for California. It has to do with water and living, healing water.

This water is also connected to the City of Light over the San Francisco Bay Area.

It is amazing how quickly our galactics complete projects in the quantum. The efficiencies far surpass those of the third dimension, which have seemed to drag on. Life does not have to be this way. We didn't know there were better ways to do things other than accepting the long laborious tasks.

I also had a lucid dream of being in Telos, the Lemurian city that is one mile underneath Mount Shasta in the fifth dimension. It was beautiful and the animals there were loving, along with the people. It was like a refuge. If you feel a connection with Mount Shasta and Telos, I recommend you ask to go there for refuge. We need refuge right now from everything that's going on with the Earth.

A couple of months ago I asked some of you if you were aware of being a galactic commander. I heard from around 10 people and I send thanks you’s. I'm sure there are more. Certainly, some of you are having dreams and remembering some of the projects that you are working on, like I am. I want to put a zoom call together for those of us who would like to discuss the new realizations of being commanders and what we are doing. It doesn't look like it's going to be much longer before the galactics are going to be interacting with the Earth.

I know everyone is busy so it is challenging to find a time when people could meet. I feel it is important for us to get to know each other and it would also be fun. This is the tentative date for a Zoom Commander Call: Sunday, March 16, 11 AM Pacific time. I am open to doing it during the week too if some people think that would be better but I'm not sure if that would be? If you are interested, will you please email me to get on the list for me to send the link: VDonner99@gmail.com. It would also be nice if you have some agenda topics and you can invite a friend who is also commander. Let's see what we can create. I can also be reached by phone if you want to talk with me: 925-287-8976

This appears to be a time for some of us to do deep soul-searching. Some of us know why we came to the Earth, particularly to be on the planet during the ascension. We are devoted and dedicated ground crew. We were called here by our Creator because our light was needed. Right now, I feel it is imperative that we focus on staying in the fifth dimension, and higher, by staying out of fear. Fear dumps you back into the third dimension and lowers your frequency. We cannot afford a negative thought. Our focus needs to be on the light and to continue to work with that light and maintain it.

The light is brilliant and when you focus on it, and feel the magic and miracles, you will manifest this in your life. Many of you are beginning to see how quickly things happen, things that you really want. We are creating from the quantum, which is unlimited and beautiful. Our Creator wants us to have everything. We will learn about sharing, caring, harmony, joy, love, peace, abundance, beauty, and about how wonderful our imaginations are in helping us create our future selves in our new Golden Age. We are doing this now.

Through our quantum selves we are creating our new lives in the New Earth. This imagination comes from our hearts. Our hearts are blooming with ideas. They are beautiful and beyond what we ever thought we could imagine. It is all through infinite love and glory.

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