Lord Saint Germain with Master Hilarion bring forth an understanding of how to work through the process of helping the Lower Mind to access the Higher Mind to create change and acceleration within an Initiate’s Pathway as the Masculine and Feminine Self work together in harmony.
~ Integrative channel Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden
As we acknowledge the ability to step into the Feminine Self, the Mental Body receives the acknowledgement it needs to realize that it is not the only defining energy of the four-body system.
The Masculine Self needs just as much healing as the other subtle bodies but it tends to be in control, because that is what has occurred for your soul in so many lifetimes.
It is important to realize that the Mental Self is the activating link to the lower mind so it holds those elements within your subconscious mind that need to be awakened unto the Light or through the Higher Self sometimes called the Super-Conscious. It is at this stage that it is important to work within the thought processes of the lower mind in order for the Higher Mind to be accessed.
The Higher Self is the teacher that needs to be acknowledged within your full consciousness.
As you learn to access your higher consciousness, you then realize as an Initiate the process that you are going through to get to the core issues within your Beingness.
Your Etheric Self holds the memories of the many timelines that you have experienced as a soul. Some of these remembrances can be very debilitating to the Physical Self as they have a tendency to create the same issues over again. This is when the energies within the Mental Self become very active and can cause an individual to think and act in a way that is not of the higher essence.
The Mental Body triggers the Emotional Body to feel these triggers of stuck thoughts within the Sub-Conscious Mind. It is at this moment then that it is important to work with the Higher Self to bring in the higher aspect of the thought/emotion that you are dealing with as it will help change the remembrance into a healing stage of forgiveness or acceptance by allowing the emotional charged to be healed in a much more positive manner.
It is important to be able to look at the issue from your higher perspective. This can be done through the process of GRACE which represents GROUNDING-RELEASEMENT-ACKNOWLEDGMENT-CONNECTION-EMBRACEMENT.
Grounding the Energy within the physical body is essential to allow the feeling to become more concrete;
Releasement is a process of moving the energy out of your Emotional and Mental bodies by calling upon the Unified Whole to assist you through the 144 dimensions of reality;
Acknowledgement brings forth the process of feeling the old energy leaving as you fully embrace the clarity within;
Connection is allowing your Solar Angel and Higher Self to give you the initiation of the positive Light energies to flow within you;
Embracement brings forth the full connection of your Higher Self within your Physical Self.
This exercise is very powerful to work through the energies that you do not want to have within your experiences any longer. This also includes the ability to work with the past energy exchanges that your Inner Child holds within your consciousness. It will truly assist in changing your consciousness into the higher state of awareness.
This represents the ability to work through the issues from your Sub-Conscious Mind to allow them to be felt within the Emotional Body, and thereby, adjusting your Physical Self to be more interactive with the Higher Mind.
It is at this stage then the Initiate must work through the expanded energy that they have received and make sure they continually allow themselves to become the Higher Aspect of their thoughts and emotions. This allows for the Masculine and Feminine Divine to work together and is the beginning stage of true realization within the Self.
As always working with the Rays of God assist in bringing forth this change that needs to be acquired in order to fully allow the process of healing to become a physical reality. I now extend the energies unto Master Hilarion, the Ray Chohan for the Science of God as it represents the ability to allow the Higher Mind to work through the Initiate to find their Inner Truth.
I thank you for listening.
I Am Lord Saint Germain at your service.
Greetings My Dearest Beloveds,
I am Master Hilarion ready to work with each of you to understand the process of healing your are currently experiencing. My role is to bring forth the essence of the 5th Ray of Green, Golden Light to infuse within your consciousness to help you achieve more interaction of your Higher Mind.
This is a process that is not easily accessed. Many individuals connect through their meditations and then think that is all they need to do – that they become their Higher Self. In fact just the opposite occurs, so there can be a period of misconception happening within the consciousness of the individual.
I bring to you the ability to be able to see within yourself the Truth of your thoughts, actions and emotions that are within your consciousness while projecting this part of yourself unto the outside world. It is true that what we feel internally will be experienced externally to others.
It is very important to truly look within yourself of the thoughts that you have. Are they positive or negative, judgmental or forgiving? Then, realize the thoughts of the lower frequency that you are exhibiting as then they become the focus of your emotional body.
In order to change these lower thoughts to a higher level (Higher Mind) you must realize within yourself that you experience these elements within yourself. Then you realize that is not who you want to be in any moment, so you call upon the Higher thought process, like forgiveness. You can take your energies and fully Concentrate on Forgiveness to remove the lower element of Judgment that you are feeling.
Utilizing the Ray of Green Golden White will assist tremendously to move out of the Lower Mind thoughts into the Higher Mind.
Breathe this ray deeply within you, through your Third Eye and all parts of your full body system. Allow the energy to move into your Solar Plexus where the feeling level of judgement may be within you. As you do this you are allowing the energy to move from the lower thought process into a higher thought process. It is at this stage that you fully Consecrate (Bless) the change within you. But you must feel it deeply through your Emotional Self. Don’t just think you feel it, become it, blend it within you and be that higher vibration of light that you desire.
Working within these energies will assist you to become more of your Higher Self, within your Divine Mind, but it takes diligence and practice on every thought and emotion that you hold within yourself. This will also help to increase your Light Quotient into a higher level of acceptance within your full-body system.
Call upon me to assist you with this process and I guarantee you that we shall work together in Unison to create the balance of the Masculine and Feminine Divine.
Blessings and Love,
I Am Master Hilarion, Ray Chohan for the 5th Flame of the Science of God
Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden
Walking Terra Christa is offering their monthly classes in 2017 “Mastering the Spiritual Recovery of the Soul” which is facilitated through channled instruction from Lord Saint Germain, the Ray Chohans, and Lord Metatron. Each month we work with Lord Saint Germain and Lord Metatron for the Metatronic Seals. Included are the Ray Chohans for the specific rays we are working on as they provide information and Divine Language Light Encodements to assist in accessing the energies within the physical body. Please use the link to learn more about this series. Our current class takes place on May 20th, 2017 with Master Hilarion joining Lord Saint Germain and Lord Metatron.
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The May WESAK moon is here and will last until the next full moon. It is considered the most powerful Ascended Master Celebration of the year. Bring in the Higher Spiritual Frequency of Light now by getting the Digital Audio of this Sacred event.