sábado, octubre 25, 2014
Karen Dover - The “Design” of the Universe and how it affects the “NOW” moment - October 25, 2014
Many of you have asked me the difference between the old 3D Earth created construct and the New Earth, how can the universe be by DESIGN when creation is personal and unique? It is the human logical mind which may take you to the assumption that you need only illuminate the DESIGN and you have found your path. This is not TRUTH and is not supported within the New Earth frequencies.
Imagine that you have been kept in a little box and placed on a beautiful piece of fabric, the fabric is fluid , always moving and shifting, however within the little box that you have been placed within the fabric remains static and does not move. This imagery will show you the difference between working with the DESIGN of the universe and being in the old 3D earth created construct.
The box in my example is the old 3d Earth created construct. So you can see that the FLUIDITY that you are asked to allow to move around you is indeed the NATURAL DESIGN and FLOW of the universal energies that you have been TAUGHT to ignore and to work against at all moments. Everything JUST IS, you have merely been TAUGHT to exert a lot of energy in trying to work against this natural DESIGN. This is why I ask for you to move into your heart and find PEACE, the frequency of PEACE will work to allow you to surrender to the natural FLOW, at all moments creating your New Earth frequency reality by sending out your intentions to the universe and responding when the universe moves to support you.
It is the teachings of the old 3d Earth created construct that hold you in place and may teach you to ignore the support that the universe sends you for the universe is SUPPORTIVE by DESIGN. Many of you may feel that you life is DE-CONSTRUCTING at this time and this may appear in various ways but what is actually happening is FLUIDITY, all that is TRUTH will remain in your life but will take on the flow of the natural DESIGN of the universe. This allows for expansion at all levels of your BEing, it allows for the creation of MIRACLES, a miracle is merely an outcome that your human logical mind could not comprehend about a situation, a person etc.
To surrender to the universe is not to sit and abandon your life, it is to allow yourself to find PEACE and balance in order to move and to shift WITH the DESIGN of the universe, after all you are a PART of the universe. This is your re-connection to ALL in TRUTH. The energies at this time are attempting to dissolve the rigid patterns of behaviour that the human race have been TAUGHT are required in order to navigate life on this planet. This is not TRUTH, the animals of this planet do not plan their days, they do not try to control those around them, they move through life in HARMONY with the DESIGN of the natural flow of energies, allowing experiences to move through them, around them and within them. Unlike the animals many of you are trying to be other than who YOU ARE in TRUTH, an elephant does not try to be anything other than an elephant.
I touched upon this subject last night on the TRUTH Codes – Finding Peace Live-stream event. Where I explained that only YOU can be YOU but within the old 3d Earth created construct you are TAUGHT to be someone else. Many, many people upon this planet are very scared to reveal who they are, all aligning with the teaching that seeks to teach that they are somehow not good enough, that they must somehow justify their actual existence in human form. This is highly distorted. You are here because in the great fabric of the universe you are meant to be here. NO ONE is surplus to requirements in the human race as ALL is by DESIGN.
You may look at your life and wonder how you can make a difference and yet if you were not here your energy would make a vast difference to the energy signature of the human race. “LOVE is the answer, no matter the question” translates as LOVE is the key to everything. Your energy signature is a powerful frequency, the outer waking world is recalibrating and shifting in moving in response to the human race expanding their energy signatures. The more that you can reach the frequency of the LOVE that IS and ALLOW it to be within you the faster the outer waking reality will shift and move and re-align with the natural DESIGN of the universe in TRUTH.
This does not mean that you will wake up one morning and “world issues” will be solved, this will happen as the process unfolds. ALL require LOVE at ALL levels of their BEing. Never be afraid to radiate the LOVE that IS from within the heart space, this is the “default” position if you like of your energy in TRUTH. Just because you were TAUGHT it was something other than this does not make this teaching TRUTH. At this time the universe is working to support YOU in Being YOU at all moments.
In order to move into the higher dimensional frequencies you are asked to ACCEPT and ACKNOWLEDGE who YOU ARE in TRUTH, from this ALL else flows.
“LOVE is the answer, no matter the question”.
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio,
Karen Doonan