Tips to Thrive in June
Context for Energy Shifts
by Selacia
With several months of chaos and craziness behind us in 2017, it's helpful to look forward with new eyes and a new resolve based on hope for a better world. In this article I'll outline context for energy shifts and provide some tips for thriving in June. Yes, you can thrive in the face of uncertainty and daily doses of negativity out-pictured in our world.
As I mention in my "2017 Predictions," hope is essential to move forward. We must strive to connect with hope, regardless of how dire our world appears. We must remember that there is goodness in humanity and love at the core of all beings.
Context for Energy Shifts
In June we will experience a combination of (1) tricky planetary transits likely to stir emotions and (2) helpful alignments for making progress with creative projects and mending fences in troubled relationships. On some days you may feel the effect of both - emotions (yours or other people's) more on the surface and your finding you have the energy to create positive changes.
Enhance your success potential by being present and mindful. You will thrive by noticing changes in energy or circumstance, and responding with divine timing. Sometimes the window for timely action is minutes, or even seconds.
Example: you are at a conference and meet someone indirectly connected to your field of interests. You may have only a moment to exchange information before going your separate ways. Trust your intuition. If you get a strong nudge to connect with someone, act on it. You don't need to have the details of "why" in the moment - just do it.
Most likely you are already sensitive in nature. The energies and events of these times can be quite challenging for sensitives. Keep in mind, though, that you have inner strength and other resources for coping - more than many people around you can access. Remember this in those moments when you feel pushed to the edge. Apply what you know and make an effort to tap your vast inner strength. The more that you do that, in fact, the stronger you become.
As June begins, polarity and division energies continue to catalyze an underlying sense of tension and stress in society. Do your best to be aware of these undercurrents but keep your perspective big picture. With a higher view, you are less likely to feel overwhelmed and more likely to be a calm and conscious voice for constructive changes. This is part of your role, after all, as a divine changemaker.
Energy Dates to Watch
June 9 is a Sagittarius Full Moon. The energies of this Moon can help bring more truths to light and catalyze breakthroughs. A project in development could receive a nice push forward under this influence. Tip: make and energize intentions for your goals at this time.
June 20 is Solstice. This is a change of seasons, but more than that, it's a powerful energy gateway. The potency of this gateway continues to unfold throughout the week and into the weekend of June 24-25. Tip: use the time period June 20-25 to do inner work, reflection on your next steps, and energizing of your heart-felt dreams.
June 23-24 is a Cancer New Moon. Happening soon after Solstice, this New Moon is a significant moment for catalyzing new starts, updating approaches, and finding new partners. Tip: meditate on what you want to manifest, getting clear about specifics and the connections between things. Be open to the new.
Set Your Own Thrive Bar
June can be a month of opportunities to express your light. Decide now that you will be present and looking forward, rather than looking backward.
This means that you begin anew daily. See yourself and your life path in a fresh way. Let go of how last month was, or what you have accomplished (or not accomplished) so far this year.
Recognize that you alone determine what it means and how it feels to thrive. Set your own thrive bar. Don't let the world tell you what it is.
Don't let others, through comparison, make you feel small or not enough. Simply be your best self each day, one idea and one action at a time. Trust that you are enough even before you make the first step, and take that feeling of confidence into your next steps.
When the state of the world gets you down, remember that love will win as we humans are wired to love.
Copyright 2017 by Selacia - a globally known writer, DNA intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and the creator of The Divine Changemakers * All Rights Reserved * * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text.