martes, febrero 25, 2025

Patricia Cota-Robles - COMPREHENDING OUR UNIQUE AWAKENING - Feb 25, 2025


Patricia Cota-Robles

The year 2025 has been heralded by the Company of Heaven as “The Year of Unique Awakening and Manifestation.” This amazing opportunity is possible because of the incredible shifts of Consciousness that have recently taken place within Humanity and all Life evolving on Mother Earth. 

For the past 50 years our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven have been guiding Awakening Humanity, step by step, through the various facets of Mother Earth’s unprecedented Ascension process. Each of these events were essential and could only be Cocreated through the unified efforts of embodied Humanity and the Company of Heaven.

The Company of Heaven shared with me the Sacred Knowledge revealing the greatest need of the hour for each step of the Divine Plan. Then, the Lightworkers at Era of Peace distributed this information free of charge in as many ways as possible.

During the past 50-years, the Beings of Light from the Realms of Illumined Truth whom I refer to as the Company of Heaven, revealed that you and I and the rest of Humanity were allowed to embody on Earth during this auspicious time because we have been preparing for Lifetimes for this Divine Mission. They assured us that we are ready and that everything we need in order to accomplish this seemingly miraculous Divine Mission is pulsating within the Divinity of our Heart Flames.

We are now in the midst of what is known as the Shift of the Ages. This is an event that involves the whole of Creation and occurs only once in every several million years. Because of our fall from Grace aeons ago, Mother Earth was in danger of not making it through the Shift of the Ages. Mercifully, in an act of unparalleled Divine Grace, our Father-Mother God initiated an urgent final plan that was set into motion with the Divine Intent of helping Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her to Transmute our human miscreations and to reclaim our rightful place in the Universe.

At this time, I know outer appearances make it seem as though Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her are spiraling into an abyss of chaos and confusion, but this is an illusion. Our Father-Mother God have assured us that the Light of God is ALWAYS Victorious and that WE are that Light. The painful chaos we are witnessing and experiencing is going to be temporary.

We knew it was going to be this way when we volunteered to embody on Earth. We agreed to come anyway because we were shown the whole picture, and we clearly saw how essential our assistance would be.

At this time, Humanity is receiving Divine Intervention from our Awakening Consciousness. We are also benefiting from the Collaboration with our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven in ways that have never before been attempted in any System of Worlds.
The masses of Humanity now have the opportunity to experience a Unique Awakening and Manifestation in 2025. That means that people everywhere will benefit tremendously by having access to the encouraging and empowering Sacred Knowledge that has been given to us from On High describing what has and what is actually happening on Earth.

A few years ago, we at Era of Peace were asked by the Company of Heaven to compile this Heart-based and Life-enhancing information into a book so that Humanity would have convenient access to this information without having to search through all of our archives.

In response to that request Era of Peace Created a beautiful, hard-back book titled:
Who Am I? Why Am I Here?

Because of the urgency of the hour and the opportunity at hand for the masses of Humanity’s Unique Awakening, we are offering this book now on our website at a reduced price.

If you or someone you know would benefit from this comforting and Enlightening book it is available on our website as both a physical hard-back book or an ebook.

(Was $25, NOW $15)

(Was $20, NOW $12) THIS IS AN EPUB FORMAT WHICH IS ACCEPTED BY AMAZON FOR KINDLE BOOKS AS WELL. The instructions for getting the file to your Kindle device can be found on the FAQ tab on our website.
Patricia Cota-Robles
Era of Peace
PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446
Phone: 520-885-7909 Fax: 520-347-5440

©2025 Patricia Cota-Robles - This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included.