domingo, mayo 21, 2017

Laura Pleiadian - Increase in FREQUENCIES ~ A Powerful Realignment - May 21, 2017

Now you know deep within you, the transformations that are taking place, as you are beginning to see things differently.

All has always been, the level of your consciousness.

There is a MOMENTUM which is and has always been regulated through the LIGHT Codes and Transmissions, you receive.

When you are ready the full alignment will be your full Transformation, through which you call your Ascension experience.

Aisha North - Water Speaks - My roots go deep - May 21, 2017

My roots go deep


My roots go deep.

Finding nourishment.

To expand.

To explore.

But also to connect.



Fertile ground.

This is the second painting in the series I made using water from the ceremony we had on the International Water Day.

 Posted on May 21, 2017 by Aisha North • Bente Amundsen

John Smallman - Jesus - People learn a lot when they feel safe to talk freely - May 21, 2017

Humanity is forging ahead as the awakening process unfolds precisely as divinely planned. An enormous amount of preparation has gone into this divine plan to assist you all to awaken, and as humans lost in the illusion without insight or, more appropriately, awareness of what is unfolding in the spiritual realms, you truly have very little idea of what is involved in bringing this all together in a timely and effective manner. Do not worry, all is divinely taken care of, and all you have to do is constantly hold the intent to be loving in every moment and in every situation without exception, and you must also intensify your own desire to awaken.

sábado, mayo 20, 2017

Laura Pleiadian - 5th Dimensional Consciousness ~ Living in a New Timeline - May 19, 2017

You wake up one day and you see the world and yourself COMPLETELY differently. You do not recognize the person you were.

Everything in your life has changed.

It was not always like that. There were desires for change. There was that older reality. When things seemed to move slowly. When “time” was the focus. And how long it would be before this or that ended. This or that started.

When the shift was off the time and the monitoring of results in the external world, life itself changed.


Lord Saint Germain with Master Hilarion bring forth an understanding of how to work through the process of helping the Lower Mind to access the Higher Mind to create change and acceleration within an Initiate’s Pathway as the Masculine and Feminine Self work together in harmony.
~ Integrative channel Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

As we acknowledge the ability to step into the Feminine Self, the Mental Body receives the acknowledgement it needs to realize that it is not the only defining energy of the four-body system.

The Masculine Self needs just as much healing as the other subtle bodies but it tends to be in control, because that is what has occurred for your soul in so many lifetimes.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday May 20, 2017

As the shift of consciousness continues on your planet, many of you are wrapping up one phase of your incarnation and moving into brand new adventures. So how do you know when it is time to move on, and what to embrace for your next phase of experience?

You know it is time to move on when something just doesn’t feel energetically supported any longer – when it feels uncomfortable and far less satisfying than it used to. When you are coming to the end of one phase you will always feel that discomfort. It is how you ease out of one thing and into another. Human beings can be resistant to change, and if you didn’t have the discomfort build for a while it is unlikely you would embrace the new when it showed up.

John Smallman - Saul - Truly, you’ve got what it takes to live successfully as a human - 05/20/2017

Life is GOOD! There is only Life/Love/Source/God. Pain and suffering, while feeling intensely real, are of the illusion, and will pass. You can ease your pain and suffering enormously by accepting whatever arises and dealing with it in the now moment! That may well sound insane to those of you who are suffering and in pain, but if you truly open your hearts to Love, releasing your attachment to any of your attitudes that cause you pain – judgment, blame, resentment, bitterness, hatred – you will find joy, peace of mind, and contentment. And I can assure you that those attitudes are the cause of your suffering and pain. When your mind ceases to dwell on hurts you have experienced that were inflicted by others, or by yourselves, your pain and suffering will and does ease.

viernes, mayo 19, 2017

Sandra Walter - New Gateways Open: Utilizing the May 19-21 Cosmic Trigger - May 19, 2017

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

I AM guided to remind everyone just how powerful this weekend is, and will be for Lightworkers. Be diligent with your Gridwork!

Many of you are feeling the massive Gateway which opened on Tuesday for this trigger. May 19-21 is our focus point, with the initial acceleration lasting through the New Moon on Thursday May 25. This Gateway amplifies the magnetic shifts that were caused by the Primary timeline Ascension of Gaia on the 12-12-12. This light is reverberating through the dimensions and densities, and causes crystalline core expansion in Gaia, which in turn causes expansion in our consciousness.

Kryon - Tuscany Excursion - 2017

Jenny Schiltz - Walking your Own Path and Trusting your Self Completely - May 19, 2017

What an amazing and excruciating time it has been. There seems to be an emotional component to this energy that is digging up areas where one feels unworthy, hopeless and that all of this is futile. We need to simply observe this energy and let it pass on through. Some are feeling very misunderstood and even invisible. Understand that this happens as we shift frequencies. If we move higher than the majority around us, it can feel like we are speaking a different language. While this can be disheartening, know that it is proof that you are indeed shifting.

Natalie Glasson - Archangel Metatron - Transforming Negative and Fear Based Energies - May 18, 2017

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 18th May 2017 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Angelic blessings greet you, embracing you deeply in pure love. I, the overseer of the Angelic Kingdom, Archangel Metatron, wish to share insights and guidance as to releasing and transforming negative energy active within your being. At this time of ascension, great volumes of light are penetrating the Earth and your being. You are absorbing more light into your entire being than even a few months ago, and many of you are acting as an anchor transmitting the light as a service for humanity. With powerful volumes of light flowing through your being numerous deep purifications are taking place, which is life changing. Many of the energies being released are so familiar to you, they may even feel like issues you have wished to heal for years, or they may feel so much a part of your being that a release may feel as if you are losing a part of yourself. At this time, your soul is bringing forth to you some of your deepest and most fearful inner energies. Your soul realises that you are now in a space where you are completely and absolutely supported, you have the necessary understanding to make transitions, and it is safe for you to instigate healing.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Friday May 19, 2017

As you work your way through the layers into the essence of who you really are, you can rediscover the innocence and purity you may have thought you had lost along the way. It is that part of you that sees the world through wonder, that is fully present, and has a curious and joyful heart.

El Cambio - Reedición - Kryon - Vancouver, BC. Canadá, el 19 de marzo de 2017

Esta canalización en vivo fue dada en Vancouver, BC. Canadá, el 19 de marzo de 2017.

Para ayudar al lector, esta canalización ha sido revisada [por Lee y Kryon] para ofrecer una comprensión aún más clara. A veces incluso se agrega o se condensa la información. Lo que se da en vivo suele tener implicada una energía que conlleva un tipo de comunicación que la página impresa no ofrece. Disfruten de este mensaje realzado, dado en Vancouver, BC, Canadá. 

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético
Cada vez que comienza un mensaje hay unos pocos momentos de adaptación (habla de una pausa que ocurre tras el saludo). La adaptación es para mi socio, no es para ustedes. Se debe a que los mensajes verdaderamente se dan casi en otra dimensión. Para el ser humano es realmente difícil cambiar de engranajes y dejar de escuchar a un humano en una silla y en cambio escuchar un mensaje multidimensional desde el otro lado. Sin embargo, allí es donde el mensaje tiene su origen.

Caroline Oceana Ryan - A Message to Lightworkers – May 19, 2017

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, Creators of the New Earth!

We are pleased to have this moment to speak with you today.

We are aware, perhaps more than you, of your growing ability to see beyond the veil that has hung thickly between you and that which exists in the etheric, while also obscuring your view of how things work in your world.

We see that veil disappearing now, causing much consternation to those who have depended upon it for so long to cover their intentions and actions.

And yet we see your increasing ability to see through any prevarication, any covering or cover-up or false representation, whatever form it might come in.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Current Energy Report: StarGates & Crystalline Grid Charging-Up to Synchronize/Align for Convergence to Occur & Mastering As Energy - 5/19/2017

Aloha beautiful LOVE family!

The Crystalline Grid and StarGate Systems are still charging, preparing and synchronizing... on Day 2 of charging up means this is to be HUGE (duhhhhh) for us all.

These powerful streams of Christed Light, Rainbow and Diamond Light Codes, gamma stimulating frequencies and more..... continue for days now..... and when this part of the process is complete.... we shall go "full-blown". (I'll update if I am able).

Old timelines shall collapse, so that all can converge in this space right here can occur. From every direction, a multitude.... all non-linear.... for this is a vibrational existence.....

All will be dependent on what each still holds in cellular programs, on one's own ability to maintain expanded consciousness and anchor/integrate light into physical form. Each's focused energy dictates and how much has been allowed to purify/cleanse (naturally and organically).

Challenges are for your human to work through any inner resistance/struggle/fight and to overcome any perceived obstacles by basically not believing them and figuring out a way (open up, listen, ask, do accordingly).... to transcend the mentality/belief that created that to start with. There is always a different/alternate reality. Our human gives up, stops trying and while this is necessary for surrender, our highest self must be present to surrender our little human and "take over" to step into those roles, step-up and take command (of this ship)... while simultaneously (and the rest of the time) is just BEing, just allowing all to come forth and we stay focused on what is truly important for us all... and we have to let everything else go. It will get done if it's meant to get done....

What's important to the human doesn't matter to us. What's important to us is "invisible" to humans... where realities are able to synchronize, we are all able to meet in the middle somewhere sometimes and the rest of the time we hold the highest realities in place so that others can aspire to reach up and challenge their own little human... for each one of us have to.... it's a part of becoming multi-dimensional....

Always stepping into the unknown (new to our human, but already known by us as a Soul), always Mastering more, always holding more light, always touching others and intentionally affecting realities through our presence, our words, our contributions.... which are simple to us....

Your higher heart is simple and your higher mind comes online when you live this simplicity inside... there is the purity of a child, yet the power of a blinding sword/hammer if necessary to put a stop to anything strong of the old. There is no imposing here, for that is disrespect. We don't project onto others and we no longer take others stuff on ourselves.....

We separate realities out in to full responsibility from within.... conscious or unconscious dictate the reality that each experiences here. Realities are a RESULT of transmissions....

The higher we go, the less the physical dictates and this process completely reverses... Less chaos inside means less chaos out there. Less struggle inside means more peace, which means that we require peace outside too. We stop allowing the old unconscious anything anymore.... we simplify, let go of all that inner-feared with peaceful, unified, magical realities, for WE do not need it anymore.... we fill our SPACE with love, nature, happy, high vibrational everything so that when something is out-of-tune we know it... right then, and it's up to each one of us to decide HOW to most appropriately DEAL as an Ascended Light BEing here.....

WE move realities ourselves, yet energetically..... in the direction that we SEE/KNOW is important and that moves us all closer to what we came here to BE/DO, in the physical.... We transcended the human lack where we waited for everyone else to "do what is in-alignment first".... WE align realities ourselves so that all is MUCH EASIER ......

Working with the ENERGY first, from the other/higher vibrational dimensions/timelines means that the moment we SHIFT (StarGates Align), then the old everything will just fade away and the "new" will INSTANTLY ARRIVE (Materialization).....

This is another one of those "times"..... (which are continual now)....

Hold your highest everything at all times and honor whatever is ready to dissolve..... collapse the old yourself and get ready for what's ready to come forth. Sometimes all in the "same moment".... for when StarGates fully align, everything is simultaneous and back-to-back or on-top of each other until all can synchronize in the physical and can slow back down. Boom boom boom through a collapse/convergence without hesitation... make it happen, do it..... IS ANOTHER ONE OF OUR NATURAL MASTERY SKILLS here......

Happy magical everything! Make it awesome! Only you can! I love you!

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼

jueves, mayo 18, 2017

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Current Quantum Energy Report and Multi-Dimensional/Christed Consciousness Mastery Tools too...- 5/18/2017

Days of Pure Crystalline, Diamond Light Codes and Rainbow Frequencies continue softly, with a bit of gamma mildly stimulating in the background....

We are "preparing" as all is gearing up for the increased power activations that are about ready to come through.....

Right now, everything is soft, yet a range of high frequency SOLar winds, gamma, crystalline... everything is softly active and steady...... continually going higher and higher... which is our "norm" daily now.....

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday May 18, 2017

Giving AND receiving is moving with the natural ebb and flow of the planet, which is designed to provide you with support and balance. It is the rhythm of service. ~Archangel Gabriel

Suzanne Lie - Arcturian Morning Message - Creation of Reality - 5-18-17

Creation of Reality
Good Morning,

Arcturian Morning Message

Yes, we awakened Suzille at 6 AM today, but we have allowed her to fully awaken before we send her our Morning Message for you. We begin our message by reminding you that ALL of you are able, and many ready, to also receive Morning Messages, or at whatever time is best for you.

Since we, your inter-dimensional Galactic Family, live within the fifth dimension, and beyond, NOW of the ONE, time is no longer a concept in our constructed realities. We say “constructed realities,” because in the higher dimensions of reality, we are ALL aware that we are the creators of our reality with our EVERY thought and emotion.

Steve Rother - Merlia - The Group - Planet Earth - May 15, 2017

Greetings, dear ones. I am Merlia.

I join you this day to share with you more about my other aspects, for I am the feminine version of the Merlin energy. Although the energy has been on your planet before, I have not been here for several reasons. Let me explain first by talking about the masculine side of Merlin and what is now taking place.
Moving backwards in time
As you may know, that aspect of me can move backwards through time. In truth, that is the only way that we can move. Merlin traveled backwards because it provided him a unique perspective that allowed him to perform all sorts of magical feats, which got everyone’s attention so he could deliver a message. The interesting part about it is that so many people tried to emulate him after that. How does one learn to walk backwards in time? What does that even mean?


Channeled by Jahn J Kassl

English edition by crystalflow translations

Dream: See how Muslim fighters are moving from the forests towards villages and cities, armed and determined to kill us all. These troops are storming from different directions. To me these units seem rather chaotic, and I believe they are not going to last very long. (End of dream)

Suzanne Lie - Los Arcturianos - Identificando La Primera Causa - 12-4-16

Inmediatamente después de escribir el Blog de arriba, Reflexiones Internas el 30-11-16, recibí este mensaje de los Arcturianos:

Queridos Ascendientes: Nosotros, los Arcturianos, estamos en su AHORA para asistirlos, nuestros bravos ascendientes, a pasar por su transición siempre expandiente. Primero los invitamos a permitir a su cuerpo sentir la fatiga de su mente hiperactiva.

miércoles, mayo 17, 2017

John Smallman - Jesus - Rejoice, because there is only Love - May 17, 2017

Humanity’s awakening process is proceeding apace, more rapidly and effectively than we had thought possible. And this is because so many of you are setting the intent daily to be only loving and then following through on that intent in almost every situation that arises in your daily lives. You are all to be congratulated for your sterling efforts in making the awakening process work. The chaos and conflict worldwide, not to mention the confusion that is arising, signify that the foundations underpinning the illusion are indeed collapsing and that there is no way that they can be rebuilt or repaired.

Sheldan Nidle - 16 de Mayo, 2017

1 Batz, 14 Moan, 13 Caban

¡Selamat Jalwa! A pesar de las diversas preocupaciones, el avance de la distribución continúa. Se están añadiendo varios criterios nuevos que podrían crear un ligero retraso. Nos han dicho los Ancianos y sus numerosos asociados que nos estamos aproximando otra vez a un punto de salida. Los que están a cargo de este complejo proceso saben que las primeras distribuciones se están acercando a su punto de liberación. Debido a este procedimiento, se cree que los seleccionados para ser los primeros están esperando ansiosamente esta decisión. ¡Así que se nos ha informado de que debemos estar preparados para algunas noticias realmente excitantes!

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Cena de Despedida - Irlanda, 21 a 29 de Abril de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
en Irlanda, 21 a 29 de Abril de 2017

Nº 11 - Cena de Despedida

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Se usa el término "mayor percepción conciente" y vamos a discutir eso en este mensaje que se supone es el de despedida en la Isla Esmeralda. No es un mensaje de despedida; es un mensaje que dice hola, no adiós. Es el mensaje que resume y continúa.

Quiero hablar de esta "mayor percepción conciente". Aquí puede suceder algo: una semilla que se planta, y puede ser una semilla de muchos tipos de " percepción conciente". La de Gaia, la "percepción conciente" celular que es espiritual, que dice: "¡Hay más! Quiero saber qué es, quiero experimentarlo." Está la percepción conciente de la sanación. En este viaje las semillas crecen hacia las curaciones y la salud y aún más, y la percepción conciente del yo que dice: "finalmente me puedo relajar". Hay algunos escuchando esto, y también presentes aquí, que nunca experimentaron realmente la alegría del niño interior en forma cotidiana. Es algo que creen que tienen que elaborar, en lugar de estar allí intuitivamente cuando se despiertan. Estoy aquí para decirles que pertenece a todo ser humano: la alegría. ¡Esa es la manera en que la Tierra se despierta! Literalmente, a medida que el globo rota y pasa de oscuridad a luz, y de oscuridad a luz, cada 24 horas, ¡cambia! Existe un amanecer que literalmente viaja alrededor del globo, hora tras hora, tras hora, constantemente, para siempre.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday May 17, 2017

One of the hardest things for some enlightening human beings on a service path to do is to ask for help. They simply aren’t comfortable to do so since they so clearly know their mission is to be the help. But that is continuing a martyred paradigm and not embracing the energies that are shifting toward unity consciousness and unconditional love for all.

martes, mayo 16, 2017

Diane Canfield - The New Frequency Jump Explained - May 15, 2017

The New Frequency Jump Explained

By Diane Canfield

Beloved Light Tribe,

If you remember my last posts where I announced the frequency jump of April 26th you will know from these last 2 weeks things are not as they were before. Yes! We jumped a level up in frequency during this time. You can read my prior posts on my blog on my website explaining what led up to this tremendous dimensional jump.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Blinded By The Light: Our NEW Christed/Crystalline StarGate Systems are Fully Online, Activating & DeLIVEering Insurmountable Amounts of Higher Dimensional Light - 5/16/2017

And we "thought" it was POWER-FUL before.... We ain't seen nothing yet. Here we go loves....

The completion of out "newly" Christed/Crystalline Gridded StarGate Systems have enhanced the amount of light "delivered" all throughout our Galaxies, to our Earth and our Earthly Physical Body Forms for the upliftment of humankind here and every dimensional existence simultaneously as well. The abolish all unconscious everything at a rate like we've not experienced in this incarnation yet....

Walking around foggy groggy on a daily basis (again, for we did this years ago), staying "high" and experiencing density in our physical body/reality more strongly so that we can purify, cleanse, clear all of those programs that we held deep within.....

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday May 16, 2017

Dear Ones, do you have an attachment to an outcome that you are so invested in that you will not budge? We want you to dream and create, but we also want you to understand that creation is fluid, has flow, is malleable. Anything that you become controlling or constrained about has lost its ability to expand, and thus becomes unsupported because the universe is all about expansion, growth and movement.

Selacia - How You Got Here - Key Events Leading to Now -

Have you ever wondered how you happened to be born in these pivotal and auspicious times? Just as important, have you thought about the events that set in motion the fortuitous life circumstances you would have this lifetime? Continue reading to better understand how you got here, and potentials for this life set in motion a long time ago.

Time to Remember

Our world is in turmoil now, with sudden and intense happenings unfolding regularly. Simultaneously, humanity is in an accelerated wake-up mode. We just moved through another energy threshold at Wesak, too, catalyzing mega shifts in consciousness and bringing new information to light.

Sheldan Nidle Update~5-16-17~a grand energy is to fill you

1 Batz, 14 Moan, 13 Caban

Selamat Jalwa! Despite various worries, the movement toward distribution continues. A number of new criteria are being added that could create a slight delay. We were told by the Elders and their many associates that we are again approaching a breakout point. Those in charge of this complex process know that the first distributions are nearing a release point. Due to this procedure, it is believed that those selected to be first are anxiously awaiting this decision. Thus, we have been informed that we must be prepared for some truly exciting news!

lunes, mayo 15, 2017

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Somos Dignos - Toscana, Italia, 7 y 8 de Mayo de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Excursión en la Toscana, Italia, 7 y 8 de Mayo de 2017

Somos Dignos

Santa María Maggiore

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Esta no es la primera vez que canalizo en una iglesia. Queridos, repasemos un poquito esta excursión. Un grupo de almas antiguas decidió venir y ver la historia de Italia. En ese proceso llegaron a ver la belleza de la campiña, sentir la tierra.

Han estado ante un altar Y los invitamos a dejar allí mismo las cosas que eran inapropiadas en su vida. Les dimos una canalización privada sobre el verdadero milagro de Francisco. Les contamos qué hacían los monjes y que harían ustedes. Pero quiero que dediquen un momento a pensar en lo que realmente está sucediendo ahora. Italiano: tal vez has pasado una vida aquí. ¿Tu interés espiritual es algo que ya tenías antes? Tuviste vidas pasadas en esta tierra, si es así tal vez visitaste esta antigua iglesia. Aun si no lo hiciste, te digo: esto ha completado el círculo para ti. Piensa quién ha estado aquí, y en la razón por la que se construyó este edificio. Los asientos en que estás, quiénes se han arrodillado y quienes se han sanado. Y aquí se sienta un grupo de almas antiguas que sabe lo que ha sucedido en el planeta y es la nueva generación espiritual. (N.T. aunque no se aclara, entiendo que esta iglesia no es la basílica papal en Roma, sino la muy antigua en Asís, donde fue bautizado San Francisco).

La verdad es esta. Tu conocimiento de hoy se habría considerado chamánico en los días antiguos. Tu conocimiento sobre la personalidad de Dios - si quieres llamarla así - es muy especial, porque ahora sabes qué hacía el Maestro de Amor. El Cristo se muestra aquí. ¿Qué significa esto para ti? Este Maestro que caminó por la Tierra tenía algo para decirte. Y ahora se completa el círculo alrededor de la historia y regresa a este salón y a ti.

Y aquí está el mensaje: Dios es amor; Dios es compasivo; Dios sabe quién eres. Eres parte de Dios. La humanidad debe considerarse los hijos de Dios. El Maestro fue muy claro en lo que dijo y sin embargo fue tan mal entendido por muchos. De modo que ahora mismo, en este lugar, tú eres mirado como muy, muy especial. La verdad central del universo reside aquí mismo contigo. No hay nada más grandioso que el amor. No hay nada más puro que la compasión de Dios. Francisco tenía razón en su búsqueda de crear la pureza de Dios en las vidas de sí mismo y de los demás; de eso se trataba. Que la pureza de lo que se enseñó aquí se convierta en lo que tú eres. ¿Puedes oir las voces de los antiguos en este salón ahora mismo? ¿Cuándo ha tenido lugar un evento como este en este salón, en el que almas antiguas se reúnen , conocen a una hermoso Dios amoroso y celebran esa gran verdad?

En una época en que Tierra ha empezado a cambiar y transformarse, se revelan las profecías de los antiguos, ustedes están aquí, los que son italianos; aquí están, tal vez sentados donde alguna vez se sentaron. Pero esta vez saben algo que antes no sabían: Son dignos. Son dignos. Quiero que digan esta frase en italiano y en cualquier lengua que sea la suya, estas tres palabras: Yo soy digno. Díganlo ahora, en voz alta (se oye al público decirlo). ¿Este salón alguna vez oyó esto? ¿Pueden decirlo nuevamente? (el público repite más fuerte).

Puede haber algunos que digan que esto no es correcto en este lugar. Queridos, esto es lo que el Maestro de Amor tenía para decirles. Ahora lo saben. Que este salón lo oiga una vez más, de ustedes. (Repite con el público) Yo soy digno. ¿Cómo se siente? ¿Cómo lo sienten? ¿No se siente correcto frente a Dios aquí? Ya era hora de que se dijera correctamente.

Es un momento hermoso, en un lugar construido para el amor; piensen en todo lo que ha sucedido aquí. Piensen en las sanaciones, el aprendizaje, y el amor. Váyanse de aquí y recuerden este momento. Tal vez sea la razón de que este edificio exista hoy. Tal vez incluso ustedes han cumplido hoy la profecía de los antiguos. Vinieron a una excursión, y en cambio sucedió algo profundo. Este lugar ya no será el mismo. ¿Pueden sentirlo? Dediquen un momento a estar solos y pensar en estas cosas, y celebren todo esto.

Y así es.


Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Ailia Mira - El Consejo de la Luz Radiante - Viviendo Su Soberanía - 15-04-2017


Hola Divinos Míos: Los saludamos amorosamente. Es bueno estar con ustedes en esta colaboración consciente y deliberada. Nos encanta que se estén volviendo más conscientes a diario del apoyo no físico que tienen a mano. Nos encanta ser capaces de cocrear conscientemente con ustedes, y nos encanta que se estén orientando a este apoyo cada vez con mayor frecuenica, y que esto les dé un sentimiento profundo de bienestar.

La vida en la Tierra es una experiencia hermosísima de tantas maneras, y sin embargo muchísima gente se encuentra batallando, descontenta, infeliz, y fatigada. Sabemos que han tenido experiencias como éstas ustedes mismos, y no obstante estamos entusiasmados porque se están dando cuenta de cómo pueden moldear sus vidas de manera diferente. El llegar a darse cuenta de su soberanía es la experiencia más facultadora estando encarnados. Nada puede cambiar su vida como el entender verdaderamente que ustedes son un ser soberano.

Hoy deseamos hablar específicamente sobre la soberanía, a fin de que no haya duda en sus mentes de a qué nos referimos y de cómo pudieran utilizar esta realidad para su gozo.

Ser soberanos es ser la autoridad absoluta en su experiencia.
Ustedes son un ser soberano, no sólo eternamente, sino aquí – en su enfoque encarnado. El darse cuenta de que son soberanos es tomar las riendas de su vida y empezar a descubrir cómo moldear intencionalmente su experiencia.

Cada uno está creando su realidad personal. Cada uno y todo ser humano es un ser soberano, sin excepciones. Todos ustedes crean con su foco de atención. Todos ustedes son enfocadores de energía y seres que la hacen fluir mediante su enfoque y con un punto de vista que cambia dinámicamente, que informa – da forma a la energía que ustedes fluyen. Así es como ustedes crean todo lo que experimentan. Cuando están enfocados en algo, la manera como están enfocados moldea la energía que ustedes están fluyendo, Su elección de enfoque no está creando simplemente experiencias futuras, sino que también está creando su estado energético actual. Así que, al enfocarse, la manera como están enfocados aquí mismo y ahora mismo afecta cómo está su energía aquí y ahora mismo, además de crear un ímpetu para las experiencias futuras que son similares al enfoque que tienen en este momento mismo.

Recientemente compartimos en un comunicado con ustedes sobre el liberarse a sí mismos de la limitación o la carencia. Describimos en ese comunicado cómo la carencia es la esencia de todo lo que a ustedes les disgusta. El opuesto de la carencia es la abundancia.
Tener abundancia es tener lo que desean y sentir como desean sentirse, y saber cómo hacer para que sea así, al tiempo que sus deseos evolucionan.

El vivir siendo capaces de crear lo que quieren y moldear una vida que amen y sientan como desean sentirse es conociendo su poder y experimentando su abundancia. Ustedes están destinados a tener estas experiencias ahora mismo, tal y como son. Nada sobre ustedes necesita ser cambiado para que se sientan de esta manera y descubran sus poderes inherentes para moldear sus vidas y su energía.

No necesitan arreglar nada de sí mismos ni desbloquearse, ni volverse más cariñosos o merecedores o cualquier otra cosa.
Cualquiera que les enseñe maneras de despejar su campo energético o de desbloquearse, o de sanarse a sí mismos es muy probablemente una persona con buenas intenciones, pero también les está ofreciendo probablemente sin saberlo una desviación innecesaria al vivir como seres soberanos capaces de ser lo que ya son.

Cuando su vida se siente como que necesita ser arreglada o se sienten perdidos o desconectados o infelices, eso es solamente el resultado de una cosa – la manera como se han estado enfocando.
Es decir, las cosas sobre las que están pensando y cómo las están pensando. Cuando están viendo cualquier cosa que no les gusta, están creando un ímpetu en esa dirección.

Cambien su enfoque a lo que les gusta, Tienen una infinita libertad de enfoque, y allí radica su poder.

Al enfocarse en las cosas que se sienten bien para ustedes reclaman en ese mismo instante su uso deliberado de su poder soberano.
No necesitan hacer nada para arreglarse a sí mismos primero, sólo tienen que fijar su enfoque y practicar, a propósito, el poner en marcha un nuevo ímpetu, Es realmente así de fácil.

Para que la vida se sienta bien y sea divertida y fácil y libre pudieran considerar aprender a permitir que sea así de simple.

¿Se quieren sentir mejor? ¿quieren divertirse más? ¿quieren experimentar su poder innato e infinito para crear su vida como la desean? Sean soberanos. Sean ustedes mismos. Elijan en qué ponen su atención y háganlo sabiamente y a propósito. Les sugerimos que su propósito pudiera ser – lo que se siente mejor de pensar ahora mismo, dado dónde están. Lo que se siente aunque sea tan sólo un poquito mejor.

Acostúmbrense a tratar de alcanzar pensamientos un poquito más positivos, más facultadores, más animadores.
Su vida entera es soberanamente suya para crearla.
Ustedes entran y salen de cuán conscientes están de esto.
Nosotros estamos aquí, hablando sobre estas mismas cosas maravillosas una y otra vez, por un sólo motivo en particular, y es para ayudarlos a hacer que lo que les importa más de verdad en su modo de pensar sea de verdad real e importante; para ayudarlos a recordar y a acostumbrarse a una vida de enfoque deliberado y soberano. Con esto, con nuestro eterno insistir sobre estos principios que ustedes ya tienen en juego, y con nuestro aliento para que los reclamen y los usen a propósito estando conscientes, los invitamos a ser quién ustedes son en realidad, y remonten el vuelo.

Hemos terminado.

Somos el Consejo de la Luz Radiante


Ailia Mira. Todos los derechos reservados.

Traductor: Gloria Mühlebach

Sarah Varcas - Betraying Ourselves No More - 15/05/2017

Betraying Ourselves No More
Sarah Varcas

Image: “Breaking Out of My Shell” by Gary Rosenberg

In Sagittarius, Saturn requires a broader view of our lives, beyond our personal present. It helps us identify connections between apparently random experiences and reveals how past decisions, attitudes and behaviours have painted the picture that is our life today. If we find ourselves frustrated or struggling against opposing forces that seem set upon our demise, it suggests we seek their genesis within and consider how well or not we have previously honoured the mystery of life. To what extent have we ignored a greater intelligence which invites us into alignment, or sought to control rather than allow life’s unfolding? In Saturn’s world a mere shift of perspective doesn’t change the past or arrest the force of its influence upon the present. It demands, instead, that we acknowledge and take responsibility for all we have been and all we have done, welcoming their current ripples of consequence as great teachers bestowing precious wisdom.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Almas Antiguas: los nuevos monjes de la Tierra - Toscana, Italia, 7 y 8 de Mayo de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Excursión en la Toscana, Italia, 7 y 8 de Mayo de 2017

Almas Antiguas: los nuevos monjes de la Tierra

Ciudad de Asís

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Como se darán cuenta, estamos todavía en Italia, y honramos al que se llamó Francisco. Si miran hacia atrás en el tiempo, queridos, mi socio ha mencionado que hubo un gran cambio de paradigma. Pero no queremos hablar de eso; deseamos hablar de un monje. Hubo muchos aquí, había una escuela.

Ustedes podrían preguntarse ¿qué hace un monje? ¿Qué harían hoy, necesariamente? Y qué hacían cientos de años atrás. Esto les mostrará un cambio de paradigma. Quiero celebrar a aquellos que han decidido que el sendero de su vida es la oración. Esto es honrado por Dios, Dios lo ve como un camino individual, y lo honra definitivamente y lo ve como apropiado para la persona.

Sheldan Nidle Consciousness and Coming Changes: There Are No Rules: All is Flow - May 9, 2017

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday May 15, 2017

Do you believe grace and ease are available to you? Have you adopted struggle as a way of life, or as somehow necessary before you become worthy enough to receive? Do you have an expectation of hard?

What you believe is what is available to you. You create through alignment. The old paradigm has always been if you work hard enough you will gain reward. Why this seemed to be a working model is because once you had worked to a level or standard that you believed was enough, you would then shift into a space of allowing and acceptance. You would then let yourself receive.

Brenda Hoffman - Shadow Fears - May 15, 2017

Dear Ones,

Many of you are seeing your fears displayed by the media. Perhaps you were involved in similar situations in previous lives so instead of noting the flim-flammery of it, you revert to the fear and pain created by the actions of yourself or others.

Now is not yesterday nor even five minutes ago. So there is nothing to compare to the happenings now politically, globally, or personally. Even though events might bring back shadow memories of what happened previously, those events cannot be the same because you are different, as are the majority of those living on earth at this time.

Aisha North - Please inquire within - May 15, 2017

Please inquire within

There is no separation.

No walls to break through.

All you need to do

is to accept the invitation.

Your heart is always open.

Waiting for you to enter.

Waiting for you to come home.

Posted on May 15, 2017 by Aisha North • Bente Amundsen

domingo, mayo 14, 2017

Asara - The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light - May 14, 2017

The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light:

"We are here now.

We love you.

We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.

With every day of your Earth experience, you are integrating higher and higher frequencies of light into your physical body, in order to keep up with the large shift in your consciousness.

As you are walking the Earth with the higher vibrational frequencies within your body, you are generating a powerful momentum of Light around the planet.

Celia Fenn - Así que Lo que Está Sonando en Mis Oídos…- Abril 15 de 2017

GalacticOrbitEscribo esto porque muchísimas personas han preguntado por sus actuales síntomas, especialmente los asociados con los oídos.

Muchas personas han reportado un incremento en lo que la profesión médica llama "tinnitus", repiqueteos y zumbidos en un oído o en ambos. Otras han reportado dolor en los oídos, frecuentemente el dolor baja de los oídos a los dientes y la mandíbula o sube a la cabeza donde se convierte en mareo y dolor de cabeza..

Mike Quinsey - Canalizando a su Ser Superior - 12 de Mayo, 2017

Parece que las fuerzas negativas están siendo sacadas de sus bases subterráneas y son incapaces de mantener el control global. La limpieza seguirá hasta que ya no representen una amenaza para la Humanidad y eso permita un mayor control de las Fuerzas de la Luz. Puede que sea sólo una cuestión de tiempo que se libere su control sobre vuestras fuentes de noticias y se puedan dar noticias reales. Por ahora tenéis que rastrear la verdad en Internet, cuando muchos sitios web lo alimentan con falsa información. Sin embargo, si ya habéis identificado esos sitios que son fiables, al menos tendréis una idea razonable de lo que está sucediendo realmente.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Enhanced Christed StarGate Systems: This Passageway Week Has Been a Doozie as a Gatekeeper/Gridkeeper and My Own Personal Cleansing Process too - 5/14/2017

The two go hand-in-hand....

On a Mega-Multi-Dimensional level, we have been experiencing/doing a lot to clear old grid systems of any "heavy" suppression energies to complete this week long process of Crystalline StarGate Integrations, which is a huge level-up for us all. Going through it can be very taxing, challenging and throw us for a loop, even for the intentionally conscious, if you will....

Blossom Goodchild - 13 de Mayo de 2017

Blossom: Hola, una vez más. Espero que haya un millón de personas deseosas de hacerles un millón de preguntas... sin embargo, decido dejar el piso abierto y ver cómo nuestra conversación fluye hoy. (Cuando me reúno con un amigo a conversar, no pienso en las preguntas que le voy a hacer, yo sólo disfruto de la compañía).

Federación de la Luz: Como de hecho, querida Blossom, siempre disfrutamos nuestras comunicaciones con usted.

Blossom: ¿Están haciendo muchas cosas a la vez, mientras hablamos?

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - The Inner Spirit working outward in your life is the only place to find stability in these changing times - May 14, 2017

Dear One,

You have found that your world is speeding up. You may even have a sense of frantic activity without a sense of accomplishment. You have found yourself searching for meaning in all that you are doing when it does not feel like enough.

The truth is that there is an increase in the frequencies of the Earth. Because of this, people are experiencing a shift in consciousness that encourages their search for meaning in all that they do. And Universal Consciousness is now more easily available to all who seek than ever before. This increase in energy is also creating great and rapid change in the world around you. Information is more available, tremendous earth changes, such as earthquakes, tornadoes, fires and hurricanes, seem to be occurring with more frequency, and the very fabric of social, political and family life seems to have shifted into unknown areas.

John Smallman - Jesús - Solo ustedes pueden cambiarse a sí mismos pero cuando lo hacen todo el mundo cambia - 27-02-2017 27-02-2017

Al ir avanzando en el 2017, los cambios que ocurran en el mundo se intensificarán e incrementará su número porque hay enormes alteraciones en la forma en la que los humanos interactúan unos con otros ocurriendo al prepararse para su despertar. Parte del proceso es el reconocimiento de que las formas en las que interactúan deben cambiar dramáticamente si quieren evitar la auto destrucción a escala masiva y planetaria.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Sunday May 14, 2017

Of all of the myriad of experiences human beings can have, the greatest is to love, deeply, fully, and completely, without expectation, and be open to receive the tide of that love in return. For that is how you know yourself as the love that you are, and you honour your purpose as an ambassador of love and support on an evolving planet. Love is the truest and most magnificent expression of self you will ever have. ~Archangel Gabriel

John Smallman - Jesús - No hay nadie que Dios no ame - 08-03-2017


Todo se está desenvolviendo como está divinamente planeado e intencionado, no hay otras opciones. La humanidad colectivamente ha elegido despertar espiritualmente y la evidencia de esa elección está apareciendo por todo el mundo y lo reportan muchos noticiarios y fuentes alternativas de noticias. Recalcar todos los eventos perturbadores e inestables es un deseo y voluntad intensos por el cambio y es lo que está llevando a la humanidad poderosamente hacia adelante al despertar. Su despertar es inminente. Espérenlo porque lo han elegido y sepan que su elección se confirma por su constante intención de terminar el juego de separación el cual no les sirve.

James Tyberonn - Arcángel Metatrón - El Sonido Cristalino y la Esperanza - Parte 1 - Mayo 2017



El Sonido Cristalino y la Esperanza - Parte 1
Arcángel Metatrón a través de James Tyberonn

Saludos, Maestros, Yo soy Metatrón, Angélico de Luz, y se une a mí en esta sesión Tyberonn del Servicio Cristalino.

Queridos Humanos, entre las obras artísticas creativas disponibles para las almas en el Cosmos, en el Omniverso Viviente y en la Omni-Tierra, ninguna ofrece más benevolencia que la de la expresión musical. Ciertas formas de lo que se puede llamar música clásica y "nueva era", según su lenguaje actual, realmente estimulan y regeneran la fuerza de vida y la sincronicidad de las células dentro del cerebro humano y el cuerpo físico. Al hacerlo, esta forma de patrones cristalinos musicales en realidad atrae la "trinidad" de cuerpo-mente y alma. Estos patrones también equilibran y estimulan el sistema de chakras mucho más allá de su actual comprensión.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - ¿Qué te gustaría soltar hoy? - Excursión en la Toscana, Italia, 7 y 8 de Mayo de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Excursión en la Toscana, Italia, 7 y 8 de Mayo de 2017

Abadía San Galgano

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Estamos en una región magnífica, en Italia, en lo que algunos llaman la Toscana. Estamos en las ruinas de una vieja iglesia, en un área pública, y muchos están parados alrededor de un viejo altar. No es por accidente, queridos; el altar es antiguo, muchos han acudido a este altar, no solo quienes estaban autorizados para hacerlo.

Méline Portia Lafont - Cosmic Avatar of Unity - May 14, 2017

Within the spheres of the atom lies a certain vibration that keeps one bounded. It is that vibration that keeps the grid of unity steady and helps to shape new forms of life. What we see as life is often but a glimpse of the real thing, which allows for one to question further and to see beyond that which is known. What is formatted is therefore helped to set free so that new understandings can be gained. It is so that even atoms can have a way of handling a reset while still remaining whole as a bounded/connected magnetic field.

John Smallman - Saul - The now moment is the only time that exists - May 14th, 2017

“On Earth as it is in Heaven!” That is what humanity is aiming for. In the book A Course in Miracles Jesus talks about the “happy dream,” the place or state from which God will draw you home to Oneness with Him.

Humanity’s awakening, your personal awakening, is the entry into that state where perfect peace prevails in the divine field of Love that is All That Exists. In that state all that is not in complete alignment with Love has dissolved because none of it is Real, and only what is Real exists. What is Real is eternal, without beginning or end. What you experience as humans, while seeming intensely real, is just a dream, often a nightmare, filled with pain and suffering, from which you will awaken because it is impossible to remain lost in sleep and dreaming indefinitely.

sábado, mayo 13, 2017

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday May 13, 2017

The practice of presence and gratitude is absolutely guaranteed to infuse magic and wonder into your life. ~Archangel Gabriel