On My Ascension Day
A new friend asked me how I was feeling today:
I woke up after an intense, very detailed and long dream of being in a bright city with friends. We were in a restaurant. Then I walked out into the garden below and saw a paved trail leading away, towards tall steep mountains looming in the bright distance. I wanted to follow that path right then and now, but I hesitated and returned to the restaurant. I found my friends and was eating some powdered donuts (!) and then realized that I had lost my purse and could not pay. I asked for assistance, but everyone was in a rush. I spoke to the lady at the cash register. She asked me if I had credit… I did. She said it was okay and handed over a package for me. I looked into it, a tablecloth for home. I walked out of the restaurant and realized that my friends had left me behind. I stood there for a moment and then felt the mountains calling to me. I started walking towards the beckoning heights.
I woke up this morning feeling very expanded and slightly dizzy with the energies. I can fully relax today as I’m not going to work today or tomorrow. Yes, my physical self will still have to deal with “life” as we know and love it here. For some time into the future, I will still be aware of 3D energies, but open to the higher energies at the same time. It is the same challenging walk between the worlds that I have been doing quite consciously for the last three years, with my loving Family at my side.
Eventually and I’m told quite quickly my focus will “switch” to the 5D / 6D focus as sometime after the Solstice, my Mate and I go will be going into the Silence, a meditative period lasting two years where the two mates prepare and focus on creating together a suitable vehicle for their incoming baby. It is a process of great sacred love. Pleiadians consciously work at a soul level with the consciousness of the being that they are bringing forth. As such, this sacred ritual of creation is highly regarded in our culture. Our children are cherished as ones with whom we have walked in many lifetimes, as we shift roles and share experiences with each other. Parenthood takes on very different meaning than most of us have been able to experience on the earth plane for we know that our roles can and do change from lifetime to lifetime. In another life in the “future”, I will be my son’s daughter if I choose to re-enter the cycle of incarnation…and so the spirals flow.
I have already connected with the soul and Presence of my son. I have known Him in many lifetimes and am honored to assist Him to re-enter the world. He is well known to those who love the tales of old Egypt. And his Twin Flame has waited long to be reunited with Her Twin. We are honored to gift the world with this great Treasure, for eventually when fully grown, He will return to Gaia as a fully conscious Ancient of the Days.
I share this as while it is my Ascension Day, I am honored above all else to be a Mother. The Pleiadians and the people of Venus honor Motherhood and parents. When my son is “born” he will emerge fully formed from my abdomen and appear to be three-years old, fully conscious being. He will spend his first tender years with me and then go off to school with his cousins and foster brothers and sisters. We all are so honored to have one such as He choose us as His family. My eyes fill with tears of joy and tenderness.
I have never been a mother in this lifetime, yet I am feeling such a great tenderness and love for the One who is to come into my world soon. So, for me, the re-tuning period is to be highly accelerated, so that we…my Mate and I can prepare for this great event in our lives.
I begin to understand the purpose for which I came to this planet was to gain the needed wisdom and balance gained in all my lives, especially as a male, that I might share with my people and my children. You may think that the higher cultures are perfect, but there is always room for growth or a culture stagnates. Change comes more slowly in the ancient cultures of the 5D planets and star systems; you might be surprised.
In bringing forth an Ancient of Days, my family is bringing into being a great wave of change for our ancient worlds. It is for this purpose that I came into incarnation as a blended being of two worlds imbued with the highly refined energies of Divine Love. We will be sharing our new Creation with you in your future.
As I sit here wrapped up in my favorite blue robe, know that I have walked among you as a human being. I still am among you even as my focus moves to another world and life. There I am 73 years old, mother of three beautiful children, two sons and a bright, red-haired daughter, who is destined to serve at the side of her Great-Aunt, Lady Nina. We live to serve and we serve out of Love. To earth eyes, I appear like I am 25 years old, and am indeed considered very young to my Pleiadian kin, who live thousands of years in earth terms.
I go now… to eat breakfast and to rest in the powerful loving expansive energies I feel enfolding my auric field. I expand far beyond the edges of my human understanding and touch the stars that linger in a dark sky filled with the intelligent Matter of the great Goddess who is Mother of us all, those on your small, elegant water planet and those of us who walk among the stars.
All Rights Reserved, Elizabeth Ayres Escher, http://www.bluedragonjournal.com