Dear friends!
These last few days have been full of magic, but also so intense, so I
had to take some time to just BE. For the energies that blasted through
me on the Equinox were even more powerful than I thought, so I
literally had to disconnect myself from everything, including this Pond,
in order to get back to myself. In this exhilaration of all the love
that came rushing in, it is easy to get carried away. But just as the
butterfly in the beautiful video Michael posted, we need to take time to
sit with all this before we throw ourselves fully into this new level.
For if we act too fast, we risk crashing down because our wings are not
yet fully formed and ready to make us airborn.
For it is just like the CCs said, we have been given the opportunity
to find our new voice, but we can only find it if we take time in quiet
to listen for it inside. Many of you have done that, and the stories you
have shared here these last couple of days are testaments to that.
Alex, Guerric, Iain – you are just some examples on how these new
energies have worked miracles. For you did just that, you stepped back
and stepped into yourselves, fully and truly and in ways that are
shining examples for us all. I thank you for sharing these profound,
transformative stories with us, for you have dared to be honest to
yourselves in a way that is beyond anything I have ever seen before. For
you have found your new voices, and they are beautiful, soaring up to
heaven, and you bring joy into the hearts of us all.
Have I found my true voice? I think I have, but my process has been
very different from what others have described here already. And so it
should be, for we are all unique, and only we can do this the way that
is right for us. This is not about technique or following in the
footsteps of others, this is all about YOU doing this for YOU in the
only way that is right for you. At least I know I will make sure to give
myself ample opportunity to reconnect with myself in the days ahead in
order to make sure that I have ”heard” it correctly. For it is just like
the CCs said beforehand, this new energy ” will push a multitude of
buttons in you all, and the result can be bewildering to say the least.”
The tune of this Pond has also changed with these new vibrations
coming in, and the stories you have shared show that very clearly. And
when we start to connect even deeper through this Pond, as in the group
meditation Philip has set up for Monday, it is even more important that
we all take some time before that to literally ”tune out to tune into
ourselves”. For have you found your new voice yet? It may not feel very
different from the old one, but believe me, it is. You may not have to
go through a deep and profound experience in order to find it, but you
need to be sure that you have in fact managed to establish just who you
are after this intense energetic retuning. For some of you, that process
will take some time to finish, and so you will have to give it all the
time you need. But then at least you will know that you are still in the
process of fine tuning yourself. And that is all it takes. So please
make sure that you are honest with yourself in this process, and do not
rush ahead without taking the time to listen well to that inner voice.
In other words, make sure that you have managed to tune into this new
vibration, as otherwise, you will find yourself out of balance again
very soon. For this new level of vibration is so powerful and so strong,
and if you try to ”wing it” as they say, you will be blasted back down
again until you learn your lesson. For we cannot sing the old song
anymore, it simply does not harmonize with the new, and you will feel
the effects of being ”out of tune with yourself” even more now than what
we did before. Because the energies have changed so much it will
clearly signal if you are, and it will do so without hesitation. It is
easy to get confused, and it can be distracting to hear everybody else
trying out their own voices. So make sure that it is YOUR voice you
hear, not that of someone else.
So take time, disconnect from the outside and go within. That way,
you will know just what your new voice is, and when you raise it to the
heavens, it will mix in perfectly with the new vibration that is already
here. Remember to be patient with yourself, and ask for assistance if
you need it. I had a hard time hearing myself above the noise my
physical body made in the aftermath of the Equinox, and even being out
in nature was not enough to help me to balance myself. And so I asked
for help, and got it in the form of this beautiful dog that I was asked
to look after for a few hours. This gift of love gave me the opportunity
I needed to just let go of everything and just BE in the love that he
gave me. And so he helped me to hear myself, and for that, I thank the
infinite wisdom of the Universe. So please make sure you give yourself
the same gift of tuning in, and I know you will find your way through
the noise and into the new music that has started to play within.
Love and light, Aisha