Beloved masters, never forget, your nearest and dearest friend
should be yourself—your own Soul-consciousness. Within your Sacred
Heart center you will find wisdom, compassion, patience, and most
important of all, unlimited Sacred Love. From the beginning of the
creative experience into density, all human life forms have been
subjected to an ongoing, continuous series of revelations. A curious,
inquiring mind was a built-in, intrinsic facet of human nature. The
Earth is, once again, being prepared for a new, higher-evolutionary
species of humanity. All of you, as Star Seed and world-servers, are
encoded with Memory Seed Atoms giving you a burning desire to
participate in the manifestation of this incredible dream of the
future. Your personal goal is to become a Self-directed, Soul-inspired
entity in the midst of the chaos and turmoil of the current, third- /
fourth-dimensional reality of today.
A new Divine Plan filled with advanced creative ideas beyond the wildest dreams of even the most brilliant, advanced minds of today is being beamed down via the powerful Rays of God-consciousness upon Earth and humanity from the Great Central Sun of this Sub-universe. An advanced Soul, treading the narrow path of ascension, must learn how to absorb and integrate the three major God Rays of the coming Age, THE SPIRITUAL TRINITY, consisting of: DIVINE WILL * LOVE/INTUITION * INTELLIGENT, PURPOSEFUL ACTION.
Why not move into the center of the spiral of ascending consciousness, into the eye of duality and polarity, where all is calm and peaceful−filled with pure cosmic life force substance, Adamantine Particles, just waiting to be molded into your vision of the future? This very moment, as you move into your Sacred Heart Center, you can experience the profound love and compassion of our Father/Mother God and the Supreme Creator. Please accept this immutable truth: you are a treasured son/daughter on an important mission, and nothing you can say or do can diminish that love. It is time to open the brain passages of your mind to the higher frequency codes of your OverSoul/Higher Self.
Too many of you are still carrying great burdens from the past. Mistakes you have made in this lifetime, and also many from past conditioning and buried memories of painful events or actions from all your previous lifetimes. Holding onto these memories or carrying the burdens of inequity no longer serves you. It is time for you to allow us to help you heal the painful memories stored within your physical vessel and auric field−just as we are clearing the distortions of the third-/fourth-dimensional, collective-consciousness belief patterns−thereby bringing those dimensions back into their originally designed spectrum of duality. Fear is a primitive fight or flight emotion, which will hinder the expansion of your consciousness awareness. It is time to clear and reprogram the base, instinctual components of your lower-human nature.
It is important that you understand−even though you no longer remember your past errors or the thoughts and deeds that threw you off balance—until these negative thought forms are acknowledged and transmuted, those energies are still present within your cellular structure waiting to be rectified and returned to harmony within. Through your conscious awareness and by aligning your will with the Will of your Higher Self and our Mother/Father God, all that is not in harmony with the frequencies of the higher fourth/fifth dimensions is roiling up within to be healed and returned to the harmonics of peaceful coexistence, joy and loving intention. This is the source of so much of the inner turmoil, challenges and tests that you, the Self-aware seekers of Light, are experiencing.
We have stressed over and over again, one of the greatest challenges, yet one of the most important tasks to be accomplished in order to step onto the spiral of ascension, is to maintain a focused point of awareness within your Solar Power Center. In doing so, you will maintain an open passage into the Sacred Heart−thereby allowing the Creator Light to flow freely to and from you. This, in turn, assists you to enhance and perfect your uniquely beautiful, harmonious Soul Song.
During these wondrous, yet trying, times, you are being given a grand opportunity to tap into the cosmic library, which holds the mysteries of this Sub-universe. You, the Star Seed, are gradually becoming equipped to tap into those sacred temples/Pyramids of Light where the universal laws and wisdom of the ages are stored. In doing so, you will learn that you can traverse any height, surmount any obstacle, and your path of ascension will be revealed with certainty. You have never lost your divinity or your godly intelligence. It has only been in safe-keeping, awaiting the time when you would, once again, awaken to claim your birthright as a Divine child of our Mother/Father God.
Beloveds, we are asking you to focus on yourselves so you may become clear vessels for the refined frequencies of Light. You have the ability to become a conduit for the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light, which will permeate your physical vessel and flow out into the world of form. However, you must liberate the power of the Sacred Fire from within your physical vessel, the Kundalini Fire stored within your Root Chakra, while drawing forth a new supply via the great sixth-dimensional Cities of Light. The breath is the conductor of this vital Life Force energy. You must learn to use and perfect the perfect rhythm of Sacred Breathing. The Infinity Breath is a vital component of the transformation process. Over the past years, we have added more important elements to the advanced techniques which you must incorporate in order to develop and claim Self-mastery−vital information you are to integrate and then share with those on the Path behind you.
We ask you to envision the Violet Flame radiating up from beneath your feet and completely enfolding you in this vital energy of transmutation, which will speed up the process of transforming all impure substance within and around you as well as giving you protection from outside, negative influences. As you evolve into a spiritual/human Being, you will become capable of more profound thought and complex concepts. You will also develop a greater capacity for deeper, more intense love.
When you have integrated the vibrational formula of abundance, and accepted it as your truth, it becomes a part of your Energetic Signature. Thereafter, those frequency patterns of abundance will radiate forth, from the front and back portals of your Solar Power Center in an Infinity sign, thereby creating a constant flow of abundance in all good things. Remember, in order to manifest your spiritual vision, you must define what you wish to create, and then clearly envision it. First of all, as a conscious cocreator, you should focus on manifesting a refined, evolved state of Being, and a harmonious quality of life. Therefore, you should seek an abundance of love, joy, peace, creativity, good health, compatible satisfying relationships, and so on. Seeking to incorporate the qualities, attributes and virtues of God Consciousness will assure success in creating all the material objects you require to live in comfort. You are learning to become one with the infinite flow of abundance, as you traverse the many levels and dimensions of Creation. One of the most important concepts that you must accept as your truth is a crystal clear awareness that you are the creator of the reality in which you will live now and in the future.
Many of you ask what your mission is in this lifetime and, we tell you, your Soul’s greatest desire is that you reclaim the many facets of yourself, and return to being the wondrous master of cocreation that you were when you first embodied in the material planes. The ascension process is an on-going journey, not a destination. Each day, endeavor to make the highest choices−stay in the moment, for that is the only time you can access your God-power−not focusing on the past and not projecting into the future, but seeking your highest potential in each and every moment. See the challenges in your life as opportunities as you learn to let go of old self-limiting ways. These are inalienable truths that you should instill within until they become an intrinsic part of your human-nature.
This is a balancing lifetime for you, the Starseed, whereby you are seeking to bring into harmony all the facets of your Being. Deep within, you are aware of how important it is for you to honor and integrate your feminine nature, the gentle, intuitive, creative and inward focused energies, as well as developing and using your masculine attributes. Strive to be strong, yet gentle, outward focused as you tap into the treasure house of wisdom within. Your Divine nature will grow in strength and conscious expression as you learn to draw forth the wisdom of your Sacred Mind, overLighted with the compassion of your Sacred Heart. You must learn to speak concisely, constructively and confidently. Know that if you stay centered and focused within your Sacred Heart, the universe must respond in a positive manner, and your success will be assured.
As you become attuned to the intuition of your Higher Self, you will begin to feel the God Light pulsating within your Sacred Heart, and you will begin to focus on the Spark of Creation within the Sacred Heart Center of every person you meet. It may be dim in many dear Souls, but it is still burning within or they would not be alive. When you do so, you will automatically strive to practice non-judgment, and you will begin to see the positive nature within everyone.
We ask you to use discernment before taking anyone’s teachings as your truth. Do not get hung up on theory or complex information. Take only that which resonates deep within−that which is loving, enlightening and expands your awareness. There are many half-truths in the teachings that are now being brought forth to humanity. Remember, you are the one who must create freedom, abundance and empowerment in your life. No one else can do that for you. Discernment is a vital attribute for those on the path of ascension and enlightenment. Whatever you choose as your truth, you must integrate and apply in your life through focused intention and action. DISCERNMENT / HEART-CENTERED INTENTION / DELIBERATE ACTION result in positive manifestation.
No matter what station, circumstances, or level of awareness you assumed for this incarnation, deep within your Soul-self was a burning desire to integrate the multiple-level facets of your Beingness. However, first they must be healed and harmonized so that they may be filled with the rarified Light of the higher realms. As you allow your Higher-Self to overLight and guide you, more and more inspired thought will come to you. There are many ways to allow Spirit to manifest through you; just let it happen naturally, dear ones. What makes your heart smile and brings you a deep sense of satisfaction? How do you wish to serve? There are many ways, and you have many talents (more than you will acknowledge); however, the choice is always yours.
The mighty forces of the Angelic Kingdom, as well as a vast number of wondrous Beings of Light, are here to help you move through these times of evolution and great change with ease and grace. However, you must ask for our assistance, for we cannot infringe upon your free will. It is time to reclaim your rightful place as a Master of Light, and remember, as you integrate the knowledge of Spirit and illumined truth, it is vitally important that you to go forth and share your wisdom.
Know that the challenges and opportunities before you will bring rewards beyond anything you can imagine, and so do not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone as you reach for the stars. Accept your cloak of radiant Light, for you have earned it. Follow your own path and do not fear being different from those around you.
We will leave you with a few en-Lighten-ing thoughts to assist you to stay focused upon the higher mental plane of awareness, with an overlay of loving intention. Your goal is to become Heart-centered and Soul-focused:
I AM Archangel Michael.
Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Copy freely and share. However, I
claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel
A new Divine Plan filled with advanced creative ideas beyond the wildest dreams of even the most brilliant, advanced minds of today is being beamed down via the powerful Rays of God-consciousness upon Earth and humanity from the Great Central Sun of this Sub-universe. An advanced Soul, treading the narrow path of ascension, must learn how to absorb and integrate the three major God Rays of the coming Age, THE SPIRITUAL TRINITY, consisting of: DIVINE WILL * LOVE/INTUITION * INTELLIGENT, PURPOSEFUL ACTION.
Why not move into the center of the spiral of ascending consciousness, into the eye of duality and polarity, where all is calm and peaceful−filled with pure cosmic life force substance, Adamantine Particles, just waiting to be molded into your vision of the future? This very moment, as you move into your Sacred Heart Center, you can experience the profound love and compassion of our Father/Mother God and the Supreme Creator. Please accept this immutable truth: you are a treasured son/daughter on an important mission, and nothing you can say or do can diminish that love. It is time to open the brain passages of your mind to the higher frequency codes of your OverSoul/Higher Self.
Too many of you are still carrying great burdens from the past. Mistakes you have made in this lifetime, and also many from past conditioning and buried memories of painful events or actions from all your previous lifetimes. Holding onto these memories or carrying the burdens of inequity no longer serves you. It is time for you to allow us to help you heal the painful memories stored within your physical vessel and auric field−just as we are clearing the distortions of the third-/fourth-dimensional, collective-consciousness belief patterns−thereby bringing those dimensions back into their originally designed spectrum of duality. Fear is a primitive fight or flight emotion, which will hinder the expansion of your consciousness awareness. It is time to clear and reprogram the base, instinctual components of your lower-human nature.
It is important that you understand−even though you no longer remember your past errors or the thoughts and deeds that threw you off balance—until these negative thought forms are acknowledged and transmuted, those energies are still present within your cellular structure waiting to be rectified and returned to harmony within. Through your conscious awareness and by aligning your will with the Will of your Higher Self and our Mother/Father God, all that is not in harmony with the frequencies of the higher fourth/fifth dimensions is roiling up within to be healed and returned to the harmonics of peaceful coexistence, joy and loving intention. This is the source of so much of the inner turmoil, challenges and tests that you, the Self-aware seekers of Light, are experiencing.
We have stressed over and over again, one of the greatest challenges, yet one of the most important tasks to be accomplished in order to step onto the spiral of ascension, is to maintain a focused point of awareness within your Solar Power Center. In doing so, you will maintain an open passage into the Sacred Heart−thereby allowing the Creator Light to flow freely to and from you. This, in turn, assists you to enhance and perfect your uniquely beautiful, harmonious Soul Song.
During these wondrous, yet trying, times, you are being given a grand opportunity to tap into the cosmic library, which holds the mysteries of this Sub-universe. You, the Star Seed, are gradually becoming equipped to tap into those sacred temples/Pyramids of Light where the universal laws and wisdom of the ages are stored. In doing so, you will learn that you can traverse any height, surmount any obstacle, and your path of ascension will be revealed with certainty. You have never lost your divinity or your godly intelligence. It has only been in safe-keeping, awaiting the time when you would, once again, awaken to claim your birthright as a Divine child of our Mother/Father God.
Beloveds, we are asking you to focus on yourselves so you may become clear vessels for the refined frequencies of Light. You have the ability to become a conduit for the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light, which will permeate your physical vessel and flow out into the world of form. However, you must liberate the power of the Sacred Fire from within your physical vessel, the Kundalini Fire stored within your Root Chakra, while drawing forth a new supply via the great sixth-dimensional Cities of Light. The breath is the conductor of this vital Life Force energy. You must learn to use and perfect the perfect rhythm of Sacred Breathing. The Infinity Breath is a vital component of the transformation process. Over the past years, we have added more important elements to the advanced techniques which you must incorporate in order to develop and claim Self-mastery−vital information you are to integrate and then share with those on the Path behind you.
We ask you to envision the Violet Flame radiating up from beneath your feet and completely enfolding you in this vital energy of transmutation, which will speed up the process of transforming all impure substance within and around you as well as giving you protection from outside, negative influences. As you evolve into a spiritual/human Being, you will become capable of more profound thought and complex concepts. You will also develop a greater capacity for deeper, more intense love.
When you have integrated the vibrational formula of abundance, and accepted it as your truth, it becomes a part of your Energetic Signature. Thereafter, those frequency patterns of abundance will radiate forth, from the front and back portals of your Solar Power Center in an Infinity sign, thereby creating a constant flow of abundance in all good things. Remember, in order to manifest your spiritual vision, you must define what you wish to create, and then clearly envision it. First of all, as a conscious cocreator, you should focus on manifesting a refined, evolved state of Being, and a harmonious quality of life. Therefore, you should seek an abundance of love, joy, peace, creativity, good health, compatible satisfying relationships, and so on. Seeking to incorporate the qualities, attributes and virtues of God Consciousness will assure success in creating all the material objects you require to live in comfort. You are learning to become one with the infinite flow of abundance, as you traverse the many levels and dimensions of Creation. One of the most important concepts that you must accept as your truth is a crystal clear awareness that you are the creator of the reality in which you will live now and in the future.
Many of you ask what your mission is in this lifetime and, we tell you, your Soul’s greatest desire is that you reclaim the many facets of yourself, and return to being the wondrous master of cocreation that you were when you first embodied in the material planes. The ascension process is an on-going journey, not a destination. Each day, endeavor to make the highest choices−stay in the moment, for that is the only time you can access your God-power−not focusing on the past and not projecting into the future, but seeking your highest potential in each and every moment. See the challenges in your life as opportunities as you learn to let go of old self-limiting ways. These are inalienable truths that you should instill within until they become an intrinsic part of your human-nature.
This is a balancing lifetime for you, the Starseed, whereby you are seeking to bring into harmony all the facets of your Being. Deep within, you are aware of how important it is for you to honor and integrate your feminine nature, the gentle, intuitive, creative and inward focused energies, as well as developing and using your masculine attributes. Strive to be strong, yet gentle, outward focused as you tap into the treasure house of wisdom within. Your Divine nature will grow in strength and conscious expression as you learn to draw forth the wisdom of your Sacred Mind, overLighted with the compassion of your Sacred Heart. You must learn to speak concisely, constructively and confidently. Know that if you stay centered and focused within your Sacred Heart, the universe must respond in a positive manner, and your success will be assured.
As you become attuned to the intuition of your Higher Self, you will begin to feel the God Light pulsating within your Sacred Heart, and you will begin to focus on the Spark of Creation within the Sacred Heart Center of every person you meet. It may be dim in many dear Souls, but it is still burning within or they would not be alive. When you do so, you will automatically strive to practice non-judgment, and you will begin to see the positive nature within everyone.
We ask you to use discernment before taking anyone’s teachings as your truth. Do not get hung up on theory or complex information. Take only that which resonates deep within−that which is loving, enlightening and expands your awareness. There are many half-truths in the teachings that are now being brought forth to humanity. Remember, you are the one who must create freedom, abundance and empowerment in your life. No one else can do that for you. Discernment is a vital attribute for those on the path of ascension and enlightenment. Whatever you choose as your truth, you must integrate and apply in your life through focused intention and action. DISCERNMENT / HEART-CENTERED INTENTION / DELIBERATE ACTION result in positive manifestation.
No matter what station, circumstances, or level of awareness you assumed for this incarnation, deep within your Soul-self was a burning desire to integrate the multiple-level facets of your Beingness. However, first they must be healed and harmonized so that they may be filled with the rarified Light of the higher realms. As you allow your Higher-Self to overLight and guide you, more and more inspired thought will come to you. There are many ways to allow Spirit to manifest through you; just let it happen naturally, dear ones. What makes your heart smile and brings you a deep sense of satisfaction? How do you wish to serve? There are many ways, and you have many talents (more than you will acknowledge); however, the choice is always yours.
The mighty forces of the Angelic Kingdom, as well as a vast number of wondrous Beings of Light, are here to help you move through these times of evolution and great change with ease and grace. However, you must ask for our assistance, for we cannot infringe upon your free will. It is time to reclaim your rightful place as a Master of Light, and remember, as you integrate the knowledge of Spirit and illumined truth, it is vitally important that you to go forth and share your wisdom.
Know that the challenges and opportunities before you will bring rewards beyond anything you can imagine, and so do not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone as you reach for the stars. Accept your cloak of radiant Light, for you have earned it. Follow your own path and do not fear being different from those around you.
We will leave you with a few en-Lighten-ing thoughts to assist you to stay focused upon the higher mental plane of awareness, with an overlay of loving intention. Your goal is to become Heart-centered and Soul-focused:
- The higher mind utilizes the senses of all your multiple-body consciousness in its thinking/analyzing process.
- Knowledge, talent and a high intelligence quotient do not create a genius. It takes concentration, courage, perseverance and an on-going drive, along with integrity, to tap into your spiritual genius potential. Find and pursue your desire for excellence, and strive to live your passion to the very best of your ability.
- Returning to the narrow path of ascension in consciousness is the beginning of transcending opposites where there is no good or bad, right or wrong, only harmonious personal choices within the accepted spectrum of duality. As an empowered, functioning Self-master, you will make only the highest and best choices for the benefit of ALL.
- FEAR, HATE AND JUDGMENT DIVIDE. LOVE TRANSFORMS AND UNITES. You must learn to rise above the everyday stressful situations so that you may transform moments of discord into hours of serenity.
I AM Archangel Michael.
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo
Amados maestros, nunca olviden, su amigo más cercano y querido deben ser ustedes mismos – su propia Conciencia Álmica. Dentro de su centro del Corazón Sagrado encontrarán sabiduría, compasión, paciencia y lo más importante de todo, Amor Sagrado ilimitado. Desde el comienzo de la experiencia creativa hacia la densidad, todas las formas humanas de vida han estado sometidas a una serie continua y permanente de revelaciones. Una mente curiosa, inquisitiva fue una faceta intrínseca, incorporada de la naturaleza humana. La Tierra se está preparando, una vez más, para una nueva especie de humanidad altamente evolucionada. Todos ustedes, como Semillas Estelares y servidores del mundo, están codificados con los Átomos Simiente de Memoria que les aportan un deseo ardiente de participar en la manifestación de este increíble sueño del futuro. Su objetivo personal es el de convertirse en una entidad Auto dirigida, inspirada por el Alma en medio del caos y la turbulencia de la realidad actual de tercera/cuarta dimensión de hoy.
Se está enviando hacia la Tierra y a la humanidad desde el Gran Sol Central de este sub-universo vía la poderosa conciencia de los Rayos de Dios, un Nuevo Plan Divino con ideas creativas avanzadas más allá de los sueños más audaces de las mentes más brillantes y avanzadas de hoy. Un Alma avanzada que avanza por el estrecho sendero de la ascensión debe aprender cómo absorber e integrar los tres Rayos de Dios principales de la era entrante, LA TRINIDAD ESPIRITUAL que consiste de: LA VOLUNTAD DIVINA * AMOR/INTUICION * ACCION INTELIGENTE CON PROPÓSITO.
¿Por qué no avanzar hacia el centro de la espiral de la conciencia ascendente, hacia el ojo de dualidad y polaridad, donde todo está en calma y lleno de paz con sustancia de pura fuerza de vida cósmica, Partículas Adamantinas, esperando a ser moldeadas dentro de la visión de futuro de ustedes? Este mismo momento, al avanzar hacia su Centro del Sagrado Corazón, pueden experimentar el profundo amor y compasión de nuestro Padre/Madre Dios y del Creador Supremo. Por favor acepten esta inmutable verdad: ustedes son un hijo/hija atesorado en una importante misión, y nada que digan o hagan puede disminuir ese amor. Es tiempo de abrir los pasajes del cerebro de su mente hacia los códigos de frecuencia superior de su Súper Alma/Yo Superior.
Muchos de ustedes todavía cargan grandes pesos del pasado. Errores que han cometido en esta vida, y también muchos de condicionamientos pasados y memorias enterradas de eventos dolorosos o acciones de todas sus vidas pasadas. Apegarse a estas memorias o portar agobios de inequidad ya no les sirve. Es tiempo de que nos permitan ayudarles a sanar las memorias dolorosas almacenadas dentro de su vehículo físico y campo áurico – al igual que estamos despejando las distorsiones de los patrones de creencias de la conciencia colectiva de tercera/cuarta dimensión – regresando por tanto esas dimensiones a su espectro de dualidad originalmente diseñado. El temor es una emoción primitiva de luchar o escapar, que entorpecerá la expansión de su percepción consciente. Es tiempo de despejar y reprogramar los componentes básicos, instintivos de su naturaleza humana inferior.
Es importante que entiendan – aunque ya no recuerden sus errores pasados o los pensamientos y acciones que los desequilibraron – y hasta que estas formas de pensamiento negativas sean reconocidas y trasmutadas, que aquellas energías están todavía presentes dentro de su estructura celular esperando para ser rectificadas y regresadas a la armonía interior. A través de su percepción consciente y al alinear su voluntad con la Voluntad de su Yo Superior y nuestra Madre/Padre Dios, todo lo que no esté en armonía con las frecuencias de las dimensiones superiores cuarta/quinta está exasperado en el interior para ser sanado y regresado a los armónicos de coexistencia pacífica, alegría e intención amorosa. Esta es la fuente de tanta desazón interna, desafíos y pruebas que ustedes, los buscadores de Luz Auto conscientes, están experimentando.
Hemos enfatizado una y otra vez, que uno de los grandes desafíos, sin embargo una de las tareas más importantes a resolver para avanzar en la espiral de ascensión, es mantener un punto enfocado de percepción dentro de su Centro Solar de Poder. Al hacerlo, mantendrán un pasaje abierto hacia el Corazón Sagrado – permitiendo por tanto que la Luz del Creador fluya libremente hacia y desde ustedes. Esto a su vez, los ayuda a mejorar y perfeccionar su Canción del Alma singularmente armoniosa y hermosa.
Durante estos tiempos maravillosos y a la vez difíciles, se les da una grandiosa oportunidad para acceder a la biblioteca cósmica, que contiene los misterios de este sub-universo. Ustedes, la Semilla Estelar, están equipándose gradualmente para acceder a esos templos sagrados/Pirámides de Luz donde las leyes universales y la sabiduría de las eras están almacenadas. Al hacerlo, aprenderán que pueden atravesar cualquier altura, elevarse por encima de cualquier obstáculo y se les revelará con certeza su sendero de ascensión. Nunca han perdido su divinidad o su inteligencia divina. Solamente ha estado guardada, esperando el momento en que nuevamente, despertaran para reclamar su derecho como hijo Divino de nuestra Madre/Padre Dios.
Amados, les pedimos que se enfoquen en sí mismos para poder convertirse en vehículos claros de las refinadas frecuencias de Luz. Tienen la capacidad de convertirse en conductos para las Partículas Adamantinas de Luz del Creador, que impregnarán su vehículo físico y fluirán hacia el mundo de la forma. Sin embargo, ustedes deben liberar el poder del Fuego Sagrado desde el interior de su vehículo físico, el Fuego de Kundalini almacenado dentro de su Chacra Raíz, a la vez que acceden a un nuevo suministro vía las grandes Ciudades de Luz de sexta dimensión. El aliento es el conductor de esta vital Fuerza de Vida. Deben aprender a utilizar y perfeccionar el ritmo perfecto del Aliento Sagrado. La Respiración del Infinito es un componente vital del proceso de transformación. En los últimos años, hemos añadido más elementos importantes a las técnicas avanzadas que deben incorporar para desarrollar y reclamar la Auto maestría – información vital que deben integrar y luego compartir con quienes estén detrás de ustedes en el Sendero.
Les pedimos que visualicen la Llama Violeta que irradia desde debajo de sus pies y los envuelve completamente en esta vital energía de transmutación, que acelerará el proceso de transformación de toda sustancia impura dentro y alrededor de ustedes así como les brindará protección de las influencias negativas exteriores. Al evolucionar hacia un Ser espiritual/humano, ustedes serán capaces de un pensamiento más profundo y conceptos más complejos. También desarrollarán una mayor capacidad para un amor más profundo e intenso.
Cuando hayan integrado la fórmula vibratoria de abundancia y la hayan aceptado como su verdad, ésta se convierte en una parte de su Signatura Energética. A partir de ahí, esos patrones de frecuencia de abundancia irradiarán hacia fuera, desde los portales anteriores y posteriores de su Centro Solar de Poder en un signo del Infinito, creando por tanto un flujo constante de abundancia en todas las cosas buenas. Recuerden, para poder manifestar su visión espiritual, deben definir lo que quieren crear y entonces visualizarlo con claridad. Primero que todo, como un cocreador consciente deben enfocarse en manifestar un estado de Ser evolucionado, refinado y un calidad de vida armoniosa. Por tanto, deben buscar una abundancia de amor, alegría, paz, creatividad, buena salud, relaciones satisfactorias compatibles, y así sucesivamente. Al buscar incorporar las cualidades, atributos y virtudes de la Conciencia de Dios se les asegurará el éxito en la creación de todos los objetos materiales que requieran para vivir confortablemente. Ustedes están aprendiendo a ser uno con el flujo infinito de abundancia, al atravesar los muchos niveles y dimensiones de la Creación. Uno de los conceptos más importantes que deben aceptar como su verdad es una percepción muy clara de que son el creador de la realidad en la cual vivirán ahora y en el futuro.
Muchos preguntan cual es su misión en esta vida y, les decimos, el mayor deseo de su Alma es que reclamen las muchas facetas de sí mismos y regresen a ser el maestro maravilloso de co-creación que ustedes eran cuando por primera vez encarnaron en los planos materiales. El proceso de ascensión es una experiencia continua, no un destino. Cada día, esfuércense por hacer las elecciones más elevadas – mantenerse en el momento, porque ese es el único momento en que pueden acceder a su Poder de Dios – no enfocándose en el pasado y no proyectándose al futuro, sino buscando su potencial superior en cada y todo momento. Vean los desafíos en su vida como oportunidades al aprender a liberarse de las viejas formas auto-limitantes. Estas son verdades inalienables de las que ustedes deben imbuirse hasta que sean parte intrínseca de su naturaleza humana.
Esta es una vida de equilibrio para ustedes, la Semilla Estelar, donde están buscando incorporar en armonía todas las facetas de su Ser. Profundamente dentro, ustedes son conscientes de cuán importante es para ustedes honrar e integrar su naturaleza femenina, las energías gentiles, intuitivas, creativas enfocadas al interior, así como desarrollar y utilizar sus atributos masculinos. Esfuércense por ser fuertes y a la vez suaves, enfocados hacia fuera al acceder al tesoro de la sabiduría interna. Su naturaleza Divina crecerá y se fortalecerá en expresión consciente al aprender a extraer la sabiduría de su Mente Sagrada, iluminada con la compasión de su Corazón Sagrado. Deben aprender a hablar de manera concisa, constructiva y con confianza. Sepan que si se mantienen centrados y enfocados dentro de su Corazón Sagrado, el universo responderá de manera positiva y su éxito estará asegurado.
Al sintonizarse con la intuición de su Yo Superior, comenzarán a sentir la Luz de Dios pulsando dentro de su Corazón Sagrado, y comenzará a enfocarse en la Chispa de Creación dentro del Centro del Sagrado Corazón de cada persona que encuentren. Puede ser difuso en muchas almas queridas pero todavía arde en el interior o no estarían vivas. Cuando lo hagan, automáticamente traten de practicar el no juicio, y comenzarán a ver la naturaleza positiva dentro de cada uno.
Les pedimos que utilicen el discernimiento antes de asumir las verdades de otro como suyas. No se apeguen a la teoría o a información compleja. Asuman solamente aquello que resuene profundamente en su interior – que sea amoroso, iluminado y expanda su percepción. Hay muchas verdades a medias en las enseñanzas que se le presentan ahora a la humanidad. Recuerden, ustedes son los que deben crear la libertad, abundancia y empoderamiento en su vida. Nadie puede hacerlo por ustedes. El discernimiento es un atributo vital para quienes están en el sendero de la ascensión y la iluminación. Sea lo que elijan como su verdad, deben integrarlo y aplicarlo en su vida a través de la intención enfocada y la acción.
Independientemente de la estación, circunstancias o nivel de percepción que asumieron en esta encarnación, profundamente dentro su Yo Alma había un deseo ardiente de integrar las facetas de múltiples niveles de su Seidad. Sin embargo, primero deben sanar y armonizadas para que puedan llenarse con la Luz rarificada de los reinos superiores. Al permitir que su Yo Superior los ilumine y guíe, más pensamientos inspirados vendrán a ustedes. Hay muchas formas de permitir la manifestación del Espíritu a través de ustedes; solamente permitan que ocurra naturalmente, queridos. ¿Qué hace que su corazón ría y les traiga un profundo sentimiento de satisfacción? ¿Cómo desean servir? Hay muchas formas y ustedes tienen muchos talentos (más de los que quieran reconocer); sin embargo, la elección siempre será suya.
Las fuerzas poderosas del Reino Angélico, así como el amplio número de Seres de Luz maravillosos, están aquí para ayudarlos a avanzar con facilidad y gracia a través de estos tiempos de evolución y gran cambio. Sin embargo, deben pedir nuestra ayuda, no podemos infringir su libre albedrío. Es tiempo de reclamar su lugar por derecho propio como un Maestro de Luz y recuerden, al integrar el conocimiento del Espíritu y la verdad iluminada, es vitalmente importante que avancen y compartan su sabiduría.
Sepan que los retos y oportunidades ante ustedes les traerán recompensas más allá de lo que puedan imaginar y así no tengan miedo de salirse de su zona de comodidad al tratar de alcanzar las estrellas. Acepten su manto de Luz radiante porque se lo han ganado. Sigan su propio sendero y no teman ser diferentes de los que le rodean.
Los dejaremos con unos pocos pensamientos Iluminados para ayudarlos a mantenerse enfocados en el plano mental superior de percepción, con una capa de intención amorosa. Su objetivo es volverse centrados en el Corazón y enfocados en el Alma:
La mente superior utiliza los sentidos de todos los múltiples cuerpos de su conciencia en su proceso de pensamiento/análisis.
El conocimiento, talento y un cociente superior de inteligencia no crean un genio. Lleva concentración, coraje, perseverancia y un anhelo constante, conjuntamente con integridad, para acceder a su potencial espiritual genial. Encuentren y persigan su deseo por la excelencia, y busquen vivir su pasión lo mejor que puedan.
El regreso al estrecho sendero de la ascensión en conciencia es el comienzo de la trascendencia de los opuestos donde no hay malo o bueno, correcto o incorrecto, solamente elecciones personales armoniosas dentro del espectro de dualidad aceptado. Como un Auto maestro empoderado, funcional, ustedes harán solamente las elecciones más elevadas para el beneficio de TODOS.
EL TEMOR, EL ODIO Y EL JUICIO DIVIDEN, EL AMOR TRANSFORMA Y UNE. Deben aprender a elevarse por encima de las situaciones estresantes cotidianas para transformar los momentos de discordia en horas de serenidad.
Apelen a nosotros y los guiaremos y asistiremos en cada forma posible. Sean aguerridos y firmes, mis valientes guerreros. Sepan que siempre Estoy con ustedes y que son profundamente amados. YO SOY Arcángel Miguel.
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