domingo, mayo 31, 2020
Blossom Goodchild - The Federation of Light - May 31, 2020
This turned out to be quite a self-indulgent chat, yet it seems many feel like me, so I am hoping my indulgence will be useful.
Hello there once again, dear friends. Someone posed a question that had never crossed my mind. I would be grateful if you could answer it.
Welcome, Dearest Blossom. We are always happy to engage in conversation with you and accept that when you feel the need to ask a particular ‘something’, we will try our very best to answer it as appropriately as we see fitting.
Ok. Thank you. You speak many times of those down here being chosen, only the ‘strongest of the strong’, etc. and that many had to stay behind, so to speak. How come then, we have rapists, murderers, and all nature of what appears to be darkened souls down here, who appear to be contributing to the darkness, not the Light?
That is indeed an excellent question. We would answer in Truth that for those souls who appear to other souls to be of the darkness, they too, have their quest. They too, know that the experience of Life upon Earth is the ‘quickest’ way for the soul to travel on the path to Enlightenment. Therefore, they have just as much ‘right’ to be here as one who walks the path of Love and Truth and service to others.
Yes. Yet, surely if more of the goodies were chosen, maybe we would not be in such a mess?
Blossom … the ‘mess’ was inevitable. The peak* of this mess is upon you Now and has been created by each and every one whether you consider one to be of Lighter or darker temperament. Your world is a ‘mishmash’ of all that is … and it is now that the Game … the Experiment … has reached its ultimate position where it has been agreed upon that CHANGE HAS TO OCCUR … For the Greatest Good of All.
Yep, get that! Yet, wouldn’t it be better for those whose souls desire to cause harm, were put in a little place somewhere else ‘off’ Planet … all of them together and for them to play out ‘their game’ on/with each other? Why should, what we understand to be ‘innocent souls’ be their victims?
Because Blossom, your lives are Infinite. One you may consider to be innocent now, may once have been very much like the perpetrator.
So, are we talking karma here?
We are. Let us speak of that! Karma is not necessarily ‘payback’ from one soul to another. It does not work that way. Yet, it would be for the soul that repents … to ‘ask’ for the same experience … of feeling… of that which they caused another … in order to KNOW the harm they put upon another … in order to forgive themselves. This is but one example of many, many … that befits that topic.
Remember too, that there is CHOICE. We cannot, no one can, interfere with another’s choice. If one chooses to enter onto a pathway that is not leading them into the Light, that is their decision.
They may have had every good intention before they came … and yet, got lost along the way.
So, with respect, not necessarily the strongest of the strong then?
With respect … how strong do you feel at the moment Blossom?
Oh, Touché! Top marks. You obviously have been tuning into my Energy. For, the answer to that is … Not very strong at all! In fact, I feel so ‘weak’ in my supposed strength. I am aware of all your teachings, especially the mantra to keep me afloat, yet, seem to be sinking with a brick around my ankle and cannot be bothered to untie it! Absolutely get what you mean. I was wrong to have judged.
Not wrong, Dearest Blossom. It is just that our perspective in/of/ all matters is very different from yours because of the difference in Vibration in /from which we reside.
So then, tell me honestly … (why do I even need to say that to you for I know you will) for those of us that feel we are ‘failing miserably’ right now in our purpose, our mission down here, are you disappointed in us? It’s going to get much worse, you say … and I for one, am not doing very well at anchoring the Light and sending out Rainbows right now and this is only phase one!
Blossom, Dearest Blossom, YOU ARE A HUMAN BEING OF LIGHT! That which we offer you are assistances to bring about THE CHANGE that you are in. It is not that we would in any way be taking score of how well you are doing. When we see one’s Energy and disposition is low, we send Love. We do not judge.
We are not down there with you in the thick of it. Many of you are intensely sensitive to the Energies within upon and around your Planet during these times. When you eventually get to hear of what actually is taking place right now, in that which you believe to be an ‘incubation period’ … you will understand perfectly. ‘No wonder I felt so bad’, you will say.
Yet, you are asking us to stand strong in our Light … for these times are why we came … and I feel my battery is almost out.
Our suggestion to this would be to rest and recharge then. We certainly would not advise to beat yourself up about the way you are feeling.
Yes, I know it doesn’t help my plight. I seem to be beating myself up for beating myself up even!
There will be a shift in Energies that will lift your spirits.
A shift in Energies BEFORE whatever phase THE EVENT may be in?
Yes. For as we have stated before … one will feel the preliminary effects of this in preparation for the actual happening.
It is not ‘our policy’ to undermine or contradict another’s messages … yet, there is talk of the June solstice being the time of the great Solar Flash.
There indeed, is talk.
Like there was talk of the Comet Atlas that was going to cause such devastation and chaos … destined to happen last weekend. With the greatest of respect … I am here … still … all electricity working etc. I mean … no wonder so many cynically now, take everything with a grain of salt.
Blossom … where does your heart lie?
What do you mean?
Just that. Deep in the core of your heart … what do you feel?
Look deeper.
The door’s shut.
Open it. Walk inside.
Far out. To my absolute surprise, I saw a mass of worms all intertwined and squirming. Not what I expected at all. I thought I was going to see a rainbow sphere or something! See, what I mean?
Open the next door.
I haven’t got my wellies on and I might slip on the worms! OK. Deep breath and stretching my arm out for the latch … and … Oh! Oh! Oh! The Rainbow Land … I opened the door into the most beautiful vista of colour … a Bridge … and the biggest Rainbow. It instantly made me cry. It just feels so far away from the insanity of this world we are experiencing right now.
Yet, it is only a few doors away! KNOW THIS IN YOUR HEARTS.
Wow! You told us what is going to be happening in Phase Two. Yet … God, I am so argumentative … isn’t this happening undercover at the moment?
Indeed. Yet, not publicly … as such. There is much speculation woven in with that which is Truth and being heralded as Truth … when it is only speculation!
How I wish you could/would give us some hints.
Blossom, when the time is appropriate to do so and not one moment before … ALL WILL KNOW THAT WHICH IS TO BE KNOWN.
Meanwhile, with so much Love being sent to each one … concentrate on the Rainbow Light … watch yourselves walk over the Bridge and sit there a while, and when ready, walk back again feeling renewed and strengthened … IN THE KNOWING YOU CANNOT FAIL.
Thanks, so much Guys. Phew … who would have thought! We have been waiting so long saying ‘Bring it on!’ and now it is here, I don’t like it! I’ll turn myself around when I’ve worked through this ‘occurrence within’. I am the Love. I am the Light. I am the Truth. I AM.
A phase, Dearest Blossom, Dearest souls … just a phase!
In Gratitude, in Loving service, I AM.
*When they say ‘peak’ … I feel the entirety of the scenario as it shall be played out. I do not feel they mean phase one that we are now in, is the peak of the mess.
** I recorded a Rainbow Bridge meditation with White Cloud, which I hope to post during the week on youtube.
Please revisit The Invocation 'We are the Game Changers' whenever the mood takes you ... to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can.
Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAY!
The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is
Website: Blossom Goodchild
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Ángeles de Crystal

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