I am Judas Iscariot and I greet you all from above. Today we are watching down on the Sun’s children. Yes, my dear, you are all Children of the Sun from one or another star. It is a joy to see all the activity that is taking place on Earth now. It really seethes of activities and joy. Many rays of light are sent from many hearts and we are with you every step you take now. I love you so much and enjoy all that is being prepared now. The world you live in is in the midst of a large change and the change is come from all your small and large lightworker hands. It is a fantastic time to live in where large and small wonders are happening every day. Do not be afraid to enter into the light dear children, as you are the children of the light and you are now taking down the light on Earth. It will become a fantastic experience to be part of – to change the Earth to a light, warm and beautiful planet again.
Dear friends, it has now started, the time is here and RV has started. A restart for the peoples of Earth is creeping ever closer – A start for something much better, more loving and wiser than it has been for many thousands of years. These are wonderful times dear friends and the people of the Earth can look forward to peace and freedom. This is what many have been waiting for, right? It is what many have waited for and now it is here. It is soon time to go out and celebrate my friends. That which is happening is happening now and it is for the best of all. All the peoples of the Earth will get to take part in this and in this way be part of the reconstruction of Mother Earth. Everything will happen at different levels all at the same time. The change will be so great dear children on Earth and it is thanks to you that it is happening. The flicker of light has grown to a large fire that can be seen miles away.
There are many who are visiting Earth now. The vibrations are higher and increasing and there are many who wish to help in the manner that they can, are allowed and have the ability to. Yes, we are with you now dear children on Earth. You have everybody with you now. It is great day for you, for our beautiful Mother Earth, our galaxy and far beyond. Continue to be brave and end now the age of darkness in favor of the age of light that already has taken hold on Earth. Yes, this is the way it is my friends. The Light is here and your planet is steadily moving towards the light and so are you. Spread your gifts now all over the Earth and let everybody take part in this beautiful, wonderful blessing from our Father/Mother God. I thank our Father/Mother God with all my heart and bow my head in humble gratitude. Bow your heads and thank your Father/Mother God for the great blessing he gives you. Then go out in the world and share the blessings that you have received.
Yes, it is a wondrous time with many miracles and many blessings – Blessings that have come from the light and that only contain love. These are gifts of love that you have in your hands, my dear friends. Protect them and let it become a loving gift to humanity, to Earth and all life that reside there.
I leave you know with much love and joy in my heart.
Translator from Swedish to English: Per Staffan
Source: www.sananda.website
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