For many of you “today” may have reached your consciousness in a huge wave, many of you may feel slightly off balance, weepy, extremely emotional or extremely tired. The energies are peaking today in response to the New Earth heightened energies that are now flooding across the planet. I have been guided to pre-record tonight’s scheduled LIVESTREAM session and this will be available to view from 10pm CT (USA).
It is important to realise that you are at all moments releasing the tight grip that the old 3D earth has on your human vehicle. As the outer waking reality begins to take on a more fluid dynamic this may trigger you at deepening levels, hence the creation of the 7 day “TRUTH Codes- Finding Peace within” sessions. It is important during this time of major transformation that you are able to reach deep into your heart space and to calm the storm that may begin to try to take anchor there.
YOU are not your emotions, they are simply frequencies that you have been taught to ANCHOR deep within your human vehicle. The New Earth energies are working to release this ANCHOR and to detach the frequencies from within the cellular structure of your human vehicle. The rising of emotion deep within your BEing is not a sign that your life is out of control, it is a sign of FLUIDITY and must be acknowledged as such. The captain of your boat is YOU and you can choose whether to sail the boat or allow the boat to be buffeted by the storm that is created on the release of the ANCHOR.
You have been kept anchored deeply to shallow waters in a harbour that you have been taught is a “safe” harbour but this harbour has become your jail cell at a human conscious waking mind level. The movement of you through the millions of dimensional realities that exist within the karmic dimensional timelines has seen the boat become waterlogged and you have been unable to sail to new experiences, going over and over the same deep patterning and deepening the water-logging of your boat.
Now you are asked to pull up your ANCHOR and to allow the boat to sail the seas of human life experience. As the winds of change begin to blow into your sails you can allow the movement of your boat out of the harbour and the timber of your boat to dry out as you let go of deeply held emotions. This allows your boat to gather momentum and allows for you to set sail to new shores.
At this time you may be at the very edge of the harbour or you may be hauling in the anchor. Both scenarios may bring up a sense of fear or bewilderment with you. At a human conscious waking mind level you may not have particularly liked where life has brought you but you KNEW it and now you are asked to let go of all that is “familiar” and set sail. Like any voyage of discovery there may be an essence of both excitement and dread. After all how can you set sail on a sea that is unfamiliar and where are you setting sail to?
You are setting sail to a NEW EARTH and a NEW WAY of living. The journey is the experience that you will pick up along the way. You will go from hardly knowing how to sail your boat to understanding the WINDS OF CHANGE and how they move you to new experiences. You will become familiar with the WAVES of CHANGE that move your experience to deepening levels. You will begin to find balance as you move around your boat and often you will dock in harbours along the way to rest, recover or gather more information.
CHANGE is now becoming more and more fluid, as a race the human race has been TAUGHT to fear this frequency and yet it is hidden in plain view. for ALL changes at all moments of all moments. Your human vehicle may look the same as it did 5 mins ago but it has changed in frequency for ALL is energy and energy never stops moving, it is never static, it is fluid and now you prepare to allow this fluidity to enter your life experience and allow the movement that the energy that YOU ARE in TRUTH has brought you to this dimensional timeline to experience at a human conscious waking mind level. For ALL JUST IS and YOU ARE.
“LOVE is the answer, no matter the question”.