In Ancient times when the first pyramids were built, they were built on a type of immense grid system, which worked with the earth energies. It was a type of vortex energy system which fed the whole planet, as it was then with the central fuel, which supplied the whole planet and all in it not only with energy, but the same energy was used for higher healing, the propelling of all craft, air, land and water, and it was the same energy that was there in the more crystalline and more advanced evolutionary physical form of all life on planet earth.
In the beginning there were 12 Massive Pyramids, made from clear quartz crystal. They were hollow in side, with massive chambers and in the middle a huge tube which held the vortex energy moving up and down in spiraling fashion – like the kundalini energy moves up and down the spinal column and chakra energy wheels of the body. In most places there were two pyramids – one pointing upwards and one pointing downwards, so that a huge merkabah-like energy field was created, with the vortex energy twirling and swirling in the middle through the apex of the pyramids.
In that these pyramids were used as conduit for an extremely high technological central energy force, which could literally be used to enhance all life and life forms, and added to the much longer lifespan of people in those ancient times, and for the greater harmony of the planet and people, as this energy enhanced life and it was pollution free.
The Ancients at that time used not only this energy, but knew how to harness the Rivers of Life which flowed through the planet itself, and which added another component of energy, which mankind has forgotten about. These Rivers of Life literally added to the fuel or the ignition of the vortex energies and were then added as such.
There was another mechanism which worked with the lightning rod of the Earth, and that was the sound of the Earth. The Earth has her own sound frequency band, which is tune into the greater cosmic frequency bands, of this Universe, the Galactic Core, and then also the Central Suns – in those days we were directly linked to the 12th Central galaxies of the 12th Central Sun, and therefore the lightning rod of the earth, with the sound was fine-tuned into a type of antenna which then could relay this mass ignition of the energy, into the vortex energy centers, and from there directly into the pyramids, which in turn relayed this energy to the rest of the planet.
All combined into one mass energy system which then kept the planet supplied of energy, and it supplied energy for homes, structures, buildings, and all that needed to use this energy. As it worked with the earth, and these people knew how to use this energy, it did not harm the planet in any way, nor did it harm any form of life.
I have gone into immense details about these pyramid temples in my Book (Why I was born in Africa – which is being edited), but what I want to touch on here, is that because the earth has had pole shifts, the land masses have undergone immense changes – and some land masses have sunk under the sea, and some rose out of the sea, so if one looked at a map of the planet a billion years ago, the whole planet would have looked very different from what it is now.
The pole shifts have not always meant that north and south poles switched places. Sometimes the earth merely tilted to some degree and the lands mass and water and gaseous substances more and less adjusted themselves accordingly.
As mass meteorites and comets hit the planet in the beginning and during the first civilization, as the wars of heavens still reigned, and Marduk blew itself up in this solar system, this meant that immense earth changes occurred during that time.
So, this means that these first pyramids were literally buried under the onslaught of the cosmic and earth changes at that time.
However, they were never deactivated, as happened with the later pyramids built – notably those in the Sahara (which have not been discovered yet), and those in elsewhere in the broader Europe, Balkans and Americas, and of course those sunk under the sea.
Part of my personal quest in the last few years is to find the pyramids in the Southern Hemisphere or rather to be reunited with them, and then to record the untold history of the world. Therefore the working with these energies and energy fields has brought a brand-new understanding with it about planet earth and how this fits into the greater cosmic whole.
It has been a fascinating journey in itself, for I have found immensely interesting things carefully hidden in the landscape. The language of the sound in itself has been given voice in the way rock gongs, very carefully placed, faces, circles, and most importantly that which has been recorded in myths and never understood as something where myths are based on truth, albeit in a form of hidden swirls.
As the pyramids are getting more and more activated, the vortex energy fields are rising and this thrusting up, indeed like sucking us into the 5th dimensional state at such an accelerated rate now, that we will have to adjust to a much higher frequency life and life force at immense speed.
For the Rivers of Life have now also been reactivated, and this is bringing immense and utter changes to planet earth as the antennas get reactivated, and the re-connection to the 12th sun now becomes reality.
(Judith Kusel)