SaLuSa 29-March-2013
By now we see that
Lightworkers have settled down to their tasks to lead people into the New Age.
Their understanding of what is needed is helping the awakening process, which
continues regardless of the world situation. It is important that people do not
allow the chaos and disruption, to draw their energy away from work involving
the Light and Love. The darkness will eventually play itself out and is already
losing its power to create more fear. In this respect in spite of the apparent
threat of war, know that it will no longer be allowed. The Galactic Federation
of Light is aware of the intentions of all Superpowers and we will prevent any
attempts to start a global war. The Light has made such a difference, that many
souls connected with the war machine have experienced a change of consciousness.
You can expect to hear doubts expressed about the reason for military
activities, and the unnecessary attacks upon innocent civilians. A day is coming
when war and everything that supports it will cease to have any place in your
We ask those of you of
Light to continue focussing upon all that is positive, as you have the most
potent and powerful weapon in the Love that you express. All of you are lifting
the vibrations that are your assurance of bringing the New Age into being, and
nothing can stop it manifesting. In fact it is already having an impact beyond
what is immediately apparent, and there is no way that the way of life can
return to the old paradigm. Love is permeating all Institutions and Companies in
the Government and private sectors, and what has been accepted in the past is
now being questioned as to whether it operates in the best interests of
everyone. People who try to perpetuate the old ways will find them impossible to
maintain as is happening in the financial world. The extent of corruption goes
far beyond what has been revealed, and the truth will eventually come out and
shock many who placed their trust in them. A new system will be introduced that
will operate openly and seen to be transparent.
Our allies continue to be
much bolder in their activities, and have gained strength by finding much more
support for the changes they are working to introduce. In actuality you are
living with a foot in each world, and the sooner you withdraw any attachment to
the old 3D the quicker you will advance into the higher dimensions. Old karma
will come back for clearance and it could be as simple as changing your
attitudes, and that includes how you think about them. The criterion for change
is to stop being judgmental, and ensure that your own actions and words do not
carry any threat or harm to another's life. The invitation to "turn the other
cheek" is worth remembering, as we know that as emotional and feeling Beings you
find it hard not to respond to provocation. Anger and such reactions are
considered part of the human make up, but if unchecked can harm your physical
body and bring on illness. We do not for one moment tell you that you should not
stand up for yourself, but there can come a moment when it is better to walk
away from trouble.
In fact the more Light you
carry you will find that your life becomes less stressful. Your higher
vibrations will bring calmness around you, and you will be less likely to
encounter physical or vocal attacks. Nothing can harm you unless you have
attracted it to yourself. That really brings us to karmic experiences that can
occur at any time it is appropriate and when the best conditions present
themselves. Bear in mind that when it takes place amongst friends and families
they all get involved to some degree, and each in turn can learn something from
it. We will not tire in emphasizing that karma is never punishment, but is a
means of presenting a lesson in life that will help your spiritual advancement.
You do not necessarily have to experience everything yourself to gain some value
from it. Set yourself up as a good example of Light in action, and others will
see how beneficial it can be. For those of you celebrate Easter it is the
remembrance of a great Teacher who came upon the Earth, to show you what could
be achieved when you have reached the level of being able to express yourself by
Unconditional Love.
Love is all there is and
when you are aware of your many lifetime journeys in duality, you will
understand that it is only the path to follow if you desire to evolve. You have
taken many steps backwards only to have found your way forward again, but is so
doing you have learnt how to apply yourself to any situation without losing your
way. Presently your path is being made easier by the uplifting energies that
continue to reach Earth, and so they shall until you experience Ascension into
the higher vibrations. As you take your place in the 5th dimension you will
truly have become so enlightened that you will be a Being of Light. Even then it
is not the end of your upliftment as that will be ever ongoing until you reach
the Source. That is however a long way off having regard to the fact that you
will have only just fully returned to the Light. Your immediate task is to keep
focussed on the Light and fulfil your intent to leave duality behind.
Working towards the Light
can sometimes seem a burden that requires a change of lifestyle, and even the
need to become more selective where friends are concerned. We know it is hard to
keep knowledge to yourself unless invited to share it, but know that sometimes
situations are set up so that someone else benefits from what you know. Once you
find the truth you feel like shouting it from the rooftops, but one has to
resist such actions as they can put people against you who are not ready for it.
There is no rush to bring the truth to people as life is infinite and all
happens in good time, indeed at the right time. However do not let it deter you
from seeking to share your understanding with those who you perceive are ready.
There may be times when you get an angry reaction, but let it pass you by and
wish such people love and enlightenment. All souls will eventually find their
true path, and the experiences they are having now can only help them in the
I am SaLuSa from Sirius
and see so much on the horizon that will lift you up. It is coming about quite
quickly and will take many by surprise. It just needs one major change to be
announced and the rest will follow in quick succession. We admire the good sense
of duty and application to your chosen path working for the Light. We are One,
and you are certainly one of us. As you send you love to us it is returned
tenfold, and we thank you for doing so.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.