Eliza: On Post-Ascension Syndrome
Okay, I invented the above phrase but someone had to do it and I do have an odd sense of humor. I am currently experiencing the beginning of that curious life phase when one HAS ascended and Lady Tazjima did – it was witnessed by others who are still in embodiment – when enough soul essence still remains within the body to make it “feel” as if nothing happened at all.
My cousin, Rananda Kumara aka David Spear of England, warned me that I might and probably would feel this way for a while as my primary focus readjusted and retuned to being in the higher dimensions. This sensation of still being “here” was one noted early on by the ship crew members directly involved with monitoring and assisting the Galactic Federation of Light (GFL) volunteers who had walked in and were attempting to complete the process of “walking-out”.
A Sirian starseed has also acquainted me with this phenomenon, one which was unexpected by the ship crew monitors. Dear ones, kindly remove the belief that 5D beings “know” everything there is to know; they don’t. They are as physical as you and I, from 3D / 4D, more technologically advanced, but hardly gods and goddesses. They do know “more” but at times, things happen that even stump their understanding and this phenomenon is one.
So… a tiny part of my soul essence remains within my physical vessel / body temple. This sensation… and the knowledge that the “rest” of me or approximately 98% of “me” as Eliza has successfully blended with Lady Tazjima… well, let us say that it brings up quite a few uncomfortable emotional reactions.
Ah… an opportunity for yet more clearing I say when I begin to get a grip on the anger and frustration that inevitably erupts from hitherto unimaginable depths of being. The human body is an amazing creation, a light library of endless generations, some extending far beyond the knowledge of our scientists and into our galactic past.
Just yesterday, I wrote a comment on Facebook where I “confessed” to being present at the building of the pyramids! Where that came from, who knows, but I did have a prior incarnation or two on Sirius B, before the white dwarf shrank to its current size.
If you watch the wonderful documentary, The Pyramid Code, you will be told that the three great pyramids of Giza line up with the Belt of Orion, a portion of the Orion Constellation. And that the orientation comes from a star alignment aged from 10,500 years ago! What if I were to suggest that this same star alignment happens every 10,500 year, half of the Great Year of approximately 25,000 years in which it takes our solar system to circle the Central Sun of our Galaxy… and that it is possible that the pyramids were not built simply 4,000 years ago or even 10,500 years ago, but several Great Cycles ago! And by men and women from Sirius A, that same white dwarf system.
Life on our planet is far older than scientists can imagine. Yet our beautiful water planet is relatively young. Human life has been here, in one form or another, for over 18 million years. That is when Sanat Kumara and the Serpents of Wisdom arrived on the planet, 18 million years ago. And the Serpents are still here in the guise of starseeds who are slowly leading the rest of the population into the Fifth Dimension, once again.
Serpents and snakes, these earth-bound creatures bring up fear, disgust, and even hatred in most modern Western people, yet the images of these creatures is a part of the great spiritual art of the ages within the Hindu, Mayan, Chinese and other ancient cultures. Their images and shapes are carved into the sides of temples. Shiva is depicted with cobras wrapped around his waist. Goddesses dance with snakes in their hands. The ancient cultures of the Middle East and the Mediterranean abound with depictions of snakes and goddesses. Look to the art of Minos and early Greece. Snakes are everywhere. And why would that be so? Because they represent the kundalini force that resides within every human being, the kundalini which has been depicted as a Goddess in Eastern art and still is in the living cultures of Hindu India. And where does the primary source of this ancient culture stem from? Sirius.

Being one who walks between two… and now maybe more worlds, it is fascinating to observe how humanity has been purposefully held back from fulfilling its destiny as a galactic civilization. The mental and emotional… even physical bonds are now successfully being broken by intelligent and courageous individuals who are trail-breakers and Wayshowers for the rest of the population. They are, in almost every instance, defied and denied passage into the “future” by the forces of opposition, yet still these brave ones persist and learn how to move through the fear, distrust and denial of their own inherent power, THEIR inheritance from the stardust that flows through their veins and dances through the synapses of their nervous system, creating the impulse to go forward despite the odds.
For as long as the Earth has been populated there has lived upon her surface, great Masters who have conquered time and space, the Maha Rishis, holy men and occasionally, women, who live in isolated mountainous regions sprinkled across the globe. You cannot not find these masters of the elements for they vibrate at a higher level than the greater population. Various great masters of Yoga, ancient disciplines of commanding the body temple and transcending physical death, have received training from these same Rishis, these living Serpents of Wisdom. Our world is filled with more wonders than most people can imagine… especially when they remain addicted to mass media, junk food and modern culture.
Now… where am I going with this? I just want to state categorically, that we come in Peace. “We” are the members of the Galactic Federation of Light. “We” colonized the planet with our star seed, humanity, eons ago. We brought culture to the planet. We have stood side by side with our sisters and brothers born upon this planet. We have walked among you for thousands upon thousands of years, yet we are not of this world.
When your planet originally “fell” from the sixth dimension… we attempted to assist mankind to its feet, again, but the Creator had given this planet a special dispensation, that of Free Will, which we could and would not violate under any circumstances. Those of us from the higher planes of existence, living outside the boundaries of time and space, could “see” the possible timelines and what was to occur upon the planet’s surface when forces of darkness took up residence here. The planet herself, being a sentient and compassionate Being, allowed these beings to come, to give them a chance to redeem themselves of their rebellious and dangerous past. Since the opportunity was freely given by all, the cycles that followed were allowed to play out, much to the detriment of humanity in the short run.
You might ask me why in the short run? And I would reply, humanity had to be given an opportunity to grow on its own. Yes, volunteers would come to assist, but we realized early on, that there would be great resistance to our efforts and so it was that cultures rose and fell, more than the so-called modern authorities would have you believe, much more. Humanity is young in terms of galactic cultures. Even the Galaxy itself was seeded early in its formation by Beings from other galaxies and universes. I know… for I was there.
Each human being carries within them the potential to be a god… a divine being capable of great things. There is also a balancing seed of chaos and destruction, the dark yin. It is a dance between dark and light that creates life, potential and growth. And one must arrive at a balance point between these two great forces, of creation and destruction. Zero point it is called, a point of neutrality where you can rise above the need to judge yourself or others, but begin to realize and open to the understanding that ALL life is connected, is ONE magnificent web of Life.

In many ways so-called primitive man and even those rare somewhat intact indigenous cultures that still exist across the face of the planet… in many ways these people were far more spiritually advanced than modern man. Yes, Western culture has birthed a plentitude of modern conveniences, but it has also birthed greed, cultural and environmental destruction… as the hands and minds that have guided this “culture” have at their core of their beings a tremendous self-hatred and darkness that has been projected upon the peoples of the planet and upon the planet herself, although She gave succor to these same beings so long ago. The use of the life-blood of the planet, oil and gas resources, to create the chemical industry, has devolved culture into a race to obtain wealth and power over the multitude. A few families hold the wealth of the planet in their clutches and are unwilling to let go for fear that they will be destroyed in turn.
Modern society has been corrupted by forces that are little understood by most people, yet these same forces are those of the destructive forces of creation. If… and when you can rise to a place where you can begin to understand these forces and to tame them, guide them, manage and utilize them, then you have mastered the elemental forces that have created our world out of the dark matter that exists outside our atmosphere, the dark Matter of the Goddess, the matriarch and Creatrix of us all. Most people are far from understanding and managing their own lives, so it is up to some of us to step forth as Wayshowers.
My most recent “lifetime” has been a relatively quiet one where I have retraced the way Home through a rambling, zigzagging path to self-awareness and opportunities to reconnect with my starry Kin. I am fully conscious of my divine inheritance and share that knowledge so that some of those who happen across my written works will see this self-awareness reflected in their own hearts. It takes one person to step forth courageously to break a dead-lock, it takes many to bring change to a resistant population.
We have been told by sages, channels and wisdom-carriers, that ascension is one step at a time, it is not an instantaneous process although many are the followers of the so-called New Age who believe it is so. Yes, it is, but you must have arrived at a place of self-knowledge where you know that you are one with all Life and you no longer turn away in disgust and want to leave this world at whatever the cost, even to the death of your own body temple. You must arrive at a place called “Peace”, the peace that comes from within and defies the understanding of the human ego.
And so now, as my body consciousness seems determined to anchor the remaining soul essence of “Eliza” to this planet and 3D life, I struggle to obtain entrance to the place called “Peace”. It is an internal struggle and one that will end when I surrender completely my will to the greater Will and open to the faith that I will be okay, that someday in the following months and perhaps years, my entire conscious focus will be directed fully in 6D / 7D, in my life as Lady Tazjima.

I have not reached this place of surrender, yet, but am self-aware enough to realize what must be done. And so it goes… conscious awareness into the many ages of mankind, a growing awareness of my own various roles here played out as lifetimes upon the stage of the world, as both male and female, simple peasant and complicated genius. We are more than we know… each and every one of us. I encourage you, my readers, to undergo a journey of self-discovery to find out the answers of your existence.
Yesterday, I was asked to determine another person’s starry origin. I declined. There are those light workers whose mission it is to assist seekers; I am not one of these. It is simply not my calling. Yes, with some meditation I might be able to accomplish the task, but it is not mine and I will not claim it so. It took me years to determine my own heritage and has been only in the last six months that I have received verification that my hunches were so, in ways that I could not even begin to venture a guess. The journey and the self-discovery takes patience. Some claim that they are impatient to know the answers and I reply, the impatience stems from your ego’s need to know, to categorize and to plump up its own sense of self-importance.
I have not shared my journey with you in order to garner fame and fortune or followers. True wisdom-seekers rarely want or need followers, for these hangers-on impede forward progress towards true understanding. No, the true wisdom-seeker listens within and follows the intuitive hunches and listens to the magical melodies emanating from the heart of Sophia, the Goddess of Wisdom and Intuition. She sings to the soul of the seeker and it is the wise person who takes the time to listen.
Nothing outside of you will show you the way forward in this world. You must and eventually will surrender to the inward journey of the shaman and wisdom-seeker. This kind of journey has existed in one form or another for eons upon this planet. It has only been in the last five hundred years or so in Western culture that this journey has been disrespected and even degreed as being threatening to the authority of church and state. Indigenous cultures that had thrived for thousands of years with vision journeys and sacred practices have been broken apart and destroyed by those intent in bringing all into acceptance of the power and authority of the few. And now this power structure is being broken up, itself, in response to outside forces of destruction, through climatic change, environmental destruction and population unease. The people are waking up to the awareness that nothing in their daily life is as it has been presented; that they must discover their own truth. The next logical step to take is to find that truth by going within. Are you one of the pioneers who will show the people this step by going there yourself? Leave your fears and prejudices behind, leave your self-hatred and denial behind and step forth into the sunlight of enlightenment as you follow the Path homeward.
At first the path will be indistinct and you will think that you are lost. Confusion will ensue. Release it and any accompanying emotions. Step forth and find your foot securely upon that invisible bridge that will lead you to self-knowledge and beyond that to a growing knowledge and awareness that you are a part of the Universe. You are a part of the Universe intent on knowing itself and that journey must start within.
I AM what remains of Eliza… and I am still here among you as a wisdom-keeper.
©All Rights Reserved, Elizabeth Ayres Escher, http://www.bluedragonjournal.com