sábado, julio 12, 2014

John Smallman – Jesus – You Are About To Blow Your Minds And Find Yourselves One With God – 12 July 2014

john-blog-pics-0135Today I would like to address humanity’s fears and worries, as it appears that all over the world violence and conflict is escalating uncontrollably.
Humanity is awakening!  The many conflicts erupting, between individuals in difficult relationships or within nations apparently preparing to or already tearing themselves apart at the seams, appears to indicate the reverse.  This is not the case.  For eons there has been forceful and psychological oppression, suppression, and denial in every race, culture, and religion on Earth, with each one claiming the right to enforce their views on those born into them.  However, these conflicts are but an enormous indication of the awakening of vast numbers of humans who are no longer willing to surrender their power to those who would usurp it and use it against them.

Denise Le Day - HighHeart July Newsflash - July 12, 2014

heart news1
As I’ve said before, any time Team Dark—human and nonhuman—amps up their negative, distracting, derailing, fear-mongering, focus over here people and not over there efforts on global humanity, it’s always an indicator that some very positive, very high NEW Divine Ascension related energies are about to arrive on Earth for humanity. That’s why Team Dark becomes so obviously active in the physical world again; they desperately need to ‘Smash & Grab’ as many human minds (human mental focus, thoughts etc.) and human hearts (lower frequency emotions such as fear, hatred, religious zealotry, warring, killing, death/dying, getting even etc.) as they can to literally perpetuate and fuel their negative agendas on Earth. Why? Because Team Dark cannot sustain any of them without human minds and human emotions constantly focused on and literally fueling them. Due to the Ascension Process however, Team Dark continues losing more and more humans every day to the current Ascension waking up process, meaning they’ve been greatly amplifying their efforts over the past years to not let humanity escape them and/or utilize these potent Evolutionary Ascension Energies.

Méline Portia Lafont – The Fairies And The Unicorns – The Lands Of Mystery – 12 July 2014

I’ve been connecting with the Dolphin Collective to ask if our beautiful family wanted to share a message from their beautiful hearts, as it has been such a long time since I have received a message from them. The Dolphins replied to me that they are in the full process of keeping this Ascension Process for the highest good of all as they function as the keepers for the grids on Earth and are very busy with keeping these grids in balance during these intense shifts and this movement in consciousness as well as with the dissolving of the old. So instead the Fairies and the Unicorns were willing to come through today with a beautiful message from the heart.


channeld by Jahn J Kassl
transated by Franz
Report: Since a few days ago my beloved Son NOAH casts 
out and fights “Ghosts”, as he emphasizes. Thereby he grabs
a colored wooden stick, puts on a very stern facial expression, 
and also the body posture of a “Samurai Warrior” and says 
very loudly: “With my light sword I kill ghosts, which are evil, 
I do not want them in our home.” Thereby he asks me to do 
likewise. After such an action, I ask him, what will happen to 
the ghosts. NOAH: “First they go into the earth, and then 
into Heaven.” (End of report).

Supermoon 2014:third super-sized moon of 2014 overnight July 11-12

Conferencia de la Luz del Verano 2014 Canalización de Kryon - Lee Carroll - Monte Shasta, California - 12 de Junio de 2014

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

¿Pueden sentir el mensaje? Oyeron el tema de las canciones y las letras? Se puede decir mucho con música; la canalización es música. El mensaje es claro, ya no hay un enigma ante ustedes, ya no; en su lugar hay una realidad que pueden alcanzar y tocar si así lo eligen, y tal vez la música haya suavizado tu corazón. Podrías reconocer, darte cuenta, de que eres más grande de lo que crees.

La canalización de esta noche es simple, no es larga. Quiero preparar este escenario, darles algo de historia, quiero contarles cómo es esto. Todos ustedes, reunidos en este lugar, a la sombra de la montaña, normalmente sentirían la energía de lo que llamamos Gaia.

viernes, julio 11, 2014

Episode 12 Q&A With Drunvalo Melchizedek & ATIH Teacher Michelle Pacheco

UFO in Gudalajara Mexico sending signals▬OVNI enviando Señales Gudalajara Mex 04/07/2014

Suzanne Lie - Creating Your Own Reality Part 5

ALAJE THE PLEIADIAN - HU Mantra-Theta Waves Meditation-30 min

Soul Journeying - Part 2 - Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll - Mar 23, 2014 (July 11, 2014)

Continues from Part 1
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. There used to be a time when my partner had to adjust within the first few moments of a channelling. There was a time where he had to actually change his countenance, try to relax, and let the pineal flow without what is called the filters of Human consciousness. But now I just jump in whenever it's appropriate. It's the way of it, and the practice of communicating with Spirit pays off the more you do it, so the Human Being is asked to practice.



Wes Annac - Oversoul Teachings: Keep the Strength – Part 2/2 - Jul 11, 2014

Concluded from Part 1.
There are a lot of complex things for you to feel and remember, and chief among them is the manner in which science and spirit as you perceive them work hand-in-hand. Your reality is comprised of physical matter, but the matter around you has been distorted from the greater, more refined spiritual matter that exists in the realms beyond.
This spiritual matter is responsible for the creation of your reality, and as it’s fed into your physical reality from the higher light planes, it slowly yet surely becomes denser and denser until its vibration matches that of your surface and collective consciousness.

Wes Annac - Oversoul Teachings: Keep the Strength – Part 1/2 - Jul 11, 2014

Channeled through Wes Annac, Oversoul Teachings, The Culture of Awareness
Allow yourselves to connect with other realms; other dimensions of consciousness, the inhabitants of which excitedly await the contact you can make with us.
Let yourselves believe you’re capable of perceiving and connecting with the higher realms, for in doing so, you’ll strengthen your higher-dimensional links and start bringing through the energies and impressions of your guides in much clearer ways than most of you are presently able to.
We’re constantly sending our energies and impressions for as many earthly souls as possible to pick up on, and we wait for you to realize our constant presence around you so you can use our presence for your benefit and that of your planet.

jueves, julio 10, 2014

Actualización de Luna Llena – 12 de julio, 2014 por Lena Stevens y Pat Liles - Jul 10, 2014

10 de Julio 2014

Traducción: Fara González López
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Queridos amigos,

La luna llena es el sábado, 12 de julio a las 5:24 AM horario de verano de las montañas.

Es un tiempo de gratitud por aumentar su capacidad para tener y para recibir lo que se despliega en sus vidas. Si estas áreas necesitan procesamiento, establezcan algunas intenciones para restablecer su cimiento de manera que lo que se despliegue para ustedes se incremente de la forma en que desean. Presten atención al humor, la belleza y todo el apoyo que tienen. Esta luna llena es una celebración y un tiempo para la expansión y gran prosperidad. Hagan o consigan algo que sea un símbolo de prosperidad para ustedes.

SaLuSa 11 July 2014

We detect a new mood amongst many of you, indeed a welcome one that indicates that you have moved beyond the stage of disappointment that you felt after the end of 2012. Situations such as you have experienced are largely the result of them being very fluid, and with the best will we cannot always predict how things will turn out. You may however be assured that whatever we do is in the best interests of everyone. It is the bigger picture that is important and from your perspective, you cannot really see it all. God has decreed that all shall go ahead as planned, and it is therefore a “fete accompli”. So we ask you to accept that we are wholly committed to bringing the truth into being, and helping you advance as quickly as possible into the New Age. What has been ordained by God must come into being, and no matter what takes place to prevent it, it will not and cannot succeed.

Suzanne Lie – More Message From Antares – Clearing Darkness – 10 July 2014

SuzanneLie(I return to give the next message I received from the Antarians. There were some portions of this message about the possibility of destruction in our world. This is likely one reason why I put these messages away and forgot them. Since we have NOT created those realities as of NOW, and it seems less likely with every passing day, I feel I can release that component of the Antarian message. I think it is important that we all “pat our selves on the back.” We have victoriously survived this far with out allowing the possible reality of destruction to occur. Congratulations humanity! And thank you Galactics!)
Dear Commander MalteeseI have heard your call. Is there a message for me?

miércoles, julio 09, 2014

Patricia Cota-Robles – A Powerful Tool To Ease Our Stress In Challenging Times – 9 July 2014

patriciacotaroblesThese are incredibly powerful but sometimes challenging times. Because of the monumental influxes of Light we have been experiencing over the past few months, our bodies are under a lot of stress and often feel like they are being buffeted about in tumultuous ways. This phenomenon is causing not only confusion, but some intense physical pain and genuine fatigue.
Our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies are comprised of earth, air, fire, water, and ether elements. Fortunately, these elements are intelligent and respond well to positive and nurturing energy from Humanity and from other facets of the Elemental Kingdom. This means that we have the ability to assist our bodies and to relieve them of the pain and excess stress by Loving them, and by using some of the powerful tools from the Elemental Kingdom that are being given to us from On High.

Valerie Donner – A Channeling from Mira From The Pleiadian High Council – 9 July 2014

valerieDonnerGreetings, I am Mira. I am steady at the helm with the Earth Council as we progress with the earth’s ascension process.
There are many needs and complex issues with which we must deal. The gateways continue to open and much progress is being made. We stand up for you; we work on your behalf. We monitor the flow of life and the many changes that take place.
We observe your planet’s focus on world sporting events. We know that this intense focus is what you need to make to uplift the planet into the higher dimensions. Wouldn’t it be fantastic if your media would carry the news of what’s really happening? The ascension process of the earth is the greatest event of all creation. All of creation is focused on you while much of your populace is focusing on soccer or some other sport.

Karen Downing - Landing on Your New Path - July 6, 2014

Capitalizing on the May 19 slingshot energy, many individuals have been feeling up in the air, in a space of not knowing where and when they are going to touch down. You were shot up in the air on May 19 with the powerful combination of energy, utilizing all of the astrological transits that April and May had to offer. Then for the last 7 weeks, you have been riding the arc of that slingshot trajectory, feeling like you are floating with little to no idea of what is going to happen next.
Add that to a chaotic feeling Mercury Retrograde period (ended June 30), and you can feel like you don’t remember which way is up anymore. This feeling is creating some physical symptoms to coincide with this spiritual launch forward. You can feel vertigo, nausea, dizziness, lower back pain, foot aches/cramping, restless legs, as well as an overall sense of confusion, like you feel unsure of the answer to even the simplest of questions.

Jesuit Superior Resigns. Pope May Resign. Child Abuse Scandal Widens. More witnesses coming forward. British Royal Family implicated.

~~Catholic Jesuit Superior Adolfo Panchon announced his resignation this week after the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels linked him to Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult ceremonies. For the last month five judges have “examined numerous eyewitnesses and Vatican archival documentation that clearly link Pachon, Pope Francis, former Pope Ratzinger and Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby to the ritual rape and killing of children as recently as 2010″ according to yesterday’s bulletin from the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State. Last month the ITCCS began prosecuting the case before the five international judges and 27 jury members. http://itccs.org/

Rananda. - “GOING “HOME” FOR THE FIRST WAVERS” - July 9, 2014

The “First Wavers” of the Starseed volunteers are those that descended from the ships of “The Galactic Federation Of Light” (GFL) many thousands of years ago; at the beginning of the evolutionary period, just ended; and who have worked as “Ground Crew” on the Earth during hundreds of lives.
They are the “Bodhisattwas”; those that descended from 6D+ to 5D, so that they could re-enter the cycle of reincarnation to take birth on the Earth, and oil the wheels of spiritual evolution.
They have been the spiritual teachers, priests, priestesses and shamans, artists, innovators and inventors; the “Wayshowers” of “The First Wave”. They have exerted a civilizing influence and provided a spiritual connection for Humankind, and have guided them toward ascension to 5D at the end of the evolution. As that moment is now come, their work is done, and it is time for them to reblend with their Higher Selves and re-ascend to the ships whence they came.

Sheldan Nidle – Update For The Spiritual Hierarchy And The Galactic Federation – 9 July 2014

SheldanNidle6 Kan, 7 Kumku, 10 Caban
Selamat Jalwa! (Be in Everlasting Joy!) We return with much to say about a number of topics. At present, you are on the verge of a new reality. The dark cabal is rapidly diminishing. A number of nations are currently putting together coalitions whose purpose is to bypass the many fiat-based organizations of the old dark order. These financial organizations were given life by the signing of the Dumbarton-Oaks agreements in late 1944. The old guard institutions, such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), are to be set aside as new “true value” precious metal global currencies manifest. Along with these new currencies are to be new banking regulations as expressed by various “Basel III” compliances. Our Earth allies and their numerous national associates are doing this to redistribute the planet’s wealth and create a way to push the dark from its present position of financial and governmental supremacy. All of this is just the beginning of a process to free you from centuries-long debt slavery and the corruption of governments sworn to uphold every whim of the cabal and its many associates.

Karen Bishop´s Updates


Dr Michael Salla - From Contact to Ascension: extraterrestrial contact as a prelude to universal ascension

Officially launched Monday, January 13, 2014. Available at Amazon.com
Officially launched Monday, January 13, 2014. Available at Amazon.com
The main idea in a new book officially launched today, FromContact to Ascension: Timely Information from members of the Intergalactic Board of Council, is that not only the Earth, but the universe is undergoing an ascension process whereby life as we know it is about to change

Earth-Keeper: Graham Hancock on Human Consciousness & Meaning of Life

martes, julio 08, 2014

Brenda Hoffman – You’re Joyfully Creating A Rainbow Of Diversity – 8 July 2014

cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo
Summary of Brenda’s July 5, 2014 channeled, free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: Your feelings of angst are temporary – until you exit your plastic wrap or after birth. It’s as if the plastic wrap allows you to know where you want to be, but prevents you from shifting to that place. In a few days, that wrap will be discarded and your angst will be forgotten – both by you and those you may be upset with now.You’re also afraid that those you love won’t accept new earth. Not to worry. Those not on an immediate growth path were dismissed by you some time ago.
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for  www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: “Use Your New Skills to Clear Old Wounds”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
We wish to address those angers and fears that some believe will fully permeate the remainder of their earth life.

WHAT REALLY IS THE MATRIX - the movie you didn´t see

Meteor fireball caught on police car's camera over West Midlands

Karen Dover - Opening of the portal to the New Earth physical reality - July 8, 2014

For many of you the past few linear days may have felt intense in a way that you have never experienced before.  Indeed the build up to the weekend may have also floored many of you.  The intense New Earth frequencies were needed in order to push through the dense outer rim of the old 3D earth created reality. As I have blogged many times the old 3D earth created reality sits within the UNIVERSE of 3, the analogy that I use is that of a snow-globe and a coffee table, the snow -globe representing the old 3D earth created reality and the coffee table representing the UNIVERSE of 3.
As in human form you are born into the snow-globe you are taught only how to exist and survive within said snow-globe, as your human eyes only see to the edges of where you are at the moment physically you are not even aware that you exist within said snow-globe at a waking level as the snow-globe rim is not seen by your naked human eyes.  The UNIVERSE of 3 is raising the frequencies that flow across, through and around the Planet Earth in order to break through the density that is the outer rim of the old 3D earth created reality.  This allows for freedom of movement out with the confines of said snow-globe.

Elite Secret Busted Wide Open!! Dead Body Inside Bohemian Grove…

The Bohemian Grove is a place where the rich and powerful secretly meet for seventeen days each year in July. They meet in a remote “sacred grove” filled with ancient redwood trees in the forests that surround San Francisco. There is believed to be 1,500 members, who names are kept secret, but they include heavy-hitting corporate chieftains, high government officials, presidents, illuminati and Bilderberg members, famous Hollywood entertainers, musicians, authors, and the like.

Beam Of Light Registered By a Camera Live Stream of U S Capitol, 3 Aliens?

lunes, julio 07, 2014

Judith Kusel - The Awakening…. deep within…Jul 7, 2014


The awakening in consciousness is the true movement of higher energy fields, into the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies of mankind and planet earth on multiple levels and in different forms.
When one thinks of energy one has to understand that in essence all energy is made up of minute particles of light, which vibrate at a certain frequency. Therefore the new energy now works on multiple levels, and that is color and sound. Both combine to form the nucleus of the new technology which will become the way of life, in the New Golden Age.

Audio - Mars Defense Force: Defending Human Colonies - Full Interview

Crop Circles 2014 - The Long Man of Wilmington

Illuminati 2014: A SCARY MESSAGE TO AMERICA (Hollywood Predictions COMING TRUE)

Shanta Gabriel - Be grateful For all That You Are - Jul 7, 2014

Shanta GabrielThe Gabriel Message card for this week:
Be grateful for all that you have and all that you are.
With all that is going on in the world and in our lives, it is easy to get disgruntled. Sometimes it is easier to just let our thoughts go into the negative channels, where we seem to have a habitual groove, and just ruminate on how bad things seem to be.

Judith Dagley - 7.7.14 It’s ALL Frequency NOW.

Frequency Lesson– I don’t know where to BEGIN. Even the word “begin” isn’t a helpful one, born of linear programming as it is. I CAN say that I am CONSCIOUSLY learning (consciously is a keyword)  about ten “aha lessons”  a minute, however… which is slow, I admit, since they come at least a thousand a minute.
But considering that a year ago I was probably CONSCIOUSLY learning only about five “aha lessons” a minute, it IS progress– which is no longer a useful word either. It is EXPANSION… that’s better.

Suzanne Lie – More Transmissions From Antares – Communication Via Light Language – 7 July 2014

SuzanneLie(When I received these messages, I was too afraid of judgment from “others” to release them. That fact that I can calmly release them now shows how much the world, and myself, has changed in just 19 years. It is easy for us to look around and see how the world is the same, but how often do we look around to see how much our world has changed.

Chile Provides UFO Disclosure on Sighting in Remote Copper Mine Case - July 7, 2014

The government office investigating UFOs in Chile has released an analysis of two high quality photos showing what appear be genuine unidentified flying objects above a remote copper mine. The office, known as the CEFAA (Committee for the Studies of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena), is located within the Ministerial Department of Civil Aeronautics (DGAC), the equivalent of our FAA, under the jurisdiction of the Chilean Air Force. It is responsible for the analysis of selected reports of unexplained aerial phenomena in Chilean airspace, most of them from pilots and aviation personnel.

The photos were taken at the Collahuasi copper mine, more than 14,000 feet above sea level in the Andean plateau in the far north of Chile. An extremely remote location with low oxygen levels and unusually clear skies, the area is desolate and inhospitable. The Collahuasi mine produces copper concentrate, copper cathodes and molybdenum concentrate from three open-pit mineral deposits. (Click here for a map).

Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve

Fran Zepeda - Message from Lakshmi: Prosperity Flows ~ July 7, 2014

Lakshmi(Note From Fran: I was awakened suddenly from sleep a few nights ago to a presence similar to the image I post here, and it was Lakshmi, the Hindu Goddess of Prosperity, and when I asked why she was here, she replied and gave me the following message, which she said was for me, but I share it with you all as you may find it helpful also):

domingo, julio 06, 2014

Catholic Pope Threatened as the House of Cards is About to Crumble by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert - July 6, 2014

by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert


UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that the U.S. NAZI Paperclip NSA occupation government in concert with the NAZI Paperclip dominated Opus Dei (a right wing branch of the Roman Catholic Church) is currently making physical threats against the current Catholic Pontiff Pope Francis.

Note: Both former NSA NAZI Chieftain Michael Hayden and former British Prime Minister and war criminal Anthony Blair are current members of Opus Dei.

Jahn J Kassl - Asana Mahatari - Invocation for the Ascension - Jul 6, 2014

first published on July 6, 2014 in
Honored Reader!
On Sunday June 29th 2014 at 10:40 pm I received the following email from Dr. Georgi Stankov: 
Dear Jahn,
As already mentioned, St. Germain (Asana Mahatari) is continuously present with us for the last three days.  He has just told Carla that we should integrate the gold-violet flame fully into our energy fields, because this is the flame of ascension. It is not only the flame / energy of transmutation  and healing, but also of peace and ascension, which can only  come when all the old patterns of separation have been resolved  and healed. I just did my personal invocation and was immediately  flooded with source energy and got goose bumps, which I only  experience when I perform global purges of the dark archons.

Ann Albers - Don't Put Off Life - 5 July, 2014

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Your life is happening now, dear ones, not tomorrow, not some day in the future, but right now. There will always be reasons to put off your joy. There will always be very good excuses. You may not have enough time, money, or energy for your dreams. You may not feel well enough to take the steps to make things happen. Our message today is simple... take the steps anyway, for in moving forward towards your dreams, wishes, goals, and desires, you call forth Life! You call forth Love! You enter into streams of grace in which you receive the support and assistance you need.

Archangel Michael - The Purpose of Money in the Material - Meredith Murphy - 3 July, 2014

Hello, beautiful friends.
It is with great joy that we reconvene in this moment of shared focus and expansion. We are delighted that you are rethinking your relationship to imagining in response to our invitation yesterday, after having declared your desire to experience a clear state. This desire to experience a clear state beyond all previous knowing of money was very powerful in your imagining yesterday for many of you.
We marveled at how simple your imagining yesterday became more expansive.

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 6 July 2014 - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 07 al 14 de Julio, 2014 por Marlene Swetlishoff

July 7-14, 2013
Beloved Ones,
As the completion of many issues comes to a close in your personal lives, know that there is a turning point approaching that will see you finally free of the heavier densities that you have been grappling with. This was because many of you have chosen to take on and experience these lower vibrations as a way to facilitate a speedier cleansing of the collective field of humanity which surrounds the Earth. The field has been cleansed for the most part and this now makes it easier for awakening souls to deal with their personal issues which are beginning to surface as the energies increase and intensify. That which you have completed is now being experienced by the general populace but without the accumulated density from generations past to encumber them.

Marilyn Raffaele – The Arcturian Group – 6 July 2014

marilynraffaeleJULY 6,2014
Dear ones, we come again to greet you with words of love and encouragement for we understand how difficult the world has become for so many. Indeed, things really are proceeding as they should, so try not to get distracted by the images you see through an understanding that images represent the third dimensional consciousness in manifestation. This understanding was Buddha’s enlightenment experience. He then tried to teach others, but most were unable to fully comprehend the idea and believed that since the whole world was an illusion, it was ok to ignore the suffering of others. The world is real, it is the false interpretations of duality and separation consciousness that constitute illusion.

Aisha North: Welcome to the July Gathering Around the Pond, Sunday, July 6

Dear family of light!
The trip to the mountains with my sister is already a magical one, but tomorrow, Sunday July 6 at 21:00 Oslo time it will become even more so. For then, it is time for another Gathering around the Pond. I have a feeling it will be a very special occasion for us all, and just the fact that my sister and I will be able to connect to this amazing Pond and everyone gathered here while being fully immersed in these powerful mountain energies is making my heart sing :-). Here is what the CCs wanted to share about it:

Mahala – Planet Alert July 2014 – 6 July 2014

MahalaBy Admin on behalf of Mahala, on July 5th, 2014
Thank goodness Mercury has gone direct. I don’t know about you but it was an awesome event for me.  All kinds of emotional stuff from the past came up for me to look at and release. I know many people experienced letting go of old stuff, which started big time on June 23 and continued until June 29 when the energy finally broke.



Honored Reader!

On Sunday June 29th 2014 at 10:40 pm I received 
the following email from Dr. Georgi Stankov: 

Dear Jahn,

As already mentioned, St. Germain (Asana Mahatari) is 
continuously present with us for the last three days. 
He has just told Carla that we should integrate the gold-violet 
flame fully into our energy fields, because this is the flame of 
ascension. It is not only the flame / energy of transmutation 
and healing, but also of peace and ascension, which can only 
come when all the old patterns of separation have been resolved 
and healed. I just did my personal invocation and was immediately 
flooded with source energy and got goose bumps, which I only 
experience when I perform global purges of the dark archons.

sábado, julio 05, 2014

Jahn J Kassl - CHIPPING OF THE ELITES, JJK - Jul 5, 2014



written by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Breach of Taboo in Austria 
For the first time a “people representative” and medical 
professional talks about what is waiting for all of mankind 
in the backyard of the NOW horror: the total chipping! 

The chipping by means of RFID chip technology (Radio-Frequency 
Identification), in the USA already the custom, one also wants to
make it palatable for Austrians and make it presentable in Europe. 
Initially it is a much more harmless chip, without the connection to
a “central server”. And the NWO laurel for this pioneering effort in 
Europe has been draped around the Austrian Politician (Team Stronach) 
and medical professional Dr. Marcus Franz.

viernes, julio 04, 2014


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Dream: I see Vladimir Putin, as he says: 
„Enough of the lies, from now on I act and create 
facts.“ Thereby his facial expression is very stern and his lower 
jaw is more pronounced than actual. (End of dream) 
Interpretation JJK: Putin refers to the USA, to NATO and the EU. 
These Western Powers can no longer be recognized as a reliable 
partner. Also the language of diplomacy (the allowed lies, one has 
agreed upon) fails. Putin therefore says that he is willing to do 
everything in order to protect Russia from the raid of the USA and 
NATO. Because in the Ukraine conflict it is only about expanding this
alliance of geopolitical ruler ship to Russia’s borders, in order to thereby
have easier direct influence on Russia and China (also militarily). 

Selacia - Your Past and Awakening to Your Full Potential - Jul 4, 2014 - Su Pasado Y El Despertar A Su Pleno Potencial - Jul 4, 2014

This is not your ordinary lifetime, as you have already figured out! One thing that’s different is the active expression of your DNA-level encodement for awakening into your full potential. It’s in the ON position this life, catalyzing remembrances of what you were born to be and do, and stirring within you an incessant and persistent desire to move to the next phase of your spiritual unfolding.
This energetic encodement is a bit like an alarm clock within you that was programmed to go off at key moments of this lifetime – awakening you to your soul’s purpose and helping you to remember your role as a divine changemaker.

Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa - 4 July 2014

Even those of you who are aware of time moving quicker are surprised that it appears to be going faster than ever. This in itself is a clear signal that changes are continuing to rapidly take place that will lead you further into the New Age. So do not doubt for one moment that they are setting up a scenario that will see the end of the old Age. There are signs for all to see but unfortunately very few are aware of them or their significance. In general terms what might be noticed is that the old style leadership is changing. No longer are those simply out for personal power and wealth able to fool people so easily. Instead those with a more moderate approach and with honest policies are being accepted, and they came into this period of time specifically to lead you forwards to your intended destiny. The Third Dimension as you understand it is rising up in vibration and will carry those who are ready with it. You have deservedly been given this opportunity to leave the lower vibrations for the higher ones.

Occult Message in Speech by Christine Lagarde of IMF

1:15 / 15:58 Mars - How Long Can The Truth Be Hidden?

Exclusive: Secret underground base beneath Denver International Airport now revealed by whistle-blower


(Photo: Shepard Ambellas/Intellihub News)
(Photo: Shepard Ambellas/Intellihub News)
DENVER (INTELLIHUB) — The Denver International Airport (DIA) is nestled on a vast 53 square mile complex and is owned and operated by the City of Denver.  In fact, it’s the largest airport in the United States, in terms of land mass garnered, and the second largest airport in the world to Saudi Arabia’s King Fahd International Airport as I pointed out in my appearance on the Travel Channel series America Declassified.

Tazjima - A Message from Your Family of Light - Jul 4, 2014

A Message from Your Family of Light

Greetings, dear ones, we are your Family of Light. We welcome you into the expansive energies of July. Summer reigns in the north and winter in the south latitudes.

Do you feel our energies in your heart these days? We are ever present, watching over you, guiding you quietly with nudges and notions. And when you “tune-in”, you can feel us there, as your heart chakra flares with gentle warmth.

Do some of you wake up in the morning with an unfinished conversation lingering on your lips, as you speak to someone who isn’t yet visible to your waking eyes? Or with a fully open pineal gland, are you blissing out and sometimes having a difficult time coping with the functions of your remaining 3D portions of your life?

Crop Circles 2014 - Ackling Dyke, Nr Sixpenny Handley, Dorset

Who are the Jesuits?

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 1 July 2014

AishaNorthAs you have perhaps already noticed, you will be subjected to a myriad of different energetic sources now, and they in turn will serve to ignite quite a few conflicting responses within you, both in the physical but also in the emotional sense.
Let us explain. We have touched briefly upon the fact that you are not only carriers of light and information, you have also been dispersing the same for many a lifetime already, and now, as these seeds starts to germinate and come into life, one by one at first, but very soon in a veritable avalanche, these seeds themselves will also start to affect you in so many ways. For even if you have dropped them away from you so to speak on your journeys here on this planet, you still carry the imprint of these signals to the world within your DNA, and this combined with the reciprocal feedback you have been given from your own planet every time you have deposited one of these pods of information, will make many a circuit within you start to talk louder and louder. And so, what you hear will at times be a veritable cacophony of signals, seemingly pushing you in all directions at once, giving you no solid ground to stand on, and taking you out on a dizzying journey that will be apt to make the strongest amongst you feel weakened. But again, these conflicting emotions and physical signals are merely signals of improvements, not just on a personal level, but indeed on a global one.


jueves, julio 03, 2014

Méline Lafont – Saint Germain – The Current Unfoldings – 3 July 2014

MélineGreetings, I AM Saint Germain
It is with heartfelt sincerity that I compliment Humanity for being such brave hearted souls and kindred spirits through this manifestation of the new world. The new world is in its full remake program where a recalibration is the festivity of that event. There are various ways, offers and pathways given to you all to climb the famous and gigantic tree of life. Be careful to not fall off the branches that hold you together during your climb. Those branches function as a rooted reality that holds you just as much in your vibration and reality as you allow yourself to be in.

¿Por qué necesitan planes de contingencia basados en el miedo? - Brenda Hoffman - 24 de junio 2014


Traducción: Fara GonzálezDifusión: El Manantial del Caduceohttp://www.manantialcaduceo.com.ar/libros.htm



Quizás ustedes no sean parte del caos que parece incontrolado a lo largo del globo – guerras, temor a la guerra, hambruna, convulsión de la tierra – pero entonces, probablemente se pregunten cuánto tiempo tomará hasta que ustedes sean parte de esto.

Kryon - Earth as a School


createpleiadesAs the procession of the heavenly bodies continues to operate in your skies, the radical influence of said energies continues to influence all who dwell on GAIA. Through the influence of said power many more souls are beginning to awaken to their true identification principles, which are the encoded particles of their DNA structure. The DNA of said individuals miraculously unwinds a long cord of structural components within, and brings forth the echo of yesteryear, and the ringing tones of ascension of tomorrow, binding said energies into the NOW moment of time. Binding the visible and invisible worlds and merging them together ever so gently.

Higher Divine Source via Multidimensional Ocean – 3 July 2014

10501933_10152279469374023_8956888535648053288_nHigher Self and infinite knowledge is always at hand’s reach. Just stop, look within and listen to what the energy living within your body tells you.
That energy is always around you, it inhabits you, it embraces you and loves you. This is what comes directly from Source, it is present in all of us. It has infinite knowledge and infinite love. Listen to its wisdom and it will bring you more and more consciousness.
Let the magic take place within yourself, consciously, every moment of every day.

This high divine energy Source is what you truly are. It coexists within the gravity of your human body, it is associated with it for this life.
It is not your body, it is not limited by the body either. It can travel freely anytime.
Much love.
Higher Divine Source via Multidimensional Ocean See More