lunes, octubre 20, 2014
Brenda Hoffman – Bank Your Love Energies? – 20 October 2014
Dear Ones,
Perhaps you sense that your being or world will shift with the upcoming energy bursts. Such is true. Even though not necessarily in a way that speaks to you in words at this time. The energies this week are densely packed with love. But not all will acknowledge those energies.
Those of you excited by the prospect of more in-depth love sensations will experience a phenomenal shift within your being this week. Those who do not wish to experience anything other than 3D, will not notice much change.
Of course, everyone and every entity of, in or by earth will experience a shift within their being. But some may not have the need or wish to display love at this time.
Perhaps you will better understand this process if you imagine your being as a financial institution. Even though you receive the love energies, you can elect to use those energies or bank them.
Many of you are wondering why anyone would not opt to spend or spread their banked energy resources. This transition is based on personal choice – just as is true for financial resources you have in a bank. Perhaps you decide buy a piece of electronic equipment, even though someone else might think such an expenditure is foolish. Others might choose not to purchase anything, but instead save the money for some future event or calamity. Such are your energy choices now.
Do not fret if you decide to save your love resources for another day. And do not fret if you opt to experience or ‘spend’ them now. It is all the same. Everyone has access to the new love resources – resources that are now freely floating around, in and throughout earth.
It does not matter if you elect to save your love energy – just as is true for financial resources saved in a bank – for your love energy is now part of earth’s love energy system.
You are not alone in this love creation. Nor is this creation merely of earth itself. This is a love system that is beginning to flow easily and effortlessly throughout the globe. How you decide to experience that love is your choice.
Perhaps you believe those who refuse to experience or express their new love energy are selfish – that by contributing their energy, the overall transition or shift would happen more rapidly. Such is true. But then, this transition is not a race. Or a, “I am better or more loving than you” contest. It is merely all entities of, in and throughout earth experiencing love to the degree and in the time frame right for them.
Granted, more entities than every before wish to experience love – but not all. Allow those who feel the need to be fearful to remain in fear.
If you have moved beyond your fear perceptions, their fear will not affect you. Much as was true for those who insisted on using horses to plow their fields after modern machinery became the norm.
It is your choice to live in love. The choices of others are not in your domain or concern. For those who elect to move in fear are creating different frequencies than those of you sharing and therefore, expanding your love.
Perhaps that last concept seems opposite of what was stated earlier. Those who save their money earn interest on that money even as the bank uses that money to create more. But saved money does little for those saving it other than increasing bank balances. It is those spending money who are experiencing returns in terms of their purchases. Such is not advocating spending or using your love resources, as much as pointing out that saving your love does not necessarily allow you to experience it to the depth others might. Which is neither good nor bad – merely different.
You have a choice how you use the new love resources/energies/frequencies flowing to earth the next few days.
Earth is more comfortable energy wise than it has been in eons. You, in turn, can be more comfortable if you explore these new energies – but only if your interest/need is to explore love more deeply at this time.
Perhaps you wish to rest a bit before you explore these new love energies. That is fine. Your love energies are safely banked until you feel comfortable using/spending them. Your inner-being will help you know what is best for you.
Some are concerned (a 3D concern by the way) that if you spend your love energies too quickly, you will deplete your love account. Such is not possible. Each day, week, month and year more and more love energy will be created in, of and throughout earth as many explore the new resources they create and experience as they spend their love resources.
The Universes will continue sending love energy until the flow of love is so common throughout earth as not to be noteworthy – just as was true for fear when that was earth’s area of study.
You cannot ever spend all of your love. Nor can anyone take it from you. Your only options, as of the next few days, are to use and explore love or to bank it until you are ready. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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El Gran Cambio