lunes, mayo 31, 2021
Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Monday, May 31, 2021
Monday, May 31, 2021
What if you rehearsed dramas not
but created your own record keeping of
self love?
This is what you are dreaming.
This is what you are creating
with substantial relevance.
It is for you to wake up with the soul satisfaction
that you are learning
you are growing
in what it has taken you a lifetime to realize.
All is love.

Kryon a través de Lee Carroll - Miércoles de Sanación - 14 de abril de 2021
Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon, del Servicio Magnético.
Queridos, este mes les estamos dando cuatro partes de un tema que otra vez voy a describir – esta es la Parte 2- del tema: Verdades Espectaculares (se ríe), que hacen que la gente se pregunte qué es verdad o no – son controversiales. Espectaculares, entonces, verdades polémicas, eso es el tema.

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Patience - May 31, 2021
Do you become impatient with a child learning? Then why be this way with yourself? You are an ever-changing being expressing and learning in the emotional school you call Earth. Have a bit of patience with yourself. ~ Creator

Jahn J Kassl - Message from Sananda - CONNECTED TO THE HIGHER SELF - May 30, 2021
There is so much more to you, human, than you might think – and disregarding this fact and ranging today’s energetic jungle on your own account leads to trouble.
photo credit: Andrea Percht
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations
Daily Meditation, daily prayer
Beloved humans,
God is revealing himself to you these days. While the pressure around you increases, God is settling down in your hearts. Slowly you are beginning to understand that the turmoil the world is in is just a reflection of your own thoughts and emotions. Calming down, becoming still inside – that is what matters now.

Blossom Goodchild - Channeling the Federation of Light - May 30, 2021
Hello, Chaps. I thought I might give you a bell … see if you’re home?
It is, indeed, an Energy exchange of which we have been expecting and looking forward to. Not just for communication with you, Dearest Blossom, yet, to connect up, as we like to do, with All Souls who find our words to be of comfort and encouragement.

Jennifer Hoffman - ¡Es tiempo retro de Mercurio! He aquí cómo manejar este período complicado - Mayo 29, 2021
Traducción y Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Síguenos Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM:
Síguenos Por el Canal "El Manantial del Caduceo - Kryon" Únicamente KRYON:
Síguenos Ahora en MeWe
Ayer escribí sobre el eclipse lunar de luna llena de súper luna y hoy Mercurio se volvió retrógrado. Además, Saturno se volvió retrógrado la semana pasada; este ha sido un tiempo muy ocupado.
Este Mercurio retrógrado es muy especial, siguiendo los pasos del eclipse lunar porque está en el mismo signo y grado que el Mercurio retro en mayo de 1975, que también fue la fecha del eclipse lunar de luna llena anterior en el mismo signo que estas semanas.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Monday, May 31, 2021
Many enlightening human beings have trouble receiving. There are multiple reasons for this, but one that is rarely mentioned is that empaths are very uncomfortable receiving from the energies of martyred service. They simply do not want to receive if it comes at the discomfort of another.
This is because they inherently understand they are here to anchor the energy of win/win scenarios where everyone benefits from giving and receiving. At the core of this is joyful service, and that is a major aspect of the shift you are in.

L’Aura Pleiadian - I AM NOT HUMAN ~ STARLIGHT ACTIVATIONS 11 of 111 - May 31, 2021

I am not human, we are not human that are transmitting to you now.
And why should we fit into your mental constructs as we are not part of that thinking process and what it contains.
Ideas of how things are, are not the same as seeing how things really are from the higher dimensions of consciousness manifestation.
Of course these written words appear as just human words and have no meaning in themselves.
Do not put your beliefs in the words themselves. Or you will remain caught up in your mental constructs.

Judith Kusel - What I have found that the path of ascension is a path of faith, and trust...- May 31, 2021

What I have found that the path of ascension is a path of faith, and trust, even if you cannot see the final outcome as yet.
I had a profound experience this morning, when I was suddenly, during my early morning meditation work, called upon to do massive energy work.
When I had completed the work, and indeed finally saw the whole picture, after so many years of just being given little pieces of the same, I stood in awe and wonder.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power ✨ 11 - May 31, 2021
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Schumann Resonance Today
31 May 2021 17:00 UTC

Patricia Cota-Robles - PREPARE YOURSELF FOR THE INFLUX OF LIGHT IN JUNE 2021 - May 31, 2021
We have just completed an epic month of Transformational shifts involving the energy, vibration and consciousness of Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth. According to the Company of Heaven, the progress we collectively Cocreated in our Ascension process during the month of May in 2021 benefited ALL Life on this Planet in ways that exceeded even the expectations of Heaven. The Beings of Light have incredible Faith in our ability to God Victoriously accomplish the critical facets of the Divine Plan for Mother Earth that we are ALL Cocreating, so to say we have succeed beyond their expectations is quite a statement.

James Gilliland - As You Wish Talk Radio LIVE

Celia Fenn - The Big Shift of 2021 - May 31, 2021
The Big Shift of 2021
How is everyone today?
Personally I am vibrating and buzzing up to my eyelashes. Lol!
On this last day of May 2021 we are still integrating the powerful energy waves from the recent Galactic discharge/Solar Storm and Lunar Eclipse.
Yes, a big one, that is activating major shifts within our physical body as we upgrade into the 8th and 9th dimensions (Solar and Galactic levels) if we have chosen that path. Some have not.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - June 2021 Energies: Big Changes - May 31, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so very happy to be able to give you our perspective on the energies that we can feel coming in for humanity and planet Earth in the month of June. In many ways, June is a month of new beginnings. It is a month of you being able to receive energies that will assist you in making the big changes that you want to make in your own lives. These are very supportive energies that are coming, but they are also energies that are meant to stir things up.

Brenda Hoffman - Beyond the Veils - May 31, 2021
Dear Ones,
We, of the Universes, wish to congratulate all of you for allowing the energies now pummeling the earth to become part of your new being. It is as if you graduated from a university with special honors. For if you are reading this message, you have evolved far beyond the point you anticipated before birth in this earth life.
That is not to say those not readily accepting the energies are bad or slow learners. But instead, that they are in a different phase than you.

viernes, mayo 28, 2021
Natalie Glasson - Saint Germain - Navigating Your Personal Ascension - May 28, 2021
by Saint Germain
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings and love, I am Saint Germain. It is a joy to be in your presence today and to bring forth information and guidance. I wish to inspire you to focus upon your own personal ascension. I wish to bring to your attention that there is a need for you to focus upon navigating your personal ascension, creating intentions and focus points, creating thoughts or contemplating what you wish to experience in your ascension. Connecting from deep within your being, guided by your soul, your intuition, your truth, the aspect of the Creator within you.
What Are The Next Steps Of Your Personal Ascension?
I, Saint Germain wish to encourage you to navigate your personal ascension. This means I wish for you to write down or to document in some way what you wish to achieve in your ascension, as well as your ultimate ascension goal. This can be explored by asking yourself:
‘If I were in a place of fully embodying and completing my personal ascension in this lifetime, what would I be experiencing?
What would my actions be?
What would my thoughts and emotions be like?
Where would I be living on the Earth and with who would I be living?
What would my daily routine be?
I encourage you to explore this. It is not to create concrete ideas of what ascension is, what it means or how you live a life of ascension upon the Earth. I simply wish to encourage you to focus on experimenting, to recognise what it could be like completing your ascension in this life and remaining upon the Earth, living as your ascended master self. I encourage you to focus and to discover what this might be like. It is very much like imagining or wishing to have a new coat or jacket and so you imagine what a new coat or jacket would look like. What type? What colour? What thickness? When would you wear it?
Imagining and exploring your ascension is the same. To navigate your ascension, your personal ascension, I first wish to encourage you to think, explore, and to imagine the steps that are required to achieving your ascension. What would your complete ascension be like? If you are unable to register the steps then simply imagine, sense, acknowledge what complete ascension, living as your ascended master self on the Earth would be like for you. Once you have imagined this, almost tried it on, and experienced it energetically, I wish to encourage you to move on to the next stage of navigating your personal ascension. Each day in the coming days, I invite you to either imagine a pathway before you or a pathway within you going deeper into your being, you can imagine them as stepping stones. You do not necessarily need to know the steps of your ascension. Simply imagine you are stepping on one stone and then the next one, either before you or going within your being, deeper and deeper, whichever feels most appropriate. As you take a step on the stepping stones, you are reaching your goal, you are reaching complete ascension. As you imagine this, each stone will represent a transformation that will take place within your being, allowing you to recognise a remembrance of the Creator, a greater opening and expansion of your being and a shift in your physical reality. Each stepping stone allows you to absorb and engage with a transformational experience. Take time, even if you only achieve and absorb one stepping stone a day or you may be able to achieve the entire pathway. It is the goal to imagine, sense, or acknowledge that you are stepping on stepping stones that lead you to complete ascension within your being. Each stepping stone is the transformation that is needed, becoming the recognition and remembrance for you to remember yourself as an ascended master.
You already are an ascended master. You already have everything that you need and desire, that is appropriate and necessary, you already embody it, it already exists within your being. So, this process of imagining stepping stones is your awakening. You are remembering, you are collecting your remembrance of the Creator and yourself as an expression of the Creator, allowing yourself to embody it. You will notice that you may be able to count, maybe there are 10 stepping stones to complete ascension, existing as your ascended master self on the Earth, maybe there are more, maybe there are less. Gradually each day as you achieve this practice, using your imagination, you will embody more and more, and you become more settled, more comfortable, more grounded into your ascended master self, more able to open to it, to remember it, to experience it. Thus, you will find yourself experiencing the transformations in your reality with greater ease because energetically, you have already embodied them. It is simply a realisation with the mind or an action in the physical body or your reality. Then you will discover that you are more often sitting in the energy of your complete ascended master self and therefore it is easier to act and react from this space of your ascended master self. Thus, you become your ascended master self, and as you become your ascended master self, you may recognise glimmers of what you imagined it would be like in your reality. Things entering your reality and things falling away. However, existing as your ascended master self may not be as you imagined it and that is also fine. It does not mean you completed it incorrectly, that you failed or have not completed your ascended master self-embodiment. As you grow and transform your perspective changes and alters, know that when you exist in your ascended master self, which you can do right now, you have everything you need. You have everything that is appropriate and necessary, the key is to bring this into expression in your physical reality, through radiance, sharing, emanating your light and your love, and accessing your truth.
This technique, I am entitling Navigating Your Personal Power, because you are instigating the navigation, you are in control. You are guiding yourself; you are achieving your personal ascension, and this is a practice that you can use at any moment, even when you are confused, experiencing chaos, when healing is needed or when you are experiencing low vibrations. Using this technique to navigate your personal ascension will shift your energy, aligning you to your truth and the Creator, which are essentially the same.
Why Am I Bringing Forth This Technique To You?
There is a need for you to accept your personal power regarding your ascension. There is a need for you to delve deeper, to dive into a greater understanding and embodiment of your own ascension pathway. Sometimes when you are embarking upon your ascension it feels unknown. Therefore, when it feels unknown, it feels unobtainable. By using the stepping stones you are allowing yourself to engage and embody the energy. It will feel familiar, you will be embarking upon your ascension and gaining the inspiration and understanding that you desire. It is a process of embodiment, accessing greater knowingness, of accelerating, making it easier for you to achieve your ascension in the physical reality while empowering you as you know you are the leader of your own ascension process. This is immensely powerful currently. It is something that is required because as you achieve this process, we, the beings on the inner planes, will be able to assist you, anchor more energy, wisdom, and everything you need as well as everything Mother Earth needs for ascension. You are the anchor not only of your own ascension process but the ascension process of all and Mother Earth.
We are grateful to you that you are on the Earth now as an anchor of the ascension process, and we thank you for this.
Please know that I, Saint Germain, I am with you supporting you and guiding you. Please receive my technique of navigating your personal ascension.
I love you always. I thank you.
I am Saint Germain

Mike Quinsey - Ser Superior - Mayo 28, 2021
Los asuntos avanzan ahora muy rápidamente y por fin se vislumbra el fin de todos los problemas asociados a la llegada del Covid19. Se trata de una situación que se permitió que tuviera lugar y que se utilizó para daros más tiempo para pensar detenidamente en los cambios de vuestro modo de vida. Se ha aprendido mucho del confinamiento, y no hay duda de que es obvio que muchos aspectos de vuestra forma de vida tendrán que cambiar definitivamente. Vemos como parte de vuestra experiencia os ha hecho respirar profundamente y considerar cómo podríais hacer vuestras experiencias más apropiadas y edificantes. Vosotros tomaréis las decisiones con nuestro impulso, aunque como os hemos dicho muchas veces, la elección final será vuestra de acuerdo con el libre albedrío que se os ha dado. Vemos el potencial vuestro y las sabias decisiones asegurarán que hayáis elegido correctamente.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - May 28, 2021
Matters are now moving on very quickly and at last the end is in sight of all the problems associated with the coming of Covid19. It is a situation that was allowed to take place, and used to give you more time to think carefully about changes to your way of life. Much has been learned from the lockdown, and there is no doubt that it is obvious that many aspects of your way of life will have to be changed for good. We see it as part of your experience that has caused you to take a deep breath and consider how you could make your experiences more appropriate and uplifting. You will make the decisions with our prompting although as we have told you many times, the final choice will be yours in accordance with the freewill given to you. We see the potential for you and wise decisions will ensure you have chosen correctly.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Friday, May 28, 2021

Your mind is a wonderful tool for discernment. Your heart’s specialty is expansion and flow. Together they provide everything you need for empowered forward movement. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Suzanne Lie - THE LUNAR ECLIPSE - May 28, 2021
Click below link to find the info on YouTube

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Your Biggest Fan - May 28, 2021
Your Biggest Fan
A gentle reminder; your biggest fan is YOU! If you constantly seek outside confirmation of inner changes, somehow, it will never be quite enough. Once you realize that you are cheering for yourself, all things become and are possible. ~ Creator

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power ✨ 53 📉 44 - May 28, 2021
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Schumann Resonance Today
28 May 2021 17:00 UTC

Jamye Price - June Ascension Energies – The Reflection - May 28m 2021

Please note: this month the video is a more practical journey with the monthly energies, while the written post is a deeper, esoteric journey.
Expressing Your Heart
What an interesting energy from May’s Heart Expression that was such a powerful aspect of the eclipse in Sagittarius. The fire of Sagittarius offers the burning away of inadequacy, fear and negativity that holds back our wise, confident and generous expression.

L’Aura Pleiadian - THE UNREAL EARTH AND TIME - May 28, 2021

ARE YOU still believing time exists? Asking questions based on time? Still think about it?
Do you think you are in it?
Do you think EARTH IS how you think it is?
If yes to any of the above, then you are among the many that exist in a STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS in a world that you think is solid, that the common belief of time exists, that is a mass consensus in which consists mass CONSCIOUSNESS.

Judith Kusel - This huge shift is bringing us back to the highest truth of our soul and the reason we all incarnated - May 28, 2021
This huge shift is bringing us back to the highest truth of our soul and the reason we all incarnated.
So many souls give their own soul power away, to other people and often to those whom they think they serve, but then resent them because they feel powerless.
Nowhere was this more seen and indeed is still seen, in women who often falsely believe that they need a man in their life to validate their existence, or to make them complete, or to fulfill them, or that they need to have had children in order to be a true woman. All of this is false programming which has been handed down and indeed is not true. Many women live their lives through their children. Yet the children have their own unique soul purpose and calling to live and indeed, be soul empowered.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - This Is How to Be Spiritual - May 28, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have extended ourselves, in a manner of speaking, to anyone and everyone who is seeking spiritual guidance and assistance with their growth and evolution. We are not at all offended by those who have no interest in what it is that we are offering. We do not care if people agree with what it is that we have to share through this channel. We are not looking for followers and believers. We are simply offering our assistance.

jueves, mayo 27, 2021
Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Thursday, May 27, 2021
Thursday, May 27, 2021
Resist the idea of failure.
When you realize
that you are constantly inspired
constantly supported
in your new visioning of self
you will allow this immersion
to take place with ease.

MAY 2021 ~ Full Moon MEDITATION by Shanta Gabriel

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - An Observer - May 27, 2021
An Observer
When you are experiencing a challenging situation, look at yourself and your reactions to those around you as an observer. What do you see? How can you change? What do you wish to let go of? The situation will only remain toxic, difficult or hurtful if you let it. ~ Creator

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power ✨ 56 💥 72 💥 66 - May 27, 2021
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Schumann Resonance Today
27 May 2021 15:00 UTC

Regenesis Transmission | Episode 4.1

Jennifer Crokaert - Ashian - Become 5D ready
A: You, humanity, are like a water balloon that is so full of water/energy that you are about to make a collective ‘pop’, and when you do, the Universe will know.
J: Are you talking about emerging from the ‘new big c’, or the EBS or the Event, or something different entirely?
A: The Event. It is close and getting closer. Despite what you may see, the vibration is increasing steadily on the planet and when you are able to sustain the vibration you will make the jump.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Thursday, May 27, 2021

Dear Ones, the unfoldment of your journey is always serving you. If you are in a lull it is because you are in a phase that requires you to rest, receive, and integrate. If you are in fast forward movement, you are experiencing the next level that has opened to you due to the work you have done in your lull period. One serves the other and both serve you, always.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - You Are Building a Bridge to the New Earth - May 27, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are listening to all of your requests, and we know how much you all want to not only see the changes that you want to see on your world, but we also recognize how many of you want to be a part of those changes. You are the changemakers. You are the ones to question everything and to envision a new world, a world where everyone lives in peace and harmony. This is absolutely the world you are moving towards. Some already experience this world in their minds, in their bodies, in their emotions, and in their energy fields. They are not escaping from the quote/unquote real world in doing this. They are creating the new world and building a bridge with their own bodies, with their own energies and psyches.

miércoles, mayo 26, 2021
Jennifer Farley - Forgive Yourself - May 26, 2021
Forgive Yourself
Stop beating yourself up over the past. Make it an experience in your life, not all of who you are. The only dishonoring that will happen is if you get stuck back there and not move forward. Forgive yourself. ~ Creator

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Arriving at your doorstep
is an offering
a present
an energy exchange
waiting to occur
as you are ready
to receive it on behalf
of the One.
You are learning to receive
on behalf of the many.
You are learning
that all is One.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power ✨ 30 ⚡️ 48 - May 26, 2021
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Schumann Resonance Today
26 May 2021 19:30 UTC

Jennifer Hoffman - The 5Cs of 5D - May 25, 2021 | 2021

To fully understand the 3D/5D ascension integration process we have to rethink what so many people wrongly said about ascension. It’s not a leap into lala land where everything glitters with fairy dust and unicorns dance in the streets.
If you have been part of this process for the last 15 to 20 years, you know this isn’t so. It has been some of the most challenging, grueling, painful periods in our life. But it does get better when we understand the 5D energies and how they are being integrated into 3D. Remember as I always say, ascension is an integration, not a takeover. It’s called creating ‘heaven on earth’, not destroying earth so heaven can take over.

Celia Fenn - Wednesday 26th Full Moon Supermoon and Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius/Gemini Sun - May 26, 2021
Wednesday 26th Full Moon Supermoon and Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius/Gemini Sun.
Yes today is the day.
Very powerful frequencies incoming, with this Full Moon also called the "Flower Moon", being Spring, and a Super Moon because it will be the closest Moon to the Earth in 2021.
The Eclipse itself will be visible in the Americas, North and South, the Pacific Region and South East Asia.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wednesday, May 26, 2021

We understand many of you are seeking structure to feel safe, but the structure you truly seek should be malleable and support your flow and evolution. Control cannot do that. You wish to make things predictable through your control but the only thing that control will always provide is slowly sucking the vibrancy and flow of what you are trying to hold onto.
As you become more adept at moving with the new energies, you will come to understand that it is the structure provided by the divine combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust that will always bring you the support, guidance, and movement to continue to experience your highest outcomes. It will provide the sustenance your dreams require in order to continue to unfold and evolve. It is the system you can trust to support your evolution and the evolution of all the things that are dear to you.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - What You Need to Know About the Eclipse - May 26, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are aware of all of the fluctuations in energy that occur throughout the entire galaxy, and we notice how much excitement is generated by those of you who are awake, spiritually, whenever there is a big celestial event occurring in your skies. Now, you have lived through many eclipses and many super moons throughout the course of your lives, but each one is unique, each one is different. Each one brings something new and exciting to the table, and that’s what you all are aware of at this time, even if you didn’t know you were aware of it. Some of you have just sensed that there was something in the air, energetically, and there is. There always is.

martes, mayo 25, 2021
Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Just Allow - May 25, 2021
Just Allow
Your ability to create is limited only by what you believe is possible. Practice imagining one thing you believe to be impossible as possible each day. Co-creating with The Universe is as easy as breathing…just allow. ~ Creator

Lena Stevens - Luna Llena 26 de Mayo 2021 - Mayo 25, 2021
Traducción y Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Síguenos Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM:
Síguenos Por el Canal "El Manantial del Caduceo - Kryon" Unicamente KRYON:
Síguenos Ahora en MeWe
Queridos amigos,
La luna llena en Sagitario con un eclipse lunar total es el miércoles 26 de mayo a las 5:13 a.m. Hora de verano de la montaña (MDT).
Esta es una Súper Luna y uno de los marcos de tiempo más poderosos que tenemos para cambiar, transformar, mejorar, expandir y elevar nuestra vibración al nivel más alto posible. Puede ser tan incómodo como los dolores de crecimiento, pero si permaneces presente y te concentras en mejorar, las recompensas son fenomenales. Muchos pueblos indígenas ven este momento como un ancla para el futuro, el comienzo de un nuevo ciclo. ¿Qué quieres? ¿Que necesitas? ¿Qué está apareciendo para ti?

Lena Stevens - Full Moon Update 5-26-2021 - May 25, 2021
Dear Friends,
The Full Moon in Sagittarius with a total Lunar Eclipse is Wednesday, May 26 at 5:13 AM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).
This is a Super Moon and one of the most powerful time frames we have for change, transformation, improvement, expansion and raising our vibration to the highest level possible. It can be as uncomfortable as growing pains but if you stay present and focused on improvement, the rewards are phenomenal. Many indigenous peoples see this time as an anchor for the future, the beginning of a new cycle. What do you want? What do you need? What is showing up for you?

Lisa Renee - Protein Engineering
Chemical based methods of genetic engineering use natural or synthetic compounds that form into particles that facilitate the transfer of genetic material or instruction sets directly into cells. Enzymes that catalyze reactions in the bonds of DNA are genetic engineering techniques in which there can be copied, snipped or spliced DNA in order to customize a range of effects in a living organism. What happens when Genetic Engineering previously performed in laboratories to manipulate human DNA are now being uploaded as complex mathematical programs for weaponizing particles in quantum computers and AI machines?

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Dear Ones, acceptance is an essential element for you as you move forward into the new energies. Acceptance for others. Acceptance for yourself – all aspects of yourself including your tender human parts that are seeking your love and guidance as well as your divinity. Acceptance that there is profound intelligence and purpose in the unfoldment of the shift you are participating in. Acceptance that your body knows exactly what it needs to do to navigate your ascension process if you take the time to listen to its guidance. Acceptance of the unfoldment and the support that is available for you at all times if you are willing to ask and receive. Acceptance is how you can finally settle in to the truth that your beingness is more than enough. Acceptance is the way to your forward movement and how to harness the most out of any energies that are presenting to you. It is how you embrace your growth and evolution.

Sarah Varcas - Mayo - Junio de 2021: temporada de eclipses y Mercurio retrógrado - Mayo 23, 2021

Todas las fechas son UT
Traducción: Rosa García
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Síguenos Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM:
Síguenos Por el Canal "El Manantial del Caduceo - Kryon" Unicamente KRYON:
Síguenos Ahora en MeWe
29 de Mayo: Mercurio estaciona retrógrado a 25 º de Géminis
10 de Junio: Eclipse solar a 20º de Géminis
14 de Junio: segundo cuadratura de Saturno en Acuario a Urano en Tauro
19 de Junio: termina la temporada de Eclipses
22 de Junio: Mercurio estaciona directo a 17 º de Géminis
Todas las fechas son UT
El Eclipse Lunar en Sagitario del 26 de Mayo inicia una secuencia clave de eventos astrológicos, por lo que Junio nos ofrecerá la oportunidad de revisar nuestra perspectiva y de profundizar en nuestras percepciones. En las próximas semanas puede cambiar exponencialmente nuestra relación con los hechos, la información, la percepción y la experiencia (los ámbitos de Sagitario y Géminis). La Superluna del 27 de Abril nos preparó para este momento, con eventos que pusieron en escena los temas predominantes de las próximas semanas.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power ✨ 9 - May 25, 2021
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Schumann Resonance Today
25 May 2021 17:00 UTC

Aisha North - A short update on the energies - May 25, 2021
A short update on the energies
The Sun is dispensing
Crystalline Blessings.
Receive them
with an open heart.
Bente Amundsen • Aisha NorthMay 25, 2021

Judith Kusel - Tender Loving Care - May 25, 2021
Tender Loving Care
We could all do with some tender loving care at this momentous time of changes.
Tender loving care should also extend to our own wellbeing, especially as the energies now are escalating to an all-time high and indeed, we are all being challenged to keep up with the intense cleansing, clearing and the lifting into the Higher frequencies and vibrations.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Earthbound Activators - May 25, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have many decisions that we must make all the time. It is one of the things that keeps us busy so to speak, even though we do not have physical bodies. We often choose between different strands of light, different packets of energies, and different pieces of information to offer to humankind, and we know that we can always do better. We know that there is always more for us to reach for in terms of the assistance we can provide, and that keeps us on the path that we are most certainly happy to be on.