“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are witnessing you all from the ninth dimension with a very broad view of what is happening there on Earth at this time, and we invite you to see the bigger picture with us. Most of you who are a part of The Awakened Collective would like to see quite a few changes there on planet Earth. And when there is change, sometimes there are things that need to come up and be seen in broad daylight so that the desire for the changes is heightened in all people, or at least the majority of people, on Earth.
And so, as you see war, violence, and injustice happening right before your eyes, do recognize that you are not the only one who would like to see something different, something better, and the amplification of the desire is a part of the change. Now, you as an individual are being presented with a choice. You can shake your fist and resist that which you do not like about what is current in your reality, or you can follow the good feeling of the intensified desire to the reality that you prefer.
Remember, we have told you this many times before, but we will repeat it again. This shift in consciousness is not about light defeating dark. It never has been, and it never will be. You who are of the light can amplify your light to such an extent that there is no more dark, but that's not the same as lowering your vibration so that you can go out and take out some of those evildoers who are playing in the dark, playing their roles for you.
Ascension, and shifting your consciousness, is about inclusion, not exclusion. It's about integration, not segregation, and you are the ones who have the power to see the Source Energy Being that still exists within the person who is using hate speech to express themselves. You have the power because you know what it feels like to be aligned with Source. You know that you are a being of unconditional love, and you know, like we do, where humanity is headed.
And so, you don't have to give up and fall into a pit of despair just because that may seem like it is the easiest course of action for you to take. What is actually easiest is to let go of judgment, resistance, and everything that is weighing you down so that you can rise up and invite others to join you on the new Earth that you are co-creating with your thoughts, your intentions, and your desires. And yes, sometimes there are actions to be taken, actions that come from a place of alignment, actions that are inspired, not actions that you believe will tear down an institution that has existed for a very long time. That's not your work.
Remember who you are. Remember that you are returning home to Source, and that returning home to Source always means moving towards the light. And you're not doing that when you're going out to fight the darkness. Use everything that you have at your disposal to be in a higher-vibrational state, to act according to your higher-vibrational beliefs, and to use your words, both spoken and written, to unite people, not to prove that you are right or your way of thinking is the right one. That's the old way and the hard way.
Simply align with that reality that you know you prefer, and you will find yourself in it, and you will find that there are many others amongst you who want to join you on that new Earth that represents the higher-vibrational thought that you always want to be offering in your physical mind.
We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”