The Ceremony
The great auditorium is very quiet although it is filled to capacity. The light is dimmed, with all eyes upon the beautiful altar in the center of the hall. The seats are arrayed in circles around the altar, and go up in graded levels towards the rear of the hall, so all can see what is to take place.
In Hollywood, they speak of star-studded gatherings. Well, at my ascension ceremony, the hall is filled with real luminaries, great Beings of Light who have come to attend the Ascension of the daughter of Lady Master Venus and Archangel Zadkiel, the one whom you know as Tazjima Amariah Kumara VaCoupe.
I see the seats are placed in soft spirals and now I weave my way down to the altar, accompanied by two young priestesses, one my own daughter. I am dressed simply now, in a white robe for I am about to be re-born into the higher worlds. My feet are bare and my hair is dressed simply, flowing in a chestnut cloud down my back.
The three of us reached the altar and stop. I stand before the Priestess, who is Lady Nina, the Shekinah from the great Pleiadian Temple in Medina. She is also my Aunt, mate and Twin Flame to my proud Uncle Adrigon, Lord of the Pleiades.
As I stand there, the Priestess blesses the great gathering, singing in a sacred star language, which even if you cannot understand the words, goes straight to the heart.
Then there is the blessing of the four directions, the four winds and the four elements. The priestess turns in the directions of the four sacred winds, even though we stand aboard a great mother ship in the middle of space. Then she gives a blessing to the four sacred elements, those that make up our physical bodies. Next, comes the blessing of the Fifth Element, the sacred Spirit that enlivens us all. Then she stands before me, a petite, red-haired woman of immense dignity and Presence. For a moment she is silent, but I feel the growing energies building around us. Then she lifts her hands and in her cupped palms, she holds flickering flames of light.
With bold movements, she encompasses my entire auric field until I am wrapped in an opalescent aura, glowing in the soft light. I feel the kundalini energies rise up within like twin serpents as they traverse the channels rising to my crown chakra. Suddenly as the energies reach my head, I feel like my head is crowned with a cool fire and my third eye opens wide. I can see the great ones who have come to attend the ceremony, gracing the proceedings with their great Presences. I can see those who could not come in their bodies, but who are seated in etheric seats all around the perimeter of the large hall. In my human self, I would feel small and insignificant in the eyes of these luminaries, but as Tazjima, I am raised up in glory.
The blessing complete, six Beings of Light approach, Sanat Kumara, Lady Venus, Lord Zadkiel and Holy Lady Amethyst, Archangel Michael and Lady Faith. It is appropriate as these are the Ones who engendered me as I AM. Three sets of Twin Flames. Lady Venus and Lord Zadkiel are my holy Parents, who came together for a short mating to create the vessel for their daughter to be. Sanat Kumara and Holy Amethyst supported their beloved Twin Flames in this effort. And Lord Michael and Lady Faith sent forth the soul aspect needed to fill the vessel. And so I was made.
These great Beings of Light surround me. My Mother is smiling her secret smile. Sanat Kumara is radiating His great love. He has always been my Spiritual Father. Archangel Zadkiel, arrayed in the dark beauty of the VaCoupe brothers, his black hair flowing down across his golden violet robes is smiling, His beautiful face alight with joy. Lady Amethyst… we call Her Lady Amy, smiles at me and bows. She is holding a robe in her arms. Lady Venus and Lady Amy help me into it. It is in the colors of my two houses, gold and violet, with the embroidery of my Mate’s family along the hem, the cuffs and the front panels. It is heavily embroidered with gold and silver threads in an intricate flower design, but light upon my shoulders.
Then Archangel Michael and Lady Faith stand before me. They raise their hands in blessing. And as they do, I see a white dove descend from the shadowy heights above my head and hear a voice echo within, “Here is my Daughter in whom I am well pleased.”
I open my eyes – I didn’t know that I had closed them – and see, hanging in the air before me, a Great Being, Lord Melchizedek. He also blesses me as I humbly bow my head and then stands before me.
Addressing the entire gathering, the great Lord turns me about to face the assembly and says aloud in a deep, gentle but penetrating voice, “This one is a member of the Order of the Priesthood of Melchizedek, now and forever!”
“She has gone forth to serve and has returned to us greatly changed, but greatly enhanced by her experiences. She has garnered the great wealth of the ages, wisdom and compassion, and is now graced with a crown of light that will not diminish even though the pillars of heaven fall. She has been a dedicated servant to the Light and now I create her a Lady of Light and raise her up into the Seventh Heaven. So mote it be!”
Now the great Lord of Light held out an open palm to me and on his hand, a necklace appeared. It was a great pear diamond, set in amethysts and pink zircon, and hanging from a golden chain. He placed the necklace over my head and arranged it gently on my front above my high heart. Next, a small delicate tiara appeared on my brow, nestled gently into my thick hair as if placed there by hands.
Again the great Lord spoke, “Here stands before you, your servant arrayed in Light. Long has she served the cause of the Light in this Universe. May she continue to serve the Divine Mother / Father God with all her heart!”
Then, out of the shadowy reaches of the hall came a beautiful male tenor voice, singing a soft sacred hymn. It was Thorpe, one of Lord Michael’s Eagles, whose voice was like the angelic being it emanated from.
The great lords and ladies left the stage and next came a very tall, dark-haired man of great dignity and presence, my beloved Uncle, Lord Adrigon, my foster father. Behind him strode a tall, man with golden blonde hair, my beloved Mate, AnDra Lan Tetrah. Together they stood with me, facing the audience, one on each side.
Lord Adrigon addressed the assembly with his deep voice, filled with authority and warmth, “I present to you, two young people, AnDra and his Lady, Tazjima, whom I have brought up in my own household. They were destined to be together and are now, despite the fact that their Higher Selves are Twin Flames.” He paused and looked towards where Lady Faith and Archangel Michael were standing beside each other. He continued, “Where there is a Will, there is a Way, in Heaven and on earth. These two beings of grace and dedicated spirit have come together to create a family and to bring forth a great Being of Light as their next child.”
Adrigon paused again, as a beautiful dark lady now approached the altar. It was Lady Isis, an Ancient of the Days, eternally young, eternally beautiful and elegant, her slender shape arrayed in simple white robes with jewels upon her neck, head and hands. She stepped in front of the three of us and stopped, picking up my hands and kissing my open palms in blessing. Then She touched my brow and my heart and bowed to the divinity within. There was no further need to identify the soul who was destined to soon join our family. Do you know who He is?
I could feel the crowd roar with delight, although there was no sound in that sacred space. I stepped forward and bowed my head in reverence and humility to all who were assembled there, my palms together in a simple mudra.
The ceremony was ended and now came the time for me to be formally presented to the great luminaries present. I will leave it to my readers to fill that long list with their own imaginations. And after the formal presentation, the festivities are to start. Much dancing and merriment among those great Beings! I am honored to be counted among them!
This was my Ascension Day. And now I AM truly Home!
Namaste, dear ones. I bow to the sacred seed of divinity within you all. And some fine day, each of you will meet me in truth. This I promise.
I AM Lady Tazjima, Lady of Light.

©All Rights Reserved, Elizabeth Ayres Escher, http://www.bluedragonjournal.com