Three Eclipses.
Coming up.... to help to shift the old and introduce the new.
As the seasons change and we start to move towards the June Solstice, we are also gearing up for an Eclipse series that will facilitate change and transformation.
The three eclipses are on the 5th June, the 21st of June and the 5th of July, with the Solstice on the 20th June.
The first is a Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on the 5th June. This is exciting because the Galactic Center is in Sagittarius in terms of the zodiac, and we can expect major Light Code input from the Galactic. Center as well as the Lunar Codes/Divine Feminine shifts that will be integrated at that time.
The second eclipse is a Solar Eclipse in Cancer on the day after Solstice. Also powerfully aspecting the Divine Feminine (Cancer), but aligning and activating with Capricorn, the engine of change at the moment.
The third eclipse, a powerful Lunar Eclipse on the 5th of July is in Capricorn, and we can expect some kind of fireworks, not only because this is the day after the 4th of July in the USA. Pluto (transformation) and Jupiter (expansion) will be conjunct at 23 degrees of Capricorn at that time as well. This will be a powerful energy where the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine will come into balance to transmit new codes of Sacred Union for the New Earth.
Yes...it promises to be something of a wild ride where we will need to flow with the Divine Feminine and trust the Divine Masculine to provide the new structures that we need to begin manifesting the "New Earth"....which will be the New Earth timeline that we are holding in our DNA Angelic templates and waiting to ground fully and powerfully.
Remember...Beauty, Love, Harmony and Compassion.
This is the New Earth.