domingo, febrero 12, 2017

Selacia - Navigating the Quickening of Change - February 12, 2017

We now sit in an auspicious time between February's two eclipses, providing a window of opportunity to reassess and re-empower ourselves to prepare for our next big leaps. Taking advantage of this time is vital to our spiritual progression and being able to adapt to the dizzying pace of changes unfolding.

Quickening of Change

When we look back on these moments, one thing will be clear. Change not only has become our new normal but the pace and intensity of change has accelerated. What we are dealing with here is not familiar. Earlier decades and even earlier lifetimes did not involve this type of quickening of change. It is unprecedented.

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - 2/12/17

FEBRUARY 12, 2017

Dear ones, we wish to express our congratulations for the courage you hold in the face of many issues appearing to be in opposition to the peace and harmony you were expecting. Never doubt that what you are witnessing is the necessary process of a world waking up. There remain those who require powerful experiences in order to wake up or even move a little beyond complacency. Many remain stuck in the glue of illusion.

Caroline Oceana Ryan - A Brief Message to Lightworkers – February 12, 2017

Greetings, dear ones! We are pleased to have this chance to speak with you today.
We are aware of the increasing divide in the world, and we do not speak of religious or political divide, but of another divide.
This is between two groups: the first being those who stress and worry that the old ways of doing things, or making changes by moving objects, people, and ideas from without, is no longer as effective as it once was.
The second group being those who increasingly understand that life and all its outer forms are created from within.

Most of you reading this are amongst those for whom the second choice is the norm, as you more and more look within to decide what you will create, concentrating and visualizing it, calling upon Earth’s and the cosmos’s energies, and breathing them out into new creations, as you declare and expect your new creations to be present with you.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - All that you have learned and all that has happened to you brought you to where you are now. Be grateful -February 12, 2017

Dear One,

You have come to a time when acknowledgment of yourself is necessary. There needs to be a truce between the warring factions of your mind. One part of you is diligently watching to make sure that you never make a mistake. When you inevitably do, it leaps to chastise and remind you about all the ways you are wrong. This judgmental mind is never happy with your progress. Nothing you do could ever be good enough. It is relentless in its pursuit of your wrongness. It is time to tell this part of your mind to take a vacation. It needs to lose itself in the beauty of nature, and leave the rest of you alone.

Selacia - Predicciones 2017 - 9 de Febrero 2017

Predictions 2017

Traducción: Gisela Díaz M.

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

En el año 2017, surgirá en todo el mundo una crisis de confianza en el futuro. Esto tendrá consecuencias de largo alcance para nosotros como individuos y para nuestro planeta entero. Continúa leyendo para comprender lo que esto significa, por qué debemos estar atentos y lo que nosotros, como agentes divinos de cambio, podemos hacer para marcar la diferencia. A medida que leas, también aprenderás sobre las semillas de esperanza que se plantarán en el 2017 y lo que significan para ti.

Antecedentes - Crisis de Confianza

En primer lugar, algunos antecedentes sobre la crisis de confianza que enfrentamos. Esta energía de desconfianza es más primordial que evolutiva, derivada del condicionamiento de la humanidad basado en el miedo. En otras palabras, es muy antigua y más tribal que inclusiva. El tribalismo ha estado con nosotros a lo largo de los siglos, pero en las últimas décadas, desde 1990, la mentalidad tribalista de "nosotros y ellos" ha resurgido fuertemente.

sábado, febrero 11, 2017

Asara - Adama of Telos - Update - February 11, 2017

Adama of Telos:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.

As the energies are moving through the great portal of the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse and Comet appearance, it is the ending of one cycle and the beginning of a new one.

Many of you might have a feeling of acceleration and a sense that things will shift profoundly and you are correct.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Galactic Crystalline GridKeepers: Anchoring High Frequency Encoded Light Into Your Physical Body Structures - 2/11/2017

​Happy Full Moon sweet love family. These energies are substantial and beyond pristine. The higher we go, the lighter all gets, the easier all is, the more access we all have to everything now. This is the time we all worked so hard for, and shall continue to do so, yet in a very different way.

Many exiting the matrix with their bodies, ascending in physical form, anchoring a whole lot of photonic light in their physical body structures to further become the Gridkeepers of Galactic NEW Earth. The gridwork for all, held within the physical body, the more light embodied, the more energetic all becomes.

For the human aspect, this is beyond challenging when "energy starts to run your world". Whether you can walk, eat, talk, work, function or just sleep... being groggy foggy as you flip/merge realities, physically move into walking in a lucid dream, no longer just your dream state as before....

Suzanne Lie - Finding the Calm in the Midst of Chaos--Galactic Family through Sue Lie - 2-11-17

Finding the Calm in the Midst of Chaos

You Galactic Family through Suzanne Lie

Free recording of this Blog  HERE

Please remember that chaos always precedes change, as you must dis-articulate the third-dimensional matrix that allows the chaos to attach to the consciousness of those still trapped in the 3D matrix.

The United States, which was meant to be the flash point of planetary ascension, is now in great chaos. Within that chaos, those who seek power over others move forward to have their last stand against the oncoming Light that only those who have found their own Power Within will discover.

The Power Over Others is battling those who live by their own power within. Power Over Others has no spiritual support, as it goes against Gaia’s innate fifth-dimensional consciousness. Those who live by Power Within are free of the 3D matrix, and in the ongoing process of their consciousness merging with their fifth-dimensional and multi-dimensional SELF.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday February 11, 2017

Dear Ones, you don’t need to know all the answers. You just need to find the next step that feels right to you, and then the next step that feels right to you.

If you have an intention to create something, ask if that step takes you closer to, or further away from what you wish to create. If you don’t know, ask to be shown what the next step is that moves you toward your desire, or for a sign, or for greater clarity.

Aisha North - Water Speaks - February 11, 2017

Posted on February 11, 2017 by Aisha North • Bente Amundsen

viernes, febrero 10, 2017


The Illuminati Plan (The Equal and Opposite Reaction)

Christine Day - Message from the Pleiadians February 2017 - February 10, 2017

Message from the Pleiadians February 2017

Beloved ones we greet you,

There is great change coming, building like a wave, bringing a new element of consciousness to your world. There is nothing to fear. What is essential at this time is for you to consciously bring your focus inwards into your heart center, this is where authenticity, clarity and Truth exist for you.

This new energy that has been anchoring on the planet at this time is designed to transform and breakdown all that which does not hold Truth. Simultaneously this energy is designed to open up your hearts on yet another dimensional level to enable you to move and birth into a deeper understanding of what is to unfold here on your planet. You are in the middle of a huge transformation, moving from one reality moment to another, which is designed to bring forth a higher frequency of connected light into form on your earth plane. Through anchoring into the stillness, this light form can be experienced within your heart and can birth forth Truth, which can be made manifest through you and outwards into your world. This is part of the sacred design for this time.

Lena Stevens y Patricia Lilies - Actualización de Luna Llena 10-2-17 - 9 de Febrero de 2017

Traducción: Laura Gualtieri
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Queridos amigos,

La Luna Llena y el Eclipse Lunar es el viernes 10 de febrero a las 5:32 PM hora estándar de la montaña (MST).

El tiempo alrededor de esta luna llena es muy potente ya que apoya la innovación, la excentricidad y el pensamiento fuera de la caja. Piense en cómo puede ser expansivo en sus sueños, cambiando y eligiendo. Los eclipses siempre intensificar cualquier experiencia, así como también apoyan el cambio, así que busque una cierta intensidad durante este tiempo y convierta esa experiencia en algo positivo para usted. Sugerimos que sea cuidadoso con quien pasa tiempo con estos eclipses, ya que puede ser influenciado por la energía negativa, así como la inspiración positiva.

Es un buen día para hacer algo que lo expanda. Tome una caminata a la cima de una montaña donde se pueda ver un gran paisaje. Mire al cielo a través de un telescopio. Salga al vasto océano en un barco. Respire profundamente y amplíe su capacidad pulmonar. Tome algo que ya hace y hagalo por más tiempo y más enérgicamente y con más entusiasmo. Esto le informa al universo que estás listo para MÁS.

La energía alrededor de esta luna llena es ardiente y agresiva. Utilice esto como una buena manera de propulsar y penetrar sus mayores sueños y deseos más creativos en la realidad. Manténgase enfocado en lo que USTED quiere y no se descarrilen por el cinismo de los demás. Sea creativo, mantengase inspirado, y tome la acción.



Lisa Transcendence Brown - Fully Soul-Aligned Realities: Spirit(ual) Maturation 2/10/2017


As each comes to fill with higher consciousness love, as their higher heart opens to the purity and bliss of "all of this", the feelings forgotten are returned and we become that magical wide-eyed child full of wonder again. This is part of our re-birth process, where we realize that we no longer desire the human reality here. Yet this too is just part of the process, as from that point forward, our entire reality must be reviewed, scrutinized if you will, observed through "the Looking Glass" and re-aligned in accordance with a whole new existence here.

What comes "after" is the realization that things were not as they seemed. That what we "thought" was the opposite and so far from the truth and other than "just knowing", we didn't have a clue. As each truly experiences and sees, then the journey begins. Then Source activates inside and your Creator Aspect is also birthed from within. There is a maturation process for each "new" higher self aspect that occurs. First the activation, the feeling the energy inside and the "visions" that come with it to challenge your human in every capacity that there is... for this is part of the process as well.

Sarah Varcas - Entonces el cambio llega 9 de Febrero 2017 - Febrero 8, 2017

Traducción: Laura Gualtieri
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Entonces el cambio llega

El Eclipse Lunar se produce a las 00:45 GMT del 11 de febrero de 2017

Si te has estado preguntando qué es lo que está pasando últimamente, si la vida ha sido demasiado buena para ser verdad, demasiado dura de soportar o demasiado confusa para justificar tomarla en serio, este eclipse puede ayudar a aclarar la causa detrás del efecto y la parte que jugamos en el desarrollo de la vida. Muchos hasta ahora este año, se han encontrado frente a lo que pensaban que se hizo: revisar viejos pensamientos, sentimientos y recuerdos previamente establecidos para descansar, volver a comprometerse con los lugares, con las personas y los comportamientos que significaba algo "en el pasado". Otros han sido impulsados ​​a una existencia tan completamente nueva e inesperada que todavía no pueden creer lo que ha sucedido. Pero la mayoría se encuentra en un terreno intermedio, dividido entre un pasado seductor y un futuro inquietantemente incognoscible, preguntándose si simplemente saltar del acantilado de la familiaridad y ver qué sucede, o retirarse de su borde visceral para esperar una orientación más clara sobre lo que viene a continuación. Quienquiera que seas y dondequiera que te encuentres ahora mismo, toma el corazón. La orientación, el estímulo y el apoyo están en camino.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 10 February 2017

So much is happening upon Earth right now, and the general view is that the dark Ones are in retreat. The people themselves can take some credit for what has occurred, as they have strongly responded to the expressed intentions of President Trump. Across your world some have been demonstrating against his declared policies, and it is very interesting that many souls have been awakened from their slumbers, and it has goaded them into action. This is desirable as there needs to be a constant growth in the Light, to ensure that it is beyond the reach of those who would steer you onto a path leading to annihilation. Have no fear however, as it has already been decreed that the Light will be victorious, regardless of any attempts to prevent it. So do not worry about the outcome or be put out of your stride. All is proceeding as intended and will lead you to Ascension.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Friday February 10, 2017

It is when you can sit in love and acceptance for yourself that you will truly be able to move forward in your life expression with the openness, curiosity, and joy that you have been missing since you were a small child. The wonder of life will return, and with that presence and gratitude, your beautiful, gentle divinity and innocence will emanate and take the lead, and that, Dear Ones, is exactly how the meek shall inherit the earth. ~Archangel Gabriel

Jenny Schiltz - Energies are pushing us to go beyond - February 10, 2017

The energy is really coming in. We are having celestial events that help ramp up the energy, but there is more to it. There is a huge push with this energy. It is testing us to see if we are ready to move forward, to leave the old programming behind. Can we trust where we are going enough to let go of the old?

Like all things this energy is multifaceted. There is a component that is still dredging up all of our stuff. It is asking us to really see the ways that we don’t love ourselves, the ways that we have compromised self, and the ways that we have not honored ourselves. For some this will come up as negative thoughts about self while for others it will be played out in the daily interactions. Observance is required so that we can see what is being shown without getting lost in the emotions of it. Writing your thoughts can help you to see the patterns that are bubbling up.

jueves, febrero 09, 2017

Jim Self - Time Space - Why it Distorts Your Reality

Brenda Hoffman - ¿Están Usando Muchos "Debería" Para Su Ser 5D? - 6 de Febrero 2017

Traducción: Elizabeth Cohen
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


El mundo 3D de enojo, furia y odio los llama día tras día porque no están notando cambios positivos en su mundo. En cambio, están percibiendo mas acciones negativas, que nunca.

Todo parece perdido- creando dentro suyo, un sentimiento de impotencia,por el miedo y la furia que ahora parece descontrolada.

Han leído y estudiado lo que esta pasando-que la furia y el enojo están limpiando los últimos vestigios del poder dirigido hacia afuera. Aunque quieran creer que esto es así, su visión, su mundo actual no indica esto.

Su miedo continúa incluyendo todo lo que experimentaron en vidas y tiempos pasados- la caída de Atlantis y Lemuria, el Holocausto, dictaduras y más y más. Todo esto, está ahora expuesto vibrantemente por sus gobiernos y las acciones de muchos.

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - Brought to You by the Letter W - Feb 8, 2017

Shanta Gabriel

Dear Ones,

It may seem like a never ending effort to keep yourself in alignment with your highest soul’s reality. We assure you however that it is not the efforting that keeps you in alignment, it is the allowing. When you can relax your sense of effort, a new level of passion, joy and freedom can come through your alignment with All That Is.

Our message to you today is brought to you by the letter W. You may find yourself often in the presence of Worry, Wanting and Wishing. These are strong indications that you are out of alignment with your Source energy that flows abundantly as the River of All Creation.

RONNA - ARCÁNGEL MIGUEL - Conciencia Espiritual Unificada - Febrero 2017

Traducción: Mary García

Difusión y edición: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Conciencia Espiritual Unificada

Amados maestros, los vientos del cambio están soplando fuertemente dentro de sus mundos interno y externo, y a menudo sienten que están siendo tambaleados por los vientos del destino. Están siendo bombardeados con tanta información nueva que su cuerpo y cerebro están sobrecargados. Todo está cambiando tan rápidamente en su mundo que ya no puede depender de lo que se consideraba “la norma”, y hay una gran cantidad de información nueva que es difícil saber en cual creer. Los antiguos conceptos se están actualizando y las filosofías de los mundos Oriental y Occidental se están mezclando a medida que se presentan verdades más amplias para su aprendizaje a medida que la humanidad se esfuerza por convertirse en adultos espirituales y maestros de su destino.

Jennifer Hoffman - Activando Nuestro Empoderamiento Inspirado - 6 de Febrero 2017

Traducción: Rosa García
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Antes del despegue de un avión el piloto realiza una serie de pruebas anteriores al vuelo, entre ellas, encender los motores para que puedan “calentarse” y ponerse en marcha. Es un protocolo que se realiza antes de cada vuelo para que el avión pueda viajar sin sorpresas durante el trayecto. También nosotros debemos realizar un procedimiento similar, aunque creamos que una vez que estamos listos para avanzar deberíamos despegar de inmediato y funcionar a pleno rendimiento, con todo alineado y en perfecto funcionamiento. Sin embargo, antes de precipitarnos hacia el empoderamiento inspirado, nos vendría bien comprobar nuestros sistemas y asegurarnos de que disponemos de todo lo necesario para poder avanzar.

Sandra Walter - Gatekeepers and Gridworkers utilizing the Eclipse window - Feb 9, 2017

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

You may notice a dramatic increase in the energies as this Eclipse window ushers in the next wave. Gatekeepers and Gridworkers will be activating and releasing the Solar aspects of the grids over the next weeks.

This directly affects your pineal-pituitary complex, DNA and Heart center as it unlocks the new HUman template encodements. Expansion, blissed-out sensations and exhaustion are expected; it is what it is. Take care and welcome the activation with an open heart. Side-effects within the body are one conversation; receiving all that is available and assisting Gaia, HUmanity, Kingdoms and Elementals is another.

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden - Master Djwhal Khul - FESTIVALS OF LIGHT ~ FULL MOON & LUNAR ECLIPSE-FEBRUARY 2017 ~ DOORWAY INTO UNITY - February 9, 2017

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden with Master Djwhal Khul give a synopsis of the current moon energies within the context of ascension mastery.

As we enter another period of full moon activity, we are also experiencing a Lunar Eclipse. All of this occurs on February 10, 2017, 4:32 PM Pacific, 7:32 PM Eastern, and 12:32 GMT February 11, 2017.

As the moon is in Leo, it represents the creative process of the Feminine Divine, while the Sun in Aquarius brings forth the act of dependence and mental pursuits of the Masculine Divine. These energies can be at a crossroads.

Which way will we turn is the question we need to ask ourselves.

With the Eclipse energies it brings into it a whole new dynamics to the situation. Usually eclipses represent relationships, either the severing or the healing within both parties. The dynamics that this eclipse is bringing to us is the ability to step into the power of healing by letting go of the elements that no longer serve our purpose. It does not mean that anything has to end but it needs to be changed.

Lena Stevens - Pat Liles - Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse Update 2-10-17 - February 9, 2017

 Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse Update 2-10-17

February 9, 2017 

Dear Friends,

The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse is Friday, February 10 at 5:32 PM Mountain Standard Time (MST).

The time around this full moon is very potent as it supports innovation, eccentricity and thinking outside the box. Think about how you can be expansive in your dreaming, changing and choosing. Eclipses always intensify any experience as well as support change, so look for some intensity during this time and turn that experience into something positive for yourself. We suggest that you are careful who you spend time with around these eclipses as you can be influenced by negative energy as well as positive inspiration.

It is a good day to do something that expands you. Take a hike to a mountain top where you can see a big landscape. Look at the heavens through a telescope. Go out into the vast ocean on a boat. Breathe deeply and expand your lung capacity. Take something you already do and do it longer and more energetically and with more enthusiasm. This informs the universe that you are ready for MORE.

The energy around this full moon is fiery and aggressive. Use this in a good way to propel and penetrate your bigger more creative dreams and desires into reality. Stay focused on what YOU want and don’t get derailed by the cynicism of others. Be creative, inspired, and take action.



Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday February 9, 2017

Dear Ones, just as all things on your enlightenment journey are unique to you, how certain energies affect you and how to best move through them with the most comfort and acceptance is, as well.

We highly recommend, if you are finding yourself extremely energetically sensitive, creating an energy journal. Keep track of how you are feeling and then also write down any planetary events you may be aware of. You will quickly see a correlation between the two.

miércoles, febrero 08, 2017

Fran Zepeda - Mary Magdalene: “Walk with Me and Feel my Love” - February 8, 2017

AUDIO of Direct Voice Channeling Mary Magdalene Received 2.5.17

Text of Mary Magdalene’s Message:

Greetings Beloveds, I AM Mary Magdalene. I come to you in a blissful state, so that you may bring forth this within you.

All the happenings in this world are for a purpose. And they do not follow always the path of Love. But you have that within you, to transform all into the path of Love.

I beseech you, beloveds. Stay within that blissful, high vibration, loving state. For all will benefit, and you will rise into your Excellence, of Pure Love Energy, transforming all around you.

Sarah Varcas - 10th/11th February 2017: Lunar Eclipse in 23rd degree of Leo - Then the Change Comes - 08/02/2017

Then the Change Comes
Sarah Varcas

The Lunar Eclipse occurs at 00:45 GMT on 11th February 2017

If you’ve been wondering what on earth’s going on lately – if life has been too good to be true, too tough to endure or too confusing to warrant taking seriously – this eclipse may just help clarify the cause behind the effect and the part we play in life’s unfolding. Many so far this year, have found themselves facing what they thought was done and dusted: revisiting old thoughts, feelings and memories previously laid to rest, re-engaging with people places and behaviours that meant something ‘way back when’. Others have been propelled into an existence so completely new and unexpected they still can’t quite believe what’s happened. But most are on the middle ground, torn between a seductive past and an unsettlingly unknowable future, wondering whether to simply jump off the cliff of familiarity and see what happens, or retreat from its visceral edge to await clearer guidance on what comes next. Whoever you are and wherever you find yourself right now, take heart. Guidance, encouragement and support is on its way.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday February 8, 2017

Stop and go energy can be frustrating, we understand, when you are excited to move forward with your creations. When there is forward movement you see things as good, and when it stalls you see it as bad.

When things seem to stop moving, it does not mean that progress has stopped being made. It simply means that there are elements that are required to make your creation sustainable over the long term. It is merely a pause, a collecting of elements if you will, an allowing of things to come together behind the scenes, to further support your creation. In a sense, you can think of it as the universe responding in kind to what you have started.


Ron Head - The Council – Expanding on an Idea - February 8, 2017

The Council – Expanding on an Idea.

In our last message, we mentioned that you would be well served to focus upon the idea that your current circumstance will result in the creation of the world that you have dreamed of living in, even if you cannot see how you might get there from where you are. We would like to expand upon that statement if we may.

Geoffrey Hoppe - SUEÑOS LOCOS - Febrero 2017


Artículo Revista Shaumbra Febrero 2017

Por Geoffrey Hoppe

Traducción: Héctor Ramallo

¿Cuál es la tendencia con Shaumbra estos días (y noches)? Sueños locos. Sueños realmente locos.

La otra noche tuve un sueño extraño e intenso que pareció durar ocho horas. Como otros sueños en los últimos meses, tenían una claridad y una profundidad inusuales. Los colores eran más profundos, los personajes más reales y las sutilezas no tan sutiles. Fue un sueño de "viaje", lo que significa que yo estaba tratando de llegar de un lugar a otro y a otro. Estaba lleno de obstáculos y desafíos, gente buena y gente mala, e incluso algunos fantasmas siniestros. Antes de decirle algo a Linda a la mañana siguiente, me dijo que había tenido un sueño largo e intenso la noche anterior. Pocas horas después, al teléfono con Alain Bolea, nuestro astuto Asesor, me habló de un largo e intenso sueño que había tenido esa misma noche.

Kara Schallock - Somos Hermosos Seres de Amor - 5 de Febrero 2017

Traducción: Gisela Díaz

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Estamos siendo bañados por hermosas energías de Amor. Esta energía de Amor trae consigo el paso a un nivel más elevado de conciencia de Unidad. Como ustedes saben, la conciencia de Unidad es la Unidad. La Unidad es saber (Conocimiento del Corazón) de que todos nosotros... humanos, animales, plantas, insectos y más allá de la Tierra, etc. ... estamos conectados por el Amor. Si una persona no mantiene su integridad (la Verdad de su Corazón), puede hablar, actuar y pensar en forma separada. Sin embargo, todos estamos conectados como Uno.

martes, febrero 07, 2017


Greetings Everyone!

I hope you are all doing phenomenally well. I know that these last few weeks have felt like months for some of you, with everything that is happening in our world at the moment, with all the chaos and uprising of various energies.

I understand how chaotic and at times burdensome it has felt for many of you to deal with all of these negative emotions, vibrations and energies. For those of us working on clearing negative energies from the planet this has been a busy few weeks having to deal with our own emotions and emotions of those around us. However, many of you are beginning to report that you are finally understanding the happenings of these amazing times, and the reason behind all of the rapid changes that are happening in our world. Changes that at a first glance seem as if we as a collective are taking a giant step back in our ascension process, where in actuality all that we are doing is “squatting” before jumping up high.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday February 7, 2017

When you are approaching life from the model of surrender, faith, flow, and trust, it takes the guess work out of things, for it will always lead you to your highest potentials. If there is something that needs to be healed, it will come into your awareness. If something needs to be acknowledged, it will come into your awareness. If something needs to be experienced, it will come into your awareness. If something needs to be released, it will come into your awareness.

Sarah Varcas - Los Eclipses y sus Temporadas - Tres Malos Entendidos Comunes acerca de los Eclipses - Febrero 2, 2017

Total Lunar Eclipse Dec 20th over Alaska December 2010

Los Eclipses y sus Temporadas 
Traducción: Gabriela Halblaub
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Los eclipses ocurren en grupos de dos ó tres dentro de una temporada de eclipses, que dura 36 días. Durante este tiempo toda luna llena o nueva se presentan como Eclipses Lunares o Solares, respectivamente, aunque puede existir un área gris en el comienzo de una temporada de eclipses, donde se puede presentar una luna nueva o llena que "no es del todo un eclipse". Una temporada de eclipses sucede mientras el Sol está dentro de los 18 grados de uno de los Nodos de la Luna, esto significa, los puntos de la órbita de la Luna donde se cruzan con la órbita del Sol. Las temporadas de eclipses surgen cada 6 meses.

Blossom Goodchild. White Cloud channelling + OFF WORLD BEINGS FULL OF FUN!

Sheldan Nidle - February 7, 2017

1 Ben, 16 Yax, 13 Caban

Selamat Jalwa! Much has changed since we last addressed you. At the end of the last Gregorian Year, a shift was achieved in how the new power structure was to be formulated. As you remember, the dark cabal was "on the ropes". It appeared that a new financial system was on the verge of full compliance and a massive global currency reset was at its point of full emergence This has since been put on a slight hold. This merely implies that a current "shaking out" is now underway. The key element still stands in place. This, of course, is consciousness. A vast set of new technologies are close to being revealed. The main concern is the moving forward of a scientific paradigm shift. Over 300 years ago, your science became stuck on the need to use only energies that were physically apparent. This belief slowed down the natural movement of this surface realm. At present, a series of realities are to shortly culminate in a true comprehension of how to integrate this growing new consciousness.

Maryann Rada - No Time to Remember: Dzen, of the League of Light - February 7, 2017

No Time to Remember: Dzen, of the League of Light

What is happening now on the world stage is nothing less than a complete recalibration of the human psyche. In all shades and colors, the internal personae of human life are unleashed, and a torrent of annihilation of what was comes crashing down upon you all. Everything seems to have arrived for review and testing, and all of the expressions of being that you wanted to take on are there in reach for you to try on. What will you choose to wear? How will you choose to express your inner voice? The time has arrived to make your contribution to the revealing of a new world; the choices you make now will have far-reaching effects through what you know as time and space, so choose well. Choose mindfully, and with your heart.

Jennifer Hoffman - Powering Up for Inspired Empowerment - February 7, 2017

Before a plane takes off the pilot performs a range of pre-flight tests, including powering up the engines. Even before that, the engines are turned on so they can ‘warm up’ and get everything moving. This is done on every flight so the plane can fly as it’s supposed to and there are no bad surprises mid-flight. We need to do this too although we believe that once we are ready to move forward we should blast off, taking off into the ‘wild blue yonder’, all systems functioning, and everything aligned and working perfectly. Before we rush off into inspired empowerment we would benefit from first powering up our systems to ensure that we have everything we need to move ahead.

Sandra Walter - February Gateway: Utilizing the Eclipses, DNA, Timeline Alignment -

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

We are utilizing the portals of the February eclipses (Lunar Eclipse on February 10 at 4:43pm PT and the Solar Eclipse of February 26 at 6:58 am PT) to support the February 22-25 light influx. The next two weeks provide energies which further refine the dismantling of old systems which are not in alignment with the higher trajectory created by the accelerated timelines. As always, these passages are utilized for global as well personal dismantling of that which does not serve the highest interests.

lunes, febrero 06, 2017

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday February 6, 2017

Dear Ones, you are on the planet during a time when there are many different people on different stages of their evolutionary process. You are also experiencing unprecedented energies.

Because of this, it is becoming more and more imperative that you listen to your own inner mastery, your own divine spark, your own innate wisdom, when it comes to navigating your path. People, by the most part, while well-meaning and trying to help, can only give advice based on what would be best for them and their own life expression. And, of course, each and every path is unique and different, with it’s own to-do list and soul agendas.

Suzanne Lie - Pleiadian, Sirian, Arcturian Council of Light Q&A through Sue Lie - 2-6-17

The Pleiadian, Sirian, and Arcturian Council of Light

Questions and Answers about Inter-Galactic Communication

Through Suzanne Lie

I first heard from this Council of Light in the early 1990’s, and have been working with them to varying degrees since then. I have written about this Galactic Group in most, if not all, of my books.

However, that which was once a “far away dream,” is getting closer with each passing day. Therefore, I am going to ask each of them, “The Pleiadian, Sirian, and Arcturian Council of Light” some questions regarding our reality within this NOW.

If you, the readers, want to ask the Council, or just the Pleiadians, Sirians, or Arcturians a question, just let me know in the Blog Comments Sections. Make sure you note to whom you are sending your question.

Kryon - The Areas lost Underwater

Anrita Melchizedek - The Temple of Contemplation ~ Teachings of the Eye of Horus

The Temple of Contemplation ~ Teachings of the Eye of Horus
Elders February Transmission by Anrita Melchizedek

You Tube video
Mp3 download

Welcome sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this magical month of February as you deepen into the knowing of your magnificence and Light; immeasurable and incomparable to another and what you bring and add to the collective, and the I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light.

As you anchor and hold the incoming high frequency templatings, numerologies and sacred geometries within your physical bodies sweet ones, you are experiencing many multidimensional realities converging in this Now, additionally activated through the Trinity Lords' Shield and the atomic seeds of God Consciousness, the bio-energetic matrix circuitry of the Crystalline Life-Code Seed Atoms and your Beloved I Am Presence. As an amplified frequency of the three-fold Flame of Power, Love and Wisdom, the Crystalline Life-Code Seed Atoms are the highest expression of your Divinity, bringing in the Crystalline Consciousness of all dimensions of Light and assisting in the creation of your Adam Kadmon Body of Light, your I Am Avatar Body of Light and the original Divine Blue-Print of your God Selves.

Kryon - What has changed in 4 Years? Salt Lake City 2017

Brenda Hoffman - Are You Shoulding 5D You? - February 6, 2017

Dear Ones,

The 3D world of anger, hate, and rage draw you in day after day because you are not noticing positive changes in your world. Instead, you are sensing more negative actions – in your terms – than ever in this lifetime.

All seems hopeless – creating a helpless feeling within you because of the fear and anger now seemingly rampant.

You have read and studied what is happening – that the rage and anger are clearing the last vestiges of outer-directed power. Even though you want to believe that such is true, your vision, your current world does not indicate that.

domingo, febrero 05, 2017

John Smallman - Jesus - Your welcome will commence with the most glorious of celebrations - February 5, 2017

When a human awakens into awareness of their true nature it is always an unforgettable moment. They will always remember precisely what they were doing at that moment and how sudden this awakening was. One moment everything was rolling along in their lives “normally,” the next moment they knew that they were One with Source, and all doubts and uncertainties immediately dissolved. It was a moment of intense joy.

Kryon - Divine appropriateness of humanity (San Jose 2017)

Brenda Hoffman - Cómo revisar tus acciones de la 5D - 30 de Enero 2017


Traducción: Gisela Díaz M.
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


¿Cómo puedes observar y no participar en las turbulencias actuales de la tierra? Tus preguntas serán algo así como "¿Cómo puedo dejar de involucrarme? Siendo como soy alguien que va a la cabeza del camino, ¿no se me exige estar involucrado? "

Así es que es hora de que vayas más allá de tu necesidad de 3D de ser cuidador, de hacer del mundo un lugar mejor, o de crear un mundo de paz - sabiendo en lo profundo de ti que no puedes hacerlo solo, ni este es el momento para hacerlo.

Kryon - The good change is Coming (San Jose 2017)

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Take time to bless that which you have and ask for what you want - February 5, 2017


Dear One,

You may be finding yourself in a time of questioning and dissatisfaction with your life. However, this is also a time of great opportunity. Every moment of your conscious awareness creates the qualities of your future moments. You can ask for those qualities you feel are missing from your life now, and they will come to you from your sincere prayer.

It is not about asking for material things. Instead, ask for those qualities of consciousness you believe you would have if you had the things you want. For example, if you want a new job, what qualities would this job give you? Abundant income? Harmonious atmosphere with co-workers? Fulfillment and joy doing that which you love? Perhaps ease in transportation?

Kara Schallock - We Are Beautiful Beings of Love - 05-Feb-2017

We are being bathed by beautiful energies of Love. This Love energy brings with it an upgrade to our Unity consciousness. As you know, Unity consciousness is Oneness. Oneness is the knowing (Heart-knowing) that all of us...human, animal, plant, insect and beyond Earth, etc...are connected by Love. If a person is not in their Integrity (the Truth of their Heart), they may speak, act and think divisively. Still, we are connected as One.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Sunday February 5, 2017
So many of you wonder if you are good enough, or smart enough, or doing enough. Dear Ones, your beingness is more than enough! There is no one else on your planet that holds the exact same energetics, talents, interests, or character traits. You came into the body with all of those things because that is how you add to the mosaic of the whole.

Never worry if you are enough, because as an individuated aspect of Source energy there is no way that you could ever not be enough. In fact, that is why we urge you to shine brightly and beautifully just as you are – because your beingness is your greatest contribution and exactly what the world has been waiting for. ~Archangel Gabriel

Aisha North - Water Speaks - February 5, 2017

Posted on February 5, 2017 by Aisha North • Bente Amundsen

sábado, febrero 04, 2017

Jennifer Hoffman - Informe de energía - Tu destino es la Divinidad - 1 de Febrero 2017
Traducción: Rosa García
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Tu destino es la Divinidad

A diferencia de Enero, el mes de Febrero comienza sin planetas retrógrados. Un hecho poco usual que nos viene muy bien tras un mes muy largo, a medida que avanzamos hacia un nuevo espacio energético. La energía de Febrero se siente nueva, fresca y clara, en parte porque empezamos 2017 teniendo que concluir todavía algunos remanentes de la energía de 2016. Ahora podemos inaugurar oficialmente la energía de este año, libres de las lecciones y cargas del año anterior. Febrero trae muchas oportunidades para el amor, que puede presentarse en formas inesperadas, y estaremos procesando más energía a medida que avancemos por el camino de integración de 3D/5D. Uno de los temas importantes del mes es la liberación del Paradigma de la Atlántida, que experimentaremos con el despertar de las energías divinas masculina y femenina, y con la liberación de la antigua culpa de la Atlántida, que limita nuestra capacidad para aceptar completamente el amor y nos impide amarnos completamente a nosotros mismos. Ahora que se acelera nuestro avance hacia la Congruencia Divina, nuestra intuición es nuestro navegador, nuestra intención es nuestro mapa de ruta, y nuestro destino es aquello que nos aporte mayor plenitud y alegría.

Kryon - The fate of Humanity (Boulder 2017)

John Smallman - Saul - But of course, life on Earth at present is far from normal - 02/04/2017

Humanity is preparing itself for a massively inspiring and uplifting occurrence, a general spiritual awakening that is available to all, offered to all, But imposed on no one! You have free will, which is an essential aspect of your divine nature, the absolute freedom to accept or reject the Love that surrounds you in every moment of your eternal existence.

Love is freely offered and bestowed upon you by God, our divine Source, the Center from which all consciousness, all awareness flows constantly and without interruption. It is the Life Force, the field in which all experience occurs. It is eternal, without beginning or end, and It is Indestructible! There is nothing beyond It, because all is contained within It, safe, secure, at peace, while beautifully and harmoniously interacting with Itself in every moment.

The - Archangel Anambriel - Part Three