This is an Archangel Uriel channeled message.
Kindness is more than being nice to others, it is a state of spiritual awareness, where you lead with your spiritual nature, speaking from you divinity to others’ divine selves, becoming a shining light for others to see. When you are kind to others your light shines more brightly than any darkness around you.
Being kind to others, no matter what they are doing or have done to you, allows you to stay in your power, maintain your energy boundaries, and to choose how you will interact with everyone around you.
Kindness engages your human/divine partnership, which is the highest expression of your light. Through it you express your mastery and you see the unlimited potentials for every situation.
You cannot be angry if you choose kindness, you cannot be resentful, hurt, or disappointed. Kindness is not a state of doing or allowing others to take advantage of you, it is an opening that invites others to experience your light as you choose to express it. When you choose to be kind you resist the urge to judge and instead, exercise detachment and forgiveness.
Begin each conversation in the spirit of forgiveness, which is the intention to be in your own energy space, so any negativity you may experience from someone does not connect with a past wound or hurt within you. Being kind does not mean doing things for others, it means being respectful of their level of spiritual growth and understanding and how that is what affects their ability to interact with you.
If you approach everyone with kindness, you set the energetic vibration for that interaction and you are the leader, not the follower. Your kindness does not require others’ acceptance and sometimes it will not happen, but with it you will not judge yourself for others’ lack of appreciation.
Kindness allows for joy, love, compassion, and peace to dominate in every relationship. See your kindness as a gift you set in front of someone, then allow them to respond as they can. Let kindness be your truth so you are not distracted by others wounds, hurts, issues or problems. Kindness allows you to disconnect with compassion, when that becomes necessary, and fully release any karmic energies to allow your healing to be completed.
Imagine what the world would be like if everyone was kind to each other. It is something that you can create for yourselves and the world when you are kind to one another. Hold the energetic space for kindness and know that each act of kindness is important to the healing to wholeness process that the earth and humanity are currently experiencing within the ascension journey. Learning to be kind to each other is an important part of that process and it is a gift that you can give to yourself and to others every day.
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