Blessings Beloveds ~
*May Consistency* is taking on a new level. Ever since the Gateway opening mid-April, we have been a brand new trajectory. Deep self-evalution is needed as we prepare for full-blown acceleration. Zero Point is amplified to cause revelation within and without. I feel this collective knows what inner shifts are required for the organic experience. Heed your inner wisdom and be a responsible creator.
Remember: These frequencies read your Divine DNA like a quantum archive. Cosmic wisdom knows what your highest trajectory and heart choices are. Revelation of this higher path requires change, or dismantling can get intense.
This passage continues to reveal increasing cosmic and planetary activity. Flares are firing as I write this.
Self-revelation on a vast scale is upon us, with unique effects in all of the Divine fractals walking this beautiful planet.
Note the shifts in perception, realms and awareness underway. Your lifestream may feel very different (again) as the dismantling enters an (even more) bizarre phase. Dismantling does not need your attention at this point; no need to fix or amplify a dissolving structure.
Focus on re-learning your Creator skills, and direct that light on the reality you desire to be revealed. That is a true service during this experience, and allows you to adapt to the new energies quickly.
I intend to produce a video this weekend on this eclipse-eclipse-Solstice amplification. Writing up the lengthy intel is just too much at the moment.
Gateways open SUNday during our SUNday Unity meditations. I highly recommend unifying with the meditations this week. Codes and support will be flowing like never before. Activations and Solar flash visions keep stepping up each week. Sometimes it is easier to see, feel and receive in the company of star family. Co-creation of organic Ascension in the field is palpable; join us and learn how to use unity consciousness in this Now.
Kindwhile, here are the eclipse and Solstice activations over the next month:
Lunar Eclipse
Wednesday May 26 at 4:18AM PDT
Full Super Blood Moon 4:14AM PDT
Choice-Point for full engagement with the new trajectory
Surrender of beliefs about YOU and Source; becomes uncomfortable after this point to carry old or distorted agendas forward
Revelation and Freedom codes
Limiting parameters for realities blown wide open
Shifts in Perception: Acceleration of Dismantling as well as Divine Truth
Clarity on what stays and what goes in your chosen reality
Solar Eclipse
Thursday June 10 at 3:41AM PDT
New Moon 3:54AM PDT
Palpable new frequencies level up many OverSoul groups
Dropping off of old Self support for Embodiers; rapid Self-Rrevelation
Solar flash experiences (transcendence activations) amplified
Crystalline Bridges to New Earth Realms open through the Heart
SUNday June 20 at 8:31PM PDT
Organic Stargate alignment; Incredibly powerful Zero Point energies
Embodiment of the Crystalline Lightbody
Unified Golden Race codes activate as Conduits of Pure Consciousness
HUge support for coherent Hearts in Service to the Ascension
Alignment with feeling and utilizing the new frequencies through the Heart Stargate
Crystalline Convergence weekend, tap into the collective field of unified hearts.
SUNday Unity Meditations: Gate Opening Weekend
Join the Gate & Gridkeepers in unified intent. Quantum support, DNA and Lightbody activation available. Set your intention, open to receive, and tap in. SUNday Unity Meditations at 5AM, 8AM and 11AM Pacific Daylight Time. 30 minute sessions.
Infinite LoveLight to all during this profound passage. Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension! In Love, Light and Service,