domingo, noviembre 02, 2014


Verfügung als Schöpfergott
Einführung zu der Verfügung von Jahn J Kassl: 

Die Waffen nieder! 
An alle Schöpfergötter dieser Zeit! 
Was können wir tun, um diesen Ereignissen der Zeit 
eine völlig neue Wende zu geben? Hier ist das Werkzeug! 
Folgende Verfügung erhält durch deren 
Verbreitung Kraft und wird zur Wirklichkeit. 
Somit rufe ich alle Menschen, die sich zu solch einer weitreichenden 
Verfügung befähigt sehen, auf, dieser nachzukommen, indem sie 
diese Worte laut aussprechen und deren Kraft in das Energiefeld 
der Erde einspeisen, um die erwünschten Veränderungen herbeizuführen. 

Sarah Varcas - Informe de Astro-energía de noviembre de 2014 “El Cambio de Adentro hacia Afuera”

Por Sarah Varcas Traducción: Ma. Cristina Cáffaro
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Mi informe de octubre resaltaba la necesidad de paciencia para con los desafíos de la vida, y una disposición a dar un espacio a las heridas - las propias y las ajenas - sin tener que saltar a "arreglar las cosas." Esta paciencia compasiva - sostener un lugar seguro de aceptación frente al dolor, y una disposición para reconocer y no dar la espalda al sufrimiento - fue una fuerza poderosa el mes pasado y todos los esfuerzos hechos pacientemente para coexistir con sentimientos difíciles, circunstancias desafiantes y esos aspectos de nosotros que son difíciles de tolerar para los demás, empiezan a dar su resultado en noviembre, a medida que Plutón se alinea con Urano y Quirón en una relación que continúa hasta Febrero de 2015.

Kryon en la Isla de Pascua - Parte 5 Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll en la Isla de Pascua, Martes 21 de Octubre 2014

Los Misterios de Rapa Nui Revelados

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Esta es una de las canalizaciones que hacen que mi socio se ponga un poco ansioso. Le estoy mostrando lo que viene. Mensajes que son controversiales, por razones que serán obvias, y no las que ustedes piensen.

Hago una pequeña pausa y saludo a los ancestros aquí. Antes que se presente ninguna energía, en un lugar como éste, le pedirían a los ancestros, pues este no es el hogar de mi socio, y por lo tanto lo hace así. Y entonces los ancestros lo saludan, y su mensaje es que ya era hora que todos supiesen.

Kryon en la Isla de Pascua - Parte 4 Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll en la Isla de Pascua, lunes 20 de Octubre 2014

Kryon en la Isla de Pascua - Parte 4

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll

en la Isla de Pascua, lunes 20 de Octubre 2014

Los Misterios de Rapa Nui Revelados

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Para aquellos que no están aquí, permítanme contarles del lugar. Nuevamente estamos en la isla de Rapa Nui. El viento está soplando, y los que están escuchando están sentados en el pasto frente a mí. El sol no está brillando en este momento, y entonces está un poco más frío. Nos sentamos frente a ruinas ancestrales que son algo distintas de las estatuas de moai que hemos visto. Ésta en particular honra a lo femenino. La canalización no será larga. Hay un par de cosas que me gustaría decir, y me gustaría pedirle a los ancestros su permiso, en este lugar sagrado, para revelar la verdad.

Este es el tipo de canalización que escucharías después. Mucho más adelante. Este es el tipo de canalización que si es preservada, muchos escucharán como validación de lo que vendrá. Los rapanuis son mucho más grandiosos de lo que ellos piensan. Lo que voy a decir no tiene la intención de cambiar su historia, sino más bien agregarle a ella. La intención de mostrar que es más grandiosa de lo que piensan.

He dicho que hubo civilizaciones antes en esta isla y esas civilizaciones fueron rapanui. Sus ancestros fueron los primeros aquí. Ahora escuchen: ellos no provenían de la tierra del continente; no venían de Tahiti o ningún otro lugar de la Polinesia, sino que provenían de Lemuria. La magia de la isla contiene la Fuente directamente proveniente de la ruptura, como lo decimos, de la energía lemuriana. Esto no es difícil de imaginar, que existiese civilización aquí antes de su historia registrada. Justo ahora en el planeta, esto está siendo descubierto en otros continentes, incluso tan lejanos como Bulgaria, tan cercanos como la península de Yucatán, allí están descubriendo pirámides y ruinas que no reflejan su historia inmediata. Hay cosas en esta isla todavía por ser descubiertas. No simplemente más estatuas (se ríe) y cuando descubran los templos se darán cuenta de que estos templos no reflejan su historia o su cultura. Y pueden que se pregunten entonces ¿quiénes estaban antes de nosotros? Y la respuesta es otros rapanuis.

¿Es posible que otros rapanuis realmente no lo lograsen? Que sus guerras fueron casi completas, con muy pocos que quedaron vivos para reconstruir y comenzar de nuevo. Sólo para luego recomenzar y recorrer el mismo ciclo humano una vez más y quizás destruirse a sí mismos, y que la historia de Rapa Nui como está registrada y se reporta hoy sea muy distinta porque ellos sí lo lograron. Ellos desarrollaron la consciencia que atendió los asuntos y que resolvió el rompecabezas de la mejor manera que pudieron. Los tiempos de guerra se convirtieron en tiempos de paz; sistemas que intentaban resolver las diferencias que tenían las familias, que las tribus tenían. Por más de 100 años tuvieron la paz que deseaban. Y de las tres civilizaciones que habitaron este lugar, ellos fueron los únicos que lograron hacer esto. Y su historia es una historia de una consciencia rapanui más alta. Y esa es la primera parte del mensaje.

Ahora quiero completar o ampliar esto con una historia. La Historia se pasa mediante historias; entonces me gustaría contarles esta historia, la historia de la llegada, de venir a Rapa Nui. Esta historia ya es contada por los rapanuis. Pero aquí está lo que ellos no reconocen. Las fechas no son las correctas.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Canalización - Medellín, Colombia, el 26 de octubre de 2014

Saludos, queridos míos, Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético

La energía cambia. Yo sé quién está aquí y sé quién está escuchando. Para aquellos que no han visto una canalización antes: mi socio se hace a un lado. Este es un proceso que él ha practicado. El observa, él es parte del proceso. Su Ser Superior está activo en el proceso. Sin embargo, él ha aprendido a desentenderse. Al desentenderse llega el proceso que ustedes ven como canalización. Podrían decir que es una transmisión intuitiva pura; llega a él de la misma manera que la intuición llega a ustedes. Es elusiva, es difícil agarrarla; no es el cerebro lógico; no es el cerebro de la sobrevivencia, llega a través del portal que llamamos la pineal - el portal al otro lado del velo. Esto está sobre-simplificado, porque un ser humano al que le hayan removido la pineal todavía tiene el portal (se ríe), es un portal multidimensional, un portal hermoso. Este es el portal que ustedes tienen para la meditación; este es el portal que ustedes pueden expandir: ese ha sido siempre el mensaje de Kryon.

Wes Annac - Channeling and Prominent Lightworker Organizations - Nov 2, 2014

Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
I wrote the following for the conclusion of the 119th issue of The Culture of Awareness Weekly Newsletter, which I offer for $11.11 a month. Income from the newsletter helps my family and I get by, and the option to subscribe via PayPal (credit and debit cards are accepted if you have a PayPal account) will be given at the bottom of this post.
Since I posted my recent article, ‘My Perspective on Kathryn May’s Resignation from Channeling’, I’ve received a lot of comments from seekers who’ve given their perspective on the issue of channeling.

Lena Stevens - PRONÓSTICO MENSUAL – NOVIEMBRE DEL 2014 - 31 de Octubre 2014

por Lena Stevens

31 de Octubre 2014
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

El tema principal para noviembre es “LO DESCONOCIDO”.

Lo Desconocido es lo que no pueden ver, escuchar, sentir, conocer, opinar, esperar o controlar. No hay manual de instrucción y nada familiar. La zona de comodidad se está erosionando como si estuviesen en una piscina donde de pronto todos los lados de la misma desaparecieran y se encontraran en un vasto cuerpo de agua sin orillas a la vista. O se hunden o nadan y esta es la naturaleza de este mes. El temor los hará hundirse. La voluntad de ser en una nueva experiencia los mantendrá aflote.

Karen Dover - Moving into Creation in TRUTH – expanding out of the VOID - November 2, 2014

BookCoverImage truth codes
For many of you the past few linear days may have seen you release a lot of what you may be referencing as “baggage”.  This is a necessary part of the transformation and transition process. The balancing of your INNER SELF is now fully under way and the RESETTING of your energy signature to one of FLUIDITY in motion is now expanding. With this comes intense creative energetic frequencies, for in order to create the life of your dreams in TRUTH you must CREATE and become fluid.  So at this time you may be full of energy, many of you may not fully comprehend how to work with this energy and this is also part of the transitional process, for under the old 3D earth created construct your were TAUGHT how to live in said construct. Now you are asked to become as a child and PLAY and CREATE in fluidity.

Méline Portia Lafont ~ The Pleiadians ~ The point in the spiral of fundamental change: entering the Golden Stage

Ok, time for another breather before we commence with the next flow of intensity. Of course every flow has its own uniqueness and openness to receive and integrate and this depends entirely on the individual course you take. Let us speak with the Pleiadians today, as it has been a while since their energies have spoken through me for the collective. In personal communications, we did keep in touch through mergings and conversations. Whenever there are integrations I am allowed to receive, the Pleiadians are with me to orchestrate this for the body.
My blessings and Love upon you all,
Méline Portia <3 span="">
(Received on October 31, 2014)

RONNA - Archangel Michael - Downloading Your New Divine Blueprint - ARCÁNGEL MIGUEL - Descargando Su Nuevo Diseño Divino - Nov 1, 2014

Beloved masters, never forget, your nearest and dearest friend should be yourself—your own Soul-consciousness.  Within your Sacred Heart center you will find wisdom, compassion, patience, and most important of all, unlimited Sacred Love. From the beginning of the creative experience into density, all human life forms have been subjected to an ongoing, continuous series of revelations. A curious, inquiring mind was a built-in, intrinsic facet of human nature. The Earth is, once again, being prepared for a new, higher-evolutionary species of humanity.  All of you, as Star Seed and world-servers, are encoded with Memory Seed Atoms giving you a burning desire to participate in the manifestation of this incredible dream of the future.  Your personal goal is to become a Self-directed, Soul-inspired entity in the midst of the chaos and turmoil of the current, third- / fourth-dimensional reality of today.

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 2 November 2014 - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión del 2 al 9 de Noviembre, 2014

marlene1-1Beloved Ones,
Many of you have been dedicating yourselves to the greater purification of your mind patterns and thought patterns. Now that the emotional patterns are almost balanced and made neutral, the thoughts become the next area of observation and recalibration. This work is something that only you can do, there is no one else that is in charge of your thoughts or how you choose to think within your mind. There is more than one way to perceive and look at things within the situations that come up in your lives. There is more than one way to respond in your mastery of them, however, through lifetime conditioning people most times tend to respond and react in the same old patterns that never brought them success before. This, in all likelihood is why the same type of situation keeps cropping up in their daily living.

Jim Self – Planetary Update – November 2014 – 2 November 2014

sábado, noviembre 01, 2014

Jennifer Hoffman - November 2014 Energy Report

The good news about this month is that it’s not October any more. With so much energetic activity, a Mercury retrograde, daily X class solar flares, multiple planets changing signs, and our need to de-clutter, clean, and clear our internal and external spaces, last month was busy. And while in some ways November is a little quieter, it gives us a chance to integrate and align with what we have already done before we start on a new project. I am not saying that nothing happens this month because it does, but in a more organized and orderly way, because it’s preparing us for December’s movement. Our objective for November is to live in AWE, and what that means will be explained in this article.
If you have ever watched a car race, all of the drivers are lined up at the starting line so they start the race together. While they’re waiting for the flag to drop so they can take action, they’re revving up their engines and making lots of noise. At least some of the drivers are. Others are making last minute checks to their cars, not over-heating or flooding their engines, or using the extra time to sit quietly and prepare themselves. Mindset is more important than muscle in winning a race and although the muscle may initially be flashier, it’s the mindset that wins out in the longer term. And have you noticed that as soon as the race begins, the starting line becomes the finish line? Are you trying to win your race through mindset or muscle? Do you realize that there is no end or beginning and as soon as you finish one race you’re qualified for the next?

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Canalización Cali, Colombia, el 25 de octubre de 2014

Saludos, queridos míos, Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Mi socio se hace a un lado. La canalización es de esta manera. Siempre utiliza al ser humano para hablar. La cultura del ser humano, su intelecto, su conocimiento, y este es el vehículo a través del cual los mensajes son entregados. Es honrar a la humanidad; es honrar al Dios adentro, y no es poco usual. La canalización es muy antigua; ha tenido muchos nombres, y aun aquellos que escribieron cosas profundas que después se volvieron Escrituras, estaban canalizando. Entonces, miren estas cosas como algo normal y sepan que este proceso está en ustedes también.

Lena Stevens - The main theme for November is “THE UNKNOWN”. - Oct 31, 2014

The Unknown is what you cannot see, hear, feel, know, second- guess, expect or control. There is no instruction manual and nothing familiar. The comfort zone is being eroded much like being in a swimming pool where all of a sudden the sides of the pool disappear and you find yourself in a vast body of water with no edges in sight. You will either sink or swim and this is the nature of this month. Fear will cause you to sink. The willingness to be in a new experience will keep you afloat.
The UNKNOWN is like the dark. The creative mind goes wild without the reality check of the seen world. This can create the possibility for great delusion, fear, and physical, mental and emotional discomfort. On the other hand, when there is no reference point, the creativity is boundless and it can be much easier to think outside the box and eliminate limiting thoughts and beliefs as well as old patterns.

Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer - El Clima Cósmico – Instantánea Mensual para Noviembre 2014 - 29 de Octubre 2014

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Comenzó con una chispa y ardió en la oscuridad. Ahora aquí vamos. ~ Foo Fighters

Hola amigos. Ha pasado un tiempo desde que hice una instantánea mensual, pero como hay mucho que decir, me sentí inspirada para hacerla. Primeramente, los efectos de lo que denominé el ‘Portal de Poder del Eclipse de Escorpio’ todavía se sienten y estimo que seguirán con nosotros al menos hasta el comienzo del mes.

Blossom Goodchild – 1 November 2014

bloss arizona biggerHere we are again then! Hello chaps! A few questions on the ‘Board game’, if I may? These are common questions from readers, well actually, if I’m to be honest … two!
Good heart and cheer to you also, Blossom. We are ready to commence.
Thank you. So … what happens when we reach the end of the board game? Does our energy integrate once again with the Oneness?
This is … as are most … a question that one would consider aborting before beginning … as it is a very complex one. Yet, we shall do our best to satisfy these queries.
Thank you.
The Game in which you are involved ‘belongs’ to that of the Earthly density. When not within that density … ‘life’ FEELS very different. One … we might say … is released from the shackles that bind One to the board.

Mahala – Planet Alert November 2014 – 1 November 2014

Eliza - Archangel Adrigon: On Breaking Through the Darkness - November 1, 2014

Archangel Adrigon: On Breaking Through the Darkness
Greetings, I AM Lord Adrigon, Commander of the Pleiadian fleet, part of the Ashtar Command of the Galactic Federation of Light.
Even now, we watch your world, monitor newscasts, and observe the rising levels of awareness amongst your populace.
As some of the readers of this messenger’s work know, our First Wave volunteers from the Galactic Federation of Light will be ascending soon. These volunteers came from an assortment of aligned worlds, all with a desire to see humanity and the planet Earth return into the higher dimensions from whence they fell so long ago.
Our writer has demonstrated, at least in part the physical reasons for the decline in consciousness, as your planet circles a star, Helios, which in turn, circles around an unknown companion, creating the phenomenon of precession of the Equinox. Your scientists, working with limited consciousness and a reluctance to move beyond the limitations of Newtonian physics have refused to explore the reasons for this phenomenon, discounting it as little more than a wobble caused by local forces.

Brenda Hoffman - Tú Eres Demasiado Grande para un Mundo en 3D - 27 de Octubre 2014

Queridos míos,

En los últimos días, muchos revisitaron áreas que presionaron sus botones de 3D.Tal vez un empleador dijo o hizo algo que te recordó lo incómodo que es tu lugar de trabajo. Tal vez alguien trajo un tema doloroso a tu vida personal. Para muchos, los últimos días se han sentido lo opuesto al amor y a la dicha.

Eso fue hasta ese momento en que el dolor desapareció. Casi como si fuera tu última batalla en 3D y declaraste la victoria.

DL Zeta – Timelines Of Transcendence Transport Us Into The New Time – November 1, 2014

DLZetaDuring this powerful time, new energies are filtering onto the earth plane, seeding times of deeper awakening. Seers and other light beings are receiving visions designed to bring awareness to anything that has held them in limiting scenarios. Transcendence is a primary theme now as we are asked to move beyond old identities into new and often as yet unimagineable realms of being. The new energies allow us to transcend limiting beliefs that exist at the root of limiting careers, relationships, identities and much more. In a sense, these energies are even assisting us in transcending ourselves – or who we believe ourselves to be.

Secret Tunnel Under Teotihuacan Pyramid May Lead to Royal Tombs - Nov 1, 2014

Mexican archaeologists have announced that a years-long exploration of an underground tunnel beneath the ancient city of Teotihuacan in Mexico has yielded thousands of artifacts and may lead to royal tombs.

According to a news release on Reuters, the entrance to the 1,800-year-old tunnel was first discovered in 2003, and an extensive project involving both human researchers and remote-control robots, has been ongoing ever since.

The tunnel is located approximately 18 meters below the Temple of the Feathered Serpent, the third largest pyramid at Teotihuacan, which flourished between 100 BC and 750 AD.

Eliza - Journal Entry 11.01.2014

Vine maple
Journal Entry 11.01.2014
Here’s an update on how I’m dealing with the intense transitional period that I am currently undergoing:
I woke up this morning, very early, to a conversation with Sanat Kumara, who has long been my mentor and guide on this journey. He was giving me encouragement and guidance. I don’t remember all the words, more the gist of what He was communicating to me.
I “got” that I needed to start intravenous feeding or a ray-bath of Violet Flame to counteract the intense emotional clearings that I have been experiencing. I added the healing Green Ray and the higher cleansing Sea-Foam Green (blue-green) 8th Ray to the mix. Next, I commanded my Angels (we all have some; mine are just more employed than some) to commence with this healing and cleansing “bath” for the next two weeks 24/7. At the end of two weeks, adjustments, if needed, can be made.  It’s my duty to monitor how I feel and to adjust the dosage if needed, by adding more rays (colors) as needed.  You could regard this process as an alchemical experimentas I make a huge shift in conscious focus from one world / dimension to another.

viernes, octubre 31, 2014

SaLuSa 31 October 2014

We will reiterate that nothing can change your destiny to leave the lower dimension behind, except that you lose your way and cannot lift up out of it. The opportunities to rise up are unlimited and if you are on that path you should already have made such progress, that you have established yourself in the level of vibrations that will see you safely through. You will get all the encouragement you need, and as your level of consciousness increases so you will achieve a greater understanding of what you need to do. Keep in the Light that you surround yourself with, and know that you are secure within and safeguarded from any attempt to interfere with your plan for Ascension. Allow the lower vibrations to pass you by without becoming involved in them.

The turmoil that many countries are going through is a sign that they have tried to solve their problems or differences by force, which will never be the answer to such situations. They will come round time and time again, until it is realised that only co-operation will achieve a solution that will bring lasting peace. Your history is a monumental testament of repeated attempts to rule by force, and shows that peace achieved by such methods is never lasting. The answer to all such problems is the application of “love” and the understanding that you are all One. Yes, we know that until people are ready to respond in this way you will not get far, but all solutions have a beginning when the seeds are sown. Love is a most powerful energy that can bring about miracles when all hope seems to be lost. It is therefore important that those who can provide and share the higher energies are dedicated to their role.

After many lives in the lower vibrations you are able to meet the challenge that they present, and as you progress matters will seem easier to deal with. They are helped by the incoming higher energies that are being beamed to Earth from other civilisations. Be assured that many of them are aware of your plight and most pleased to have the opportunity to assist. Indeed, when you have successfully achieved Ascension many civilisations will joyously await their invitation to meet you. There will be a gradual coming together which is consistent with you taking your place in the Cosmos. However, much has to precede such times but you are on course to rise up and become Cosmic Beings.

These are wonderful times to be associated with Earth and her journey into the higher vibrations. Many souls would have liked to be part of the experience, but you who have been selected are the ones that are best suited to the tasks ahead. You are much more than you are aware at present, and it is as though you are coming out of a dream state. Some might liken it to a nightmare but whatever way you view it, the time has arrived for a massive change in your fortunes. Be patient and apply yourself so that you can use your best attributes to help others awaken to the truth. Many souls are unaware that there is no such thing as total death, as the soul is immortal. You may cloak yourselves differently to experience particular lives according to your needs, but always the soul is supreme and holding the Light of Love.

We are both surprised and pleased that you have taken on your tasks with such commitment. Instinctively you know the importance of this time and your joint efforts are achieving success beyond your knowing. So never lose faith in your ability and know that you have much help to ensure you cope with the demands upon you. As you open up you will find that you have far greater abilities than you imagined. It is the reason you were selected for the end times, and we know that you will succeed in your tasks. Indeed for some of you this time round will not be your first experience, and for that reason you may find yourselves on familiar ground. Be aware that the importance of the present time for you and Mother Earth has not gone unnoticed, and Beings from many civilisations are gathered to observe your Ascension. We remind you that it will be the first occasion that you will have risen up, without making the transition through the “death” of the body.

There will be so much to learn that will be new to you, and it will set you on the path to being a Cosmic Being. That is of course quite a way ahead but we would like you to know what you might expect in the higher vibrations. Every effort you put in now will be well rewarded and you will not regret a single moment. Mean time you will be gradually enlightened as to the changes that will be the first of many, and they will help you to quickly adjust to the new vibrations. This is where we can be of great assistance and share with you the benefit of our experience. We want to help you make up for lost time where you have been held back, and quickly introduce you to the many advancements that will speed up your transition to the higher realms.

It is not given to any individual to know the life plan of another soul. You should therefore exercise caution when judging another soul, as you cannot know what the future holds for them. Each of you have made your commitments where your progress is concerned. They are tempered by karmic needs that are neither good or bad as you would term them. All karma no matter who it involves will provide the lessons that will help the soul to evolve. So treat all experiences as essential to your development and upliftment.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased that our contact with you has helped your evolution. Bear in mind that we have been drawing ever closer to you for some 70 years, and in that time we have noted your rapid growth in consciousness. It will continue as the vibrations keep on rising up, and in time they will enable you to completely leave the lower ones behind. I wish you continued success in your work on behalf of the Light, and the Love that you spread around you.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

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Karen Dover - Release of the “pain” frequencies from the human vehicle in TRUTH - October 31, 2014
For many of you at this time this may be an intense restructuring period in relation to your human vehicle. The energies are intensifying to help release the imprints from your CELLULAR STRUCTURE. This is not the same as releasing the frequencies at an energetic level and may have taken many of you by surprise. The human vehicle has been TAUGHT to keep tight hold of various frequencies and these were used to define your human life experience in human form upon this planet. A bit like a template they worked to hold you statically whilst you cross-referenced your human life experience with said template.

Anna Merkaba - Stepping Stone of Ascension – Pleiades High Council - October 31, 2014

steppingstone2The stepping stone of ascension has indeed been placed by all of you on the earthly grounds of GAIA to accelerate humanity’s further growth of their benevolent selves. To accelerate humanities return to their wholesome selves through the gateway of the abyss of their hearts. As the stepping stone has indeed been put into place by the benevolent creation prowess of your very own being, the time has once again come for humanity to make the final decision to either step gently upon the foundation laid out for them to access their highest octaves of being leading them on the road to embracing of their higher selves and ways of life, or to return to the state of chaotic misrepresentation of that which they believe themselves to be.

Patricia Cota-Robles – You Can Make A Difference! – 31 October 2014

patriciacotaroblesIn the United States of America we are in the midst of midterm elections. I know everybody is more than disgusted with this process and the incredible reports of greed, corruption, and negativity we are being bombarded with in the media. There is absolutely no doubt that our political system is completely broken, but the only way we can move forward in the Light is to do something about it. That statement probably makes you even more frustrated, but please contemplate the following information from the Company of Heaven.
There is a purging process taking place on this Planet that is unprecedented in the history of time. Everything that conflicts with the patterns of perfection for the New Earth is being pushed to the surface to be healed and transmuted back into Light. What we are witnessing as far as the governments of the World are concerned is the antithesis of what government will be like on the New Earth.



 “I AM functioning now as an emormous transformation station. 

I have opened Myself immensely -  in agreement with the creator gods or Elohim of the Great Central Sun -  to the influx of major cosmic  currents of light and information. This powerful light is now pouring through Me to all the planets in My sphere.  

The time has come now where all beings in this solar system must make a decision whether to open up to the light and to be thereby transformed by it - or to remain in their familiar frequency.

Judith Kusel - Ancient Pyramid Energies Released…. October 31, 2014

In Ancient times when the first pyramids were built, they were built on a type of immense grid system, which worked with the earth energies.  It was a type of vortex energy system which fed the whole planet, as it was then with the central fuel, which supplied the whole planet and all in it not only with energy, but the same energy was used for higher healing, the propelling of all craft, air, land and water, and it was the same energy that was there in the more crystalline and more advanced evolutionary physical form of all life on planet earth.

Eliza - Journal Entry 10.31.2014

Journal Entry 10.31.2014
In the Western world some folks will be celebrating Halloween, All Saints Eve, All Hallows Eve, El Dia del Muertos… some form of Autumn festival.
Since leaving childhood, I’ve moved away from this celebration.  I’ve seen what has happened to the celebration as it has been turned into yet another commercial opportunity.  And candy is becoming a no, no for me as I grow ever sensitive to various foods here.
I love autumn, enjoy the cooler temperatures and the coloring trees, but the months of November and December that follow October are a challenging time for me due to the lack of light and shorter days.
I still have some challenging emotions coming up for transmutation post ascension.  It’s an odd experience that I’m going through, but one that is apparently a result of the walk-in / walk-out process here.  The body consciousness is very strong and identifies strongly with the appearance of the 3D world.  Of course you can argue that this world is Maya, a dream, still I have to deal with work, taking care of a household and garden and all the things that go with it.

jueves, octubre 30, 2014

DL Zeta - Your Soul Volunteered to Help Shift Human Consciousness -

Now more than at any other moment in human consciousness you are asked to live in a state of constant change. Your soul volunteered to come here at this time and help shift consciousness to the paradigm of the new earth. There will be times when you will move easily through these changes and times when you will feel resistant to them. When you experience resistance, stand back and observe yourself, and hold in loving awareness those parts of your being that feel threatened by the change. These are younger parts of yourself that need your patience and understanding just as you seek the guidance and assistance of your higher self.

Humans are Free - The Complete History Of The 'House Of Rothschild' [Reedited]

Control Freaks -- The Rothschilds have been in control of the world for a very long time, their tentacles reaching into many aspects of our daily lives, as is documented in the following article.

However, before we jump to the timeline, let’s read this invaluable introduction which will help us to clearly understand who the Rothschilds are as opposed to who they claim to be.

Definition of Zionism: an organization of so called Jews whose goal is to create a nation for Jews.

Definition of Judaism: Jews collectively who practice a religion based on the Torah and the Talmud.

Just one of a multitude of Rothschild Palaces
Khazarian Ashkenazis

The Rothschilds “claim” that they are Jewish, when in fact they are Khazars. They are from a country called Khazaria, which occupied the land locked between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea which is now predominantly occupied by Georgia.

The reason the Rothschilds claim to be Jewish is that the Khazars under the instruction of the King, converted to the Jewish faith in (or about) 740 A.D., but of course that did not include converting their Asiatic Mongolian genes to the genes of the Jewish people.
The Thirteenth Tribe

UFO Sighting Huge Mother Ship Long Island New York

Eliza - Journal Entry 10.30.2014

Journal Entry 10.30.2014
Well, nearly a week has gone by since my Higher Self ascended. I’ve been told that not much of my soul essence remains, yet I have full body consciousness. I’ve also been told that will eventually switch over to 5D / 6D awareness at some point in the future. Based on my cousin’s experiences, that could be about five to 7 months in the future, depending on me… and other things.
I will say that I experienced a couple of days of a very intense combination of feeling abandoned, grieving and anger. Since I’m not normally a very demonstrative type person, it was quite amazing to feel the intensity. I suppose it didn’t help to have five planets in conjunction within water signs… or whatever was happening astrologically. Did astrology in one lifetime and got imprisoned for it then a couple of times!
I’ve been working strenuously with an Angelic Medical Team at night during “dreamtime” and their work… our work… has helped tremendously. I have been able to reach an even keel once again and look with a lot more neutrality to what I am currently experiencing.

Archangel Zadkiel via Linda Robinson ~ MANIFESTING WITH THE NEW ENERGY - Oct 30, 2014

Greetings Beloved Ones,
This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Holy Lady Amethyst, and we greet you in Love and Light from the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation.  Today, we wish to speak to you about manifesting with the new energy.
The new, higher level energy is continuing to enter your environment.  It brings you the opportunity to manifest your desires and dreams as you move energetically to the higher dimensions.
When you consider energy as operating on a spectrum or a continuum from a lower vibration to a higher vibration, you can see that the new energy is arriving from a higher vibratory level.  You have been receiving the type of energy that has nurtured you at each step of your path.
As you have incorporated this energy into your Being, you have received a higher vibrational energy with each new step.  Sometimes, the energy may have even nudged you to move forward.

Tom Kenyon – A Planetary Hathor Message – Escalation Of Chaotic Nodes And The Dismantling Of 3-D Reality – 30 October 2014

tomkenyonDue to time-acceleration and cosmic forces far beyond your control you are in the midst of a crescendo of interlocking Chaotic Nodes.
In past messages we have referred to the interaction of chaotic events as a Chaotic Node, singular, but in this instance we are referring to a more complex phenomenon—what we are calling Chaotic Nodes, plural.
Depending upon your vibratory resonance you will be affected in unique ways by the escalation of chaotic events. Those of you sensitive to the ecosystem of this planet may be experiencing extreme duress as you witness the degradation of the ecosystem and the loss of many species of life.

miércoles, octubre 29, 2014

Kryon - Lee Carroll - Isla de Pascua - Parte 2 - Octubre 18, 2014

Traducción simultánea: Jorge Bianchi

Audio Bilingüe:
Desgrabación: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Los Misterios de Rapa Nui Revelados

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Para los que están escuchando esto, es difícil describirles dónde estamos. Estamos en Rapa Nui, y esta es la segunda canalización. Está en un lugar en la isla donde ellos solían vivir. Un lugar de protección de los elementos, donde las familias crecían. Temprano en este mismo día nos encontramos con el primer moai. Y esto es parcialmente de lo que quisiera hablar.


Traducción: Margarita López

Aunque todos nosotros llevamos dentro un profundo anhelo de vivir en nuestro Hogar Verdadero, algunas personas han cuestionado si realmente tienen un Hogar Verdadero físico. ¿Es el Hogar Verdadero meramente un estado interior de conciencia y no un lugar físico?
Mi impresión es que durante estos últimos días de la dualidad, es esencial que tantos de nosotros como sea posible vivamos en nuestros Hogares Verdaderos. La energía enormemente acrecentada de un Hogar Verdadero es donde podemos habitar plenamente en el Nuevo Paisaje. Esto es extremadamente importante en este momento porque los Hogares Verdaderos son puntos de anclaje para el Nuevo Paradigma. Nuestros Hogares Verdaderos son los primeros lugares donde nace el Nuevo Mundo.

Karen Dover - Walking through the veils of illusion in TRUTH - October 29, 2014
As the energies now begin to expand and to deepen the human life experience is one that is becoming richer and richer at all moments of all moments. Many of you may now be anchoring just how amazing the human life experience is in relation to the DEPTH of experience that can be experienced at any one moment. It is to be remembered that your human vehicle is upgrading and shifting NATURALLY through this process, the challenge if you will is to allow the upgrading and the shifting that is unfolding through you, around you and within you.  The universe is by DESIGN and the human vehicle is a miracle in itself, it has merely been kept in a lower vibrational frequency, so when it begins to work with and to decode the higher dimensional frequencies it will automatically and NATURALLY begin its own evolution process.

Aisha North – The embodiment Of The New World – 29 October 2014

AishaNorthOctober 29, 2014 in Words of inspiration
Dear brothers and sisters of the light!
During that amazing week in Crete, I was fortunate enough to see some of you literally stepping into your divine powers in front of my very eyes, and it was such a wonderful thing to be allowed to witness. Over these last few days, you have been joined by so many others here at the Pond, and to those of you who have been waiting – seemingly forever – for us to catch up with you: thank you for blazing a trail and holding the space so the journey could be a little bit easier for us all.
I just wanted to share a little bit more about the ceremony we did at the sacred spring close to the Church of the Five Virgins last Thursday, for there, we met a man who made such a huge impression on us all. The spring is in a beautiful place, and it is guarded over by a huge, ancient tree that is also considered as sacred, for it was at one time split in two by lightning, but both parts lived on and now they form what looks like a portal where the pathway enters the area in front of the spring.

Kryon - Lee Carroll - Kryon en la Isla de Pascua - Parte 1 - Octubre 18, 2014
Traducción simultánea: Jorge Bianchi
Audio Bilingüe :
Desgrabación: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Los Misterios de Rapa Nui Revelados

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Antes de hacer alguna otra cosa, me gustaría pedirle a los ancestros su bendición: los ancestros de esta isla. Venimos con todo respeto y deseamos aprender la consciencia de la sabiduría. Llamo ahora al maná, que es una fuerza viviente que llamamos la rejilla de Gaia. En algunas islas también se llama maná, y en algunos casos el Espíritu se llama Espíritu de Aloha y lleva la energía de la misma manera en que lo hacen todos los lugares de Polinesia.

The Best UFO Footage Of 2014. (September and October)