Journal Entry 10.31.2014
In the Western world some folks will be celebrating Halloween, All Saints Eve, All Hallows Eve, El Dia del Muertos… some form of Autumn festival.
Since leaving childhood, I’ve moved away from this celebration. I’ve seen what has happened to the celebration as it has been turned into yet another commercial opportunity. And candy is becoming a no, no for me as I grow ever sensitive to various foods here.
I love autumn, enjoy the cooler temperatures and the coloring trees, but the months of November and December that follow October are a challenging time for me due to the lack of light and shorter days.
I still have some challenging emotions coming up for transmutation post ascension. It’s an odd experience that I’m going through, but one that is apparently a result of the walk-in / walk-out process here. The body consciousness is very strong and identifies strongly with the appearance of the 3D world. Of course you can argue that this world is Maya, a dream, still I have to deal with work, taking care of a household and garden and all the things that go with it.
It doesn’t help that I am alone in this time. Fortunately I have a few internet contacts, but it isn’t the same as being able to discuss what I’m feeling and then share some simple things together… like taking a walk or going to a movie.
I’ve taken to calling in more Violet Flame and golden energies to work through the excess of uneven energies and thought-forms. I feel better for doing this… and it is good to have some mastery with the energies, always remembering that it takes giving your permission to obtain assistance, even at this stage. Our free will here is considered sacred to those who are assisting us from the other side.
When I relax and let go of the worries, doubts and fears that do crop up release their hold on me. Yes, I’m still “human” no matter what my starry origins. I live in a human vessel which is subject to whatever is in the atmosphere, a lot of what it is not mine, but still need to work with the energies as I sense them.
Has anyone noticed a lot of passings lately of friends, young people, the elderly, even children? A co-worker lost her mother this past weekend. Another family lost a 22-year-old daughter who died unexpectedly from unrevealed and perhaps as yet unknown cause. There are a lot of transitions being taken in one form or another. Release all sense of judgment related to them. It’s not “karma”, but the journey of the soul of these ones who have gone into another room or rooms that we can no longer see or feel.
I can feel strong energies pressing in upon my crown chakra. My relatives have come a calling… Time soon to visit dream land and explore other worlds.
Enjoy your Halloween celebrations… and for those who live in the southern latitudes, I hope your Spring is coming on strong and beautiful for you.
Namaste, from your Earth Reporter,
All Rights Reserved, Elizabeth Ayres Escher, http://www.bluedragonjournal.com