domingo, marzo 24, 2013

Arcángel Indriel. “Sobre Una Repisa”, por Bella Capozzi.

prometheus dos


Y así es. Ustedes están encaramados en la cúspide de algo grande. No son más que un modo de pensar fuera de la gloriosa realización de sus más preciados sueños y esperanzas.

Esta es la cúspide que bordea el límite entre un mundo y otro mundo disfuncional de la prosperidad y el equilibrio, una existencia de conflictos y la ilusión, con el otro, un paradigma de la abundancia y de la verdad.

Se puede caminar a lo largo de la frontera de la guerra y la paz. El hambre y la plenitud. El odio y la amistad. La esclavitud y soberanía.

La ceguera y la visión clara. ¿Cuál debe ser, se preguntan? Lo que será es el resultado final?. Por qué, es totalmente de ustedes, por supuesto, y el primer paso es la elección.

Así que elige sabiamente, queridos y sé que en este momento ustedes están parados literalmente con un pie en un campo y el otro pie en el otro. 

sábado, marzo 23, 2013

Are you listening? Aisha North

Dear friends!
These last few days have been full of magic, but also so intense, so I had to take some time to just BE. For the energies that blasted through me on the Equinox were even more powerful than I thought, so I literally had to disconnect myself from everything, including this Pond, in order to get back to myself. In this exhilaration of all the love that came rushing in, it is easy to get carried away. But just as the butterfly in the beautiful video Michael posted, we need to take time to sit with all this before we throw ourselves fully into this new level. For if we act too fast, we risk crashing down because our wings are not yet fully formed and ready to make us airborn.
For it is just like the CCs said, we have been given the opportunity to find our new voice, but we can only find it if we take time in quiet to listen for it inside. Many of you have done that, and the stories you have shared here these last couple of days are testaments to that. Alex, Guerric, Iain –  you are just some examples on how these new energies have worked miracles. For you did just that, you stepped back and stepped into yourselves, fully and truly and in ways that are shining examples for us all. I thank you for sharing these profound, transformative stories with us, for you have dared to be honest to yourselves in a way that is beyond anything I have ever seen before. For you have found your new voices, and they are beautiful, soaring up to heaven, and you bring joy into the hearts of us all.

viernes, marzo 22, 2013

SaLuSa 22-March-2013 - Mike Quinsey

SaLuSa 22-March-2013

So much is happening on your planet that it is becoming very apparent to many more people that the promised changes are well under way. It is by no means an easy time for you as you are at the hub of much that is taking place. However, you chose this time to be on Earth, as an important part of your experiences that will prepare you for your future assignments. In time many of you will put yourselves forward as Mentors, to other emerging civilizations. It will be your way of service having reached a higher level of understanding, that brings you the status of a Master. This is your natural progression as you become more of the Light, and seek to lift others up with you.

The order you see in the Universe comes from all souls reaching a point when they come to the realization, that in the ultimate there is nothing but Love and that all life revolves and has its being within it. Even now you are rising up and your awareness is such that you understand the amazing power of Love. It is life itself and the most powerful force in the Universe, that will enable you to continue rising up through the dimensions. As you have so often been informed your levels of experience in the lower dimensions, are in the way of an experiment to see how as Beings of Light you could find your real selves again. They are not and never will be your true reality, because your original home in the stars is one where you lived in total unity and Love as One. Duality was the means of allowing separation and experience of both darkness and Light in the same dimension.

The manuscript of survival – part 289 - Aisha North

Today is another great day indeed, but one that will be met with indifference from many, for this day will be all about integrating what you have already been injected with, but also one that will bring with it new and improved levels of understanding. But again, this does not pertain to all humans, as this only pertains to those who have already opened their hearts to this, and who are welcoming these heavenly injections of light and hope. For the rest of humanity, it will seem to be more of the same old, same old, as they continue to drag themselves through another day of this mortal coil.
Make not mistake, life can seem to be much less than bleak for many of your fellow men and women even without these injections from above, for all is not pain and unhappiness. But their joy cannot be compared to the joy that is yours, as soon as you have opened the doors within that let in these heavenly emissaries. For then it is as if the volume has been turned to max, and the mufflers have been removed, and as such, the exhilaration will be multiplied many times over. In addition, when you reach out and connect to other open souls as you are doing here in the space that has been set aside for such a purpose, you will feel that this also heightens the intensity of all of these positive vibrations another notch or two. For that is what this truly is at heart, good vibrations. But if you refuse to reset your receiver and tune into this new channel, you will not be able to pick it up, and all this heavenly music will literally pass you by.
So again we say stay tuned, for there is more to come, and even if it at times can be a little bit taxing to receive these heavenly signals, know that the outcome is certainly more than worth it. For the choir you have set up has already acquired many new members, but the roster is about to multiply even further as you yourselves have started to emit this wondrous voice from heaven from your own hearts. And now, this song is being picked up by more and more eager ears, or rather hearts, and they will be attracted by this tune and come knocking on your door, ready to hear more. And as long as you keep singing in tune with this new vibration, you will be able to make even more join in and harmonize alongside you. And they again will entrain others with their new vibration. And on and on this goes, like a veritable train of love where new cars are being hitched on one by one.
And so again we say look around, and see that you are already swimming in a sea of love, created by each and every person who has had the courage to open their own heart and pour our the contents within, increasing the size of this beautiful pond beyond belief. But this is only the beginning, dear ones, and know too that there are other ponds just like this, already brimming over with the love that has accumulated there. And soon, these ponds will start to merge and intermingle, growing outwards and covering more and more of the surface of this little blue planet of yours. And soon, when you look from above, the waters of these small ponds will have outgrown even the vastest of oceans you can see from outer space.
So we thank you all, for doing what you do, and for being what you are. For you are the ones making all this happen, step by step, song by song, choir by choir. So sit back and listen well, for you are indeed already an integrated part of this heavenly choir, already being heard near and far throughout the lands. And the song that you sing, is indeed the song of freedom, finally being sung by those that have attained that freedom. It is not a song of longing any more, it has become a song of being. And with that, we will leave you for today, but we will return again and again to continue to sing your praise. For it is well deserved, more than you can know, and so we stand here today, applauding your efforts. For the sound you are all making is soaring through your universe and beyond, carrying with it the confirmation that mankind is about to break out into a song that will break all the records hitherto set by this human race.

Wake up Call: Hatonn, March 22, 13

Good day dear ones! I am Hatonn, and I am here to tell you that so much is happening within the framework of what will be in place when the mess is cleaning up. There is so much that has been readied and will be set into place when all of the rubble is cleared away and the ones who created it have either seen their folly, or have been taken to their own holographic planet. They don’t even recognize their power of creativity to the utmost, for this holographic planet is of their creation. They are so dependent on keeping their power that they have secured their desire to reign and have separated themselves even further from the rest of humanity.

Yes, that is the power you all have. You are in your knowingness about the love, which has no measure, or limitations. They are in their power of sameness and deeper into it, which is away from the flowing, growing love energy, which knows no boundaries. As they sink deeper into their holes of self-endurance in the duality, they emit their power to keep it the way they have designed. As you flow forward and outward more and more you create in the moment the newness of what you are capable of and what is the forever expression of love of the Oneness of all of Creation.

“The Tremendous Power of Sound” – Angelic Guides

Today we would like to focus your attention on the topic of sound.  Much of the information that was once widely accepted and used in the ancient civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis about the power of sound has been “lost” or rather we would say forgotten.  It is our intention to share with you our perspective on just how useful sound is in your reality, what it is capable of and how it works.
How does the sound of gentle meditation music have the ability to soothe even the most stressful situations?  How is it that the beat of a drum can evoke a response within the body which can be chemically detected by measuring the increase of adrenaline being released?  How is it that plants with seemingly no physical ears to “hear” have been known to bloom more regularly and grow faster when in the presence of classical music?  Why does water begin to ripple or pebbles begin to tremble when near loud sounds? Is music actually heard or felt?  These are some thought-provoking questions which we wanted to stir within you to help you to open up to the wide potential that the power of sound actually has within your world.

Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and Archangel Metatron via Goldenlight: Releasing All Karmic Patterns

Channeled by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit at top without alteration when re-posting this message.
March 18, 2013
Greetings we are the Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and Archangel Metatron.

We wish to speak to you today of releasing all karmic debt that is tied to unhealthy patterns that have existed for you in your lifetime on earth. All beings have, to some extent or another, become entangled in a karmic web pattern during their earthen lives. Some have worked very hard to become free of this, others not as much.

This is a momentous time in the creation of your realities on earth to become free of all karmic debts, obligations, contracts, and entanglements that have existed for you before your lives on earth (as some of you have carried the karma from lifetime to lifetime), and during your current earth existence. All karma can now easily be cleared by you so that you have a clean slate as you progress on your spiritual ascension through the waves of higher dimensional frequencies now surrounding your earth, your bodies, and your spaces.

AA Miguel - Noten la facilidad con la cual proceden cuando su corazón es luz con un sentido de diversión.- Ron Head



Miguel: Hoy es el primer día de la temporada que llaman primavera. También es el primer día de la energía de nuevo crecimiento para cada uno de ustedes personalmente.

Éste año su cosecha será grandiosa. Pero, así como es para los granjeros en sus campos, no vendrá sin un cuidado diligente y atención.

Estamos felices de notar, no obstante, que la alegría en su propio progreso es al menos para la mayoría de ustedes, es mantenerse enfocados como nunca antes.

Lo que se pensaba que era “el trabajo” en un momento se ha vuelto u juego para muchos de ustedes y aplaudimos eso.

Ese estado de la mente que producirá grandes recompensas más rápido que los pensamientos de “mi propósito” o “mi sendero”.

Mascotas Consentidas y la Afluencia de Nuevas Energías. Un mensaje Pleiadiano en una mini lectura de él. por Bella Capozzi.

conejo gigante dos


Bueno, compañeros amantes de los animales, esto es para ustedes.

Permítanme comenzar este post preguntando si alguno de ustedes ha notado cambios en el comportamiento de sus mascotas durante las últimas semanas?.

No me estoy refiriendo a algo serio, como aumento de la agresividad o ese tipo de cosas. Un poco lo contrario, en realidad.

Lo que estoy hablando es de síntomas tales como letargo, aburrimiento, la conciencia más alborotada que de costumbre de los reinos “invisibles”, y siendo extra pegajosos. Como también, están actuando un poco como “velcro-mascotas”.

No puedo dar una vuelta demasiado rápido en mi casa, porque simplemente puedo salir volando a causa de mi pastor australiano.

Tampoco si intento leer un libro o trabajar en el ordenador, sin ser molestado. También he encontrado que este comportamiento es un tema recurrente en las casas de mis clientes.

Nuestras mascotas son aún más sensibles a los cambios energéticos de lo que somos nosotros , y con las potentes y refinadas frecuencias que acompañan hoy el Equinoccio de primavera, están mal equipados cuando se trata de procesar todo.

El manuscrito de la supervivencia – parte 288 - Aisha North

almas-de-eartheast dos


Yo estoy aquí, ¿tienes algún mensaje para mí? Desde luego, mi querida señora, y lágrimas de alegría nos corren por la cara al decirte esto.

Queridos, ustedes han entrado en el vestíbulo del mañana, y lo ha hecho en compañía de miles y miles de almas jubilosas.

Por última noche, se arrancaron a sí mismos libres el yugo que han estado llevando sobre todos ustedes por tanto tiempo.

Porque son libres ahora, libres para explorar estas tierras sin límites, libres para disfrutar de todos los placeres inherentes a una vida llena de amor. La luz ha entrado, y con ella, todas las fronteras han sido liberadas.

Así que descansen ahora, queridos, porque aún no han de comprender lo que todo esto implica. Porque están todavía en esta fase de transición, y como hemos dicho, han estado sonámbulos durante tanto tiempo, por lo que al despertar se sentirán muy extraños al principio, y pasará algún tiempo antes de que ustedes entiendan completamente lo que ha ocurrido en su pequeño planeta hermoso. 

Saúl - John Smallman - El ritmo del cambio en las actitudes y comportamientos en todo el mundo está ganando impulso

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La humanidad está en una buena racha! Sí, realmente lo está.

El ritmo del cambio en las actitudes y comportamientos en todo el mundo está ganando impulso a medida que las energías recientemente liberadas en diciembre de 2012 fortalecen su intención colectiva de despertar y disfrutar eternamente de la realidad – tu estado normal, completamente consciente y completamente iluminado.

En ese estado maravilloso, el amor es el motor, la energía creativa, la red de energía divina que sostiene, sustenta y hace posible todo lo que existe.

Es totalmente limpia, abundante, infinitamente satisfactoria, siempre disponible, y de ella toda la creación recibe todo lo que pueda necesitar o imaginar para mantener cantidades infinitas de conciencia amorosa, viva e inteligente, creando eternamente, aún más abundancia en perfecta belleza y armonía.

Evolution Of The Divine Sparks

Starseeds, Lightworkers, Soul Travelers, and More! By Judi Lynch

They are here on a mission to heal and awaken and help raise this planet’s vibration! Highly creative, self-motivated visionaries who are extremely sensitive to negative energies. Working in many different professions, they possess a light energy that makes them fast healers and fast learners. They have the amazing ability to overcome any obstacle that would dare to stand in their way, tapped into the sources that help us to communicate, heal and learn. Plugged into the matrix and ascending faster all the time!
They go by many names and descriptions and practice methods of healing and communication once thought too “out there” by the mainstream public. Constantly updating their messages and their methods and sharing the evidence they possess that the Truth is indeed here! They have the ability to channel information and energy from places and planes existing outside the Earthly realm.

we did it - Meredith Murphy

we did it.

The new firmament is in place. The Earth now is stable in an expression of the 5th Dimensional energies. We will begin to feel our own relationship to the Earth in a steady way, and our own connection to the 5th Dimensional expressions of earthly places, call to us. For anyone who has felt they would move, know that over the next few months, and through the June Solstice, we will be re-balancing and emotionally and at a soul level contemplating the New Direction.
As you determine what would be most joyful for you next, it will be chosen in relationship to this new expression of Earth.
During the Equinox event we experienced an energy exercise in which we stood in a circle of 12-stones, under an open sky. Then after receiving energy from each stone, we stood in the middle and the circle expanded outward. This is what has happened to Earth vibrationally. That occured with the Shift in December of last year but the establishment of this has taken place from December through the Equinox. 

jueves, marzo 21, 2013

Holographic Planes - What They Want Us To See


Atlantis The True Story

Pleiadian message: March 21 2013 - SpaceMuffin

Before long, the power structures on planet earth will begin to visibly crumble.  The collapse will occur, and it will be final.  Soon afterwards, military control will cease to exist and truths will be revealed.  At that time, very soon afterwards, we will be free to land and meet with you.  Safety would be a large issue at this time, our safety, and there would still be planet wide fear of our approach.  These are the current circumstances.  Our perception of time does not parallel yours and in as much as you have difficulty accepting timelessness, we may have just as much difficulty in viewing time through your human perception.  But we can say that all is in place now, and in the now, systems are, internally, failing.
The time frames for this great shift have been extended, and this has caused a great strain on you, the family of light.  You were not mistaken or misguided, for believing that events should have occurred in a more timely fashion; as an intelligent collective, you could not have been so off base. Changes were made to the plan and adjustments were necessary, and this was all done for the benefit of humanity; planet earth was kind enough to comply but now many things will have to be accomplished in this ‘extension’ that has been granted.  While this delay has caused a few to struggle with faith, the overall benefit was for more awakening, a safer passage, and greater success for mass ascension and widened consciousness.

The manuscript of survival – part 288 - Aisha North

I am here, do you have a message for me? We certainly do dear lady, and tears of joy are running down our face as we tell you this. Beloveds, you have entered the halls of tomorrow, and you have done so in the company of thousands upon thousands of jubilant souls. For last night, you tore yourselves free from the yoke that have been holding you all back for so long. For you are free now, free to explore these lands of no boundaries, free to savour all of the pleasures inherent in a life filled with love. For the light has entered, and with it, all of the borders have been set free.
So rest now dear ones, because you have yet to fathom what all of this will entail. For you are still in this transitional phase, and as we said, you have been somnambulants for so long, waking up will feel very strange at first, and it will take some time before you fully understand what has taken place on your beautiful little planet. For yesterday you made a firm commitment to tear asunder the chains holding you down, and your collective power was more than enough to blow your cage to smithereens. So rejoice we say, for you have set yourselves free, and you did it, no on else. For what is a light send out from heavens above if there are no open hearts to receive it? You were all so open, and what you partook in will sustain and nourish you for the rest of your sojourn on this beautiful, blue planet.
So again we say, you are the ones who have set you free, and we bow down in respect, and rejoice alongside you. For you are us, and we are you, and now, that will be more apparent than ever before. We willl leave you now to start this day, and to let you feel into this ocean of love with all of your senses. You have arrived dear ones, and know that from now on, your journey will be filled with light in every sense of the word.

Hollow Earth Theory 3D HD Version