Awakening is often described as a profound spiritual transformation, signifying an enlightenment wherein individuals come to understand the true nature of reality by transcending into the fifth dimension. Others describe it in more practical terms as developing awareness and presence in everyday life. In either sense, awakening suggests moving beyond the veil of mental constructs, emotional filters, and programmed behaviors that limit our perception and understanding.
miércoles, julio 31, 2024
Aurora Ray - The Art of Awakening: An Exciting Journey into the Fifth Dimension! - Jul 31, 2024
Awakening is often described as a profound spiritual transformation, signifying an enlightenment wherein individuals come to understand the true nature of reality by transcending into the fifth dimension. Others describe it in more practical terms as developing awareness and presence in everyday life. In either sense, awakening suggests moving beyond the veil of mental constructs, emotional filters, and programmed behaviors that limit our perception and understanding.

Natalia Alba - The dance between the female and masculine energies continues - Jul 31, 2024
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Beloved Ones,
The dance between the female and masculine energies continues, witnessing the retrieval of both within and on our planet, occurring since the start of this year. We now cultivate the Golden aspect of us during this month, as the female continues rising, allowing the masculine embrace, as it is meant to be.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Wednesday July 31, 2024

What would happen if human beings started to acknowledge every single soul’s innate ability to be exactly where they need to be at any given moment? You would start to practice honour and acceptance for yourselves and for others, and that, all by itself, would be a profoundly powerful energetic shift that would ripple out beyond anything you could imagine. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

James McConnell - KaRa (Pleiadian Emissary) and OWS - it is all coming together as promissed - Jul 24, 2024
KaRa (Channeled by James McConnell)
I am KaRa.
And I come to be with you at this time, indeed these changing times, even though you may be finding it harder and harder to continue on, to continue to move forward, to continue to believe in the promises that have been given by all of us and many, many other sources have been telling over and over and over that yes, the light has won.

Daniel Scranton - The Creators - The Massive Energies on Earth & How to Acclimate to Them - Jul 31, 2024
“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.
We are noticing how many energies there are floating around in your atmosphere, and we are also aware of those of you who are sensitive to energies. We notice you having a challenging time sleeping or needing more sleep, and we recognize that some of you do not allow yourselves to rest enough, to relax enough, and to allow in the energies that are upon you. We want you to know that there is a significance to how hydrated you are in regards to how much of these energies you can ground into your bodies, and we also want you to know that there are other ways that you have of acclimating to higher-frequency energies.

martes, julio 30, 2024
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Tuesday July 30, 2024

The most powerful way to create is through essence. When you hold the intention of the core of your creation, you open yourselves up to many more options and matches that the universe can deliver to you. Sometimes, when you get too detailed with what you wish to create, you unknowingly create constraints because there is a much better match trying to make its way to you that you are not in acceptance of.

Is the Earth alive? - KRYON


Natalia Alba - The acceleration in our ascension process is strongly felt as we approach August - Jul 30, 2024
The acceleration in our ascension process is strongly felt as we approach August. We are heading into a three-month window of constant integration, releasing, and stabilization, for the three of them, are vital to remaining within divine balance.
During this month many issues related to fear, insecurities, lack of self-love, empowerment, and discernment can resurface for us to heal them, as this is what these energies are bringing to the surface, all that lives in separation within us.

Linda M. Robinson - Archangel Zadkiel - EMBRACING A HIGHER FOCUS - AUGUST 2024
WE ARE Archangels Amethyst and Zadkiel, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss embracing a higher focus.
Your focus sets the direction for your path.
It sets the direction for your energy and your vibration. This determines what experiences you draw to you.

Daniel Scranton - St. Germain - The Changes that Are Coming Start Here - Jul 30, 2024
“I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.
I am amazed and astounded all the time by what humans are capable of. I demonstrated some of what humanity is capable of in my lifetimes there on Earth, but you who live in the modern-day era are capable of even more than all of us within the collective of ascended masters have demonstrated to you in our lives. We know this, and we know that we came forth to set examples to you of what was possible, and we certainly did hope that you would understand that those possibilities would evolve and become bigger, stronger, more elaborate, and that is precisely what has been happening as you continue on in your journey through the the 21st century.

lunes, julio 29, 2024
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Monday July 29, 2024

Surrender, faith, flow, and trust are the essential elements of what we call The Divine Combination. Each is dependant upon the others to move your forward into your highest potentials you may not be aware exist from your vantage point.

Brenda Hoffman - Stick Figures or a Michelangelo? - July 28, 2024
Dear Ones,
Unlike 3D puberty, each of you is creating a unique path that does not necessarily intersect with others; your development experiences will differ.
Instead of a somewhat monochromatic tapestry like the one you created in 3D, the tapestry you are now creating is multicolored and multifaceted. Individual tracks might intersect with others, but not necessarily so. It is unlikely that your experiences will be similar to others.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Best Timelines for Humanity...Coming Soon - Jul 29, 2024
“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have looked down several timelines from where you are right now, and we know that those of you who are awake are feeling into those same timelines. You can feel the enormity of where it is you are standing right now because of the choosing that you must do in order to experience a bright future, one where you experience the least amount of chaos, the least amount of cataclysmic events. We know that it is easy to listen to those who are telling you that it is inevitable for things to get worse there on Earth when you have already been surrounded by pessimism and people who have been telling you to look out for this or that your entire lives.

domingo, julio 28, 2024
Kryon por Lee Carroll - Junio 10 - Día 4 – Aventura de Kristal - Hot Springs, Arkansas
Junio 10 - Día 4 – Aventura de Kristal
Hot Springs, Arkansas
Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Habrá algunos que digan ¿Por qué está esta entidad llamada Kryon aquí? ¿Cuál es el razonamiento? ¿Por qué un ser humano se sentaría en una silla y recibiría mensajes desde el otro lado del velo? Yo les daré la razón. Porque yo veo un cuadro más grande. Yo conozco su alma. Aquí hay mucha esperanza, y no la están recibiendo de nada de aquí. Excepto aquellos que están en contacto con lo que está en el nivel del alma, que es tan pacífico.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - The Inner Spirit working outward in your life is the only place to find stability in these changing times - July 28, 2024
You have found that your world is speeding up. You may even have a sense of frantic activity without a sense of accomplishment. You have found yourself searching for meaning in all that you are doing when it does not feel like enough.

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - July 28, 2024
For too long mankind has been praying (preying) to a concept made in man's image that lives in the sky with a list of who is naughty or nice in order to punish, condemn, or reward them according to rules created by human, conditioned minds that hold or have held in the past positions of religious or governmental authority. Know this--the only hell that exists is the one of man's making.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - A Quantum Leap Forward for the Awakened Collective - Jul 28, 2024
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are illuminating many paths for the Awakened Collective, because we know that sometimes getting the gentle nudges that you do from your guides is not enough. We know that the more encouragement you get from above, the easier then it becomes for you to take the path that will bring you the most joy and the most ease on the remainder of your ascension journeys. Not everyone who is a part of the Awakened Collective will have the exact same experiences moving forward because you are all different, and you are all meant to have different experiences for the One, for Source.

sábado, julio 27, 2024
Kryon por Lee Carroll - Antiguos Sonidos para la Ascensión - Junio 9 - Día 3 (B) – Aventura de Kristal - Hot Springs, Arkansas
Junio 9 - Día 3 (B) – Aventura de Kristal
Hot Springs, Arkansas
Antiguos Sonidos para la Ascensión
Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Tengo una historia. Deseo revelar algo que nunca he revelado, ni siquiera a mi socio. Tal vez es el tiempo, lo que ustedes se habían dado hoy, sobre la música, sobre los tonos, sobre frecuencias, sobre algunos de los misterios, sobre cómo estas cosas están evolucionando en la ciencia, en el esoterismo.
¿Mi historia? Bueno, es muy vieja. Voy a llevarlos hacia atrás, casi 5000 años, a un lugar que se ha vuelto muy familiar para mi socio, el antiguo Egipto. Y hay una razón para que vayamos allí.

Asara Adams - Archangel Michael - Energy Update - July 27, 2024
Archangel Michael:
"Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are sending you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you...

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Accept This Invitation from the Ascended Masters - Jul 57, 2024
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have noticed the impact that the masters who have walked on your planet have had on all of you. You have noticed their power, their alignment, and the love that emanates from them as well. They came to you in order to show you what was possible while being in a human physical form. They didn’t have anything that you don’t have. And to put it another way, everything that they had inside of them, you also have inside of you. And they wanted you to know that, but they also wanted to demonstrate to you how to access that which is in all of us, that which is Source.

viernes, julio 26, 2024
Aurora Ray - Master Your Mind and Ignite the Flame of The Warrior Spirit - Jul 26, 2024
The human mind is a mysterious landscape waiting to be explored.
When we engage with the mind, it has a tendency to conjure up sensations of pain even where none exist. The mind possesses this remarkable ability—it can fabricate pain out of thin air.
But we must persevere. How do we push through? By breathing deeper, longer, and slower. Your breath, your prana, is your life force. True strength emanates from the breath. As we deal with the complexities of the mind, we can use our breath to rise above the challenges it throws at us, tapping into our inner strength and unlocking our full potential.

Natalia Alba - The White Elohim, Guardians of our Universe await those ready to step into a new timeline - Jul 26, 2024

Beloved Ones,
The White Elohim, Guardians of our Universe await those ready to step into a new timeline. The moment has come for those of you who are ready to leave it all behind and move into a new timeline.
A moment we have been creating, and supporting since the beginning of 2012. The White Elohim and the Auroras have finally recoded many inorganic earth's structures, as there is still a lot of work to do. A message I received last night at 4:44 am.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Aventura de Kristal -- Hot Springs, Arkansas - Junio 9, 2024
Junio 9 - Día 3 – Aventura de Kristal
Hot Springs, Arkansas
¡Ahh! La música que oyen, a la que estuvieron expuestos aún este día, es hermosa. Pero hay mucho más. Para el ser humano, se ha escrito en mucha poesía, en muchos cuentos, presentada en muchas escenas y películas, es calmante, lleva a sus corazones a algún lugar Habla de maneras en que las palabras no lo hacen. Algunas veces realza las palabras. Es especial.

Jamye Price - August Ascension Energies – Foundations - Jul 26, 2024
Blessed Being, you are an ever-changing and ever-expanding aspect of Life. Your change is eased by your willingness to allow the pace (Time) and format (Space) of change to flow with less resistance. Yet, as you deal with the duality of contraction and expansion, your biomechanism reacts and responds with first protection, then choice. It is that protective mechanism that allows you to observe so that your choice then creates an expansion of the Self.
Life merges and emerges anew through you.
As you relax, soften and allow, you are soothing the protective mechanism into a safety of expansion. This is the result of a deep knowing of the loving nurturance of Life. It is a blending of your infinite nature and finite impatience. This is the urgency of the now moment relaxed into all is well. That wellness is the wellspring of Love emerging forth (fourth).
Your present moment is eternally influencing and your future is endless potential.
The courage to release unhealthy control opens you to possibilities beyond current conditions. It is a courageous choice because the biomechanism seeks to sustain life, and therefore maintain conditions, until safety is secured. This allowance creates a freedom that nurtures safety into the Self, creating the flow of least resistance to change.
To soothe the self, soften into a flexibility of the mind and heart. You can boost the flow of the heart and the mind will follow. You can soothe the resistance of the mind and the heart will energize. From either perspective, you are creating connection and coherence within, further empowering your focus.
To soften the mind, soothe the self into perceiving change as safe. Step by step, a small improvement or progress. To trick the mind, overpower the mind or control the mind sustains the information of fear hidden within the intent of improvement. Honor your brilliance and clarity as you determine the next logical progression the mind feels safe to soften.
To boost the flow of the heart, feel into the excitement of anticipation. Anticipation is a recognition of the external aspect of Life awaiting connection with the sacredness of you. The fulfillment of new form, life merging and emerging through you. The mind then follows that excitement.
As we sit to Blast Flexibility, we are preparing the self for easier flow through the continuous changes of Life. We are open to receiving beyond our current imaginings, as the vastness of Life supports life. We are cultivating the courage of change to become the grace of Life weaving our threads of Love into this world. We are open, receiving and giving Love the platform to teach the Truth of human potential. Blast on!
Copyright: © 2005-2024 Jamye Price All Rights Reserved. You are free to share this work for non-commercial use in complete and unedited form with this copyright information displayed in its entirety.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Friday July 26, 2024

Dear Ones, you are all on the planet in unprecedented times, receiving unprecedented energies. There is no blueprint for this, as you are all the co-creators, the pioneers of the expansion of your lives and the planet. This is what you were all so excited to experience! The times your soul could not wait to step into are right now. You are ready for it.

Daniel Scranton - Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters - Is Humanity an Experiment? - Jul 26, 2024
“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.
We know you so very well as your true selves, your whole selves, and as we tune into you there in your physical lives, we hold that knowing of who you really are above all else. This is very much an experiment. You are the ones doing the experimenting however, and you are not the lab rats of someone else’s experiment. You are experimenting with consciousness to see how far you can go from the truth of who you really are and to see what it will take to recover, to recuperate, to remember who you really are while still in physical form.

jueves, julio 25, 2024
Kryon por Lee Carroll - Sobre el Lecho de Cristales - Junio 8 - Día 2 - Hot Springs, Arkansas
Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Junio 8 - Día 2 - Hot Springs, Arkansas
Sobre el Lecho de Cristales
Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon, del Servicio Magnético.
No es frecuente que estemos afuera y canalicemos para un grupo, un grupo de almas, que se conocen entre sí. Se conocen entre sí. Y no estoy hablando de lo que ustedes pensarían, que los han conocido y saben sus nombres. Estoy hablando de conocimiento del alma. ¿Qué tal si les digo que el potencial exacto de los que estarían aquí fue conocido por adelantado, porque caía perfectamente que estarían juntos aquí bajo los árboles? Conmigo. Bajo los árboles. Sentados sobre una montaña de cristal, una energía que no tiene prueba científica, pero que afecta a lo que ustedes llaman consciencia. Les habla. Y algunos de ustedes saben que pueden hablarle en respuesta.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Thursday July 25, 2024

One of the most powerful, self-loving things you can do is to still yourself and take a moment to ask yourself, “What do you need today?” and then act on what you feel the answer is. Your tender inner being is aching for your love and attention if you are feeling out of sorts, and you may be amazed at how quickly you can bring yourself back to a state of greater comfort and peace by taking the time to do this one simple exercise for yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - El DESPERTAR CUÁNTICO - JULIO 2024
JULIO 2024
▲ El Gran Sol Central (Comunicación solar)
▲ Algunos síntomas de la descarga solar
▲ Orto helíaco para Sirio 2024
▲ Somos seres solares
▲ Pasando a través del Punto Cero
▲ Cada pensamiento es una pieza del tiempo
▲ Los cristales de la profecía de la Nova “Estrella Azul”
▲ Los portales cósmicos se abren
▲ El portal “8:8” del infinito
2024 ha sido un año de metamorfosis dentro de uno mismo, dentro y fuera de todas las dimensiones, y dentro y fuera del conocimiento previo. Este año nos ha llevado a lugares dentro de nuestra conciencia y percepción en los que no esperábamos entrar. Nuestra Tierra y nuestro mundo tienen un pulso y un propósito multidimensionales. Es una vibración viviente como lo son "Todas" las cosas dentro del espectro universal. Se mueve como una medusa fotónica que se manifiesta en las grietas más profundas del pensamiento invisible.

Natalia Alba - As we continue crossing the threshold into a more illumined cycle - Jul 25, 2024
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Beloved Ones,
As we continue crossing the threshold into a more illumined cycle, the retrieval of the emerald and aquamarine crystals in our planet continues, activating many Earth's portals at this time of profound transformation. At an individual level.
Our DNA continues as well realigning to the many timelines that are being rehabilitated, and we are also linking from within by restoring our DNA time codes, for all activations come from the inner work we are ready and willing to do.

Daniel Scranton - The Andromedan Council of Light - What the Next Five Years Will Be Like - Jul 25, 2024
“We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we are very excited to be connecting with you.
We have noticed how far you’ve come over the last five years there on Earth, and we know that you faced a lot of adversity and a lot of challenges in order to make the growth that you have over those past five years. We also want you to know that it doesn’t have to be hard. You do not need to make things harder on yourselves in order to grow and expand into the beings that you are ultimately becoming. You can have a very smooth and easy ride over these next five years, and we invite you to envision what that looks like to you.

miércoles, julio 24, 2024
Aurora Ray - Ready for Change? Steps to Align with Cosmic Energies in This Ascension Era! - Jul 24, 2024
Ready for Change? Steps to Align with Cosmic Energies in This Ascension Era!
As we traverse this extraordinary era of ascension, there are steps we can take to align with the unfolding cosmic energies and prepare ourselves for the quantum leap in consciousness.
Though unseen forces are guiding the process, we each have a role to play in this grand transformation.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Arkansas Día 1 - Aventura de Kristal - 7 de Junio de 2024
7 de Junio de 2024 – Dia 1 - Aventura de Kristal
Hot Springs, Arkansas
Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Treinta y cinco años atrás, mi socio fue sorprendido por la energía cuando yo entré. Él todavía está sorprendido. Porque el amor fluye entrando. pasando un punto; el amor El amor fluye entrando con una intensidad que no es posible con un humano.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Wednesday July 24, 2024

Dear Ones, grounding in each step of the unfoldment with your acceptance and gratitude is what makes the next vital step possible. Do not see having gratitude for the now moment as choosing to stay put, or accepting less than your desire if your creation is not yet complete because the universe will always seek and support your expansion and growth.

Celia Fenn - 24th July 2024 : The Heliacal Rising of Sirius and the Land of the Two Suns - Jul 24, 2024
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24th July 2024 : The Heliacal Rising of Sirius and the Land of the Two Suns
We are in a very powerful time, in which the Earth is being affected by both the Sun and the Blue Star Sirius in the lead up to the Lions Gate on 8th August.
At this time in the northern lands, Sirius rises with Sun on the Eastern horizon, blending its brilliant blue white light with the golden and white light of our Sun. The ancient Egyptians recognised this powerful moment as it coincided with the annual rising of the Nile and the outpouring of blessings on the land. It also led into the annual Lions Gate portal under the sign of Leo in which the Earth entered a new cycle or Time Spiral under the guardianship of the Royal Star Lions, the architects of Galactic Time.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The U.S. Presidential Election: Nov. 2024 - Jul 24, 2024
“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been observing you there on Earth for quite some time now, and we do know that you like to get riled up over your politics, your candidates, and your governments. And we also know that a lot of eyes are on the United States and their presidential election in November. You can support whichever candidate you want to support, and you can know that we, The Arcturian Council, support all of you. We support all of humanity and we do not take sides.

martes, julio 23, 2024
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Tuesday July 23, 2024
The act of gratitude, along with the practice of grounding, both work to anchor energy. The two together are absolutely integral for successful manifestation. So connect with the essence of what you would like to create for yourself, give thanks for its existence, and then ground it into your reality by inviting it in and anchoring it energetically. It does not need to be more complicated than that. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Great Body Mysteries - KRYON

Daniel Scranton - The Creators - Can All Prayers Really Be Answered? - Jul 23, 2024
“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.
You have been summoning more energy of late from the nonphysical, and you have been doing for your fellow humans and yourselves. You must realize by now that having eight billion human bodies on the planet actually serves you very well, because you have more individuals anchoring in higher-frequency energies than ever before on the planet. Now, those of you who are awake also recognize that you can receive those energies and that you do receive those energies from time to time.

lunes, julio 22, 2024
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Monday July 22, 2024

Dear Ones, we understand that releasing has been a major theme for many of you, and that it can seem to be an arduous task. We would like to present an idea that may make it easier to understand and allow you to let go of the old once and for all.
Many of you understand the concept of past lives. Some of you may have even done pastlife regression to actively let go of old wounds you may have been carrying forward with you. Once you have the awareness you are holding onto an old experience that happened in another life expression, you see there isn’t much point of holding onto it. You heal, you release, and you move on.

Natalia Alba - Many of you are awakening your ascension chakra - Jul 22, 2024
Beloved Ones,
Many of you are awakening your ascension chakra during this year of self-reconnection and illumination. This opening occurs when you finally transcend the three-dimensional levels, reconnect the light body, and align to your monad. With the current planetary 888 energies, many of you are undergoing a massive transformation, and it is now that we are reaching the peak of what we started months ago.

Vidya Frazier - Consciously Surfing the Waves of Chaos - Jul 22, 2024
Well, we’ve really entered into the times of intense chaos that have always been predicted for these times, haven’t we?
The US has finally joined the fray in a very obvious way with an assassination attempt on a presidential candidate – which has only intensified the election frenzy that was already underway.

Brenda Hoffman - Nothing Is as It Was Two Weeks Ago - July 22, 2024
Dear Ones,
Your new life starts today.
This is so because you have internalized the pieces necessary to proclaim your oneness with the Earth and Universes. You no longer look in on the outside, whether as a human or a Universal being.
Your eons of Earth experiences were confusing because, in the back of your mind or in your dreams, you had more skills and flexibility than you displayed during your 3D Earth reality. You knew something was not quite right, but you had no idea how to shift that concern into actuality. Now you do. Even though those skills might not yet be displayed in your life, you have reclaimed your Universal skillset and added a few more skills you developed as Earth workarounds.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Why Are So Many E.T.s Interested in Humanity? - Jul 22, 2024
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are quite enriched by every experience that we have with all of you there on Earth, and we include these transmissions as experiences that we are having with all of you, because we know when you receive the transmission and we feel the effect that each transmission has upon you. We also get all of our ideas about what to broadcast to you from you. So we are connecting with you all the time, and we are enriched and enlivened by each and every experience that we have with one of you.

domingo, julio 21, 2024
Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - The Inner Spirit working outward in your life is the only place to find stability in these changing times - July 21, 2014
You have found that your world is speeding up. You may even have a sense of frantic activity without a sense of accomplishment. You have found yourself searching for meaning in all that you are doing when it does not feel like enough.