Love, Peace, Transformation and Truth are the vibrations that I bring forth through my angelic presence to surround your entire being. I am here with you in this moment to share the angelic vibration of transformation from the seventh ray of light, anchoring these high vibrations as seeds of consciousness into your mind and understanding. I wish to encourage you to focus more fully upon your language and the words that you express from your being into your reality.
I am an Archangel, holding the angelic vibration of selfless and unconditional love; I am also the embodiment of the seventh ray of light overseen by Lady Portia. The seventh ray of light of a violet colour is assisting and fuelling the ascension process on the Earth and for all of humanity. The seventh ray of light holds vibrations to aid and support the new era that has dawned on the Earth. Enlightenment, transformation, magic and awakening are some of the qualities represented by the seventh ray of light. As I channel the energy of the seventh ray of light into your being to support all processes of spiritual transformation and awakening I wish to encourage a new perspective to dawn to accelerate you forward in experiencing greater union with yourself and the Creator. Please allow yourself to open up to the violet light as you breath its essence deep into your being so that the light may support you in the most appropriate way. As the violet light merges more fully with your being I wish to share with you my consciousness.
It is my focus to bring your attention to the words that you express on a daily basis. The words that you think in your mind, say out loud or sing have a vibration which pulsates like a wave through your physical body and entire energetic bodies. These words however they are expressed have a powerful influence upon your being. Your body and energetic bodies are constantly vibrating, as light enters into your being the vibration of your body and energetic bodies quickens in speed becoming a purer vibration more aligned with the Creator. If you then produce negative words in your mind or out loud this can have a lowering effect upon your energetic vibration. As a light worker you may always be focusing upon healing yourself, anchoring more light and calling upon divine assistance to serve your ascension but if you then express words with a lower vibration you are always encouraging an unstable energy vibration which will not support your spiritual growth. Your words have a powerful influence upon your being because this aspect of your being is connected to your ability of creating and co creating with the Creator. Your words have the ability to shape your reality and even your physical body.
In order to gain a secure and steadily enhancing vibration there is a need to observe the words that you choose to use out loud and within your mind on a daily bases, not only the words but the tone and manner in which you express them to others. It is time I believe to detox your thoughts and vocabulary so that you may bring greater volumes of light and love into your being through the process of thinking and speaking. It is important that each expression of any form from your being is deeply loving to yourself and to others. Allow yourself to think in patterns of love and to speak with not only immense love flowing from your heart but each word carefully chosen by you to be of the highest vibration of love.
You may be wondering how to understand whether a word holds a negative vibration or a positive loving vibration. In truth all words and expressions hold the vibration of the Creator and are therefore of a loving vibration but over time humanity has placed emphasis on words interpreting them as negative or positive, therefore creating a vibrational perspective for each. While these perspectives created by generations could be healed and cleansed it is far easier to focus upon your own spiritual growth and to ensure that negative words and vibrations are eliminated from your being. Remember that a thought that is only a second in your mind can stay in your auric field eternally unless it is cleansed or released. As you allow yourself to open your heart chakra, imagining that you are breathing in and out through your heart chakra while also allowing words of love or neutral vibrations to be expressed in your mind and through your voice then you will always be maintaining and developing your energetic vibration.
When I speak of negative words I am focusing upon words that create a negative, judgmental, fearful or destructive tone. Such words and even judgements of self and others can be common place and seen as a way of expression but in truth it is possible to express whatever you wish with the vibration of love and truth. The more that love is expressed with the mind and through the voice into communication then humanity will notice the manifestation of greater volumes of love on the Earth. In order to achieve love within the mind and through the voice there is simply a need of first observing your thoughts and observing the vibration and tone of what you are creating, holding in your mind and expressing through your voice. Then allow yourself to love yourself unconditionally free from judgement, understanding or realising how you can change your wording, language or tone to hold a higher quicker vibration. It is important not to limit your expression, this may feel as if it is the case to begin with but you will be embarking on a beautiful and new way of expressing yourself while also healing old negative habits of mental judgement or abuse to yourself or others.
With the focus of your words holding power within your vibration, physical being and reality, I wish to introduce you to a chamber upon the inner planes within the seventh ray of light ashram which holds the power of magnification. It is the Seventh Ray Chamber of Magnification. Many Ascended Masters and light beings visit this chamber in order to gain a magnification of their energies, healing or whatever they may be focusing upon at that time. I wish to encourage you to visit the Chamber of Magnification during meditation, I advise you to speak words of loving vibrations whether single words or sentences while existing within this chamber in order to magnify the vibration of the words so you may truly feel, see and sense how they truly influence your being. Not only will you allow yourself to experience the vibrations of the words but you will also heighten your energy vibration and manifest the vibration of the words more fully into your being and reality. It is a wonderful experience to enhance your understanding of the vibrations of words but it can also be a tool that allows and assists you in magnifying energies within your being in order to aid manifestation. For example, if you have something that you wish to manifest within your being or reality you can visit the chamber and speak the words in your mind or out loud that you already have what you wish to manifest, focusing on key words that denote qualities you wish to embody in order to manifest your desire. This would then enhance the strength of your manifestation allowing you to experience and anchor all that you wish to manifest into your physical body so that you become the vibration and therefore project it into your reality for you to experience fully.
Simply allow yourself to sit peacefully, as you focus on your breathing entering into a deep state of meditation.
Say out loud or internally, ‘I call upon the loving vibration, support and presence of Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Portia to draw close to my being, sharing and anchoring your love, angelic and seventh ray energies into my being.’
Imagine, sense or acknowledge our light surrounding you as you breathe deeply.
Say out loud or internally, ‘I ask Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Portia to transport me to the Chamber of Magnification in the Seventh Ray Ashram, thank you.’
Imagine, acknowledge or sense your presence within the chamber, it is important to breathe in the energies of the chamber realising that every aspect of your being including your thoughts will be magnified.
With your attention upon your thoughts allow yourself to express clear, precise words of a high vibrations or sentences that hold the essence of that which you wish to manifest.
(You may find it valuable for your first visit to write down some words that you wish to use in the chamber or to choose one word that you will focus upon for your time within the chamber.)
Simply focus on breathing in the energy of magnification to fill your entire being while you focus on observing the influence of your words upon your energy vibration, physical and energetic bodies.
This is a wonderful place to experiment and to observe the influence of different words upon your energy vibration.
When you wish to leave the chamber simply ask Lady Portia and I to transport and ground you back into your physical reality.
Let your words be a power within your ascension process.
With Angelic Love,
Archangel Zadkiel
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