I wrote the following for the conclusion of the 119th issue of The Culture of Awareness Weekly Newsletter, which I offer for $11.11 a month. Income from the newsletter helps my family and I get by, and the option to subscribe via PayPal (credit and debit cards are accepted if you have a PayPal account) will be given at the bottom of this post.
Since I posted my recent article, ‘My Perspective on Kathryn May’s Resignation from Channeling’, I’ve received a lot of comments from seekers who’ve given their perspective on the issue of channeling.
I’ve heard from seekers who support it wholeheartedly and seekers who seem to have left the channeling train a long time ago because of their tiredness of the more sensationalistic or prediction-based aspects it’s come to be known for, and the conscious community seems more or less divided over this topic.
After the uplifting experiences I’ve had with channeling, I’m convinced that there’s something very real and pure to it, and I think every seeker would benefit from strengthening their intuitive connection and opening up to their higher self.
I don’t necessarily think it’s in every seeker’s best interest to open up to a specific guide before they connect with their higher self, but I’m still convinced that everyone would benefit from strengthening their intuitive spiritual connection; their connection with their personal Christ consciousness.
I also believe it’s possible to connect with certain spiritual guides via our intuition, but I think this task should be left up to those who can truly handle it – those who can connect with these entities without letting their minds/egos intercept the communication with distorted or misaligned energy/information.
It’s great to see how popular channeling’s become – it’s basically exploded into a mecca of messages and channelers – but I don’t think every seeker should be trusted with what I feel is an important, difficult and monumental practice. If you really think about it, connecting with a higher-dimensional entity without any ego-driven influence whatsoever is quite a feat.
I think it should be trusted with those who’ve long practiced it and have proven that they can genuinely do it without bringing through information that can be too airy or predictive to grasp.
It’s great that so many people are practicing channeling, but we can’t expect everyone to perfect it overnight. There are going to be some who are more practiced than others, and without descending into judgment or condemnation, we can perhaps keep some type of ‘beginner level’ status in mind with channels who are just starting out.
I don’t mean to say they aren’t as ‘good’ as other, more experienced ones, but anyone who begins a new creative venture will have to brace themselves for a lot of practice before they can be at the level of those who’ve dutifully practiced before them.
They can practice just as much and eventually hone their abilities to a near perfected status, but every mission and journey has a beginning point.
A beginning singer who isn’t naturally endowed with talent won’t hit perfect notes overnight, but this isn’t a reason to condemn them and make them feel worse about something they might be passionate about and genuinely want to develop.
I can say from experience that channeled information will match the consciousness level of the person who practices it. Channeled material will give its channel information that matches his or her level of understanding, and if we’re on a shallow level, we’ll receive shallow messages.
This isn’t really our fault or the fault of the guides we seek to connect with – it simply displays that we have to practice some more. Again, if we’re so passionate about something that we want to perfect it, we’ll have to embrace practicing a lot.
If we can make the distinction between those who’ve had a lot of practice and can naturally and potently channel pure, aligned messages and those who haven’t, we could lovingly encourage those who are just starting out without automatically taking their words as gospel, which some seekers have unfortunately and unknowingly done.
When we can recognize that some channels are simply on a different level than others, we can find which ones are genuine without mistakenly lining up behind the messages of channels who haven’t practiced enough (or experienced enough spiritual growth) to get them at a proper, aligned level.
We can still support these newer channels, however, and we’ll help them excel when we do.
I don’t think it’s egotistical to want to receive the clearest, purest and most aligned messages, because after all, this is our link to the higher realms. Why would we want it to be distorted, even in the slightest?
It’s important to foster our own link to our higher self as well, and when we do, we won’t need and external higher-dimensional link. I think it’s more important to develop our intuitive connection with spirit than to endlessly follow the words of a source that, even though they could be rooted in the spiritual realms, still exists outside of us.
Fostering an inner connection is essential, and in time, every seeker will strengthen their connection with spirit and channeling might not be needed. We won’t need channeled messages when we can all communicate constantly with spirit, and personally, I’d rather us all have the ability to make this connection within.
I wanted to write about this because, as I mentioned above, I’ve read a lot of different opinions from seekers who do and don’t resonate with channeling.
I’ve noticed a few comments targeted against certain lightworkers and lightworker organizations that I support, and I want to clarify that I don’t intend to be aligned against a spiritual family that I’m very happy to be a part of.
I have no intention of separating myself from my spiritual family, and that’s partly because of the love and compassion I’ve received from them on multiple occasions and partly because I resonate with the same concepts and ideals as them.
A lot of people don’t realize that our community has expanded to a point that a lot of lightworkers or generally spiritual people wouldn’t expect. The concepts we advocate form the foundation for a wealth of inspired inner and outer work, and the basic spiritual ideals we embrace have spread all across the world.
Lightworkers across the planet are coming together with help from the concepts and ideas embraced in the conscious community.
People are coming together and finding that they can be personal with people they haven’t known very long or, in some cases, have never physically met, and we’re uniting in this way because we recognize that we’ve all come here with the same heightened spiritual perception.
Some of the things we advocate will be too difficult for the mainstream to accept, but to loosely quote Gandhi, the truth always passes through three stages: it’s mocked and laughed off; it’s violently and vehemently opposed; and finally, it’s accepted as being self-evident.
We believe that the concepts we advocate – even those that are difficult for much of the world to open up to – will eventually be understood in a similar way that the fact that the earth’s round is understood.
This idea was once considered hogwash by people who didn’t know any better, and we believe that the things we’ve discovered will eventually be understood by the entire world.
I’m not about to go against the grain of a spiritual family who’s love and unity mean so much to me, and even though I strive not to be seen in any given light or be associated with any given belief system, I’m overjoyed to be in the company of people who’ve discovered similar things as me – about channeling, spirituality, and so much else.
I don’t try not to be aligned with any given belief system or movement – especially the ascension movement that so many groups have expanded to impressive proportions. Most people probably don’t know that I write a weekly ‘channeled discussion’ column where I discuss Linda Dillon’s latest messages (among others’), for example.
I envision a time when everyone’s connected with their higher selves and reading or hearing channeled messages is no longer necessary because we each have everything we could ever hope to have (and know everything we could ever hope to know) within.
When this happens, those who served humanity’s spiritual evolution by channeling will probably assign themselves with a different, even more direct task in helping awaken all of creation.
We’ll always stay busy in the name of the light, and I proudly tip my hat to those genuine channelers and mediums out there who’ve put their pride on the line at the risk of facing endless mockery and cries of deceit to serve humanity by presenting the idea that we can communicate with higher-dimensional entities.
You’re all bridging a gap that needs bridged, and I’m proud to consider myself a part of your/our family. Let’s continue to serve Source and humanity with a clear mind and a strong heart, because what we’re doing is not just important – it’s revolutionary.
We’re pioneering things that could very well become evident in a time when everyone’s awake and aware of spirit, and if we keep going and keep increasing our efforts, there’s no telling what we could get done. Our ability to spread truth and creative positive change would be limitless, because we’d be wholeheartedly devoted to the cause.
We already are, of course, but it helps to increase our drive to present our spirituality to a world of people who’ll eventually be happy to learn about it.