Beloved Ones,
We continue crossing into a new frequency band, integrating Piscean frequencies and continue acting as Divine Unifiers in our conscious choice to assist our planetary transition.
Many of you will feel the intensity of the shift occurring at this time in your sixth and seventh-dimensional bodies, as you continue transfiguring your three-dimensional bodies, losing density and stepping into physical ascension, and realigning to your Divine Selves, a process that the current energies greatly support.
Today, with the New Moon in Pisces harmonizing with Jupiter, the planet of expansion and growth, we initiate a new passage towards self-illumination that will continue until the Lunar eclipse in Virgo. We are under a portal of soul remembrance and integration like never before.
As I recently shared, this is a key passage for those of you who are consciously activating your pituitary and pineal gland, as Piscean energies will help us enhance our inner vision, receiving authentic guidance from our God Self, to see our new path with clarity, as no one can truly know what path is best for us but ourselves.
Many of you are now activating your pituitary gland and hence your seventh dimensional channels. As you awaken your inner vision, you will reconnect to your original essence, one of infinite love and hence limitless abundance and possibilities, something that this New Moon in Pisces semi-sextile Venus, which too turns "retrograde" in Aries, on the 1st of March, reminds us.
We are at a time when moving inward and communing with our soul is pivotal to remembering who we are and our divine nature, as when we are aligned to our divinity, we are too living in constant expansion and abundance, for there is no such thing as stagnation within Creation.
Pisces teaches us the importance of removing false limited programs that distort our true nature as creators, for it is with Pisces that we finally restore our 12th-dimensional template. One of the lessons that Pisces offers us is the ultimate transcendence of all the old mental programming and beliefs that we used to hold within, as Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and therefore the one who has already discovered all the aspects of himself, integrating all the challenges/lessons required to embody a higher level of awareness, that will allow us to see the Truth, instead of the old illusion in which we were immersed.
My Guides share the importance while we are still navigating in Piscean Waters, before stepping into Aries, to see beyond the "Storm", understanding it is just a transitional phase to get to where we are heading - a free sovereign space - from where we finally rise from self-created restrictions and consciousness traps.
Now more than ever, yours is the choice to continue crossing the threshold that liberates you and all of us, from consciousness slavery. Many of you are choosing to cross this new interdimensional door, as you too choose to completely remove the old from your lives, bodies, and relationships, creating new ways of being, living, and relating to others.
It is a time to dream big, remembering that God gave us all the inner resources necessary to bring all of our dreams to fruition. We no longer wait for outer forces to fulfill our desires, as we recognize ourselves as the only creators of our personal life experience, and as such, we shall act, within divine love and agreement with the Universal Laws to continue bringing restoration, peace and compassion to All.
May your transition into the New be filled with peace, joy and grace, Beloveds.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba