jueves, octubre 10, 2013

Selacia - Accelerate Your Spiritual Progress - October 10, 2013

We live in a time of revolutionary change, catalyzing beginnings and endings that will help create a more loving world.  Here’s both the big picture and how it impacts you in your personal life.
Big Picture
Endings in our times of unprecedented changes include a falling away of dysfunctional systems and approaches. Beginnings include creation of a brand-new way to co-exist with one another – fueled by love rather than fear. These energies of beginnings and endings are all around us now – they are global and they impact you and everyone you will meet.

AA Michael - Yeshua -You are creators. Be good at it. – Ron Head - October 10, 2013

Divine energy
Divine energy

We congratulate all those who have been, and continue to be, detached from the apparent chaos that surrounds you at this time.  As usual, all is not as it appears to be from your perspective.

There is, in fact, a great deal to be joyful about, even in those events which hold so much of your attention if you let them.  Of course we recommend that you not give them that much attention.  Still, we recognize the difficulty of that.  So let us say that what appears so terrible on the surface is, as we have stated prior to these happenings, only the clearing of the way for much more positive things.

ISON UPDATE/8 Objects Inside the Coma.

Anonymous 11/5/2013 World Wide Million Mask Protest


renaissanceDearly beloved children of the universe we come to you now at the time of the Renaissance. The renaissance of the NEW ERA. The renaissance of your hearts and souls, for as you stand at the brinks of the new earth, you find yourself ready to take a step forward and yet there is a part of you that wishes to take a step back. Jolting you into a dance of doubt and flight. As you reach into your soul to release the fear and doubt, you get ready for takeoff, and takeoff you shall!  The time has come to put everything that you have learnt thus far to action.
Magenta the color of the emotional freedom and universal harmony generating love, compassion, cooperation and harmony. Magenta the color that your skies are being tainted with by us to assist you. Magenta the color of FREEDOM and infinite possibilities. Magenta the color of the new Renaissance Phase.

The Company of Heaven: Your Inner-Sun has never Shone Brighter - Wes Annac-

-Channeled through Wes Annac-
Speaking for the Company of Heaven:
The Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes
SanJAsKa and the Pleiadian Councils
Saan and the Arcturian Councils
We are the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes, speaking delightfully for the Company of Heaven. There are a few different collectives who wish to come through and speak at this time, and we’ll keep our message short enough to accommodate each collective who wishes to speak.
Humanity continues to greet purer energies, and the resulting understandings you’re accessing are becoming purer as well. Humanity is coming to understand the necessity to come together despite what you’ve perceived to be your differences, and the level of unity and Love is growing on your planet in every moment.

El Akasha Elusivo Canalización en vivo de Kryon por Lee Carroll Minneapolis, Minnesota – 10 de agosto de 2013


Para ayudar al lector, esta canalización ha sido revisada [por Lee y Kryon] para proporcionar una mayor comprensión. Muchas veces, los mensajes de Kryon canalizados en vivo contienen una energía que se transmite emocionalmente y no está presente en la página impresa. Así que disfruten de este mensaje mejorado presentado en Minneapolis en 2013

Saludos, queridos, yo soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Mi socio se aparta de su consciencia de una forma se ha practicado durante años. Este no es un atributo humano sencillo, porque una vez más el Humano quiere estar en control completo y total de las cosas que son más pertinentes para su supervivencia. Una de ellas es su conciencia, por lo que la canalización que ven con él es ligeramente distinta a las del pasado. Lo hemos dicho antes, no hay posesión alguna del Ser Humano durante este proceso. En vez de eso, hay una fusión, una sociedad, y eso es lo que se ve. De modo que mientras mi socio se hace a un lado, él está viendo todo lo que está ocurriendo. Incluso puede escribirlo más tarde de ser necesario. Esto se debe a que tenemos un Ser Humano que es capaz de trabajar con esa parte sagrada de sí mismo que es nueva y diferente. Es una participación en vez de una posesión.

October 9, 2013 Remarkable, Close-Up ET Encounters in Oregon on Video

Thanks to Extraterrestrials.ning.com for sharing this great collection. Wow. This guy is an ET magnet. You’ve got to see this—particularly the video that just says, “Wow”. That says it all. The first one is an interview with images, the rest are regular videos. I wonder what they’re doing... Mojo has established somewhat of a relationship with these visitors and it just goes to show what can happen if you’re open. ~ BP 


miércoles, octubre 09, 2013

Aisha North: A History of Creation – Part 2 Oct 9, 2013

AishaNorthSo let us delve further into this mysterious world behind the veil, for we gather you are starting to get more than a little curious about some of those tantalizing details. The last time, we showed you that the essence of it all is in creating, or the energy that has been given the task of creating it all, from big and small, tangible and less so. This in itself can be very difficult to fathom, but let us again try to give you another view and perhaps this will make things percolate even deeper into your being. For you are indeed an intrinsic part of it all, but the construction of everything is still a mystery to you and to everyone else sharing this little planet with you.

Angelic Guides - “Straddling Two Worlds” - Taryn Crimi - Oct 9, 2013

“Straddling Two Worlds”

doorway to new dimensionToday we would like to focus your attention on the topic of your soul’s evolution.  This message is primarily for those who are moving through the shift in a conscious manner, which allows their being to ascend into the higher dimensions from which you all came.  This message is intended for those who are specifically drawn to this message; you are the souls who are experiencing the destruction of one world and the creation of another.  You are the “demolition crew” as well as the architects and builders of the new reality which you are creating each and every moment of your day.

Allow – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn October 09, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
Note: She asked me to publish this message today, she just gave me, since it is very important.
My child, allow! Allow the energies the passage through your body and the anchoring in the heart of Gaia. Your body takes the energies it needs and passes all the rest; to Gaia, into your surroundings and to the people around you. This will only work without problems if you allow this process! These energies that are being sent to you by myself and other beings are enormously important to the overall process of ascension. That is why it is so important that you allow and do not block, my child. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://thesilverplatinumflame.wordpress.com/

AA Gabriel via Shanta Gabriel: The River of All Creation Oct 9, 2013

http://www.thegabrielmessages.com/wp-content/uploads/shanta-gabriel-teacher-healer.jpgSaturday, 5 October, 2013  (posted 8 October, 2013)
Dear Ones,
This is a year to claim your freedom: Freedom to express the deepest desires of your soul, freedom to choose to live a more heart-centered life, freedom to open to a deeper sense of love within you.
When you open to these new freedoms, you are expanding beyond the old structures of who you thought you were, breaking through into a recognition of your divinity, and shattering the casings around the pure seeds of awakening consciousness planted within your soul for millenniums. Now it is time to bring it forward and claim a new level of power for yourself. You are claiming your sovereignty so you can express your most authentic Divine Essence on the Earth, and bring new vitality into every area of your life.

Ron Head – Choose What Your Heart Knows That It Needs – 9 October 2013

RonHeadMichael and the family of Yeshua

We are here with Michael on this day to state our intention to communicate with you through this channel in the future.  We are grateful for this opportunity.  It has taken this one some time to recognize our presence.  We are gratified that at last he has done so.
We have been needing a conduit for our group communications and we are happy to have this one.  Michael has built up a wonderful audience and we are very happy that it will be so easy to communicate with all of you.  Each of us has our own channels, of course, and wonderful they are.  But this will be a welcome channel as well, and it will be enjoyable to work together.

Michael Tellinger's presentation of the annunaki and more! MUST WATCH!

Pronóstico de las energías de Octubre del 2013 “La diversidad, de cerca…” Por Lee Harris - 3 de octubre del 2013

(Trascrito del video hablado)
Traducción: Fara González López
Edición: Angy Bahl

Hola y bienvenidos al pronóstico de las energías de Octubre – “La diversidad, de cerca”.

Detrás de mi pueden ver las rocas y el fango que fueron parte de un deslave que ocurrió aquí en Colorado en las inundaciones relámpago de Septiembre. Al comienzo del pronóstico de la energía de Septiembre, ya que unos cuantos de ustedes me habían solicitado por email que lo señalara, yo mencioné que necesitábamos energía del agua en septiembre para calmar un poco el fuego.

Magenta Pixie - The Challenge of the Wayshowers (October 2013)

Meredith Murphy – Message From Sanat Kumara – Moving From The Material To The Multidimensional - October 9, 2013

MeredithMurphyGreetings Dear Beings of Light,
I come to you today recognizing your abundant realizations about the true nature of things on Planet Earth. I celebrate with you as this increasingly accurate assessment of the dynamics of life open. This unfolding is altering your individual experience, the capacity for life on Earth and Earth as a field is more vibrant, more available and thus connecting with and accessing broader fields of light. This is benefitting everything that is and is part of the Divine Plan as all life returns to the ultimate reunion, as One.

ET Pilot Captured on Video Before Removing to US Military Base [video]

ET Pilot Captured on Video Before Removing to US Military Base [video]

It must be terrifying, whether you’re a benevolent or malevolent ET, to be in this situation. Poor lady. 
It’s hard to believe the US military is using their own flying discs to shoot down extraterrestrial craft and then torturing survivors for information. How cruel. It makes me want to opt out of the Human Race.
Fortunately, there is a happy ending for “Eve”, and one day we may meet her. 
Apologies for the lack of formatting.  No time for that.

Thank you to Dr. Richard Boylan for sharing this material.  ~ BP

2012thebigpicture - Truth Videos: A Collection - Oct 9, 2013

Truth Videos: A Collection

by 2012thebigpicture
Truth Videos
Short Video Clips Reveal Deep Truths About Our World
The highly revealing truth videos below will inform, educate, and possibly open your eyes in a new way that will inspire you to take action. Most of these compelling documentaries were produced by mainstream media sources and are among the most important truth videos ever made. Many are concise excerpts capturing the essence of longer truth videos, with links included to the original full-length documentaries for those inspired to explore deeper. Other links to dive further into reliable information on each topic are always included.

Update from Sheldon Nidle - .October 8, 2013


6 Batz, 14 Tzotz, 10 Caban
Selamat Balik! We come with much to discuss with you. Those who have for millennia controlled your realm are sick and troubled about the fact that the time for their surrender quickly approaches. We receive this news with joy and yet we comprehend how unreal this feels to those who, like their former masters the Anunnaki, contemplated only victories and quickly became strangers to defeat. Now they are to capitulate and truly face the fact that their power is slipping from their grasp. The caretakers of your new governance intend that their departure be planned to coincide with acknowledgment of the damage brought about in so many areas by their heavy-handed reign, like rigging the domains of finance, government, and the economies of the globe. Your legal system will provide the epitaph to this period in your history. The dark cabal is to witness a new period, in which each of you regain the freedom and personal sovereignty that is your natural right. At that time you will also meet your spiritual and space families and an era of joy and prosperity for humanity will be born!

martes, octubre 08, 2013

Master Lanto: You are Glowing Orbs of Light ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ October 8, 2013

Master LantoMaster Lanto:

Hello dear friends, the Light of all Creation and Love that you are. I speak today about energy, about light, and about the radiant quality of it. By now you are increasing your radiance tenfold with each breath you take, with each surrender to the energies that are impinging upon you for the good and love of all.
By all means you are not alone. Thousands and millions of you take part in this grand awakening – human, celestial and galactic. And let it be known that you are all such an integral part, for you are all a piece of Creator, filled with the full magnificence and abundance of Creator.

Honesty – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn October 08, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
My child, it is quite evident in the higher dimensions, if a being is telling the truth or not. We can read our minds and also our energy field is changing, depending on whether we tell the truth or whether a being is lying or just a bit cheating . In this way we hear, see and feel if a being is honest. You should therefore get used to tell the truth, in your own interest. It not only has the advantage that you do not need to memorize what you say, but it serves you as an exercise for the higher dimensions and it also sustains your higher vibrations. Lies however lower your frequencies. The sooner you start it, the easier it will be for you later to always be honest, my child. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://thesilverplatinumflame.wordpress.com/

Dana Mrkich: Energetic and Emotional Overdrive - Oct 8, 2013

Dana Colour Pic NewThe Video Version will be up tomorrow.
This weekend we had a New Moon in the harmony-loving sign of Libra, but you’d be forgiven for thinking we’ve just gone through a super-powered Full Moon! There was (and still is) so much emotional energy in the air triggering torrents of anger, sadness and grief for many. Others may have felt a vague discomfort, feeling anxious or irritable for no apparent reason.  Aside from any astrological influences, one has to wonder if the Sun is finally doing its magnetic pole flip – scientists predicted a 3-4 month window back in August – only it’s a little hard to find out with the NASA website and majority of NASA staff not working at the moment due to the Government shutdown!

SaLuSa 08. 10. 2013 by MADAD

 SaLuSa (1)

Your world is changing with immense speed which you cannot perceive from current point of view, because within this reality all is measured with certain time frame and while you are still functioning in this reality, you need to keep measuring all that is happening with corresponding time. When you join your higher reality, your mind will have to get used to different time measure, as you would not be able to fully function within this higher reality. As your mind is now connecting to your higher reality, you might feel sometimes confused about time, one day everything is happening very fast, the other day no matter what you do everything is slow.

Right-Wing Truckers Plan To Jam DC’s Major Commuter Highway, Arrest Members Of Congress - October 8, 2013

Source: ThinkProgress.org – 10/07/13, Annie-Rose Strasser
Thanks to: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/right-wing-truckers-plan-jam-dc%E2%80%99s-major-commuter-highway-arrest-members-congress
Port of Portland SlowdownBetween furloughscar chases, and a self-immolation, the residents of Washington, DC, aren’t having a great October. But by Friday of this week, things could get even worse — and not because of the looming debt crisis.
On October 11th, a group of right-wing truckers is planning to drive to DC to shut down the major commuter highway that circles the city. They’ll continue to block traffic, they say, until they see the arrest of elected officials who have “violated their oath of office.”

Wes Annac – A Call For Real And Lasting Unity – 8 October 2013

wes-annac-300x229This is a call to everybody out there who’ll be lead to this, in one of the various places it’ll inevitably be posted. This is a call to everyone who’s been talking about and advocating the idea of widespread unity for years and decades.
We all have our unique philosophy in regards to the future we’re heading into, but one factor remains to be recognized by us all: the necessity to build upon the simple talking and advocating we’ve done up to this point. I can say from experience that it feels great to talk about coming together, but it’ll feel much better to actually see it come about.

Brenda Hoffman – Why Is She/He Still in My Life? – 8 October 2013

Life Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTCLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo
Summary of Brenda’s October 6, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: You’re welcoming those pieces of your totality that help make your current life easier and more creative. “I am that I am. I am all that I am. I welcome all segments of my being appropriate for me now.”
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for  http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: “What Creation Area is Your Bogeyman Under the Bed?”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” BlogTalkRadio.com show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.
Dear Ones,
You are fearful that those you love are not shifting with you, that you need to leave them behind.
We have told you on several occasions that those you were close to in 3D may not be an important part of your new earth life. Many of you have used that thought to place a barrier between yourself and those you connect with so when the parting occurs you will not feel pain.

Two Types of Darkness - Jesus/Jeshua channeled by Pamela Kribbe - October 8, 2013

Dear friends, I am Jeshua, an old friend who loves to share this afternoon with you, simply being together in the energy of love and unity. This is something you desire so much, because quite often you feel adrift and lost in life on Earth. I am here to remind you of the truth that lives within you, in your soul. It is not observable with the naked eye, and you often lose touch with that truth when you are busy and involved in your many activities, duties and responsibilities.
Please take a moment to become still and let all those external pressures fall away. Sense the silence deep within you. The silence in your heart is not a void, but a full presence that can only be sensed if you take a step back from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. We are here today to take that step back in order for you to remember who you are, and to revitalize yourself with the fullness of silence in your heart. This enables you to begin to live again, but now with more ease and joy.

Aisha North - A history of Creation – part 1 - Oct 8, 2013

Dear friends!
Last week, I started to receive what the CCs refer to as “double helpings”, extra messages in addition to The manuscript. These messages differ from the usual ones, and the first one that I was guided to post, was the “update” to the sixth Gathering. I was told that the rest of this information was to be posted after the Gathering, and here is the first installment of it. The CCs have given them a title, they call it “A history of Creation”. I do not know how many parts there will be, nor how long The manuscript will continue. All I know is that I will be given “double helpings”  for a while. So without further ado, as the CCs like to say, here is Part 1:

Fragmento del Informe del Oleaje para Septiembre 2013 por Solara


Traducción: Margarita López

Súper septiembre nos trae un tremendo avance y viajes físicos. Muchos de nosotros estamos entrando ahora suavemente en nuestro Nuevo Paisaje con gran entusiasmo. Sí, todavía hay mucho que hacer, pero la tensión se ha disipado y somos llevados hacia adelante por la oleada creativa más fuerte que jamás hemos sentido.

Desde mediados de agosto, ha habido un gran énfasis en la clausura y compleción. Una importante sanación del pasado se está produciendo. Estamos en medio de una fase de súper compleción que nos está liberando para entrar totalmente en el territorio de nuestras Vidas Verdaderas en el Nuevo Paisaje. "Finalizar lo viejo nos libera para lo Nuevo" nunca ha sido más cierto.

Revel in Your Explorations Ascended Master, Serapis Bey’s Weekly Message ~ October 04 – 11, 2013 Received by Julie Miller

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-O02DpaADhc0/UU8YxAwDQRI/AAAAAAAAA-s/Sp6axcGSjWs/s1600/serapis_bey-01.jpgOctober 04, 2013
Let us begin with today’s message with a question that can be answered in your own time after contemplation: Where is the Sacred Divine dear ones? Is the Sacred Divine alive within common realms, is it merely in your evolved consciousness or is it beyond this? Depending on your level of understanding right here and now will determine your answer, and if you ask the same questions tomorrow or in a few weeks, your answers may be different because you have grown.

El Grupo - Steve Rother - Los Faros de Luz ~ Re-cordatorios desde el Hogar - 15 de Septiembre de 2013

~ ¿El ritmo de tu corazón coincide con el ritmo de tu nombre? ~

Los Re-cordatorios desde el Hogar de los Faros de Luz son presentaciones en Vivo en Internet, transcritas y enviadas en inglés los días 15 de cada mes. La traducción al español se publica antes del 30 del mismo mes.

El próximo mensaje de “VirtualLight” de Lightworker.com en VIVO será:
el sábado 26 de octubre de 2013
a las 11 de la mañana hora del Pacífico en EE.UU.

~ Re-cordatorios desde el Hogar ~

Nota: El siguiente mensaje ha sido editado y re-canalizado en algunos puntos por El Grupo para ofrecer una mayor claridad en este formato.

¡Saludos desde el Hogar!

Reflejando mutuamente el corazón del otro. Presentación de eM

Soy Elrah, del Servicio Rítmico y simplemente les digo que la presentación fue hermosa. Hoy no les daré la lección completa. Se la voy a pasar a eM. Él les hablará sobre un tema que es mi responsabilidad, que es mi área de especialización. Sé que todos esperan hablar con él, por eso no tengo problema alguno en cederle el turno para que presente el mensaje de hoy. Les digo esto por diferentes motivos, pues todos tienen sus pequeños egos. Todos tienen que cargar consigo lo que sienten que son y su propio mensaje personal. Sin embargo, les diré que cuando ven esto reflejado en el mundo que los rodea y escuchan que otras personas expresan lo que piensan, comprenden inmediatamente que están en el lugar correcto, porque eso es lo que sucede en el Hogar. Miren, no existe diferencia alguna en que el mensaje lo transmita yo, o que sea el Guardián del Tiempo quien les presente un mensaje precioso y elegante, o que sea eM quien los haga reír un poco. No nos importa, pues el mensaje sigue siendo el mismo. Se trata de su corazón, no del nuestro. No se trata de nosotros, sino de ustedes. Por ello espero que disfruten de esta hermosa parte, pero no me voy a ir sin dejarles una de mis sonrisas. De acuerdo, aquí va… Logré hacerlos sonreír como siempre, ¿verdad? ¡Qué bueno!

UFO Caught Behind Comet ISON 2013

Comet Ison with 2 objects new feed this time from the Chinese Space Radar

lunes, octubre 07, 2013

A drop in the ocean – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn October 06, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
My child, imagine you are like a drop in the ocean. You see yourself just as a drop, as a part of the ocean, but are simultaneously also the whole ocean. Such is this about you and ME. I AM the whole vast ocean of Creation. You are a part, a drop, and yet you and I, we are One with each other. And so you are part of the ocean as well as the ocean itself. Do you see now the connection between you and ME? And your connection to each other drop of that ocean called Prime Creator? You are ME, my child, and I am you, and together with all the other drops, we are all ONE. I love you so much. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://thesilverplatinumflame.wordpress.com/
Zen Gardner
These power crazed would be rulers don’t own the earth. They don’t own you and me. They don’t own all their stupid secret symbols. They don’t own the present, they don’t own the future. They don’t even own themselves.
They’re usurpers, in every sense of the word. And absolutely nothing to fear.
That these invading power freaks striving to control the world should try to lay claim to some secret knowledge and power source that is superior to everything else is a fraud. That they think they can bring on world changing events that result in national clampdowns and population reduction is their personal nightmare in the making.
It’s only true if we submit to it. Our validation and obeisance affirm their intentions. Without that it would immediately crumble into dust.
Lies have no power unless believed. That’s the power of the awakening.

See Through It For What It Is

We need to see it for what it is. A spiritual charade. A flimsy fabrication appearing real that only comes into being when humanity buys into it. Quantum physics confirms this. We get what we focus on and affirm.
While we have to deal with their very real machinations they’ve unleashed to destroy the earth and most of its inhabitants for whatever sick reasons they conjure, they have no superior super-powers to fear. Only those we give them by getting entranced by and believing their lies. At any point humanity can walk away from it and stop supporting it. Soldiers can lay down their guns, police can join with the populace, employees can walk from their jobs, consumers can stop consuming what is wrong, and the media can just be ignored.
This external projected nightmare of a world system is theirs, not ours. That knowledge is extremely powerful. We just have to deal with the fallout from their insanity while eliminating its source – our agreement to it. And we can do so consciously and with great peace of mind and heart in spite of all of their efforts to induce fear.
The fact is, there is no secret but that which is willfully withheld or deliberately ignored. And to the conscious, nothing is hidden that cannot be revealed and turned for the empowerment of our fellow human beings and planet.


Their Puny Pride Is on the Run

So much of the big lie that we’re witnessing on the world stage is simply projected pride – the big, fat, stinking manufactured pride of pathological egomaniacs reinforcing a fabricated world of their ugly, demented imaginations. Along with their demonic spiritual baggage. Whether world conquest piggy-backing on natural and manufactured catastrophes, or attempting to morph humanity and terraform our environment to meet their specifications for world control, it’s all fundamentally defensive.
Yes, defensive. They’re scared. They cannot let things take their natural course. That would mean their demise. They have to forcibly control every aspect they possibly can to prevent humanity from waking up to its full potential. Once we do we just shrug and flick them off like the parasites that they are.
It is they who are running and hiding from something so incredibly powerful they have to erect giant sand castles to hide in with massive security forces while they attempt to exterminate all those who carry this amazing potential to realize Truth. Just witness the defensive fortress attitude of the elites and their housing and militarily protected behaviour for starters. Look at the massive security details surrounding so-called powerful figures. It boggles the mind. What are they afraid of?
Now you see who really has this innate fear in their veins?
And their underlying problem? Us. An awakened and empowered us is what they’re absolutely frightened of. And like the cowardly bullies in the playground, they know their time is just about up. We’re talking together, connecting dots, gathering our wits and growing by the minute in courage and resolve.
Our warfare is a spiritual one. Whether we encase this understanding in one of the more classic socio-political frameworks or see it completely metaphysically, the play we’re witnessing is nothing to fear no matter what it appears to be blown up into. The feverish power struggles and social engineering taking place on such a massive scale are all based in fear.
What we need to realize is this fear is first of all theirs which they project on to us. They know they’re usurpers and self-serving maggots feeding off of the body politic. They know they’re heartless bastards out for what they have deemed is important. And it is contrary to everything natural and nourishing. They know this.
And ultimately this fear is fear of you, and fear of me. Because we represent the potential connection to Truth that they are consciously denying. That awareness of Truth signals their inevitable downfall.

They Cannot Create – They Can Only Hijack and Pervert

While we know this supplanting of authority is true about their false hierarchy and self-imposed “ownership” of lands, natural, and even human resources, they’ve also cleverly tried to co-opt the inherent powers of the so-called mystery schools, the language of which is fundamentally numbers and symbols.
What people forget is almost all of these symbols occur naturally with wonderful positive, regenerative properties. What these lying entities have done is simply attach negative and destructive and abusive connotations to anything they can.
There are many examples of how these usurpers cannot create but only imitate and pervert. Sacred geometry, occult symbolism–even empowering behaviors they turn into occult satanic rituals. They pervert naturally occurring patterns and energies because they cannot allow natural courses to take place. It nullifies their existence. This is clearly evidenced in the usurpation we see in today’s logos from so-called secret symbols of the ancient mystery schools.
This is another shadowy charade of images that only gets power from what one takes on through ignorance. These crafty techniques then cause the unsuspecting to derive the energies these parasitic forces project into this secret language as in the case of satanism, saturnalia, the churches of Babylon, Freemasonry and the like. This permeates society in occult symbolism, whether it be the layout of cities like D.C and the Vatican, film, musical and art references, or corporate logos, all laden with messages.
It’s kind of a universal copyright infringement in the alterverse of the fear porn industry. The authority is not theirs, it’s attempting to mimic or imitate natural laws and energies. When you wake up and see this it’s absolutely pathetic what worms these entities are. Their only power is in our fixation on and attention to their shenanigans. It really is that simple.
This is all to expose how once you’re wrapped up in their world of interpretation with an abusive, violent world around you to back it up, you begin to think the lie is true. Therein lies their only power. Your “belief” and entertaining of their notions, empowered to appear real only by your participation.
Turn it off. Turn off their sources–mainstream media, staged events, manipulated music, shallow publicity, even phony personal responses and relationships.
It’s time to get real.
Remember, their whole plan is designed to replace reality with a false matrix of power that’s fed by fear. Don’t dwell on it, and see it for what it is. And reverse the flow. Their flaky construct will crumble.
Each one of us changes the direction of Spaceship Earth.


Conclusion – Uncork the X-Factor

By our very clarity of understanding, our conscious awareness of the Truth and our not submitting to their web of deceit, we throw off the illusory shackles of the would-be controllers. Just one person’s total lack of fear, not giving any obeisance to their societal, political, economic or physical oppression network, is a flame in their flimsy cobweb. And those burn up quickly!
Be it.
They’re lying usurpers – but it only works with our agreement. Our conscious awareness, as vague as that may seem to some, is the ultimate weapon. And it starts with waking the hell up and then keeping on waking up…and rattling as many other cages as we can in the process. It’s not always a smooth process, but it requires honesty and guts.
And cutting the bullshit.
As our collective consciousness grows more awake and aware it gains power and tremendous momentum. The x-factor is Spirit which manifests in many ways, including in the profound form of synchronicity.  And then when each of us responds to Universal consciousness things change dramatically. Life’s signs become increasingly apparent and start challenging and leading our lives more and more, activating us in ways we never knew could have been realized or could have had such powerful influence.
With each and every wake up the war is won.
It was won in the beginning. Stand on that. We need to stop believing the illusions around us and learn to act on our true conscience.
At that point it becomes now. Really now.
That’s our event horizon. Be there.
Love, Zen
- See more at: http://www.zengardner.com/dont-buy-apocalypse/#sthash.TBirDHyL.dpuf

Natalie Glasson – Mary Magdalene -Accessing Higher Dimensional Perspectives – 6 October 2013

natalie glassonMoving through times of tremendous changes, alterations and shifts allows for magnificent experiences of connection with the Creator and the wealth within your being. These are beautiful times for exploration because once you let go of the solidity of the physical world and 3rd dimension within all aspects of your being you are able to awaken your experiences moving into a space of limitless experiences.
Can you imagine your reality without the rules, judgments, restrictions you place upon yourself?
Never mind about the restrictions placed by others but observe the rigidity that you create for yourself. Allow yourself to observe the limits that you place on your abilities, your goals and your belief in yourself.

Agartha – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn October 07, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
 My child, your scientists have told you that the Earth is a filled ball with a liquid center. This is not true. The Earth is, like most planets and stars, hollow and inhabited by the survivors of Lemuria. Aeons ago they have followed my advice and moved to Hollow Earth before Lemuria was swallowed up by the Pacific waters. Only your present Hawai’i is left. Lemuria was a high evolved society whose members have dedicated themselves to spiritual growth. Many of them are still alive today and are known as inhabitants of Agartha. They have built a thriving company and are just waiting to come to the surface and build with you the galactic society of the new earth. You’ll be able to see them when the vibrations of the population is high enough and the curtain of illusion has completely dissolved. Welcome them, because they are your ancestors and your family, my child. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://thesilverplatinumflame.wordpress.com/

Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 6 al 13 de Octubre, 2013 por Marlene Swetlishoff

Traducción: Esther Abreu  

El proceso de re-evaluación de sus vidas y lo que es importante para su mejor salud, bienestar y felicidad, y el dejar ir todo lo que no les sirve, ha sido lo más prioritario en sus corazones. Algunas decisiones son difíciles de hacer, ya que significa un reajuste y reformulación de sus antiguas prioridades y metas. Hacerse algunas preguntas difíciles les ha ayudado a ver con más claridad las áreas y formas de ser que les ha impedido seguir adelante con entusiasmo y alegría. Sólo recuerden que, en resumidas cuentas, cada elección que hacen es: ¿Los hace esto sentirse bien consigo mismos, les trae más expansión y empoderamiento, se sienten inspirados y elevados y sienten una mayor sensación de libertad a la hora de considerar el valor de una relación, meta o deseo en su vida cotidiana?

WORLD PEACE PRAYER - Marlene Swetlishoff


We call upon all benevolent forces of Light 
to join with us as we invoke
peace, harmony, unity, cooperation and miracles
for our beautiful planet Earth, 
all of humanity upon and within the Earth,
and all of the Kingdoms, both known and unknown
who work unceasingly on behalf of the restoration
of the Divine Plan as intended by Prime Creator.
 We set this intention on behalf of all and for
the highest good and the highest outcome for all.
Let peace manifest on Earth!
Let peace manifest on Earth!
Let peace manifest on Earth! 

As received from Sanat Kumara who said “Get a hundred people to say this prayer each day and miracles will be created”.
Scribe: Marlene Swetlishoff 

Pope Francis: ‘I Believe In God, Not In A Catholic God’ – 7 October 2013

PopeFrancisInternational Business Times

on October 06 2013 8:51 PM
Pope Francis has been making headlines ever since the pontiff was announced as the Roman Catholic Church’s leader, and now he’s getting even more attention because he recently said, “I believe in God, not in a Catholic God.” He essentially took a dig at the Catholic Church hierarchy by condemning its “Vatican-centric view.”
“I believe in God, not in a Catholic God, there is no Catholic God, there is God and I believe in Jesus Christ, his incarnation,” the pope said in an interview with the Italian newspaper La Repubblica, as quoted by the Inquisitr. “Jesus is my teacher and my pastor, but God, the Father, Abba, is the light and the Creator. This is my Being. Do you think we are very far apart?”
Read the whole article:  www.ibtimes.com  / link to original article

Suzanne Lie – Message From Arcturians – The Web Of Creation – 7 October 2013

SuzanneLieDear Ones,
We are within, above, beyond and even below you. We embrace your totality within your 3D hologram to assist you with your with the release of all illusion This release must be done in a slow and measured fashion or it would be too difficult for your physical brain to retain its ability to coup with daily life.
Already, your left-brain is resisting the force your fifth-dimensional thoughts that are attempting to connect with its third dimensional circuitry. At the same time, that which was once perceived as higher consciousness feels more like normal consciousness. In other words, your base-line consciousness is rising to the degree that mundane tasks can actually cause a physical sensation within your 3D brain.
We wish to tell you to honor this sensation for it is the FEEL of change. That which was once normal is quickly becoming a heavy weight in your energy field. In other words, YOU are raising the frequency of your consciousness to the state that your physical body feels too slow, too outdated.

Sending All Our Love to John Smallman

John Smallman at homeThe team at Golden Age of Gaia and InLight Radio send all our love in great capacity to John Smallman, channeller of Jesus and Saul,Eugenie at this time.
John’s beloved wife Eugénie sadly passed yesterday afternoon, October 6, 2013.
Please join us all in a sending our love, light and prayers to John and his family and friends.
John writes:
It is with great sadness that I have to tell you that my beloved wife Eugénie passed away suddenly and totally unexpectedly on Sunday afternoon October 6th 2013.
I was just looking through my personal messages with Jesus (I only have a couple of personal ones) and came across this one from last year which I felt would be good to share with you.
Love and hugs,

Graciela Bárbulo - Ejercicio para acelerar el proceso del cambio hacia la vibración que Eres. - 06/10/13


Me pides que te ayude a eliminar ciertas cosas de tu vida y agregar otras.

Fíjate que las que quieres añadir son la cara opuesta de las que quieres eliminar.

Quieres eliminar “lo que no es”, para agregar “lo que es”. Con ello quiero decir lo que pertenece o no a tu actual realidad vibratoria.

Eso que ahora está y no deseas, entró a formar parte de tu campo vital cuando tú estabas en un nivel de vibración inferior al actual. Tú lo atrajiste. Ahora no te nutre; es más de drena. Lo que te nutre es justo aquello que hubiera pasado a formar parte de tu realidad si no hubieras atraído “eso” que ahora vibra más bajo que tú, en la frecuencia que vibrabas en aquel tiempo que lo ingresaste. Pero en aquel momento no estaba visible como una opción, sino tras una serie de circunstancias que elegiste no vivenciar.

Jennifer Hoffman – What Do You Resonate With? – 7 October 2013

jenniferhoffman300x225During a commercial advertising a new movie, I heard the announcer say ‘Everyone will resonate with this film.” That really got my attention, not because I think the film is good but because they used the word ‘resonate’. It means to be aligned with, at the same frequency of, sharing a vibration, and is a term that has defines our new ways of connecting with each other. Resonance is our way of determining how we connect with people and situations and what we can connect with because now, more than ever, if there is no resonance there is no possibility or potential for connection.

domingo, octubre 06, 2013

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 6 October 2013

marlene1-1Beloved Ones,
The process of the re-evaluation of your lives and what is important for your greater health, well being and happiness and the letting go of all that does not serve you has been uppermost in your hearts. Some decisions are difficult to make as it means a resetting and reformulating of your former priorities and goals. Asking yourselves some hard questions has been helping you to see with more clarity those areas and ways of being that hold you back from moving forward with enthusiasm and joy. Just remember that the bottom line in each choice that you make is: does this make you feel good about yourself, does it bring more expansion and empowerment to you, do you feel inspired and uplifted, and do you feel a greater sense of freedom when you contemplate the value of a relationship, goal or desire in your everyday life.

Blossom Goodchild – Regarding 6 Oct. Channeling – 6 October 2013

bloss arizona biggerOK … Hello! Herewith the very long overdue blog chat.
I FEEL the need to express regarding the channel I did today and its contents therein.
It seems once again that something is in the air … and expectancy coming from all around. To be perfectly honest I do not read many channellings at all these days so I cannot comment on what others are bringing through … although I do get snippets here and there.
These days … as you can tell through the channelling, I FEEL a little awkward to keep on questioning ‘them’ about what they are saying … yet when they get everyone ‘amped’  … I immediately think ‘here we go again’ … with all respect.
The thing is … I do not enter into any given channelling with an agenda. I tune in, ask for a blessing and that what comes though is for the Highest good of all … and off we go.
However … I am well aware that I am not infallible and that my thoughts could be influencing … and yet I really ‘put it out there’ for this not to be so. I mean … what would be the point of that?
So basically … what I am trying to say is … THIS IS WHAT CAME THROUGH.

Renaissance of the Heart… - Judith Kusel, - October 5, 2013

1231226_406000546190121_1066850899_nWhen the Earth emerges from the time-warp she was in, for 72 000 years and now moves into the expanded time which is the true cosmic time, this brings about immense changes from inner core heart of the planet, and most of all the core heart of the cosmic whole.
I sometimes don’t quite know what to call this bubble of amnesia that the Earth and collective whole were in, for within our sinking deeper and deeper into the 3D and core of forgetfulness, we lost so many of our higher talents, abilities and inner seeing.

Karen Doonan - Dancing in the shadows….- October 6, 2013


For many of you the last 24/48 hours in the human linear time context may have seen much emotion arise and much confusion, anxiety and chaos unfold around you or even within you.  It can be extremely confusing to the human psyche to FEEL the intense energies begin their work but “see” no immediate change in what you perceive as your waking life experience.  This may have many of you seriously questioning what is happening for if you look for a reference point in the life that you have lived up until this moment (remember ALL changes at all times, nothing is static) you will find nothing, for it dissolves as you attempt to look at it.

Aisha North - Welcome to the sixth Gathering around the Pond - October 6, 2013

Dear friends!
Once more a month seems to have gone by in a flash, and tomorrow at 21:00 Oslo time, we have another Gathering coming up. So much has happened in these last few weeks, and I think many will agree that even if it has been extremely exhausting at times, it has also been a sense of profound changes, even elation and joy. We are starting to see results from all our hard work, both on a personal level, but also on a collective one, and now the time has come to take it one step further. For we are starting to create the new ”us” and the new world, and we are going to do it in ways that I think will surprise even ourselves. And tomorrow we have a wonderful opportunity to create together, by sitting down and connecting with the energies – and all the amazing people – gathered here. This is what the CCs shared about it:

Bi-Location 101 Steve Rother

Lauren C. Gorgo - The Fifth Initiation: monad merger - Oct 5, 2013

PageLines- 5DreportLOGO.gifPost-Equinox Effects
We are born.  The (really) hard work is over, and the heaviness is starting to lift.
You may still be feeling the discomfort from the birth itself, but if you’ve done the inner work, you are probably noticing that the challenges of this never ending process have been more manageable by day. If not, stay the course. If you keep yourself focused on yourself you will be absolutely shown whatever remains in the way of your sovereignty.
Even tho things are getting lighter, we are still having to maintain a firm resolve with regard to sustaining our very new way of BEing…mostly because it is still in its’ infancy stage…but according to my Source(s), that need will subside substantially this season as we continue to dedicate ourselves to bolting our feet into the new earth and creating with our magic again. As we do so, as we release any and all energies (thoughts) of victimization and replace them with our divine authority, we simultaneously free up and declutter the expansive, creative space of heaven residing within each and every cell of our being.

sábado, octubre 05, 2013

Dr Kevin Ross Emery - Living the Serenity Prayer - Oct 5, 2013

Photo credit: Abby Lanes via Flickr
Photo by Abby Lanes via Flickr
By Dr Kevin Ross Emery
Several months ago, a friend approached me with a question. If I were to get up in front of a large audience and speak about something I thought would make their lives better, what would that subject be? For the last several years of my teaching and speaking career, my first response would have been to say, ‘Empowerment.’ This time however, I looked at my friend and without missing a beat said, ‘The Serenity Prayer.’
When he asked me why I would choose this subject, I told him that I had used the Serenity Prayer for almost 20 years in my spiritual coaching and counseling practice to help my clients.
In this article, I would like to explore the serenity aspect of the prayer. As often times is the case, when I begin to talk or write about something, I like to see what Webster’s Dictionary has to say about it.

ISON UPDATE, Latest Images. Red Aurora/Both Poles.