The Heavenly Realms are showing their support through this Equinox-Full Moon time of Awakening. Many people have noticed the Angelic forms in rainbows, clouds and especially the recent formations of the Aurora Borealis. Divine Light is getting stronger, and Spiritual Presence is making itself known to reassure you that you are definitely not alone. These formations of Light act as open doorways to new awakening consciousness. The Angels are reminding you that they are here during these times of great power, grief, transition, and the present radical transformation that is in process.
When you can ground the intensity of the energies you are experiencing, you will notice a new heightened intuition. Your sensitivity levels are increasing. Your perceptions are expanding, and within the core of your being, new Truth is awakening. Take this time as the Grand Experiment it is and know that the more open and curious your mind can be now, the easier the transition through dimensional shifting will be for you.
In this time of ascending consciousness, the massive downloads of high frequencies of energy are relentless. Surrendering to this Mighty Flow will simplify the process for you. There is no place you can hide when you have already stepped into the elevator to the Higher Dimensions. Enjoying the ride will be easier if you can take some steps to use the energy more resourcefully. Resisting the flow will only make the experience more uncomfortable. Those having the most difficulties during these times of transition are those who are contracting into their old limiting perceptions.
Your hearts are breaking free to receive the God-permeated presence of Divine Love. Surrendering to this flow of love means to be open to the gifts being offered in this new time. Allow the radiant presence of Empowered Light to clear old patterns from your energy field as if you were standing in a golden shower of Divine Love. In this way you will be ready when the elevator doors open to your new life.
The Light is traveling from the Illuminated Realms of Truth directly into your High Heart. Your job as a Lightworker is to ground these new frequencies for the planet. The power of exalted energies can feel brilliantly expansive and uplifting. They only become wobbly when you try to force them into the old frameworks of your world. You are being strengthened and rewired with a new core of Truth that can take the charge of Light and with your intention, send it down through your base chakra into the planet for grounding. The Earth can hold the new frequencies and keep your energy systems in alignment so your nervous system can work more easily.
The power of Divine Love moves from above your crown into the receptive vessel of your high Heart chakra which then feeds your physical heart with healing frequencies. There is a new wholeness in this energy that can strengthen the lower chakras when you allow the energy to flow through you down into the Earth. With your awareness and your intention, let this exalted Golden Light energy drop like a weight from the base of your spine. Feel it connecting with the core of the Earth and let an expansive root system form that aligns you with the vitality of Nature. This provides a grounding system that will nourish you and allow you to run the higher frequencies through your physical body. This grounding is required in order for you to become Homo Luminus, a connected being of Light from Heaven to Earth, the blended being you were meant to be. It feels unusual, awkward, new and familiar at the same time. Your soul has longed for this moment. Know that as you expand, there are Angelic Wings at your back that you can relax into.
From the Realms of Illuminated Truth, you are being gifted that which you have been praying for, the presence of Unity Consciousness. All of Heaven is rejoicing in your awakening. Know that the Gateway of Power is open for you to receive this gift. And it is now. ~ Archangel Gabriel
Through the Wormhole to Radical Transformation
Most of us are familiar with the idea of a Wormhole from the movie “Contact” or from years of watching Star Trek episodes. In that genre, people were propelled instantly lightyears into another galaxy. The Gateway of Power we are experiencing is very similar. We were given a powerful download of Sacred Feminine and Masculine Balance during the Equinox-Full Moon period, accompanied by once-in-a-lifetime astrological occurrences. Take a breath because on April 25 we begin an 8-week series of Eclipses, which is being called the Wormhole, that will end near the Solstice on June 21.
To add to the intensity of our Alchemical Transformation of Consciousness there are comets, astroids and unprecedented numbers of solar flares. And let’s not forget to include the Chinese Year of the Snake that started in February. That means that our spiritual energy — the Kundalini, has been activated and is rising. There is a centered core of Divine Light moving up through our chakra systems awakening all that is in its path. If there is anything we need to clear out of the way, it is becoming really obvious. (I am asking for Grace and Ease in this process!)
So in this auspicious time with all these milestone events, it appears that through this empowerment by the higher energy frequencies, we are literally being flung into Radical Transformation!
It feels as if we walked through the portals of 12:12:12 and 12/21/12 and stepped onto a magic carpet that is zooming us into a massive evolutionary shift. There is no escape from this awakening, and we don’t even need to go into a sheltered environment to experience it. (Although surely many of us long for the peace it could offer.)
We are being asked to stay in the world, using our spiritual gifts, tools and awareness to evolve into the Illuminated Souls we were meant to be, which may even happen by Solstice. My Guidance blithely said that this activity does not take any more time from our busy lives, we merely need to include planetary transformation in our intentions and awareness (easy for Them to say!).
It sounds huge and it is, but we are SO not alone in this process. Not only are we working together with millions of other Lightworkers, we also have Ascended Masters, Beings of Light and Angelic Ones here to guide, nurture and direct us. These Illumined Beings are powerfully focused on our awakening into Unity Consciousness. (A peek at the site will reveal amazing Angel Auroras radiating light around the time of Equinox. I consider this a demonstration of the support we have from the spiritual hierarchy.) With all this assistance we cannot fail.
We did our work brilliantly and fulfilled our mission to hold the light of Awakening for the great shift of the Ages that occurred December 21, 2012. Now we have the potent three-year period facing us as the new world comes into form. We are the ones creating the foundations and structures that hold the great potential for Spontaneous Evolution. Most of us have worked diligently with spiritual practices over the years to become familiar with that centered place within that shelters us in the thick of the storms of duality. This helps a lot but while we are in the midst of the biggest change of consciousness the world has ever known, for me it is also very resourceful to keep my focus on the Big Picture as a more expansive evolutionary viewpoint. This helps me to emotionally detach from the 3D drama and not take things so personally.
My Spiritual Guidance System has been working with me over the past few years to create less separation between my daily activities and my spiritual life so I can experience a more blended way of living in the world. I have noticed that staying in my center and grounding the powerful energy frequencies feels like a full-time job right now. (I offer you the mantras I was given: Change is necessary. Change is safe. Change brings benevolent outcomes. Change is good.) As I create the new foundations for a very flexible, dynamic structure within me as my new Core of Truth, I am using these mantras to stay balanced.
Core of Truth Meditation
On Equinox I was spontaneously given a meditation for my Living in Radiance class that rewired our central core to receive and ground the higher frequencies and assist our nervous system to function more freely in these times. This empowering meditation has been made available for you now also.
Mt. Shasta ~ Equinox-March 20, 2013
Opening to the Wisdom of Mt. Shasta
During this Season of Awakening, I am giving myself a break from teaching to open into the evolving wisdom that Mt. Shasta is offering. I want to open myself to receive from this magnificent presence that dominates the skyline where I live, and I plan to do regular blog posts through this process on My plan is to experiment with 40 years of spiritual tools and see which ones actually work in these very different energy frequencies. And as I gain more awareness about the new Spiritual Presence at the periphery of my awareness, I will blog about that also. In the meantime I continue to be available as a spiritual coach and mentor, as well as a sacred site guide if you come to Mt. Shasta. / link to original article