martes, agosto 02, 2016
Lisa Transcendence Brown - A Marrying of Our Divine Aspects & Flames: Divine Sacred Union & Culmination Phase Occurs for All Integrating This Now - 8/2/2016
Aloha dear sweet Light Family! Happy NEW Moon to all! ♥
Beautiful light grid encodements opening up with new awareness, knowledge and more. WE continue the sacred mergings of our souls...
A MARRYING OF OUR ASPECTS AND FLAMES. Divine Sacred Union of ALL within. Divine Wisdom, Divine Love, Divine Power... all merging into one now. Profoundly sacred and powerful is an understatement. The Divine Mother, Father & Child..... and many other trinities too.
The distinction of our higher self embodiments over the years, the journey into the depths of our soul/being-ness.... and now, this merging on a whole new "level" that we could not achieve before.....
Our SOUL is all feeling, it's profound, sacred and a very intimate experience...... When it first starts to awaken, all of our distortions in our physical body are triggered to start releasing and we start the cleansing/purification phase. This is where we start to FEEL so much and we go through extremes to find balance, peace and bliss inside in order to experience this in our own physical reality world
The journey is one of identifying and understanding our aspects, recognizing our own human'ness, our own limits/mentalities and distorted illusory beliefs... and MASTERING all of these from inside, then we have to walk in the physical and DO it in everything there too. We become Higher Selves, always doing of higher consciousness, love, respect, integrity, honor... no matter what others do..... We reclaim our power, we become CREATOR incarnate here and we physically evolve in Crystalline LightBody form.
Since December 2015 when came through the Galactic Core, cleared all of those gridlines too, where Old Earth's Gridwork completely dissolved and we "switched over" fully to NEW Earth Gridwork in January... an intense anchoring phase for those of us doing this intentionally.... Each month we've been going DEEPER into our own Core... deeper into Galaxies/Universes, deeper into our own Soul..... to access that which was dormant inside too....
These years of BEing my Higher Selves, BEing a WayShower and DOing NEW Earth since 2012 Gateways opened, as GateKeepers and Crystalline Grid Keepers, Forerunners... WE EXPERIENCE as all becomes available again.
2016 has been a continual deepening process... with the Full Activation of the Three Fold Flame in early January, the re-activation of our Sacral/Root Chakras to bring us fully online without the distortions of the old anymore....
Many of us having Partner Activations along the way, preparing us for this integration process within our own selves now. Each moment is focused on our own wholeness/journey/purpose and continually clearing any old cellular programming..... and honoring our own process as it unfolds.
Everything is understood through our Unified Field of Super Consciousness. Hearing, feeling, seeing... it's all energetic... All can be felt/heard through this field and Crystalline LightBody translates all simultaneously..... Pure Omniscience... All-knowing on steroids...
As higher selves, we don't have the same feelings as we did as unconscious humans, for everything is pure. Rarely triggered, for we maintain balance easily and through higher awareness of all as it occurs. We only express outwardly when a human cannot understand.... WE stand in our power easily, softly, and usually without "event".... It's but a blip when we need to deal. For love has a plethora of abilities when all comes from Mastery and connection AS SOURCE from within.
The mergings on a Soul Level now that we experience, these take us deeper into our Divinity more than ever before. The DEPTHS OF FEELING are beyond words.... yet there are no distortions anymore. These are intimate and pure..... Deep from within our soul from inside our physical body structures.
Intimacy on a Soul Level, this confuses the human aspect when activated in increments over the course of one's lifetime here. One exchange of intimacy, or many, will trigger the human's obsessions, needs, lack to prepare them for these frequencies NOW. Each must achieve this within themselves....
Many of us had no desire for relationships once we achieved Ascension as a Master here. For me, it was a total surprise that thisi was a part of my own journey here. We have been continually being prepared. We've connected with Twins along the way that assisted us with our own purification/cleansing/unification process. Their job was to trigger our distortions to help us move further into consciousness too. All of the programs hidden, they all have to be activated to clear. We needed them along the way, and they needed us too. Yet, for twin-souls, we are not always in the same place when we connect, so the actual physical experience is often brief and immediately intense. The connection no less powerful, yet often only for one of us, for the other is often in a different place.... Sometimes in & out of each other's lives, to re-activate and help each other along the way, functioning in different timelines/universes/vibrational spaces, we can't fully synchronize.... as we were not meant to at that time. We often go back apart to do our own inner journey how we need to for us.... yet we know that when we achieve the vibration of purity within us as far as a Divine Sacred Partnership goes, then that portal will open back up.... sometimes with the same physical being, sometimes with a different physical body form..... For it does not matter to us, for we are connecting with a Light BEing in physical form.
The intimate levels that we are going to now, go far beyond our human's capacity to understand. There is no lack or need with these..... these are pure and we are fully whole within. Every aspect, essence, expression... fully merged and integrated into our physical being here.
Many of us are continually pulling away, because of the depths of these integrations as they occur. The soul needs alone time and these SOUL MERGINGS mean we need more alone time for us to honor and process within our own Crystalline LightBody structures here. It's difficult on most days to do the physical world work while honoring these integrations, yet we understand and we honor first.... for all aligns perfectly as we do.
For years, I've been a my higher selves, continually anchoring & integrating here. Teaching Mastery to others, in a multitude of ways, through interactions, for this is the easiest way to understand. While I write continually for all, the huge catapults are in the group/one-on-one work together, for there no replacement for interaction and experiencing the vastness of activating these profound encodements that we all hold in our own energy field. Yet the depth of feeling within our our soul.... we are merging deeper and more intimate than ever before... within ourselves... so that we can all connect on this level/from this place/space inside of us....
This Sacred Soul Space is beyond words.... it must be fully felt, realized and expressed.... Distortions gone, all is from of honor, integrity, respect and pure divine everything.... The amount of intimacy soul to soul.... there is no human'ness present at all. When there is, it's very visible and there's no desire to continue on. Our connection is through our own Divinity and the purity of all that we connect with too. All must be open fully now....
There is a 7 year phase that we each experience... from the moment that our soul truly awakens to start to emerge and culmination/completion phase occurs.... It's also our personal de-construction/re-construction phase-time for the deep transformation phase from human to Advanced NEW Earth HUman here. Many of us are now in this culmination/completion phase for this part of our process.... It's truly exciting to know that even more comes forth and that it's always the beginning.... This is truly the beginning of a grander NEW Earth phase for us all.....
December completed a phase for many Foreunners/Gatekeepers too. This year of completion represents many things and we are constantly re-birthing NEW. Today, yet another day of "NEW" is perfect for me to share this with you! ♥
Stay open loves, stay focused, stay true and honor you. Release the protection/safety/survival mechanisms and resistance. For you are the one keeping you separate from your whole, divine, pure you. ♥
I love you. ♥ Have a beyond magical everything! ♦
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
Ancient Key Code Holder & Guardian of NEW Earth, Author, Teacher/Coach/Guide, Transformational Speaker through the Embodiment of Light ♦
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Lisa Transcendence Brown